Beispiel #1
    svd_result ( Input& xpr, char jobu, char jobvt)
      : jobu_(jobu)
      , jobvt_(jobvt)
      , a_(xpr)
      , aa_(xpr)
      , m_( nt2::height(xpr) )
      , n_( nt2::width(xpr)  )
      , lda_( a_.leading_size() )
      , info_(0)
      BOOST_ASSERT_MSG((jobvt_ != 'O' || jobu_ != 'O'),
                        "jobu and jobvt cannot be 'O' simultaneously");
      ldu_  = (jobu_== 'N') ? 1 : m_;
      ucol_ = (jobu_== 'S'||jobu_== 'O') ? nt2::min(n_, m_) : ((jobu_== 'N') ? 1 : m_);

      vtcol_  = (jobvt_== 'N') ? 1 : n_;
      ldvt_   = (jobvt_== 'S'||jobvt_== 'O') ? nt2::min(n_, m_) : ((jobvt_== 'N') ? 1 : n_);
      u_.resize(of_size(ldu_, ucol_));
      ldu_ = u_.leading_size();
      vt_.resize(of_size(ldvt_, vtcol_));
      ldvt_ = vt_.leading_size();
      w_.resize(of_size(nt2::min(n_, m_), 1));
      nt2::details::gesvd(&jobu_, &jobvt_, &m_, &n_, aa_.raw(), &lda_,
                          w_.raw(), u_.raw(), &ldu_,
                          vt_.raw(), &ldvt_, &info_, wrk_);
Beispiel #2
 balance_result ( Input& xpr, char job/* = 'B'*/)
     : job_(job)
     , a_(xpr)
     , aa_(xpr)
     , ipi_(of_size(0, 0))
     , n_( nt2::height(a_)  )
     , lda_( a_.leading_size() )
     , t_(of_size(n_, n_))
     , invt_(of_size(0, 0))
     , ilo_(0)
     , ihi_(0)
     , scale_(of_size(1, n_))
     , info_(0)
                      "matrix to balance must be square");
     nt2::details::gebal(&job_, &n_, aa_.raw(), &lda_,
                         &ilo_, &ihi_, scale_.raw(),
     t_ = nt2::eye(n_, n_, meta::as_<type_t>());
     nt2_la_int ldt = t_.leading_size();
     char side =  'R';
     nt2::details::gebak(&job_, &side, &n_,
                         &ilo_, &ihi_, scale_.raw(),
                         &n_, t_.raw(), &ldt, &info_);
Beispiel #3
      static tab_t
      getpadecoefficients(const size_t & m)
        //  getpadecoefficients coefficients of numerator p of pade approximant
        //     c = getpadecoefficients returns coefficients of numerator
        //     of [m/m] pade approximant, where m = 3,5,7,9,13.
        const T m3[] = {T(120), T(60), T(12), T(1)};
        const T m5[] = {T(30240), T(15120), T(3360), T(420), T(30), T(1)};
        const T m7[] = {T(17297280), T(8648640), T(1995840), T(277200), T(25200), T(1512), T(56), T(1)};
        const T m9[] = {T(17643225600), T(8821612800), T(2075673600), T(302702400), T(30270240),
                        T(2162160), T(110880), T(3960), T(90), T(1)};
        const T m13[] = {T(64764752532480000), T(32382376266240000), T(7771770303897600),
                         T(1187353796428800),  T(129060195264000),   T(10559470521600),
                         T(670442572800),      T(33522128640),       T(1323241920),
                         T(40840800),          T(960960),            T(16380), T(182),  T(1)};
        static tab_t v;

        switch (m)
        case 3: v = tab_t(of_size(4, 1), &m3[0], &m3[0]+4); return v;
        case 5: v = tab_t(of_size(6, 1), &m5[0], &m5[0]+6); return v;
        case 7: v = tab_t(of_size(8, 1), &m7[0], &m7[0]+8); return v;
