Beispiel #1
BRIGGS_SET *briggsAlloc(int size)
    BRIGGS_SET *p = oAlloc(sizeof(BRIGGS_SET));
    p-> indexes = oAlloc(sizeof(*p->indexes) * size);
    p->data = oAlloc(sizeof(*p->data) * size);
    p->size = size ;
    return p;
Beispiel #2
void insertDefines(QUAD *head, BLOCK *b, int tnum)
    LIST *l = oAlloc(sizeof(LIST));
    l->data = (void *)head;
    l->next = tempInfo[tnum]->idefines;
    tempInfo[tnum]->idefines = l;

    l = oAlloc(sizeof(LIST));
    l->data = (void *)b;
    l->next = tempInfo[tnum]->bdefines;
    tempInfo[tnum]->bdefines = l;
Beispiel #3
static int AllocTempOpt(int size1)
//	int n = nextTemp;
    int t;
    int i;
    for (i= nextTemp; i < tempCount; i++)
        if (!tempInfo[i]->inUse && tempInfo[i]->enode)
            EXPRESSION *rv = tempInfo[i]->enode;
            rv->v.sp->imvalue->size = size1;
            rv->v.sp->imind = NULL;
            memset(tempInfo[i], 0, sizeof(TEMP_INFO));
            tempInfo[i]->enode = rv;
            t = i;
    if (i == tempCount)
        for (i=0; i < nextTemp; i++)
            if (!tempInfo[i]->inUse && tempInfo[i]->enode)
                EXPRESSION *rv = tempInfo[i]->enode;
                rv->v.sp->imvalue->size = size1;
                rv->v.sp->imind = NULL;
                memset(tempInfo[i], 0, sizeof(TEMP_INFO));
                tempInfo[i]->enode = rv;
                t = i;
        if (i == nextTemp)
            IMODE *rv = tempreg(size1, FALSE);
            t = rv->offset->v.sp->value.i;
            if (t >= tempSize)
                TEMP_INFO **temp = oAlloc((tempSize + 1000) * sizeof(TEMP_INFO *));
                memcpy(temp, tempInfo, sizeof(TEMP_INFO *) * tempSize);
                tempSize += 1000;
                tempInfo = temp;
            if (!tempInfo[t])
                tempInfo[t] = (TEMP_INFO *)oAlloc(sizeof(TEMP_INFO));
            tempInfo[t]->enode = rv->offset;
//		}
//	}
    nextTemp = t;
    tempInfo[t]-> partition = t;
    tempInfo[t]->color = -1;
    tempInfo[t]->inUse = TRUE;
    return t;
Beispiel #4
/* finds all the successors to the loop */
static void CalculateSuccessors(LOOP *lp)
    LIST *contains;
    contains = lp->contains;
        LOOP *current = (LOOP *)contains->data;
        if (lp->type != LT_BLOCK)
        contains = contains->next;
    contains = lp->contains;
    while (contains)
        LOOP *inner = (LOOP *)contains->data;
        if (inner->type == LT_BLOCK)
            BLOCKLIST *bl = inner->entry->succ;
            while (bl)
                BLOCKLIST *newExit = oAlloc(sizeof(BLOCKLIST));
                newExit->next = lp->successors;
                lp->successors = newExit;
                newExit->block = bl->block;
                bl = bl->next;
            /* only have to add blocks that exited an inner loop
             * and only if they also exit this loop
            BLOCKLIST *prevSuccessors = inner->successors;
            while (prevSuccessors)
                if (!briggsTest(inner->blocks, prevSuccessors->block->blocknum))
                    BLOCKLIST *newExit = oAlloc(sizeof(BLOCKLIST));
                    newExit->next = lp->successors;
                    lp->successors = newExit;
                    newExit->block = prevSuccessors->block;
                prevSuccessors = prevSuccessors->next;
        contains = contains->next;
Beispiel #5
/* insert on a flowgraph node */
static void flowinsert(BLOCKLIST **pos, BLOCK *valuesource)
    BLOCKLIST *nblock = oAlloc(sizeof(BLOCKLIST));
    nblock->next = (*pos);
    (*pos) = nblock;
    nblock->block = valuesource;
Beispiel #6
static void FindLoop(BLOCK *b)
    BLOCKLIST *loop = NULL;
    BLOCKLIST *bl;
    BLOCK *Z = b;
    bl = b->pred;
    while (bl)
        if (getEdgeType(bl->block->blocknum, b->blocknum) == F_BACKEDGE)
            Z = findCommonDominator(Z, bl->block);
            if (bl->block != b) // we don't care about duplicates, they will be filtered later
                BLOCKLIST *bm = oAlloc(sizeof(BLOCKLIST));
                bm->block = bl->block;
                bm->next = loop;
                loop = bm;
        bl = bl->next;
    if (Z != b)
        /* again we don't care about duplicates */
        BLOCKLIST **bp = &Z->loopGenerators;
        while (*bp)
            bp = &(*bp)->next;
        (*bp) = loop;
        FindBody(loop, b, LT_SINGLE);
Beispiel #7
/* add a thunk block to get us out of an infinite loop */
static void makeNonInfinite(BLOCK *b)
    BLOCKLIST *bi = newBlock(), *bi2, **bt;
    QUAD *quad, *quad2;

