Beispiel #1
void omxGlobal::reportProgress(const char *context, FitContext *fc)
	if (omx_absolute_thread_num() != 0) {
		mxLog("omxGlobal::reportProgress called in a thread context (report this bug to developers)");


	time_t now = time(0);
	if (Global->maxSeconds > 0 && now > Global->startTime + Global->maxSeconds && !Global->timedOut) {
		Global->timedOut = true;
		Rf_warning("Time limit of %d minutes %d seconds exceeded",
			   Global->maxSeconds/60, Global->maxSeconds % 60);
	if (silent || now - lastProgressReport < 1 || fc->getGlobalComputeCount() == previousComputeCount) return;

	lastProgressReport = now;

	std::string str;
	if (previousReportFit == 0.0 || previousReportFit == fc->fit) {
		str = string_snprintf("%s %d %.6g",
				      context, fc->getGlobalComputeCount(), fc->fit);
	} else {
		str = string_snprintf("%s %d %.6g %.4g",
				      context, fc->getGlobalComputeCount(), fc->fit, fc->fit - previousReportFit);

	previousReportLength = str.size();
	previousReportFit = fc->fit;
	previousComputeCount = fc->getGlobalComputeCount();
Beispiel #2
void omxSadmvnWrapper(omxFitFunction *oo, omxMatrix *cov, omxMatrix *ordCov, 
	double *corList, double *lThresh, double *uThresh, int *Infin, double *likelihood, int *inform) {
    // SADMVN calls Alan Genz's sadmvn.f--see appropriate file for licensing info.
   	// TODO: Check with Genz: should we be using sadmvn or sadmvn?
   	// Parameters are:
   	// 	N 		int			# of vars
   	//	Lower	double*		Array of lower bounds
   	//	Upper	double*		Array of upper bounds
   	//	Infin	int*		Array of flags: 0 = (-Inf, upper] 1 = [lower, Inf), 2 = [lower, upper]
   	//	Correl	double*		Array of correlation coeffs: in row-major lower triangular order
   	//	MaxPts	int			Maximum # of function values (use 1000*N or 1000*N*N)
   	//	Abseps	double		Absolute Rf_error tolerance.  Yick.
   	//	Releps	double		Relative Rf_error tolerance.  Use EPSILON.
   	//	Error	&double		On return: absolute real Rf_error, 99% confidence
   	//	Value	&double		On return: evaluated value
   	//	Inform	&int		On return: 0 = OK; 1 = Rerun, increase MaxPts; 2 = Bad input
   	// TODO: Separate block diagonal covariance matrices into pieces for integration separately
   	double Error;
	double absEps = Global->absEps;
	double relEps = Global->relEps;
	int MaxPts = Global->maxptsa + Global->maxptsb * cov->rows + Global->maxptsc * cov->rows * cov->rows;
	int numVars = ordCov->rows;
	int fortranThreadId = omx_absolute_thread_num() + 1;
    /*	numVars = 2;
   	lThresh[0] = -2;
   	uThresh[0] = -1.636364;
   	Infin[0] = 2;
   	lThresh[1] = 0;
   	uThresh[1] = 0;
   	Infin[1] = 0;
   	smallCor[0] = 1.0; smallCor[1] = 0; smallCor[2] = 1.0; */
   	F77_CALL(sadmvn)(&numVars, lThresh, uThresh, Infin, corList, &MaxPts, 
		&absEps, &relEps, &Error, likelihood, inform, &fortranThreadId);

   	if(OMX_DEBUG && !oo->matrix->currentState->currentRow) {
   		char infinCodes[3][20];
   		strcpy(infinCodes[0], "(-INF, upper]");
   		strcpy(infinCodes[1], "[lower, INF)");
   		strcpy(infinCodes[2], "[lower, upper]");
   		mxLog("Input to sadmvn is (%d rows):", numVars); //:::DEBUG:::
		omxPrint(ordCov, "Ordinal Covariance Matrix"); //:::DEBUG:::
		for(int i = 0; i < numVars; i++) {
			mxLog("Row %d: %f, %f, %d(%s)", i, lThresh[i], uThresh[i], Infin[i], infinCodes[Infin[i]]);

		mxLog("Cor: (Lower %d x %d):", cov->rows, cov->cols); //:::DEBUG:::
		for(int i = 0; i < cov->rows*(cov->rows-1)/2; i++) {
			// mxLog("Row %d of Cor: ", i);
			// for(int j = 0; j < i; j++)
			mxLog(" %f", corList[i]); // (i*(i-1)/2) + j]);
			// mxLog("");

