Beispiel #1
// Start keeping track of edits and connections in the patcher
void PackStartTracking(PackPtr self)
	ObjectPtr	patcher = NULL;
	ObjectPtr	parent = NULL;
	ObjectPtr	patcherview = NULL;
	MaxErr		err;
	Atom		result;
	// first find the top-level patcher
	err = object_obex_lookup(self, gensym("#P"), &patcher);
	parent = patcher;
	while (parent) {
		patcher = parent;
		parent = object_attr_getobj(patcher, _sym_parentpatcher);
	// now iterate recursively from the top-level patcher down through all of the subpatchers
	object_method(patcher, gensym("iterate"), (method)PackIterateResetCallback, self, PI_DEEP, &result);
	object_method(patcher, gensym("iterate"), (method)PackIterateSetupCallback, self, PI_DEEP, &result);
	// now let's attach to the patcherview to get notifications about any further changes to the patch cords
	// the patcher 'dirty' attribute is not modified for each change, but the patcherview 'dirty' attribute is
	if (!self->patcherview) {
		patcherview = jpatcher_get_firstview(patcher);
		self->patcherview = patcherview;
		self->patcher = patcher;
		object_attach_byptr_register(self, patcherview, _sym_nobox);			

	// now we want to go a step further and attach to all of the patch cords 
	// this is how we will know if one is deleted
	PackAttachToPatchlinesForPatcher(self, self->patcher);
Beispiel #2
// Don't pass memory in for this function!  It will allocate what it needs
// -- then the caller is responsible for freeing
void jamoma_patcher_getargs(t_object *patcher, long *argc, t_atom **argv)
	t_symbol		*context = jamoma_patcher_getcontext(patcher);
	t_object		*box = object_attr_getobj(patcher, jps_box);
	t_object		*textfield = NULL;
	char			*text = NULL;
	unsigned long	textlen = 0;

	if(context == gensym("bpatcher"))
		object_attr_getvalueof(box, gensym("args"), argc, argv);
	else if(context == gensym("subpatcher")){
		textfield = object_attr_getobj(box, gensym("textfield"));
		object_method(textfield, gensym("gettextptr"), &text, &textlen);
		atom_setparse(argc, argv, text);
		*argc = 0;
		*argv = NULL;
Beispiel #3
void UnpackAttachToPatchlinesForPatcher(UnpackPtr self, ObjectPtr patcher)
	ObjectPtr	patchline = object_attr_getobj(patcher, _sym_firstline);
	ObjectPtr	box = jpatcher_get_firstobject(patcher);
	while (patchline) {
		object_attach_byptr_register(self, patchline, _sym_nobox);
		patchline = object_attr_getobj(patchline, _sym_nextline);
	while (box) {
		SymbolPtr	classname = jbox_get_maxclass(box);
		if (classname == _sym_jpatcher) {
			ObjectPtr	subpatcher = jbox_get_object(box);
			UnpackAttachToPatchlinesForPatcher(self, subpatcher);
		box = jbox_get_nextobject(box);
Beispiel #4
void OutAttachToPatchlinesForPatcher(OutPtr self, t_object* patcher)
	t_object*	patchline = object_attr_getobj(patcher, _sym_firstline);
	t_object*	box = jpatcher_get_firstobject(patcher);

	while (patchline) {
		object_attach_byptr_register(self, patchline, _sym_nobox);
		patchline = object_attr_getobj(patchline, _sym_nextline);

	while (box) {
		t_symbol *classname = jbox_get_maxclass(box);

		if (classname == _sym_jpatcher) {
			t_object*	subpatcher = jbox_get_object(box);