        case 9: v = tab_t(of_size(10, 1), &m9[0], &m9[0]+10); return v;
        case 13:v = tab_t(of_size(14, 1), &m13[0], &m13[0]+14); return v;
        v = nt2::zeros(0, 1, meta::as_<T>()); return v;
Beispiel #4
 combine_eigens(const T& wr,  const T& wi, A0& w)
   typedef typename A0::value_type type_t;
   int n = numel(wr);
   w.resize(of_size(n, 1));
   nt2::container::table<type_t, nt2::shared_> sw(of_size(n, 1), share(,;
   sw = tocomplex(wr, wi);
Beispiel #5
    result_type operator()(A0& out, const A1& in) const
      size_t n =  boost::proto::child_c<0>(in);
      value_type fn =  value_type(n);
      table<value_type> ns =  nt2::cons(of_size(1, 3), fn, fn/12, fn/20);
      table<i_type> ee(nt2::of_size(1, 3));
      table<value_type> ff(nt2::of_size(1, 3));
//      nt2::frexp(ns, ff, ee);
      nt2::frexp(ns(1), ff(1), ee(1));
      nt2::frexp(ns(2), ff(2), ee(2));
      nt2::frexp(ns(3), ff(3), ee(3));
      BOOST_AUTO_TPL(kk, nt2::find(nt2::logical_and(eq(ff, nt2::Half<value_type>()), is_gtz(ee))));
      BOOST_ASSERT_MSG(!nt2::isempty(kk), "n must be of form 2^m or  12*2^m or 20*2^m");
      size_t k =  kk(1);
      i_type e = nt2::minusone(ee(k));
      out.resize(nt2::of_size(n, n));
      table<value_type> h;
      if (k == 1) //    n = 1 * 2^e;
        h = nt2::One<value_type>();
      else if ( k == 2) // N = 12 * 2^e;
        h = nt2::vertcat(nt2::ones(1,12,meta::as_<value_type>()),
                                      nt2::toeplitz(cons<value_type>(of_size(1, 11), -1, -1,  1, -1, -1, -1,  1,  1,  1, -1,  1),
                                                    cons<value_type>(of_size(1, 11), -1,  1, -1,  1,  1,  1, -1, -1, -1,  1, -1)
      else if ( k == 3) // N = 20 * 2^e;
          h = vertcat(nt2::ones(1,20,meta::as_<value_type>()),
                              nt2::hankel(cons<value_type>(of_size(1, 19),-1, -1, 1, 1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 1, -1, 1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, -1, -1, 1),
                                          cons<value_type>(of_size(1, 19),1, -1, -1, 1, 1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 1, -1, 1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, -1, -1)
      //  Kronecker product construction.
      for (i_type i = 1; i <= e; ++i)
        table<value_type> h1 =  nt2::vertcat(nt2::horzcat(h, h), nt2::horzcat(h, -h));
        h =  h1;  //ALIASING
      out =  h;
      return out;
Beispiel #6
 /// INTERNAL ONLY: 3o 3i
 void eval3_3( A0& a0, A1& a1
              ,  nt2::policy<ext::vector_>  const &
              ,  nt2::policy<ext::balance_> const &
              ) const
   nt2::container::table<type_t> work;
   NT2_AS_TERMINAL_INOUT(desired_semantic,  a, boost::proto::child_c<0>(a0), work);
   NT2_AS_TERMINAL_OUT  (desired_semantic, vr, boost::proto::child_c<0>(a1));
   NT2_AS_TERMINAL_OUT  (desired_semantic, vl, boost::proto::child_c<2>(a1));
   NT2_AS_TERMINAL_OUT  (desired_semantic,  w, boost::proto::child_c<1>(a1));
   nt2_la_int ilo, ihi;
   nt2_la_int n = height(a);
   nt2::container::table<rtype_t> scale(of_size(n, 1));