    blockArray[bi->block->blocknum] = bi->block;
    bi->block->unuseThunk = TRUE;

    bi->block->succ = oAlloc(sizeof(BLOCKLIST));
    bi->block->succ->block = blockArray[exitBlock];
    bi->block->pred = oAlloc(sizeof(BLOCKLIST));
    bi->block->pred->block = b;
    bt = &b->succ;
    while (*bt)
        bt = &(*bt)->next;
    *bt = bi;

    bi2 = oAlloc(sizeof(BLOCKLIST));
    bi2->block = bi->block;
    bt = &blockArray[exitBlock]->pred;
    while (*bt)
        bt = &(*bt)->next;
    *bt = bi2;

    /* note : the following does NOT insert jmps for the
     * newly added block
    *criticalThunkPtr = quad = Alloc(sizeof(QUAD));
    criticalThunkPtr = & quad->fwd;
    quad->dc.opcode = i_block;
    quad->block = bi->block;
    quad->dc.v.label = bi->block->blocknum;

    *criticalThunkPtr = quad2 = Alloc(sizeof(QUAD));
    criticalThunkPtr = & quad2->fwd;
    quad2->back = quad;
    quad2->dc.opcode = i_blockend;
    quad2->block = bi->block;
//	quad2->dc.v.label = bi->block->blocknum;
    bi->block->head = quad;
    bi->block->tail = quad2;
Beispiel #8
 static void EnterRef(QUAD *old, QUAD *newVal)
     struct reflist *newRef = oAlloc(sizeof(struct reflist));
    newRef->old = old;
    newRef->newVal = newVal;
    newRef->next = refs;
    refs = newRef;
Beispiel #9
void insertUses(QUAD *head, int dest)
    LIST **l = & tempInfo[dest]->iuses;
    while (*l)
        if ((*l)->data == (void *)head)
            return ;
        l = &(*l)->next;
    *l = oAlloc(sizeof(LIST));
    (*l)->data = (void *)head;
Beispiel #10
/* we are also calculating the reverse postorder here
 * it will be needed later for the loop handling
static void DominanceFrontier(BLOCK *b, int *count)
    BLOCKLIST *c = b->dominates, *s;
    while (c)
        DominanceFrontier(c->block, count);
        c = c->next;
    b->reversePostOrder = (*count)++;
    s = b->succ;
    while (s)
        if (s->block->idom != b->blocknum)
            BLOCKLIST *t = oAlloc(sizeof(BLOCKLIST));
            t->next = b->dominanceFrontier;
            t->block = s->block;
            b->dominanceFrontier = t;
        s = s->next;
    c = b->dominates;
    while (c)
        BLOCKLIST *bl = c->block->dominanceFrontier;
        int i;
        while (bl)
            if (!dominatedby(bl->block, b))
                BLOCKLIST *t = oAlloc(sizeof(BLOCKLIST));
                t->next = b->dominanceFrontier;
                t->block = bl->block;
                b->dominanceFrontier = t;
            bl = bl->next;
        c = c->next;
Beispiel #11
static void basicFlowInfo(void)
    QUAD *head = intermed_head, *block;
    int low = INT_MAX, high = 0;
    blockArray = oAlloc(sizeof(BLOCK *) * (blockCount + 1000));
