Beispiel #1
/*! \brief Create and add picture OBJECT to list.
 *  \par Function Description
 *  This function creates a new object representing a picture.
 *  The picture is described by its upper left corner - <B>x1</B>, <B>y1</B> -
 *  and its lower right corner - <B>x2</B>, <B>y2</B>.
 *  The <B>type</B> parameter must be equal to #OBJ_PICTURE. 
 *  The #OBJECT structure is allocated with the #s_basic_init_object()
 *  function. The structure describing the picture is allocated and
 *  initialized with the parameters given to the function.
 *  \param [in]     toplevel      The TOPLEVEL object.
 *  \param [in]     pixbuf        The GdkPixbuf picture to add.
 *                                A copy of this pixbuf is made.
 *  \param [in]     file_content  Raw data of the image file.
 *                                NULL for non embedded loading. The object
 *                                object takes ownership of this buffer, and it
 *                                should not be free'd by the caller.
 *  \param [in]     file_length   Length of raw data buffer
 *  \param [in]     filename      File name backing this picture.
 *                                A copy of this string is made.
 *  \param [in]     ratio         Picture height to width ratio.
 *  \param [in]     type          Must be OBJ_PICTURE.
 *  \param [in]     x1            Upper x coordinate.
 *  \param [in]     y1            Upper y coordinate.
 *  \param [in]     x2            Lower x coordinate.
 *  \param [in]     y2            Lower y coordinate.
 *  \param [in]     angle         Picture rotation angle.
 *  \param [in]     mirrored      Whether the image should be mirrored or not.
 *  \param [in]     embedded      Whether the embedded flag should be set or not.
 *  \return A pointer to the new end of the object list.
OBJECT *o_picture_new(TOPLEVEL *toplevel, GdkPixbuf *pixbuf,
                      gchar *file_content, gsize file_length, char *filename,
                      double ratio, char type,
                      int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int angle, char mirrored,
                      char embedded)
  OBJECT *new_node;
  PICTURE *picture;

  /* create the object */
  new_node = s_basic_new_object(type, "picture");

  picture = (PICTURE *) g_malloc(sizeof(PICTURE));
  new_node->picture = picture;

  /* describe the picture with its upper left and lower right corner */
  picture->upper_x = x1;
  picture->upper_y = y1;
  picture->lower_x = x2;
  picture->lower_y = y2;

  picture->file_content = file_content;
  picture->file_length  = file_length;
  picture->filename = g_strdup (filename);
  picture->ratio = ratio;
  picture->pixbuf = gdk_pixbuf_copy (pixbuf);
  picture->angle = angle;
  picture->mirrored = mirrored;
  picture->embedded = embedded;

  /* compute the bounding picture */
  o_picture_recalc(toplevel, new_node);

  return new_node;
Beispiel #2
/*! \brief Create a copy of a picture.
 *  \par Function Description
 *  This function creates a verbatim copy of the object pointed by
 *  <B>o_current</B> describing a picture.
 *  \param [in]  toplevel   The TOPLEVEL object.
 *  \param [in]  object     Picture OBJECT to copy.
 *  \return The new OBJECT
OBJECT *o_picture_copy(TOPLEVEL *toplevel, OBJECT *object)
  OBJECT *new_node;
  PICTURE *picture;

  /* create the object */
  new_node = s_basic_new_object(object->type, "picture");

  picture = g_malloc(sizeof(PICTURE));
  new_node->picture = picture;

  if (object->saved_color == -1) {
    new_node->color = object->color;
  } else {
    new_node->color = object->saved_color;

  /* describe the picture with its upper left and lower right corner */
  picture->upper_x = object->picture->upper_x;
  picture->upper_y = object->picture->upper_y;
  picture->lower_x = object->picture->lower_x;
  picture->lower_y = object->picture->lower_y;

  if (object->picture->file_content != NULL) {
    picture->file_content = g_malloc (object->picture->file_length);
    memcpy (picture->file_content, object->picture->file_content,
  } else {
    picture->file_content = NULL;

  picture->file_length = object->picture->file_length;
  picture->filename    = g_strdup (object->picture->filename);
  picture->ratio       = object->picture->ratio;
  picture->angle       = object->picture->angle;
  picture->mirrored    = object->picture->mirrored;
  picture->embedded    = object->picture->embedded;

  /* Copy the picture data */
  picture->original_picture =

  picture->displayed_picture =

  new_node->draw_func = object->draw_func;
  new_node->sel_func  = object->sel_func;

