t_ww *ww_new(t_symbol *s, short argc, t_atom *argv)
	t_ww		*x = NULL;
	t_object	*box = NULL;

	x = (t_ww *)object_alloc(s_ww_class);
	if (x) {
		x->w_outlet = outlet_new(x, 0L);
		attr_args_process(x, argc, argv);

		object_obex_lookup(x, gensym("#P"), &x->w_patcher);
		object_obex_lookup(x, gensym("#B"), &box);

		// If/when instance methods are supported, we can use object_addmethod() to add the method
		// (as opposed to a class method) to our box.
		// Then we can be called when our box is moved.
		object_addmethod(box, (method)ww_boxscreenrectchanged, "boxscreenrectchanged",	A_CANT, 0);

		// The patcherview is not available when the object is created as a patcher is being read from disk,
		// so we have to defer to wait for it before getting it and attaching for notifications.
		// if we were in a ui object then we would instead add a 'patcherview_vis' method
		// (and possibly a 'patcherview_invis' method) and attach to our patcherview at that time.
		defer_low(x, (method)ww_attach, NULL, 0, NULL);

	return x;
Beispiel #2
void HoaDecode_send_configuration(t_HoaDecode *x)
	t_object *patcher;
	t_object *decoder;
    t_object *object;
    t_object *line;
	t_max_err err;
	err = object_obex_lookup(x, gensym("#P"), (t_object **)&patcher);
	if (err != MAX_ERR_NONE)
	err = object_obex_lookup(x, gensym("#B"), (t_object **)&decoder);
	if (err != MAX_ERR_NONE)
    for (line = jpatcher_get_firstline(patcher); line; line = jpatchline_get_nextline(line))
        if (jpatchline_get_box1(line) == decoder)
            object = jpatchline_get_box2(line);
            t_symbol* classname = object_classname(jbox_get_object(object));
            if(classname == gensym("hoa.meter~") || classname == gensym("hoa.gain~") || classname == gensym("hoa.vector~"))
                long    argc = 1;
                t_atom *argv = new t_atom[1];
                atom_setlong(argv, x->f_AmbisonicsDecoder->getNumberOfOutputs());
                object_method_typed(jbox_get_object(object), gensym("channels"), argc, argv, NULL);
Beispiel #3
void sheep_free(t_sheep *x)
	t_object *jp;
	object_obex_lookup(x, gensym("#P"), &jp); // get the object's patcher
	if (jp) {
		t_hashtab *ht;
		// find the sheephash
		object_obex_lookup(jp, gensym("sheephash"), (t_object **)&ht);
		if (ht) {
			hashtab_chuckkey(ht, x->myobjname); // remove self from hashtab
Beispiel #4
void iterator_bang(t_iterator *x)
	t_object *jp;
	t_object *jb;
	t_object *mybox;
	t_object *o;
	t_rect jr;
	t_symbol *scriptingname;
	t_max_err err;

	// get the object's parent patcher
	err = object_obex_lookup(x, gensym("#P"), (t_object **)&jp);
	if (err != MAX_ERR_NONE)

	// get the object's wrapping box
	err = object_obex_lookup(x, gensym("#B"), (t_object **)&mybox);
	if (err != MAX_ERR_NONE)

	jb = jpatcher_get_firstobject(jp); // get the first BOX in the object list

	while(jb) {
		jbox_get_patching_rect(jb, &jr); // x, y, width, height (double)

		object_post((t_object *)x, "found an object at %ld %ld, w %ld, h %ld", (long)jr.x, (long)jr.y, (long)jr.width, (long)jr.height);

		scriptingname = jbox_get_varname(jb); // scripting name
		if (scriptingname && scriptingname != gensym(""))
			object_post((t_object *)x, " it is named %s...", scriptingname->s_name);

		o = jbox_get_object(jb); // get the box's object (b_firstin in Max4)
		post(" it's a(n) %s object...", object_classname(o)->s_name);

		if (jpatcher_is_patcher(o)) {
			post(" which is some kind of a patcher. we could recurse here...");