	if(OMX_DEBUG) {
		mxLog("Output of sadmvn is %f, %f, %d.", Error, *likelihood, *inform); 
Beispiel #3
void mxLogBig(const std::string &str)   // thread-safe
	ssize_t len = ssize_t(str.size());
	if (len == 0) Rf_error("Attempt to log 0 characters with mxLogBig");

	std::string fullstr;
	if (mxLogCurrentRow == -1) {
		fullstr = string_snprintf("[%d] ", omx_absolute_thread_num());
	} else {
		fullstr = string_snprintf("[%d@%d] ", omx_absolute_thread_num(), mxLogCurrentRow);
	fullstr += str;
	len = ssize_t(fullstr.size());
	const char *outBuf = fullstr.c_str();
	ssize_t wrote = mxLogWriteSynchronous(outBuf, len);
	if (wrote != len) Rf_error("mxLogBig only wrote %d/%d, errno %d", wrote, len, errno);
Beispiel #4
void mxLog(const char* msg, ...)   // thread-safe
	const int maxLen = 240;
	char buf1[maxLen];
	char buf2[maxLen];

	va_list ap;
	va_start(ap, msg);
	vsnprintf(buf1, maxLen, msg, ap);

	int len;
	if (mxLogCurrentRow == -1) {
		len = snprintf(buf2, maxLen, "[%d] %s\n", omx_absolute_thread_num(), buf1);
	} else {
		len = snprintf(buf2, maxLen, "[%d@%d] %s\n", omx_absolute_thread_num(), mxLogCurrentRow, buf1);

	ssize_t wrote = mxLogWriteSynchronous(buf2, len);
	if (wrote != len) Rf_error("mxLog only wrote %d/%d, errno=%d", wrote, len, errno);
		void offDiag(int rx, int cx) {
			int threadId = omx_absolute_thread_num();
			cnd.omxEstimateHessianOffDiagonal(rx, cx, hessWorkVector + threadId);
		void onDiag(int ii) {
			int threadId = omx_absolute_thread_num();
			cnd.omxEstimateHessianOnDiagonal(ii, hessWorkVector + threadId);
Beispiel #7
static void gradCov(omxFitFunction *oo, FitContext *fc)
	const double Scale = Global->llScale;
	omxExpectation *expectation = oo->expectation;
	BA81FitState *state = (BA81FitState*) oo->argStruct;
	BA81Expect *estate = (BA81Expect*) expectation->argStruct;
	if (estate->verbose >= 1) mxLog("%s: cross product approximation", oo->name());

	estate->grp.ba81OutcomeProb(estate->itemParam->data, FALSE);

	const int numThreads = Global->numThreads;
	const int numUnique = estate->getNumUnique();
	ba81NormalQuad &quad = estate->getQuad();
	const int numSpecific = quad.numSpecific;
	const int maxDims = quad.maxDims;
	const int pDims = numSpecific? maxDims-1 : maxDims;
	const int maxAbilities = quad.maxAbilities;
	Eigen::MatrixXd icovMat(pDims, pDims);
	if (maxAbilities) {
		Eigen::VectorXd mean;
		Eigen::MatrixXd srcMat;
		estate->getLatentDistribution(fc, mean, srcMat);
		icovMat = srcMat.topLeftCorner(pDims, pDims);
		Matrix tmp(, pDims, pDims);
		int info = InvertSymmetricPosDef(tmp, 'U');
		if (info) {
			omxRaiseErrorf("%s: latent covariance matrix is not positive definite", oo->name());
		icovMat.triangularView<Eigen::Lower>() = icovMat.transpose().triangularView<Eigen::Lower>();
	std::vector<int> &rowMap = estate->grp.rowMap;
	double *rowWeight = estate->grp.rowWeight;
	std::vector<bool> &rowSkip = estate->grp.rowSkip;
	const int totalQuadPoints = quad.totalQuadPoints;
	omxMatrix *itemParam = estate->itemParam;
	omxBuffer<double> patternLik(numUnique);