			OutAttachToPatchlinesForPatcher(self, subpatcher);
		box = jbox_get_nextobject(box);
// Registering with the jcom.hub object
t_object *jcom_core_subscribe(t_object *x, t_symbol *name, t_object *container, t_symbol *object_type)
	t_object	*patcher = container;
	t_object	*box;
	t_symbol	*objclass = NULL;
	t_object	*hub = NULL;
	box = object_attr_getobj(patcher, _sym_firstobject);
	while (box) {
		objclass = object_attr_getsym(box, _sym_maxclass);
		if (objclass == jps_jcom_hub) {
			hub = object_attr_getobj(box, _sym_object);
			object_method(hub, jps_subscribe, name, x, object_type);
			return hub;
		box = object_attr_getobj(box, _sym_nextobject);
	patcher = object_attr_getobj(patcher, _sym_parentpatcher);
	if (patcher)
		goto again5;

	return NULL;
Beispiel #6
t_symbol *jamoma_patcher_getcontext(t_object *patcher)
	t_object	*box = object_attr_getobj(patcher, jps_box);
	t_symbol	*objclass = NULL;
		objclass = object_classname(box);
	if(objclass == gensym("bpatcher"))
		return objclass;
	else if(objclass == gensym("newobj"))
		return gensym("subpatcher");
		return gensym("toplevel");
Beispiel #7
void iterator_attach(t_iterator *x)
	t_atom *av = NULL;
	long ac = 0;

	x->a_patcherview = object_attr_getobj(x->a_patcher, gensym("firstview"));
	object_attach_byptr_register(x, x->a_patcherview, CLASS_NOBOX);

	// get the bounds of the first patcherview and cache them
	object_attr_getvalueof(x->a_patcherview, gensym("rect"), &ac, &av);
	if (ac && av) {
		x->a_cached.x = atom_getfloat(av+2); // width
		x->a_cached.y = atom_getfloat(av+3); // height
		freebytes(av, sizeof(t_atom) * ac); // or sysmem_freeptr()
Beispiel #8
TTErr PlugOutBuildGraph(PlugOutPtr self)
	MaxErr					err;
	ObjectPtr				patcher = NULL;
	ObjectPtr				parent = NULL;
	long					result = 0;
	err = object_obex_lookup(self, GENSYM("#P"), &patcher);
	// first find the top-level patcher
	err = object_obex_lookup(self, GENSYM("#P"), &patcher);
	parent = patcher;
	while (parent) {
		patcher = parent;
		parent = object_attr_getobj(patcher, _sym_parentpatcher);
	//object_method(patcher, gensym("iterate"), (method)PlugOutIterateResetCallback, self, PI_DEEP, &result);
	object_method(patcher, GENSYM("iterate"), (method)PlugOutIterateSetupCallback, self, PI_DEEP, &result);
	return kTTErrNone;
Beispiel #9
// TODO: When running in the debugger, it seems like we are iterating through this function a whole bunch of times!
// Can we put it in a qelem or something so that it only gets called once? [TAP]
// But actually, maybe it is just a Max 4.6 funky Runtime thing?  Let's take a look again when we get to Max 5
void hub_examine_context(t_hub *x)
	AtomCount	argc = 0;
	AtomPtr		argv = NULL;
	SymbolPtr	context = jamoma_patcher_getcontext(x->container);

	// Try to get OSC Name of module from an argument
	jamoma_patcher_getargs(x->container, &argc, &argv);	// <-- this call allocates memory for argv
		x->osc_name = atom_getsym(argv+(argc-1));
		x->osc_name = _sym_nothing;
	// Try to get OSC Name of module from scripting name
	if(x->osc_name == _sym_nothing)
		x->osc_name = jamoma_patcher_getvarname(x->container);

	// In this case we overwrite whatever happened above
	if(context == gensym("toplevel")){
		x->osc_name = gensym("/editing_this_module");
		x->editing = true;
		t_object*	patcher = jamoma_object_getpatcher((t_object*)x);
		t_object*	box = object_attr_getobj(patcher, jps_box);
		t_object*	ui = NULL;
		t_symbol*	objclass = NULL;
		x->editing = false;		
		ui = object_attr_getobj(patcher, gensym("firstobject"));
			objclass = object_attr_getsym(ui, gensym("maxclass"));
			if(objclass == gensym("jcom.ui"))
			ui = object_attr_getobj(ui, gensym("nextobject"));
			t_rect	boxRect;
			t_rect	uiRect;
			if(context == gensym("bpatcher")){
				object_attr_get_rect(ui, _sym_presentation_rect, &uiRect);
				object_attr_get_rect(box, _sym_patching_rect, &boxRect);
				boxRect.width = uiRect.width;
				boxRect.height = uiRect.height;
				object_attr_set_rect(box, _sym_patching_rect, &boxRect);