		if (jb == mybox)
			post(" ...and it's me!");

		jb = jbox_get_nextobject(jb); // iterate

	// jbox_get_patcher(abox); // get a box's patcher

	// maybe upwards? jpatcher_get_parentpatcher(<#t_object * p#>)
Beispiel #5
void posit_getinfo(t_posit *x)
	t_object *jp;
	t_object *jb;
	t_object *pbox;
	t_rect jr;
	t_symbol *scriptingname = ps_none;
	t_symbol *patchername = ps_none;
	t_symbol *patcherscriptingname = ps_none;
	t_max_err err;
	t_symbol *classname;
	t_atom *outlist;
	outlist = x->p_outlist;
	err = object_obex_lookup(x, gensym("#P"), (t_object **)&jp);		// get the object's parent patcher
	if (err != MAX_ERR_NONE)
	err = object_obex_lookup(x, gensym("#B"), (t_object **)&jb);		// get the object's wrapping box
	if (err != MAX_ERR_NONE)
	patchername = jpatcher_get_name(jp);

	classname = jbox_get_maxclass(jb); // class name
	scriptingname = jbox_get_varname(jb); // scripting name
	if (scriptingname == NULL || scriptingname == ps_nothing) {
		scriptingname = ps_none;
	pbox = jpatcher_get_box(jp);
		patcherscriptingname = jbox_get_varname(pbox); // scripting name
	if (patcherscriptingname == NULL || patcherscriptingname == ps_nothing) {
		patcherscriptingname = ps_none;
	jbox_get_patching_rect(jb, &jr);			// x, y, width, height (double)
	atom_setsym(outlist+0,  classname);			// class name
	atom_setsym(outlist+1,  scriptingname);		// scripting name
	atom_setlong(outlist+2, (long)((long)jr.x));
	atom_setlong(outlist+3, (long)((long)jr.y));
	atom_setlong(outlist+4, (long)((long)jr.x + (long)jr.width)); 
	atom_setlong(outlist+5, (long)((long)jr.y + (long)jr.height));
	atom_setsym(outlist+6,  patchername);		// patcher name
	atom_setsym(outlist+7, patcherscriptingname);
	outlet_bang(x->p_outlet2); //bang to notify of end of dump
Beispiel #6
t_object* jamoma_object_getpatcher(t_object *obj)
	t_object *patcher = NULL;
	object_obex_lookup(obj, gensym("#P"), &patcher);
	return patcher;
Beispiel #7
	/**@public @memberof t_OMax_learn
	 * @brief Object instantiation */	
	void *OMax_learn_new(t_symbol *s, long argc, t_atom *argv)
		t_OMax_learn *x = NULL;
		if (x = (t_OMax_learn *)object_alloc(OMax_learn_class))
			// inlets & outlets
			x->stateout = intout(x);
			///@details Check first argument of the Max5 object for a FO name.
			x->obound = FALSE;
			if (argc == 0)
				object_error((t_object *)x,"Missing name of the Oracle to build");
				if (argv->a_type != A_SYM)
					object_error((t_object *)x,"First argument must be a symbol (name of an existing Oracle)");
					x->oname = atom_getsym(argv);
				x->dataname = OMax_learn_dataname(x->oname);
			// color
			t_object *box;
			t_jrgba colorvals;
			jrgba_set(&colorvals, 0.30, 1.0, 0.15, 1.0);
			object_obex_lookup((t_object *)x, gensym("#B"), &box);
			jbox_set_color(box, &colorvals);
		return (x);
t_max_err set_order(t_hoa_3d_scope *x, t_object *attr, long ac, t_atom *av)
    long order;
    t_object *b = NULL;
	if (ac && av && atom_gettype(av) == A_LONG)
        order = atom_getlong(av);
        if(order != x->f_scope->getDecompositionOrder() && order > 0)
            object_method(hoa_sym_dsp->s_thing, hoa_sym_stop);
            delete x->f_scope;
            delete [] x->f_signals;
            x->f_scope      =  new Scope<Hoa3d, t_sample>(order, (ulong)(HOA_DISPLAY_NPOINTS * 0.25), (ulong)(HOA_DISPLAY_NPOINTS * 0.5));
            x->f_order      = x->f_scope->getDecompositionOrder();
            x->f_signals    = new double[x->f_scope->getNumberOfHarmonics() * SYS_MAXBLKSIZE];
            object_obex_lookup(x, hoa_sym_pound_B, (t_object **)&b);
            object_method(b, hoa_sym_dynlet_begin);