    while (head)
        criticalThunks = intermed_head;
        if (head->dc.opcode == i_block)
            if (!head->block->dead)
                blockArray[head->dc.v.label] = head->block ;
        if (head->dc.opcode == i_label)
            if (head->dc.v.label < low)
                low = head->dc.v.label;
            if (head->dc.v.label >= high)
                high = head->dc.v.label + 1;
        head = head->fwd ;
    labels = oAlloc(sizeof(BLOCK *) * (high - low)) ;
    firstLabel = low ;
    head = intermed_head;
    block = NULL;
    while (head)
        if (head->dc.opcode == i_block)
            block = head ;
        if (head->dc.opcode == i_label)
            labels[head->dc.v.label - firstLabel] = block->block ; /* the block num*/
        head = head->fwd ;
Beispiel #12
/* this returns a two-layer list
 * the top layer is a linked list of strong regions
 * each secondary layer is the induction set for the region
 * first element of list is the anchors
static LIST *strongRegions(LOOP *lp, LIST **anchors)
    int i;
    QUAD *head;
    LIST *rv = NULL;
    *anchors = NULL;
    strongStack = oAlloc(sizeof(unsigned short) *tempCount);
    max_dfs = 0;
    strongStackTop = 0;
    for (i=0; i < tempCount; i++)
        tempInfo[i]->dfstOrder = 0;
        tempInfo[i]->visiteddfst = FALSE;
        tempInfo[i]->temp = INT_MAX;
    head = lp->entry->head->fwd;
    while (head != lp->entry->tail->fwd && 
           (head->ignoreMe || head->dc.opcode == i_label))
        head = head->fwd;
    while (head != lp->entry->tail->fwd && head->dc.opcode == i_phi)
        PHIDATA *pd = head->dc.v.phi;
        if (briggsTest(candidates, pd->T0) && tempInfo[pd->T0]->size < ISZ_FLOAT)
            LIST *l1 = strongRegiondfs(pd->T0);
            if (l1)
                l1->next = rv;
                rv = l1;
            l1 = oAlloc(sizeof(LIST));
            l1->data = (void *)pd->T0;
            l1->next = *anchors;
            *anchors = l1;
        head = head->fwd;
    return rv;
Beispiel #13
static int gatherEdges(enum e_fgtype type, BLOCK *parent, BLOCK *in)
    if (parent)
        EDGE *edge = oAlloc(sizeof(EDGE));
        int bucket = hashfunc(parent->blocknum, in->blocknum);
        edge->first = parent->blocknum;
        edge->second = in->blocknum;
        edge->edgetype = type;
        edge->next = edgeHash[bucket];
        edgeHash[bucket] = edge;
    return TRUE;
Beispiel #14
void peep_icode(BOOLEAN branches)
    int i;
    BOOLEAN changed;
    golist = oAlloc(sizeof(QUAD*)*(nextLabel - firstLabel));
    for (i=0; i < blockCount; i++)
        if (blockArray[i])
            blockArray[i]->visiteddfst = FALSE;