                          , boost::proto::value(scale)
                          , ilo, ihi, 'B'));
   tie(vr, w, vl) = nseig(a, nt2::policy<ext::vector_>(), nt2::policy<ext::no_balance_>());
                          , ilo, ihi, 'B', 'R'));
                          , boost::proto::value(scale)
                          , ilo, ihi, 'B', 'L'));
   boost::proto::child_c<1>(a1) = w;
   boost::proto::child_c<0>(a1) = vr;
   boost::proto::child_c<2>(a1) = vl;
Beispiel #7
    svd_solve_result(Input& a,
                     const B& b,
                     const rtype_t & rcond = rtype_t(-1))
      : a_(a)
      const nt2_la_int ml   = size(a_, 1);
      const nt2_la_int nl   = size(a_, 2);
      const nt2_la_int nrhs = size(b, 2);
      const nt2_la_int lda  = a_.leading_size();
      //      const nt2_la_int ldb  = b.leading_size();
      rtab_t s(of_size(nt2::min(ml, nl), 1));

      // typically is a non-square, so we need to create tmp x because is
      //  x is n x nrhs, while b is m x nrhs.  we need to make copies of
      //  these so that the routine won't corrupt data around x and b

      if (ml != nl)
          nt2_la_int mm =  std::max(std::max(ml,nl),1);
          x_ = nt2::expand(b, nt2::of_size(mm, nrhs));
          nt2_la_int ldx_ =  x_.leading_size();
          nt2::details::gelsd(&ml, &nl, &nrhs, a_.raw(), &lda, x_.raw(), &ldx_,
                              s.raw(), &rcond, &rank_, &info_);
          x_ = x_(_(1, nl), _(1, nrhs));
          //          BOOST_ASSERT_MSG(info!= 0, "lapack error : gelsd in solve_svd_ip(1)");
          x_ = b;
          nt2_la_int ldx_ =  x_.leading_size();
          nt2::details::gelsd(&ml, &nl, &nrhs, a_.raw(), &lda, x_.raw(), &ldx_,
                              s.raw(), &rcond, &rank_, &info_);
          //          BOOST_ASSERT_MSG(info == 0, "lapack error : gelsd in solve_svd_ip(2)");
Beispiel #8
  template<class TAG, class F, class X> BOOST_FORCEINLINE
  typename details::integration<F, X, TAG>::result_type
  primitive(F f, X x)
    typedef details::integration<F, X, TAG>        i_t;
    typedef typename i_t::input_t              input_t;
    typedef typename i_t::result_t            result_t;
    typedef typename i_t::real_t                real_t;
    typedef container::table<input_t>           itab_t;
    typedef container::table<result_t>          rtab_t;
    typedef typename details::h2_t<input_t>::ab_t ab_t;
    typedef typename i_t::result_type      result_type;

    size_t nbres = nt2::numel(x);
    rtab_t res(of_size(1, nbres));
    real_t  err = Zero<real_t>();
    size_t warn = 0;
    size_t fcnt = 0;
    if (numel(x) == 0)
      result_type r = { nt2::zeros(nt2::of_size(1, 0)), err, 0, true, 0};
      return r;
    res(1) =  nt2::Zero<result_t>();
    for(size_t i=2; i <= nbres; i++)
      BOOST_AUTO_TPL(r, (details::integration<F, ab_t, TAG>::call(f, nt2::cath(x(i-1), x(i)))));
      res(i) = res(i-1)+r.integrals(end_);
      err  = nt2::max(err, r.errors);
      warn = nt2::max(warn, r.warning);
      fcnt += r.eval_count;
    result_type r = { res, err, fcnt, warn == 0, warn};
    return r;
Beispiel #9