            dsp_resize((t_pxobject*)x, x->f_scope->getNumberOfHarmonics());
            object_method(b, hoa_sym_dynlet_end);
            jbox_invalidate_layer((t_object *)x, NULL, hoa_sym_background_layer);
            jbox_redraw((t_jbox *)x);
	return MAX_ERR_NONE;
Beispiel #9
void HoaDecode_resize_outlet(t_HoaDecode *x, long lastNumberOfOutlet)
    int dspState = sys_getdspobjdspstate((t_object*)x);
        object_method(gensym("dsp")->s_thing, gensym("stop"));
    t_object *b = NULL;
	object_obex_lookup(x, gensym("#B"), (t_object **)&b);
    object_method(b, gensym("dynlet_begin"));
    if(lastNumberOfOutlet > x->f_AmbisonicsDecoder->getNumberOfOutputs())
        for(int i = lastNumberOfOutlet; i > x->f_AmbisonicsDecoder->getNumberOfOutputs(); i--)
            outlet_delete(outlet_nth((t_object*)x, i-1));
    else if(lastNumberOfOutlet < x->f_AmbisonicsDecoder->getNumberOfOutputs())
        for(int i = lastNumberOfOutlet; i < x->f_AmbisonicsDecoder->getNumberOfOutputs(); i++)
            outlet_append((t_object*)x, NULL, gensym("signal"));
    object_method(b, gensym("dynlet_end"));
Beispiel #10
// Start keeping track of edits and connections in the patcher
void PackStartTracking(PackPtr self)
	ObjectPtr	patcher = NULL;
	ObjectPtr	parent = NULL;
	ObjectPtr	patcherview = NULL;
	MaxErr		err;
	Atom		result;
	// first find the top-level patcher
	err = object_obex_lookup(self, gensym("#P"), &patcher);
	parent = patcher;
	while (parent) {
		patcher = parent;
		parent = object_attr_getobj(patcher, _sym_parentpatcher);
	// now iterate recursively from the top-level patcher down through all of the subpatchers
	object_method(patcher, gensym("iterate"), (method)PackIterateResetCallback, self, PI_DEEP, &result);
	object_method(patcher, gensym("iterate"), (method)PackIterateSetupCallback, self, PI_DEEP, &result);
	// now let's attach to the patcherview to get notifications about any further changes to the patch cords
	// the patcher 'dirty' attribute is not modified for each change, but the patcherview 'dirty' attribute is
	if (!self->patcherview) {
		patcherview = jpatcher_get_firstview(patcher);
		self->patcherview = patcherview;
		self->patcher = patcher;
		object_attach_byptr_register(self, patcherview, _sym_nobox);			

	// now we want to go a step further and attach to all of the patch cords 
	// this is how we will know if one is deleted
	PackAttachToPatchlinesForPatcher(self, self->patcher);
Beispiel #11
t_max_err set_order(t_hoa_scope *x, t_object *attr, long ac, t_atom *av)
    long order;
    t_object *b = NULL;
	if (ac && av && atom_gettype(av) == A_LONG)
        order = atom_getlong(av);
        if(order != x->f_scope->getOrder() && order > 0)
            int dspState = sys_getdspobjdspstate((t_object*)x);
                object_method(gensym("dsp")->s_thing, hoa_sym_start);
            delete x->f_scope;
            delete [] x->f_signals;
            x->f_scope      = new Hoa2D::Scope(order, NUMBEROFCIRCLEPOINTS_UI);
            x->f_order      = x->f_scope->getOrder();
            x->f_signals    = new double[x->f_scope->getNumberOfHarmonics() * SYS_MAXBLKSIZE];
            object_obex_lookup(x, gensym("#B"), (t_object **)&b);
            object_method(b, hoa_sym_dynlet_begin);
            dsp_resize((t_pxobject*)x, x->f_scope->getNumberOfHarmonics());
            object_method(b, hoa_sym_dynlet_end);
                object_method(gensym("dsp")->s_thing, hoa_sym_stop);
	return MAX_ERR_NONE;
Beispiel #12
void *sheep_new(t_symbol *s, long argc, t_atom *argv)
	t_sheep *x = NULL;
    t_object *jp = NULL;