        changed = FALSE;
        for (i=0; i < blockCount; i++)
            if (blockArray[i])
                changed |= peep(blockArray[i], branches);
    } while (changed);
Beispiel #15
LIST *strongRegiondfs(int tnum)
    TEMP_INFO *t = tempInfo[tnum];
    INSTRUCTIONLIST *u = t->instructionUses;
    LIST *rv = NULL;
    t->temp = t->dfstOrder = max_dfs++;
    strongStack[strongStackTop++] = tnum;
    t->visiteddfst = TRUE;
    t->onstack = TRUE;
    while (u)
        int ux = -1;
        switch (u->ins->dc.opcode)
            case i_phi:
                    PHIDATA *pd = u->ins->dc.v.phi;
                    if (tempInfo[pd->T0]->size < ISZ_FLOAT)
                        ux = pd->T0;
            case i_add:
            case i_sub:
            case i_assn:
            case i_neg:
                if (u->ins->temps & TEMP_ANS)
                    ux = u->ins->ans->offset->v.sp->value.i;
                    if (tempInfo[ux]->size >= ISZ_FLOAT)
                        ux = -1;
        if (ux >= 0)
            TEMP_INFO *up = tempInfo[ux];
            if (!up->visiteddfst)
                LIST *l3 = strongRegiondfs(ux);
                if (up->temp < t->temp)
                    t->temp = up->temp;
                if (l3)
                    l3->next = rv;
                    rv = l3;
            else if (up->onstack)
                if (up->dfstOrder < t->temp)
                    t->temp = up->dfstOrder;
        u = u->next;
    if (t->temp == t->dfstOrder)
        int vp;
        LIST *region = NULL, *temp;
        do {
            vp = strongStack[--strongStackTop];
            tempInfo[vp]->onstack = FALSE;
            temp = oAlloc(sizeof(LIST));
            temp->data = (void *)vp;
            temp->next = region;
            region = temp;
        } while (vp != tnum);
        temp = oAlloc(sizeof(LIST));
        temp->data = region;
        temp->next = rv;
        rv = temp;
    return rv;
Beispiel #16
BITARRAY *allocbit(int size)
    BITARRAY *rv = oAlloc(sizeof(BITARRAY) - 1 + (size + (BITINTBITS-1))/BITINTBITS);
    rv->count = size;
    return rv;
Beispiel #17
static void Dominators(void)
    int w, i;
    domCount = 0;
    WalkFlowgraph(blockArray[0], domNumber, TRUE);
    vectorData = tAlloc(sizeof(struct _tarjan *) * (domCount + 1));
    for (i=0; i <= domCount; i++)
        vectorData[i] = tAlloc(sizeof(struct _tarjan));
        vectorData[i]->bucket = briggsAlloct(domCount+1);
    WalkFlowgraph(blockArray[0], domInit, TRUE);
    for (w = domCount; w>=2; w--)
        int p = vectorData[w]->parent;
        int j;
        struct _tarjan *v = vectorData[w];
        BLOCKLIST *bl = v->preds;
        while (bl)
            int u = domEval(bl->block->dfstOrder);
            if (vectorData[w]->semi > vectorData[u]->semi)
                vectorData[w]->semi = vectorData[u]->semi;
            bl = bl->next;
        briggsSet(vectorData[vectorData[w]->semi]->bucket, w);
        domLink(p, w);
        for (j = vectorData[p]->bucket->top -1 ; j >= 0; j--)
            int v = vectorData[p]->bucket->data[j];
            int u = domEval(v);
            if (vectorData[u]->semi >= p)
                vectorData[v]->idom = p;
                vectorData[v]->idom = u;
    for (w=2; w <=domCount; w++)
        if (vectorData[w]->idom != vectorData[w]->semi)
            vectorData[w]->idom = vectorData[vectorData[w]->idom]->idom;
        /* transfer idom to our block struct */
        blockArray[vectorData[w]->blocknum]->idom = vectorData[vectorData[w]->idom]->blocknum;
    /* now make the forward tree */
    for (i=blockCount-1; i >=1; i--)
        /* make dominates lists by walking the idom tree backwards from each node*/
        if (blockArray[i] && blockArray[i]->pred)
            int w = blockArray[i]->idom;
            BLOCK *ub = blockArray[w];
            BLOCKLIST *bl = oAlloc(sizeof(BLOCKLIST));
            bl->block = blockArray[i];
            bl->next = ub->dominates;
            ub->dominates = bl;
Beispiel #18
/* not even thinking about assert() or longjmp() */
static int RemoveCriticalEdges(enum e_fgtype type, BLOCK *parent, BLOCK *in)
    if (type == F_TREE)
        BLOCKLIST *f = in->succ;
        if (f && f->next)
            while (f)
                BLOCKLIST *b = f->block->pred;
                if (b && b->next)
                    /* critical edge, we need to insert something... */
                    /* we won't need to revist this so we don't care what
                     * it does to the presetn tree walk
                    BLOCKLIST *m = newBlock();
                    BLOCKLIST *q ;