				object_attr_get_rect(box, _sym_presentation_rect, &boxRect);
				boxRect.width = uiRect.width;
				boxRect.height = uiRect.height;
				object_attr_set_rect(box, _sym_presentation_rect, &boxRect);
			else if(context == gensym("subpatcher")){
				object_attr_get_rect(ui, _sym_presentation_rect, &uiRect);
				object_attr_get_rect(patcher, _sym_defrect, &boxRect);
				boxRect.width = uiRect.width;
				boxRect.height = uiRect.height;
				object_attr_set_rect(patcher, _sym_defrect, &boxRect);				
				object_attr_setchar(patcher, _sym_toolbarvisible, 0);				

	object_attr_setsym(x, _sym_name, x->osc_name);

	qelem_unset(x->init_qelem);		// clear the last thing to make sure we don't call into this a bunch of times
	qelem_set(x->init_qelem);		// flag the queue for initialization
Beispiel #10
// DSP Method
void UnpackDsp64(UnpackPtr self, ObjectPtr dsp64, short *count, double samplerate, long maxvectorsize, long flags)
	TTUInt16	i;
	MaxErr		err;
	long		result = 0;
	self->vectorSize = maxvectorsize;
	object_post(SELF, "dsp method called");
	/*	We need to figure out what objects are connected to what inlets to build the graph:
	 1. Broadcast 'audio.reset' to every object in the patcher, to remove all existing connections.
	 2. Broadcast 'audio.setup' to every object in the patcher, to tell objects to then send
	 'audio.connect' messages to any objects below them.
	 3. When an object received 'audio.connect', then it makes the connection.
	 At this point, the graph is configured and we just need to execute it.
	 We execute the graph from our perform method, which MSP calls once per signal vector.
	 5. Crawl the graph from bottom to top, calling the audio graph preprocess method (prepare for process)
	 6. Crawl the graph from bottom to top, calling the audio graph process method (calculate the samples)
	 7. (Maybe) crawl the graph from bottom to top, calling a audio graph postprocess method
	 For steps 1 & 2, we have to traverse thge patcher twice, 
	 because we have to clear all connections first, then add connections.
	 It won't work to do them both during the same traversal because situations arise
	 Where we setup the chain and then it gets reset again by another object 
	 (since the order in which we traverse objects is undefined).
	if (!self->hasReset) {
		ObjectPtr	patcher = NULL;
		ObjectPtr	parent = NULL;
		ObjectPtr	patcherview = NULL;
		// first find the top-level patcher
		err = object_obex_lookup(self, gensym("#P"), &patcher);
		parent = patcher;
		while (parent) {
			patcher = parent;
			parent = object_attr_getobj(patcher, _sym_parentpatcher);
		// now iterate recursively from the top-level patcher down through all of the subpatchers
		object_method(patcher, gensym("iterate"), (method)UnpackIterateResetCallback, self, PI_DEEP, &result);
		object_method(patcher, gensym("iterate"), (method)UnpackIterateSetupCallback, self, PI_DEEP, &result);
		// now let's attach to the patcherview to get notifications about any further changes to the patch cords
		// the patcher 'dirty' attribute is not modified for each change, but the patcherview 'dirty' attribute is
		if (!self->patcherview) {
			patcherview = jpatcher_get_firstview(patcher);
			self->patcherview = patcherview;
			self->patcher = patcher;
			object_attach_byptr_register(self, patcherview, _sym_nobox);			
	// now we want to go a step further and attach to all of the patch cords 
	// this is how we will know if one is deleted
	UnpackAttachToPatchlinesForPatcher(self, self->patcher);
	self->numChannels = 0;
	for (i=1; i <= self->maxNumChannels; i++) {
	self->audioGraphObject->getUnitGenerator()->setAttributeValue(kTTSym_sampleRate, samplerate);
	self->sampleStamp = 0;
	self->initData.vectorSize = self->vectorSize;
	object_method(dsp64, gensym("dsp_add64"), self, UnpackPerform64, 0, NULL);
	//dsp_add64(dsp64, (ObjectPtr)self, (t_perfroutine64)UnpackPerform64, 0, NULL);
Beispiel #11
void connect_attach(t_connect *x)
	object_obex_lookup(x, gensym("#P"), &x->f_patcher);
	x->f_patcherview = object_attr_getobj(x->f_patcher, hoa_sym_firstview);
	object_attach_byptr_register(x, x->f_patcherview, CLASS_NOBOX);
Beispiel #12
// DSP Method
void OutDsp(OutPtr self, t_signal** sp, short* count)
	//TTUInt16	i;
	TTUInt16	k=0;
	void		**audioVectors = NULL;
	t_max_err		err;
	long		result = 0;