	if (x = (t_sheep *)object_alloc(sheep_class)) {
		jp = (t_object *)gensym("#P")->s_thing;
		if (jp) {
			t_hashtab *ht;
			// look in the jpatcher's obex for an object called "sheephash"
			object_obex_lookup(jp, gensym("sheephash"), (t_object **)&ht);
			if (!ht) {
				// it's not there? create it.
				ht = hashtab_new(0);
				// objects stored in the obex will be freed when the obex's owner is freed
				// in this case, when the patcher object is freed. so we don't need to
				// manage the memory associated with the "sheephash".
				object_obex_store(jp, gensym("sheephash"), (t_object *)ht);
			// cache the registered name so we can remove self from hashtab
			x = object_register(CLASS_BOX, x->myobjname = symbol_unique(), x);
			// store self in the hashtab. IMPORTANT: set the OBJ_FLAG_REF flag so that the
			// hashtab knows not to free us when it is freed.
			hashtab_storeflags(ht, x->myobjname, (t_object *)x, OBJ_FLAG_REF);
	return (x);
Beispiel #13
t_max_err hoa_meter_attr_set_loudspeakers(t_hoa_meter *x, t_object *attr, long ac, t_atom *av)
    long d;
    t_object *b = NULL;
	if (ac && av)
        if(atom_gettype(av) == A_LONG)
            d = Hoa3D::clip_min(long(atom_getlong(av)), long(1));
            if (d != x->f_number_of_loudspeakers)
                int dspState = sys_getdspobjdspstate((t_object*)x);
                    object_method(gensym("dsp")->s_thing, gensym("stop"));
                delete x->f_meter;
                delete [] x->f_signals;
                x->f_meter      = new Hoa3D::Meter(x->f_number_of_loudspeakers, 100, 199);
                x->f_number_of_loudspeakers      = x->f_meter->getNumberOfLoudspeakers();
                x->f_signals    = new double[x->f_meter->getNumberOfLoudspeakers() * SYS_MAXBLKSIZE];
                object_obex_lookup(x, gensym("#B"), (t_object **)&b);
                object_method(b, gensym("dynlet_begin"));
                dsp_resize((t_pxobject*)x, x->f_meter->getNumberOfLoudspeakers());
                object_method(b, gensym("dynlet_end"));
                    object_method(gensym("dsp")->s_thing, gensym("start"));
	return MAX_ERR_NONE;
t_max_err channels_set(t_hoa_vector *x, t_object *attr, long argc, t_atom *argv)
    t_object *b = NULL;
    if(argc && argv && atom_gettype(argv) == A_LONG)
        int number_of_loudspeakers = atom_getlong(argv);
        if(number_of_loudspeakers != x->f_vector->getNumberOfChannels() &&
           number_of_loudspeakers > 0 &&
           number_of_loudspeakers <= MAX_CHANNELS)
            object_method(gensym("dsp")->s_thing, hoa_sym_stop);
            delete x->f_vector;
            x->f_vector = new Hoa2D::Vector(number_of_loudspeakers);
            object_obex_lookup(x, gensym("#B"), (t_object **)&b);
            object_method(b, hoa_sym_dynlet_begin);
            dsp_resize((t_pxobject*)x, x->f_vector->getNumberOfChannels());
            object_method(b, hoa_sym_dynlet_end);
            object_attr_setvalueof(x, hoa_sym_angles, 0, NULL);
    return MAX_ERR_NONE;
void hoa_3d_decoder_resize_outlets(t_hoa_3d_decoder *x)
    t_object *b = NULL;
    object_obex_lookup(x, hoa_sym_pound_B, (t_object **)&b);
    if (b)
        object_method(hoa_sym_dsp->s_thing, hoa_sym_stop);
        object_method(b, hoa_sym_dynlet_begin);
        if(outlet_count((t_object *)x) > x->f_decoder->getNumberOfPlanewaves())
            for(int i = outlet_count((t_object *)x); i > x->f_decoder->getNumberOfPlanewaves(); i--)
                outlet_delete(outlet_nth((t_object*)x, i-1));
        else if(outlet_count((t_object *)x) < x->f_decoder->getNumberOfPlanewaves())
            for(int i = outlet_count((t_object *)x); i < x->f_decoder->getNumberOfPlanewaves(); i++)
                outlet_append((t_object*)x, NULL, hoa_sym_signal);
        object_method(b, hoa_sym_dynlet_end);
Beispiel #16
PlugOutPtr PlugOutNew(SymbolPtr msg, AtomCount argc, AtomPtr argv)
    PlugOutPtr	self = PlugOutPtr(object_alloc(sPlugOutClass));
	TTValue		v;
	TTErr		err;