                    QUAD *quad, *quad2;
                    m->block->critical = TRUE;
                    /* note : the following does NOT insert jmps for the
                     * newly added block
                    *criticalThunkPtr = quad = Alloc(sizeof(QUAD));
                    criticalThunkPtr = & quad->fwd;
                    quad->dc.opcode = i_block;
                    quad->block = m->block;
                    quad->dc.v.label = m->block->blocknum;

                    *criticalThunkPtr = quad2 = Alloc(sizeof(QUAD));
                    criticalThunkPtr = & quad2->fwd;
                    quad2->back = quad;
                    quad2->dc.opcode = i_blockend;
                        quad2->block = m->block;
//					quad2->dc.v.label = m->block->blocknum;
                    m->block->head = quad;
                    m->block->tail = quad2;

                    q = oAlloc(sizeof(BLOCKLIST));
                    q->block = in;
                    m->block->pred = q;
                    q = oAlloc(sizeof(BLOCKLIST));
                    q->block = f->block;
                    m->block->succ = q;

                    f->block = m->block;
                    q = b;
                    while (q)
                        if (q->block->blocknum == in->blocknum)
                            q->block = m->block;
                        q = q->next;
                f = f->next;
    return TRUE;
Beispiel #19
static void InitTempInfo(void)
    QUAD *head = intermed_head;
    int i;
    nextTemp = tempCount;
    tempSize = tempCount + 1000;
    tempInfo = (TEMP_INFO **)oAlloc(sizeof(TEMP_INFO *) * (tempSize));