 void inverse(T1& ip) const
   T1 inv(of_size(1, numel(ip)));
   inv(ip) =  nt2::_(nt2_la_int(1), nt2_la_int(numel(ip)));
   assign_swap(ip, inv);
Beispiel #10
 schur_result ( Input& xpr
                , char jobvs/* = 'V'*/
                , char sort /* = 'N'*/
                , char sense/* = 'N'*/)
   : jobvs_(jobvs)
   , sort_(sort)
   , sense_(sense)
   , a_(xpr)
   , aa_(xpr)
   , n_(nt2::height(xpr))
   , lda_(a_.leading_size())
   BOOST_ASSERT_MSG(issquare(aa_), "Error using schur. Matrix must be square.");
   jobvs_ = (sense_ == 'E' || sense_ == 'B') ? 'V':jobvs_;
   sort_ = (sense_ == 'E') ? 'S' : sort_;
   ldvs_ = (jobvs_ == 'V') ? n_ : 1;
   w_.resize(nt2::of_size(n_, 1));
   vs_.resize(of_size(ldvs_, ldvs_));
   ldvs_ = vs_.leading_size();
   nt2::details::geesx(&jobvs_, &sort_, &nt2::details::selectall , &sense_, &n_,
                       aa_.raw(), &lda_, &sdim_, w_.raw(),
                       vs_.raw(), &ldvs_,
                       &rconde_, &rcondv_,
                       &info_, wrk_);
Beispiel #11
 static const rtab_t& c1()
   static const real_t alpha = nt2::Sqrt_2o_3<real_t>();
   static const real_t beta = nt2::Sqrt_1o_5<real_t>();
   static const real_t cc1[] = {-alpha, -beta, Zero<real_t>(), beta, alpha};
   static const rtab_t c(of_size(1, 5), &cc1[0], &cc1[5]);
   return c;
Beispiel #12
 /// INTERNAL ONLY: 2o 2i
 void eval2_2 ( A0& a0, A1& a1
              , nt2::policy<ext::matrix_> const &
              ) const
   nt2::container::table<type_t> work;
   NT2_AS_TERMINAL_INOUT(desired_semantic,  a, boost::proto::child_c<0>(a0), work);
   NT2_AS_TERMINAL_OUT  (desired_semantic, vr, boost::proto::child_c<0>(a1));
   size_t n = height(a);
   nt2::container::table<ctype_t> w(of_size(n, 1));
   vr.resize(of_size(n, n));
   NT2_LAPACK_VERIFY(nt2::geev_wvr( boost::proto::value(a)
                                  , boost::proto::value(w)
                                  , boost::proto::value(vr)
   boost::proto::child_c<1>(a1) = from_diag(w);
   boost::proto::child_c<0>(a1) = vr;
Beispiel #13
 static const tab_t& theta(const float&){
   static const float theta_[] = {
     4.258730016922831e-001f, //m_vals = 3
     1.880152677804762e+000f, //m_vals = 5
     3.925724783138660e+000f  //m_vals = 7
   static const tab_t v( of_size(3, 1), &theta_[0], &theta_[0]+3);
   return v;
Beispiel #14
 BOOST_FORCEINLINE result_type operator()(A0 const& l, A0 const & u,  A1 const &n, A2 const &) const
   return  boost::proto::
           make_expr < nt2::tag::logspace_
                     , container::domain
                     > ( boxify(of_size(1,n))
                       , boxify(nt2::details::logspace<A0>(l,u,n))
                       , meta::as_<A0>()
Beispiel #15
 ldl_result ( char uplo/* = 'U'*/
            , Input& xpr
            , typename boost::
              disable_if_c<boost::is_same<ldl_result,Input>::value>::type* = 0
   : uplo_(uplo == 'L' ? 'L':'U')
   , a_(xpr)
   , ldl_(xpr)
   , n_( nt2::width(xpr)  )
   , ldldl_( ldl_.leading_size() )
   , ipiv_(nt2::of_size(n_, 1))
   , info_(0)
   , p_(of_size(0, 1))
   , ip_(of_size(0, 1))