    if (self) {
		v.set(0, TT("plugtastic.output"));
		v.set(1, 2);
		err = TTObjectBaseInstantiate(TT("audio.object"), (TTObjectBasePtr*)&self->audioGraphObject, v);

		v = TTPtr(self->audioGraphObject);

		object_obex_store((void*)self, _sym_dumpout, (object*)outlet_new(self, NULL));
		self->audioGraphOutlet = outlet_new(self, "audio.connect");
		self->qelem = qelem_new(self, (method)PlugOutQFn);
		object_obex_lookup(self, GENSYM("#P"), &self->patcher);
		self->pluginName = object_attr_getsym(self->patcher, _sym_name);
		self->pluginVersion = GENSYM("1.0");
		self->pluginVersionHex = GENSYM("0x00010000");
		self->pluginManufacturer = GENSYM("Plugtastic");
		self->pluginManufacturerCode = GENSYM("74Ob");
		self->pluginID = GENSYM("ftmp");
		attr_args_process(self, argc, argv);
	return self;
Beispiel #17
void autocolorbox(t_object *x)
	double		color[4] = {0.7, 0.4, 0.3, 1.0};
	t_object	*box = NULL;
	object_obex_lookup(x, _sym_pound_B, &box);
	object_attr_setdouble_array(box, _sym_color, 4, color);
Beispiel #18
void send_configuration(t_hoa_decoder *x)
	t_object *patcher;
	t_object *decoder;
    t_object *object;
    t_object *line;
	t_max_err err;
	err = object_obex_lookup(x, gensym("#P"), (t_object **)&patcher);
	if (err != MAX_ERR_NONE)
	err = object_obex_lookup(x, gensym("#B"), (t_object **)&decoder);
	if (err != MAX_ERR_NONE)
    t_atom nchannels;
    t_atom offset;
    t_atom *argv = new t_atom[x->f_decoder->getNumberOfChannels()];
    atom_setlong(&nchannels, x->f_decoder->getNumberOfChannels());
    atom_setfloat(&offset, x->f_decoder->getChannelsOffset() / HOA_2PI * 360.);
    for(int i = 0; i < x->f_decoder->getNumberOfChannels(); i++)
        atom_setfloat(argv+i, x->f_decoder->getChannelAzimuth(i) / HOA_2PI * 360.);
    for (line = jpatcher_get_firstline(patcher); line; line = jpatchline_get_nextline(line))
        if (jpatchline_get_box1(line) == decoder)
            object = jpatchline_get_box2(line);
            t_symbol* classname = object_classname(jbox_get_object(object));
            if(classname == gensym("hoa.2d.meter~") || classname == gensym("hoa.meter~") ||  classname == gensym("hoa.2d.vector~"))
                object_method_typed(jbox_get_object(object), gensym("channels"), 1, &nchannels, NULL);
                object_method_typed(jbox_get_object(object), gensym("angles"), x->f_decoder->getNumberOfChannels(), argv, NULL);
                object_method_typed(jbox_get_object(object), gensym("offset"), 1, &offset, NULL);
            else if(classname == gensym("hoa.gain~"))
                object_method_typed(jbox_get_object(object), gensym("channels"), 1, &nchannels, NULL);
Beispiel #19
void posit_boxes(t_posit *x) // ok: done