  /* compute the bounding picture */
  o_picture_recalc(toplevel, new_node);

  return new_node;
Beispiel #3
/*! \brief Recalculate position of the given object.
 *  \par Function Description
 *  This function will take an object and recalculate its
 *  position on the screen.
 *  \param [in]     toplevel    The TOPLEVEL object.
 *  \param [in,out] o_current    OBJECT to recalculate.
void o_recalc_single_object(TOPLEVEL *toplevel, OBJECT *o_current)
  if (o_current != NULL) {
    switch(o_current->type) {

        o_line_recalc(toplevel, o_current);

        o_net_recalc(toplevel, o_current);

        o_bus_recalc(toplevel, o_current);

        o_box_recalc(toplevel, o_current);

        o_path_recalc(toplevel, o_current);

        o_picture_recalc(toplevel, o_current);

        o_circle_recalc(toplevel, o_current);

        o_complex_recalc(toplevel, o_current);

        o_pin_recalc(toplevel, o_current);

        o_arc_recalc(toplevel, o_current);

        o_text_recalc(toplevel, o_current);
Beispiel #4
/*! \brief Translate a picture position in WORLD coordinates by a delta.
 *  \par Function Description
 *  This function applies a translation of (<B>x1</B>,<B>y1</B>) to the picture
 *  described by <B>*object</B>. <B>x1</B> and <B>y1</B> are in world units.
 *  \param [in]     toplevel  The TOPLEVEL object.
 *  \param [in]     dx         x distance to move.
 *  \param [in]     dy         y distance to move.
 *  \param [in,out] object     Picture OBJECT to translate.
void o_picture_translate_world(TOPLEVEL *toplevel,
			       int dx, int dy, OBJECT *object)
  if (object == NULL) printf("btw NO!\n");

  /* Do world coords */
  object->picture->upper_x = object->picture->upper_x + dx;
  object->picture->upper_y = object->picture->upper_y + dy;
  object->picture->lower_x = object->picture->lower_x + dx;
  object->picture->lower_y = object->picture->lower_y + dy;
  /* recalc the screen coords and the bounding picture */
  o_picture_recalc(toplevel, object);
Beispiel #5
/*! \brief Rotate picture OBJECT using WORLD coordinates.
 *  \par Function Description 
 *  This function rotates the picture described by <B>*object</B> around
 *  the (<B>world_centerx</B>, <B>world_centery</B>) point by <B>angle</B>
 *  degrees.
 *  The center of rotation is in world units.
 *  \param [in]      toplevel      The TOPLEVEL object.
 *  \param [in]      world_centerx  Rotation center x coordinate in
 *                                  WORLD units.
 *  \param [in]      world_centery  Rotation center y coordinate in
 *                                  WORLD units.
 *  \param [in]      angle          Rotation angle in degrees (See note below).
 *  \param [in,out]  object         Picture OBJECT to rotate.
void o_picture_rotate_world(TOPLEVEL *toplevel,
			    int world_centerx, int world_centery, int angle,
			    OBJECT *object)
  int newx1, newy1;
  int newx2, newy2;
  /* Only 90 degree multiple and positive angles are allowed. */
  /* angle must be positive */
  if(angle < 0) angle = -angle;
  /* angle must be a 90 multiple or no rotation performed */
  if((angle % 90) != 0) return;
  object->picture->angle = ( object->picture->angle + angle ) % 360;
  /* The center of rotation (<B>world_centerx</B>, <B>world_centery</B>) is
   * translated to the origin. The rotation of the upper left and lower
   * right corner are then performed. Finally, the rotated picture is
   * translated back to its previous location.
  /* translate object to origin */
  object->picture->upper_x -= world_centerx;
  object->picture->upper_y -= world_centery;
  object->picture->lower_x -= world_centerx;
  object->picture->lower_y -= world_centery;
  /* rotate the upper left corner of the picture */
  rotate_point_90(object->picture->upper_x, object->picture->upper_y, angle,
		  &newx1, &newy1);
  /* rotate the lower left corner of the picture */
  rotate_point_90(object->picture->lower_x, object->picture->lower_y, angle,
		  &newx2, &newy2);
  /* reorder the corners after rotation */
  object->picture->upper_x = min(newx1,newx2);
  object->picture->upper_y = max(newy1,newy2);
  object->picture->lower_x = max(newx1,newx2);
  object->picture->lower_y = min(newy1,newy2);
  /* translate object back to normal position */
  object->picture->upper_x += world_centerx;
  object->picture->upper_y += world_centery;
  object->picture->lower_x += world_centerx;
  object->picture->lower_y += world_centery;
  /* recalc boundings and screen coords */
  o_picture_recalc(toplevel, object);
Beispiel #6
/*! \brief Mirror a picture using WORLD coordinates.
 *  \par Function Description
 *  This function mirrors the picture from the point
 *  (<B>world_centerx</B>,<B>world_centery</B>) in world unit.
 *  The picture is first translated to the origin, then mirrored and
 *  finally translated back at its previous position.
 *  \param [in]     toplevel      The TOPLEVEL object.
 *  \param [in]     world_centerx  Origin x coordinate in WORLD units.
 *  \param [in]     world_centery  Origin y coordinate in WORLD units.
 *  \param [in,out] object         Picture OBJECT to mirror.
void o_picture_mirror_world(TOPLEVEL *toplevel,
			    int world_centerx, int world_centery,
			    OBJECT *object)
  int newx1, newy1;
  int newx2, newy2;