   , pl_(of_size(0, 1))
   , invt_(of_size(0, 1))
   nt2::details::hstrf(&uplo_, &n_, ldl_.raw(), &ldldl_, ipiv_.raw(), &info_, w_);
Beispiel #16
 combine_vects(const T1& rv, const T2& wi, A0& v)
   typedef typename A0::value_type type_t;
   int n = height(rv);
   v.resize(of_size(n, n));
   nt2::container::table<type_t, nt2::shared_> sv(of_size(n, n), share(,;
   for(int j=1; j <= n; ++j)
       sv(nt2::_, j  ) = tocomplex(rv(nt2::_, j), rv(nt2::_, j+1));
       sv(nt2::_, j+1) = conj(sv(nt2::_, j));
       sv(nt2::_, j) = rv(nt2::_, j);
Beispiel #17
 operator()(A0 const& l, A0 const& s, A0 const& u) const
   std::size_t n = (s) ?((u>l)? ((u-l+s)/s) : 0) : u;
   return boost::proto::make_expr< nt2::tag::colon_
                                 , container::domain
                                 > ( boxify(of_size(1,n))
                                   , boxify(nt2::details::colon<A0>(l,s))
                                   , meta::as_<A0>()
Beispiel #18
 static const tab_t& theta(const double&){
   static const double theta_[] = {
     1.495585217958292e-002,//  m_vals = 3
     2.539398330063230e-001,//  m_vals = 5
     9.504178996162932e-001,//  m_vals = 7
     2.097847961257068e+000,//  m_vals = 9
     5.371920351148152e+000 //  m_vals = 13
   static const tab_t v( of_size(5, 1),&theta_[0], &theta_[0]+5);
   return v;
Beispiel #19
 /// INTERNAL ONLY: 1i 1o: x  = qr(a)
 void eval1_1 ( A0& a0, A1& a1
                , const nt2::policy<ext::raw_>&
                ) const
   NT2_AS_TERMINAL_INOUT(o_semantic, r
                        , boost::proto::child_c<0>(a0), boost::proto::child_c<0>(a1));
   o_semantic tau(of_size(height(r), 1));
   NT2_LAPACK_VERIFY(nt2::geqrf( boost::proto::value(r)
                               , tau));
   assign_swap(boost::proto::child_c<0>(a1), r);
Beispiel #20
 rref_result ( Input& xpr, base_t tol)
   : tol_(tol)
   , a_(xpr)
   , n_( nt2::height(a_)  )
   , m_( nt2::width(a_)  )
   , jb_(of_size(1, n_))
   BOOST_ASSERT_MSG(ismatrix(a_), "input to rref must be matrix");
   if (tol < Zero<type_t>()) tol = nt2::max(m_,n_)*nt2::Eps<base_t>()*nt2::norm(a_,'I');
   itype_t i = 1, j = 1;
   itype_t k = 0;
   type_t p;
   itype_t cnt = 1;
   while(i <= m_ && j <= n_)
     //          tie(p, k) =  nt2::max(nt2::abs(a_(_(i, m_),j))); //TODO
     p = nt2::max(nt2::abs(a_(_(i, m_),j)))(1);
     for(int l = i; l <= m_; ++l) if (nt2::abs(a_(l, j)) == p) { k = l; break; }
     //k = k+i-1;
     if (p <= tol)
       // the column is negligible, zero it out.
       a_(_(i, m_),j) = nt2::zeros(m_-i+1, 1, meta::as_<type_t>());
       // remember column index
       //jb_ = cath(jb_, j); //TODO
       jb_(cnt) = j; ++cnt;
       // swap i-th and k-th rows.
       tab_t tmp = a_(i, _(j, n_));
       a_(i, _(j, n_)) = a_(k, _(j, n_));
       a_(k, _(j, n_)) = tmp;
       //              a_(cath(i, k),_(j, n)) = a_(cath(k, i),_(j, n));
       // divide the pivot row by the pivot element.
       type_t tmp1 =  a_(i, j);
       a_(i,_(j, n_)) = a_(i,_(j, n_))/tmp1;
       // subtract multiples of the pivot row from all the other rows.