	t_object *jp;
	t_object *jb;
	t_object *mybox;
	t_rect jr;
	t_symbol *scriptingname;
	t_symbol *patchername;
	t_max_err err;
	t_symbol *classname;
	t_atom *outlist;
	outlist = x->p_outlist;
	err = object_obex_lookup(x, gensym("#P"), (t_object **)&jp);		// get the object's parent patcher
	if (err != MAX_ERR_NONE)
	err = object_obex_lookup(x, gensym("#B"), (t_object **)&mybox);		// get the object's wrapping box
	if (err != MAX_ERR_NONE)
	jb = jpatcher_get_firstobject(jp); // get the first BOX in the object list
	patchername = jpatcher_get_name(jp);
	while(jb) { // iterate through patcher
		classname = jbox_get_maxclass(jb); // class name
		scriptingname = jbox_get_varname(jb); // scripting name
		if (scriptingname == NULL || scriptingname == ps_nothing) {
			scriptingname = ps_none;
		jbox_get_patching_rect(jb, &jr);			// x, y, width, height (double)
		atom_setsym(outlist+0,  classname);			// class name
		atom_setsym(outlist+1,  scriptingname);		// scripting name
		atom_setlong(outlist+2, (long)((long)jr.x));
		atom_setlong(outlist+3, (long)((long)jr.y));
		atom_setlong(outlist+4, (long)((long)jr.x + (long)jr.width)); 
		atom_setlong(outlist+5, (long)((long)jr.y + (long)jr.height));
		atom_setsym(outlist+6,  patchername);		// patcher name
		jb = jbox_get_nextobject(jb); // iterate
	outlet_bang(x->p_outlet2); //bang to notify of end of dump
Beispiel #20
void scope_resize_inputs(t_scope *x, long newNumberOfInput)
    newNumberOfInput = Tools::clip_min(newNumberOfInput, long(1));
    t_object *b = NULL;
    object_obex_lookup(x, _sym_pound_B, (t_object **)&b);
    object_method(b, gensym("dynlet_begin"));
    dsp_resize((t_pxobject*)x, newNumberOfInput);
    object_method(b, gensym("dynlet_end"));
Beispiel #21
void cmmjl_osc_makeDefaultAddress(void *x, long instance, char *buf){
	char buf2[256], tmp[64];
	t_patcher *p, *pp;
	t_box *b;
	t_symbol *name;
	char *ptr;
	int index;
	object_obex_lookup(x, gensym("#P"), (t_object **)&p);
	name = jpatcher_get_name(p);
		if(strcmp(name->s_name, "")){
			// if this is a filename, get rid of the extension
			if(ptr = strrchr(name->s_name, '.')){
				memset(tmp, '\0', 64);
				index = name->s_name - ptr;
				if(index < 0) index = -index;
				memcpy(tmp, name->s_name, index);
				sprintf(buf2, "/%s", tmp);
				sprintf(buf2, "/%s", name->s_name);
		// maybe we didn't wait long enough...
	b = jpatcher_get_box(p);
			pp = jpatcher_get_parentpatcher(p);
				name = jpatcher_get_name(pp);
					if(strcmp(name->s_name, "")){
						if(ptr = strrchr(name->s_name, '.')){
							memset(tmp, '\0', 64);
							index = name->s_name - ptr;
							if(index < 0) index = -index;
							memcpy(tmp, name->s_name, index);
							sprintf(buf, "/%s%s", tmp, buf2);
							sprintf(buf, "/%s%s", name->s_name, buf2);
			p = pp;
			strcpy(buf2, buf);