    for (i=0; i < tempCount; i++)
        tempInfo[i] = oAlloc(sizeof(TEMP_INFO));
        tempInfo[i]-> partition = i;
        tempInfo[i]->color = -1;
        tempInfo[i]->inUse = TRUE;
    while (head)
        head->temps = 0;
        if  (head->dc.opcode != i_block && !head->ignoreMe && head->dc.opcode != i_passthrough && head->dc.opcode !=
            if (head->ans && (head->ans->mode == i_ind || head->ans->mode == i_direct))
                if (head->ans->offset->type == en_tempref)
                    int tnum = head->ans->offset->v.sp->value.i;
                    if (!head->ans->retval)
                        head->temps |= TEMP_ANS;
                    tempInfo[tnum]->enode = head->ans->offset;
                    tempInfo[tnum]->size = head->ans->offset->v.sp->imvalue->size;
                    if (tempInfo[tnum]->size < 0)
                        tempInfo[tnum]->size = - tempInfo[tnum]->size;
                    if (tempInfo[tnum]->size == ISZ_UINT)
                        tempInfo[tnum]->size = chosenAssembler->arch->compatibleIntSize;
                    if (tempInfo[tnum]->size == ISZ_ADDR)
                        tempInfo[tnum]->usedAsAddress = TRUE;
                        tempInfo[tnum]->size = chosenAssembler->arch->compatibleAddrSize;
                    if (tempInfo[tnum]->size >= ISZ_FLOAT)
                        tempInfo[tnum]->usedAsFloat = TRUE;
            if (head->dc.left && (head->dc.left->mode == i_ind 
                                  || head->dc.left->mode == i_direct))
                if (head->dc.left->offset->type == en_tempref)
                    int tnum = head->dc.left->offset->v.sp->value.i;
                    if (!head->dc.left->retval)
                        head->temps |= TEMP_LEFT;
                    tempInfo[tnum]->enode = head->dc.left->offset;
                    tempInfo[tnum]->size = head->dc.left->offset->v.sp->imvalue->size;
                    if (tempInfo[tnum]->size < 0)
                        tempInfo[tnum]->size = - tempInfo[tnum]->size;
                    if (tempInfo[tnum]->size == ISZ_UINT)
                        tempInfo[tnum]->size = chosenAssembler->arch->compatibleIntSize;
                    if (tempInfo[tnum]->size == ISZ_ADDR)
                        tempInfo[tnum]->usedAsAddress = TRUE;
                        tempInfo[tnum]->size = chosenAssembler->arch->compatibleAddrSize;
                    if (tempInfo[tnum]->size >= ISZ_FLOAT)
                        tempInfo[tnum]->usedAsFloat = TRUE;
            if (head->dc.right && (head->dc.right->mode == i_ind 
                                  || head->dc.right->mode == i_direct))
                if (head->dc.right->offset->type == en_tempref)
                    int tnum = head->dc.right->offset->v.sp->value.i;
                    if (!head->dc.right->retval)
                        head->temps |= TEMP_RIGHT;
                    tempInfo[tnum]->enode = head->dc.right->offset;
                    tempInfo[tnum]->size = head->dc.right->offset->v.sp->imvalue->size;
                    if (tempInfo[tnum]->size < 0)
                        tempInfo[tnum]->size = - tempInfo[tnum]->size;
                    if (tempInfo[tnum]->size == ISZ_UINT)
                        tempInfo[tnum]->size = chosenAssembler->arch->compatibleIntSize;
                    if (tempInfo[tnum]->size == ISZ_ADDR)
                        tempInfo[tnum]->usedAsAddress = TRUE;
                        tempInfo[tnum]->size = chosenAssembler->arch->compatibleAddrSize;
                    if (tempInfo[tnum]->size >= ISZ_FLOAT)
                        tempInfo[tnum]->usedAsFloat = TRUE;
        head = head->fwd ;
Beispiel #20
void doms_only(BOOL always)
    int dfsCount = 0;
    int i;
    int n = blockCount;
    if (always)
        criticalThunks = NULL;
        criticalThunkPtr = &criticalThunks;
    WalkFlowgraph(blockArray[0], RemoveCriticalEdges, TRUE);
    if (blockCount != n)
        QUAD *head = intermed_head;
        blockArray = oAlloc(sizeof(BLOCK *) * (blockCount + 1000)); // fixme...
        while (head)
            if (head->dc.opcode == i_block)
                blockArray[head->dc.v.label] = head->block ;
            head = head->fwd ;
        head = criticalThunks;
        while (head)
            if (head->dc.opcode == i_block)
                blockArray[head->dc.v.label] = head->block ;
            head = head->fwd ;
        *criticalThunkPtr = Alloc(sizeof(QUAD));
        (*criticalThunkPtr)->dc.opcode = i_label;
        (*criticalThunkPtr)->dc.v.label = -1;
        criticalThunkPtr = (QUAD **)*criticalThunkPtr;
    for (i=1; i < blockCount; i++)
        if (blockArray[i])
            blockArray[i]->idom = 0;
            blockArray[i]->dominates = NULL;
    for (i=0; i < blockCount; i++)
        if (blockArray[i])
            blockArray[i]->visiteddfst = blockArray[i]->pred != NULL;
            blockArray[i]->dominanceFrontier = NULL;
    DominanceFrontier(blockArray[0], &dfsCount);
Beispiel #21
void CalculateInduction(void)
    int i;
    inductionCandidateStack = oAlloc(sizeof(unsigned short) * tempCount);
    candidates = briggsAlloc(tempCount);