       for (itype_t kk = 1; kk <= m_; ++kk)//[1:i-1 i+1:m]
         if (kk!=i)
           type_t tmp2 = a_(kk,j);
           a_(kk,_(j, n_)) = a_(kk,_(j, n_))- tmp2*a_(i,_(j, n_));
       ++i; ++j;
   jb_ =  nt2::expand(jb_, 1, --cnt);
Beispiel #21
 /// INTERNAL ONLY: 1o 2i
 void eval1_2 ( A0& a0, A1& a1
              , nt2::policy<ext::vector_> const &
              ) const
   nt2::container::table<type_t> work;
   NT2_AS_TERMINAL_INOUT(desired_semantic, a, boost::proto::child_c<0>(a0), work);
   NT2_AS_TERMINAL_OUT  (desired_semantic, w, boost::proto::child_c<0>(a1));
   w.resize(of_size(height(a), 1));
   NT2_LAPACK_VERIFY(nt2::geev_w( boost::proto::value(a)
                                , boost::proto::value(w)));
   boost::proto::child_c<0>(a1) = w;
Beispiel #22
 /// INTERNAL ONLY: 1i 1o raw_
 void eval1_1 ( A0& a0, A1& a1
                , const nt2::policy<ext::raw_>&
                ) const
                        , lu, boost::proto::child_c<0>(a0)
                        , boost::proto::child_c<0>(a1));
   nt2::container::table<nt2_la_int> ls(of_size(dim(lu), 1));
   CHECK_LAPACK_LU_SUCCESS((nt2::getrf( boost::proto::value(lu)
                                      , boost::proto::value(ls))));
   assign_swap(boost::proto::child_c<0>(a1), lu);
Beispiel #23
 /// INTERNAL ONLY: 2i 1o upper_: x  = qr(a, upper_)
 void eval2_1 ( A0& a0, A1& a1
                , const nt2::policy<ext::upper_>&
                ) const
    nt2::container::table<type_t> work;
                         , r, boost::proto::child_c<0>(a0), work);
    o_semantic tau(of_size(height(r), 1));
    NT2_LAPACK_VERIFY(nt2::geqrf( boost::proto::value(r)
    boost::proto::child_c<0>(a1) = triu(r);
Beispiel #24
 /// INTERNAL ONLY: 1o 2i
 void eval1_2 ( A0& a0, A1& a1
              , nt2::policy<ext::matrix_> const &
              ) const
   nt2::container::table<type_t> work;
   NT2_AS_TERMINAL_INOUT(desired_semantic, a, boost::proto::child_c<0>(a0), work);
   nt2::container::table <ctype_t, _2D > w(of_size(height(a), 1));
   NT2_LAPACK_VERIFY(nt2::geev_w( boost::proto::value(a)
                               , boost::proto::value(w)
   boost::proto::child_c<0>(a1) = from_diag(w); //from_diag doesnt support aliasing currently
Beispiel #25
 /// INTERNAL ONLY: 3o 2i
 void eval3_2 ( A0& a0, A1& a1
              , nt2::policy<ext::vector_> const &
              ) const
   nt2::container::table<type_t> work;
   NT2_AS_TERMINAL_INOUT(desired_semantic,  a, boost::proto::child_c<0>(a0), work);
   NT2_AS_TERMINAL_OUT  (desired_semantic, vr, boost::proto::child_c<0>(a1));
   NT2_AS_TERMINAL_OUT  (desired_semantic,  w, boost::proto::child_c<1>(a1));
   NT2_AS_TERMINAL_OUT  (desired_semantic, vl, boost::proto::child_c<2>(a1));
   size_t n = height(a);
   vr.resize(of_size(n, n));
   vl.resize(of_size(n, n));
   w.resize(of_size(n, 1));
   NT2_LAPACK_VERIFY(nt2::geev_wvrvl( boost::proto::value(a)
                                    , boost::proto::value(w)
                                    , boost::proto::value(vr)
                                    , boost::proto::value(vl)
   boost::proto::child_c<1>(a1) = w;
   boost::proto::child_c<0>(a1) = vr;
   boost::proto::child_c<2>(a1) = vl;
Beispiel #26
 /// INTERNAL ONLY: 2i 2o raw_: tie(x, tau) = qr(a, raw_)
 void eval2_2 ( A0& a0, A1& a1
                , const nt2::policy<ext::raw_>&
                ) const
   NT2_AS_TERMINAL_INOUT(o_semantic, x