Beispiel #22
void odisplay_doselect(t_odisplay *x){
	t_object *p = NULL; 
	object_obex_lookup(x,gensym("#P"), &p);
	if (p) {
		t_atom rv; 
		long ac = 1; 
		t_atom av[1]; 
		atom_setobj(av, x); 
		object_method_typed(p, gensym("selectbox"), ac, av, &rv); 
Beispiel #23
void iterator_free(t_iterator *x)
	t_object *jp = NULL;
	t_object *pv;

	// detach from any objects that you have attached to.
	object_obex_lookup(x, gensym("#P"), &jp);
	if (jp) {
		pv = jpatcher_get_firstview(jp);
		object_detach_byptr(x, pv);
Beispiel #24
void iterator_notify(t_iterator *x, t_symbol *s, t_symbol *msg, void *sender, void *data)
//	post("got %s message from %X (%s)", msg->s_name, sender, s->s_name);
	if (msg == gensym("attr_modified") && sender == x->a_patcherview) { // sent when an attribute of the sender changes
		t_symbol *attrname;

		// 'data' arg is the modified attribute object
		// get its name:
		attrname = (t_symbol *)object_method(data, gensym("getname"));
		post("'%s' attribute was modified", attrname->s_name);

		if (attrname == gensym("rect")) {
			t_atom *av = NULL;
			long ac = 0;

			object_attr_getvalueof(sender, attrname, &ac, &av);
			if (ac && av) {
				t_object *jb;

				post("new rect: %ld %ld %ld %ld", atom_getlong(av), atom_getlong(av+1), atom_getlong(av+2), atom_getlong(av+3));
				object_obex_lookup(x, gensym("#B"), &jb);
				if (jb) {
					t_atom *rv = NULL;
					long rc = 0;

					object_attr_getvalueof(jb, gensym("patching_rect"), &rc, &rv);
					if (rc && rv) {
						// we have box rect
						// compare cached view size to current view
						long dx = atom_getlong(av+2) - x->a_cached.x;
						long dy = atom_getlong(av+3) - x->a_cached.y;
						long boxw = atom_getlong(rv+2);
						long boxh = atom_getlong(rv+3);

						// recache new size
						x->a_cached.x = atom_getlong(av+2);
						x->a_cached.y = atom_getlong(av+3);

						// modify my box width
						atom_setlong(rv+2, boxw + dx);
						// (height is ignored by jnewobj)
						atom_setlong(rv+3, boxh + dy);
						object_attr_setvalueof(jb, gensym("patching_rect"), rc, rv);
						freebytes(rv, sizeof(t_atom) * rc);
				freebytes(av, sizeof(t_atom) * ac);


void* testterminate_new(t_symbol *s, long argc, t_atom *argv)
	t_testterminate *x = (t_testterminate*)object_alloc(s_testterminate_class);
	if (x) {
		object_obex_lookup(x, _sym_pound_P, &x->x_patcher);
		x->x_test = (t_test*)gensym("#T")->s_thing;
		attr_args_process(x, (short)argc, argv);
	return x;
Beispiel #26
TTErr PlugOutBuildGraph(PlugOutPtr self)
	MaxErr					err;
	ObjectPtr				patcher = NULL;
	ObjectPtr				parent = NULL;
	long					result = 0;
	err = object_obex_lookup(self, GENSYM("#P"), &patcher);
	// first find the top-level patcher
	err = object_obex_lookup(self, GENSYM("#P"), &patcher);
	parent = patcher;
	while (parent) {
		patcher = parent;
		parent = object_attr_getobj(patcher, _sym_parentpatcher);
	//object_method(patcher, gensym("iterate"), (method)PlugOutIterateResetCallback, self, PI_DEEP, &result);
	object_method(patcher, GENSYM("iterate"), (method)PlugOutIterateSetupCallback, self, PI_DEEP, &result);
	return kTTErrNone;
Beispiel #27
void HoaDecode_reconnect_outlet(t_HoaDecode *x)
	t_object *patcher;
	t_object *decoder;
    t_object *object;
    t_object *line;
	t_max_err err;
	err = object_obex_lookup(x, gensym("#P"), (t_object **)&patcher);
	if (err != MAX_ERR_NONE)
	err = object_obex_lookup(x, gensym("#B"), (t_object **)&decoder);
	if (err != MAX_ERR_NONE)
    for (line = jpatcher_get_firstline(patcher); line; line = jpatchline_get_nextline(line))
        if (jpatchline_get_box1(line) == decoder)
            object = jpatchline_get_box2(line);
            for(int i = 0; jbox_getinlet((t_jbox *)object, i) != NULL && i < x->f_AmbisonicsDecoder->getNumberOfOutputs(); i++)
                t_atom msg[4];
                t_atom rv;
                atom_setobj(msg, decoder);
                atom_setlong(msg + 1, i);
                atom_setobj(msg + 2, object);
                atom_setlong(msg + 3, i);
                object_method_typed(patcher , gensym("connect"), 4, msg, &rv);
Beispiel #28
void *iterator_new(t_symbol *s, long argc, t_atom *argv)
	t_iterator *x = NULL;