	self->vectorSize = sp[0]->s_n;

	object_post(SELF, "dsp method called");

	/*	We need to figure out what objects are connected to what inlets to build the graph:

		1. Broadcast 'audio.reset' to every object in the patcher, to remove all existing connections.
		2. Broadcast 'audio.setup' to every object in the patcher, to tell objects to then send
			'audio.connect' messages to any objects below them.
		3. When an object received 'audio.connect', then it makes the connection.

		At this point, the graph is configured and we just need to execute it.
		We execute the graph from our perform method, which MSP calls once per signal vector.

		5. Crawl the graph from bottom to top, calling the audio graph preprocess method (prepare for process)
		6. Crawl the graph from bottom to top, calling the audio graph process method (calculate the samples)
		7. (Maybe) crawl the graph from bottom to top, calling a audio graph postprocess method

		For steps 1 & 2, we have to traverse thge patcher twice,
		because we have to clear all connections first, then add connections.
		It won't work to do them both during the same traversal because situations arise
		Where we setup the chain and then it gets reset again by another object
		(since the order in which we traverse objects is undefined).

	if (!self->hasReset) {
		t_object*	patcher = NULL;
		t_object*	parent = NULL;
		t_object*	patcherview = NULL;

		// first find the top-level patcher
		err = object_obex_lookup(self, gensym("#P"), &patcher);
		parent = patcher;
		while (parent) {
			patcher = parent;
			parent = object_attr_getobj(patcher, _sym_parentpatcher);

		// now iterate recursively from the top-level patcher down through all of the subpatchers
		object_method(patcher, gensym("iterate"), (method)OutIterateResetCallback, self, PI_DEEP, &result);
		object_method(patcher, gensym("iterate"), (method)OutIterateSetupCallback, self, PI_DEEP, &result);

		// now let's attach to the patcherview to get notifications about any further changes to the patch cords
		// the patcher 'dirty' attribute is not modified for each change, but the patcherview 'dirty' attribute is
		if (!self->patcherview) {
			patcherview = jpatcher_get_firstview(patcher);
			self->patcherview = patcherview;
			self->patcher = patcher;
			object_attach_byptr_register(self, patcherview, _sym_nobox);

	// now we want to go a step further and attach to all of the patch cords
	// this is how we will know if one is deleted
	OutAttachToPatchlinesForPatcher(self, self->patcher);

	// Setup the perform method
	//audioVectors = (void**)sysmem_newptr(sizeof(void*) * (self->maxNumChannels + 1));
	audioVectors = (void**)sysmem_newptr(sizeof(void*) * (1));

	audioVectors[k] = self;

	//self->numChannels = 0;
	/*for (i=1; i <= self->maxNumChannels; i++) {
		audioVectors[k] = sp[i]->s_vec;
	self->numChannels = self->maxNumChannels; //[np]
	self->audioGraphObject->getUnitGenerator().get(kTTSym_sampleRate, sp[0]->s_sr);
	self->sampleCount = 0;

	dsp_addv(OutPerform, k, audioVectors);

	self->initData.vectorSize = self->vectorSize;
Beispiel #13
void ww_attach(t_ww *x)
	x->w_patcherview = object_attr_getobj(x->w_patcher, gensym("firstview"));
	object_attach_byptr_register(x, x->w_patcherview, CLASS_NOBOX);