    for (i=0; i < loopCount; i++)
        LOOP *lp = loopArray[i];
        if (lp && lp->type == LT_SINGLE)
            LIST *strongTemps;
            LIST *anchors = NULL;
            strongTemps = strongRegions(lp, &anchors);
            if (strongTemps && anchors)
                LIST *regions = strongTemps;
                while (regions)
                    LIST *r = (LIST *)regions->data;
                    if (r->next)
                        LIST *t = anchors;
                        while (t)
                            while (r)
                                if (t->data == r->data)
                                r = r->next;
                            if (!r || t->data == r->data)
                            t = t->next;
                        if (t || r)
                            INDUCTION_LIST *temp = oAlloc(sizeof(INDUCTION_LIST));
                            LIST *q;
                            temp->vars = regions->data;
                            temp->next = lp->inductionSets;
                            lp->inductionSets = temp;
                            q = regions->data;
                            while (q)
                                /* the dominator walk will visit inner loops first,
                                 * the outer loops have higher indexes
                                 * we want the outermost loop
                                tempInfo[(int)q->data]->inductionLoop = max(i, tempInfo[(int)q->data]->inductionLoop);
                                q = q->next;
                    regions = regions->next;
Beispiel #22
void BuildLoopTree(void)
    BLOCK *b;
    int i;
    QUAD *tail;
    BOOL skip = FALSE;
    /* this is padded, but, in a really really complex program it could get to be too small
    loopArray = oAlloc(sizeof(LOOP *) * blockCount * 4);
    loopItems = briggsAlloc((blockCount) * 4);
    loopCount = 0;
    for (i=0; i < blockCount; i++)
        if (blockArray[i])
            blockArray[i]->visiteddfst = FALSE;
            blockArray[i]->loopParent = NULL;
            blockArray[i]->loopName = oAlloc(sizeof(LOOP));
            blockArray[i]->loopName->type = LT_BLOCK;
            blockArray[i]->loopName->entry = blockArray[i];
            blockArray[i]->loopName->loopnum = loopCount;
            blockArray[i]->loopGenerators = NULL;
            loopArray[loopCount++] = blockArray[i]->loopName;
//		else
//			loopCount++;
//	CalculateSuccessors(loopArray[loopCount-1]);
    memset(&bl, 0, sizeof(bl));
    bl.block = blockArray[exitBlock];
    FindBody(&bl, blockArray[0], LT_ROOT);
    if (cparams.prm_icdfile)
        fprintf(icdFile, "; loop dump\n");
    tail = intermed_tail;
    b = tail->block;
    while (tail)
            case i_skipcompare:
                skip = !skip;
            case i_block:
                b = tail->block;
        if (tail->block)
            if (skip)
                tail->block->inclusiveLoopParent = b->loopParent;
                tail->block->inclusiveLoopParent = tail->block->loopParent;
        tail = tail->back;
    if (loopCount >= blockCount * 4)
        fatal("internal error");
Beispiel #23
static void FindBody(BLOCKLIST *gen, BLOCK *head, enum e_lt type)
    LIST *queue = NULL, **qx;
    LOOP *lp, **lpp ;
    int i;
    if (!gen)
    while (gen)
        LOOP *l = LoopAncestor(gen->block);
        if (l && !briggsTest(loopItems, l->loopnum))
            LIST *bl = oAlloc(sizeof(LIST));
            bl->data = l;
            bl->next = queue;
            queue = bl;
            briggsSet(loopItems, l->loopnum);
        gen = gen->next;
    while (queue)
        if (((LOOP *)queue->data)->entry)
            BLOCKLIST *p = ((LOOP *)queue->data)->entry->pred;
            queue = queue->next;
            while (p)
                if (p->block != head)
                    LOOP *l = LoopAncestor(p->block);
                    if (l && !briggsTest(loopItems, l->loopnum))
                        LIST *bl = oAlloc(sizeof(LIST));
                        bl->data = l;
                        bl->next = queue;
                        queue = bl;
                        briggsSet(loopItems, l->loopnum);
                p = p->next;
            queue = queue->next;
    lp = oAlloc(sizeof(LOOP));
    loopArray[loopCount] = lp;
    lp->type = type;
    lp->loopnum = loopCount++;
    lp->entry = head;
    lp->parent = NULL;
    head->loopParent = lp;
    qx = &lp->contains;
    *qx = oAlloc(sizeof(LIST));
    (*qx)->data = head->loopName;
    qx = &(*qx)->next;
    for (i=0; i < loopItems->top; i++)
        LIST *l = oAlloc(sizeof(LIST));
        int n = loopItems->data[i];
        l->data = loopArray[n];
        *qx = l;
        qx = &(*qx)->next;
        if (loopArray[n]->type == LT_BLOCK)
            loopArray[n]->entry->loopParent = lp;
            loopArray[n]->parent = lp;