                        , boost::proto::child_c<0>(a0), boost::proto::child_c<0>(a1));
   NT2_AS_TERMINAL_OUT(o_semantic, tau
                      , boost::proto::child_c<1>(a1));
   tau.resize(of_size(dim(x), 1));
   NT2_LAPACK_VERIFY(nt2::geqrf( boost::proto::value(x)
                               , boost::proto::value(tau)));
   assign_swap(boost::proto::child_c<0>(a1), x);
   assign_swap(boost::proto::child_c<1>(a1), tau);
Beispiel #27
 /// INTERNAL ONLY: 2i 3o
 void eval2_3 ( A0& a0, A1& a1
                , const nt2::policy<ext::matrix_>&
                ) const
   nt2::container::table<type_t> work;
   NT2_AS_TERMINAL_INOUT(o_semantic, lu
                        , boost::proto::child_c<0>(a0), work);
   std::size_t d  = dim(lu);
   nt2::container::table<nt2_la_int> ls(of_size(d, 1)), ip;
   CHECK_LAPACK_LU_SUCCESS(nt2::getrf( boost::proto::value(lu)
                                     , boost::proto::value(ls)));
   construct_ip(ls, ip, height(lu));
   boost::proto::child_c<1>(a1) = nt2::triu(lu( nt2::_(1, d), nt2::_) );
   boost::proto::child_c<0>(a1) = nt2::tri1l(lu(nt2::_, nt2::_(1, d) ) );
   boost::proto::child_c<2>(a1) = eye(height(lu), nt2::meta::as_<rtype_t>())(nt2::_, ip);
Beispiel #28
 void eval1_2 ( A0& a0, A1& a1
                , const T &
                ) const
   NT2_AS_TERMINAL_INOUT(o_semantic, lu
                        , boost::proto::child_c<0>(a0)
                        , boost::proto::child_c<1>(a1));
   std::size_t d  = dim(lu);
   nt2::container::table<nt2_la_int> ls(of_size(d, 1));
   CHECK_LAPACK_LU_SUCCESS(nt2::getrf( boost::proto::value(lu)
                                     , boost::proto::value(ls)));
   nt2::container::table<nt2_la_int> ip;
   construct_ip(ls, ip, height(lu));
   boost::proto::child_c<0>(a1) = nt2::tri1l(lu(nt2::_, nt2::_(1, d) ) )(ip, nt2::_);
   boost::proto::child_c<1>(a1) = nt2::triu(lu( nt2::_(1, d), nt2::_) );
Beispiel #29
  /// INTERNAL ONLY: 3o 3i
 void eval3_3( A0& a0, A1& a1
              ,  nt2::policy<ext::matrix_>  const &
              ,  nt2::policy<ext::no_balance_> const &
              ) const
   nt2::container::table<type_t> work;
   NT2_AS_TERMINAL_INOUT(desired_semantic,  a, boost::proto::child_c<0>(a0), work);
   NT2_AS_TERMINAL_OUT  (desired_semantic, vr, boost::proto::child_c<0>(a1));
   NT2_AS_TERMINAL_OUT  (desired_semantic, vl, boost::proto::child_c<2>(a1));
   nt2_la_int n = height(a);
   nt2::container::table<ctype_t> w(of_size(n, 1));
   tie( vr, w, vl) = nseig(a, nt2::policy<ext::vector_>());
   boost::proto::child_c<1>(a1) =  from_diag(w);
   boost::proto::child_c<0>(a1) = vr;
   boost::proto::child_c<2>(a1) = vl;
Beispiel #30
    /// INTERNAL ONLY: 1i 2o raw_
    void eval1_2 ( A0& a0, A1& a1
                   , const nt2::policy<ext::raw_>&
                   ) const
      typedef nt2::memory::container<tag::table_, nt2_la_int, nt2::_2D> i_semantic;
                           , lu, boost::proto::child_c<0>(a0)
                           , boost::proto::child_c<0>(a1));
      NT2_AS_TERMINAL_OUT(i_semantic, ls
                         , boost::proto::child_c<1>(a1));

      ls.resize(of_size(dim(lu), 1));
      CHECK_LAPACK_LU_SUCCESS(nt2::getrf( boost::proto::value(lu)
                                        , boost::proto::value(ls)));
      assign_swap(boost::proto::child_c<0>(a1), lu);
      assign_swap(boost::proto::child_c<1>(a1), ls);