  /* Set info in object */
  object->picture->mirrored = (object->picture->mirrored ^ 1) & 1;

  /* translate object to origin */
  object->picture->upper_x -= world_centerx;
  object->picture->upper_y -= world_centery;
  object->picture->lower_x -= world_centerx;
  object->picture->lower_y -= world_centery;

  /* mirror the corners */
  newx1 = -object->picture->upper_x;
  newy1 = object->picture->upper_y;
  newx2 = -object->picture->lower_x;
  newy2 = object->picture->lower_y;

  /* reorder the corners */
  object->picture->upper_x = min(newx1,newx2);
  object->picture->upper_y = max(newy1,newy2);
  object->picture->lower_x = max(newx1,newx2);
  object->picture->lower_y = min(newy1,newy2);

  /* translate back in position */
  object->picture->upper_x += world_centerx;
  object->picture->upper_y += world_centery;
  object->picture->lower_x += world_centerx;
  object->picture->lower_y += world_centery;

  /* recalc boundings and screen coords */
  o_picture_recalc(toplevel, object);
Beispiel #7
/*! \brief Modify the description of a picture OBJECT.
 *  \par Function Description
 *  This function modifies the coordinates of one of the four corner of
 *  the picture. The new coordinates of the corner identified by
 *  <B>whichone</B> are given by <B>x</B> and <B>y</B> in world unit.
 *  The coordinates of the corner is modified in the world coordinate system.
 *  Screen coordinates and boundings are then updated.
 *  \param [in]     toplevel  The TOPLEVEL object.
 *  \param [in,out] object     Picture OBJECT to modify.
 *  \param [in]     x          New x coordinate.
 *  \param [in]     y          New y coordinate.
 *  \param [in]     whichone   Which picture parameter to modify.
 *  <B>whichone</B> can have the following values:
 *  <DL>
 *  </DL>
void o_picture_modify(TOPLEVEL *toplevel, OBJECT *object,
		      int x, int y, int whichone)
  int tmp;
  /* change the position of the selected corner */
  switch(whichone) {
      object->picture->upper_x = x;
      tmp = abs(object->picture->upper_x - object->picture->lower_x) / 
      if (y < object->picture->lower_y) {
	tmp = -tmp;
      object->picture->upper_y = object->picture->lower_y + tmp;
      object->picture->upper_x = x;
      tmp = abs(object->picture->upper_x - object->picture->lower_x) / 
      if (y > object->picture->upper_y) {
	tmp = -tmp;
      object->picture->lower_y = object->picture->upper_y - tmp;
      object->picture->lower_x = x;
      tmp = abs(object->picture->upper_x - object->picture->lower_x) / 
      if (y < object->picture->lower_y) {
	tmp = -tmp;
      object->picture->upper_y = object->picture->lower_y + tmp;
      object->picture->lower_x = x;
      tmp = abs(object->picture->upper_x - object->picture->lower_x) / 
      if (y > object->picture->upper_y) {
	tmp = -tmp;
      object->picture->lower_y = object->picture->upper_y - tmp;
  /* need to update the upper left and lower right corners */
  if(object->picture->upper_x > object->picture->lower_x) {
    tmp                      = object->picture->upper_x;
    object->picture->upper_x = object->picture->lower_x;
    object->picture->lower_x = tmp;
  if(object->picture->upper_y < object->picture->lower_y) {
    tmp                      = object->picture->upper_y;
    object->picture->upper_y = object->picture->lower_y;
    object->picture->lower_y = tmp;
  /* recalculate the screen coords and the boundings */
  o_picture_recalc(toplevel, object);