	if ((x = (t_iterator *)object_alloc(iterator_class))) {

		// Get a pointer to our patcher
		object_obex_lookup(x, gensym("#P"), &x->a_patcher);

		// The patcherview is not available when the object is created as a patcher is being read from disk,
		// so we have to defer to wait for it before getting it and attaching for notifications.
		defer_low(x, (method)iterator_attach, NULL, 0, NULL);
	return (x);
Beispiel #29
void HoaDecode_disconnect_outlet(t_HoaDecode *x)
	t_object *patcher;
	t_object *decoder;
    t_object *object;
    t_object *line;
	t_max_err err;
	err = object_obex_lookup(x, gensym("#P"), (t_object **)&patcher);
	if (err != MAX_ERR_NONE)
	err = object_obex_lookup(x, gensym("#B"), (t_object **)&decoder);
	if (err != MAX_ERR_NONE)
    for (line = jpatcher_get_firstline(patcher); line; line = jpatchline_get_nextline(line))
        if (jpatchline_get_box1(line) == decoder)
            object = jpatchline_get_box2(line);
            if(jpatchline_get_inletnum(line) != 0 && jpatchline_get_outletnum(line) != 0)
                t_atom msg[4];
                t_atom rv;
                atom_setobj(msg, decoder);
                atom_setlong(msg + 1, jpatchline_get_outletnum(line));
                atom_setobj(msg + 2, object);
                atom_setlong(msg + 3, jpatchline_get_inletnum(line));
                object_method_typed(patcher , gensym("disconnect"), 4, msg, &rv);
Beispiel #30
void HoaDecode_send_angles(t_HoaDecode *x)
	t_object *patcher;
	t_object *decoder;
    t_object *object;
    t_object *line;
	t_max_err err;
	err = object_obex_lookup(x, gensym("#P"), (t_object **)&patcher);
	if (err != MAX_ERR_NONE)
	err = object_obex_lookup(x, gensym("#B"), (t_object **)&decoder);
	if (err != MAX_ERR_NONE)
    for (line = jpatcher_get_firstline(patcher); line; line = jpatchline_get_nextline(line))
        if (jpatchline_get_box1(line) == decoder)
            object = jpatchline_get_box2(line);
            t_symbol* classname = object_classname(jbox_get_object(object));
            if(classname == gensym("hoa.meter~") || classname == gensym("hoa.gain~") || classname == gensym("hoa.vector~"))
                long    argc = x->f_AmbisonicsDecoder->getNumberOfOutputs();
                t_atom *argv = new t_atom[argc];
                for(int i = 0; i < argc; i++)
                    atom_setfloat(argv+i, x->f_AmbisonicsDecoder->getLoudspeakerAngle(i));
                object_method_typed(jbox_get_object(object), gensym("angles"), argc, argv, NULL);