	const int priDerivCoef = pDims + triangleLoc1(pDims);
	const int numLatents = maxAbilities + triangleLoc1(maxAbilities);
	const int thrDerivSize = itemParam->cols * state->itemDerivPadSize;
	const int totalOutcomes = estate->totalOutcomes();
	const int numItems = state->freeItemParams? estate->numItems() : 0;
	const size_t numParam = fc->varGroup->vars.size();
	std::vector<double> thrGrad(numThreads * numParam);
	std::vector<double> thrMeat(numThreads * numParam * numParam);
	const double *wherePrep =;

	if (numSpecific == 0) {
		omxBuffer<double> thrLxk(totalQuadPoints * numThreads);
		omxBuffer<double> derivCoef(totalQuadPoints * priDerivCoef);

		if (state->freeLatents) {
#pragma omp parallel for num_threads(numThreads)
			for (int qx=0; qx < totalQuadPoints; qx++) {
				const double *where = wherePrep + qx * maxDims;
				calcDerivCoef(fc, state, estate,, where,
	 + qx * priDerivCoef);

#pragma omp parallel for num_threads(numThreads)
		for (int px=0; px < numUnique; px++) {
			if (rowSkip[px]) continue;
			int thrId = omx_absolute_thread_num();
			double *lxk = + thrId * totalQuadPoints;
			omxBuffer<double> expected(totalOutcomes); // can use maxOutcomes instead TODO
			std::vector<double> deriv0(thrDerivSize);
			std::vector<double> latentGrad(numLatents);
			std::vector<double> patGrad(numParam);
			double *grad = + thrId * numParam;
			double *meat = + thrId * numParam * numParam;
			estate->grp.ba81LikelihoodSlow2(px, lxk);

			// If patternLik is already valid, maybe could avoid this loop TODO
			double patternLik1 = 0;
			for (int qx=0; qx < totalQuadPoints; qx++) {
				patternLik1 += lxk[qx];
			patternLik[px] = patternLik1;

			// if (!validPatternLik(state, patternLik1))  complain, TODO

			for (int qx=0; qx < totalQuadPoints; qx++) {
				double tmp = lxk[qx];
				mapLatentDeriv(state, estate, tmp, + qx * priDerivCoef,

				for (int ix=0; ix < numItems; ++ix) {
					int pick = estate->grp.dataColumns[ix][rowMap[px]];
					if (pick == NA_INTEGER) continue;
					OMXZERO(, estate->itemOutcomes(ix));
					expected[pick-1] = tmp;
					const double *spec = estate->itemSpec(ix);
					double *iparam = omxMatrixColumn(itemParam, ix);
					const int id = spec[RPF_ISpecID];
					double *myDeriv = + ix * state->itemDerivPadSize;
					(*Glibrpf_model[id].dLL1)(spec, iparam, wherePrep + qx * maxDims,
			, myDeriv);

			gradCov_finish_1pat(1 / patternLik1, rowWeight[px], numItems, numLatents, numParam,
					state, estate, itemParam, deriv0, latentGrad, Scale, patGrad, grad, meat);
	} else {
		const int totalPrimaryPoints = quad.totalPrimaryPoints;
		const int specificPoints = quad.quadGridSize;
		omxBuffer<double> thrLxk(totalQuadPoints * numSpecific * numThreads);
		omxBuffer<double> thrEi(totalPrimaryPoints * numThreads);
		omxBuffer<double> thrEis(totalPrimaryPoints * numSpecific * numThreads);
		const int derivPerPoint = priDerivCoef + 2 * numSpecific;
		omxBuffer<double> derivCoef(totalQuadPoints * derivPerPoint);

		if (state->freeLatents) {
#pragma omp parallel for num_threads(numThreads)
			for (int qx=0; qx < totalQuadPoints; qx++) {
				const double *where = wherePrep + qx * maxDims;
				calcDerivCoef(fc, state, estate,, where,
	 + qx * derivPerPoint);
				for (int Sgroup=0; Sgroup < numSpecific; ++Sgroup) {
					calcDerivCoef1(fc, state, estate, where, Sgroup,
			 + qx * derivPerPoint + priDerivCoef + 2 * Sgroup);

#pragma omp parallel for num_threads(numThreads)
		for (int px=0; px < numUnique; px++) {
			if (rowSkip[px]) continue;
			int thrId = omx_absolute_thread_num();
			double *lxk = + totalQuadPoints * numSpecific * thrId;
			double *Ei = + totalPrimaryPoints * thrId;
			double *Eis = + totalPrimaryPoints * numSpecific * thrId;
			omxBuffer<double> expected(totalOutcomes); // can use maxOutcomes instead TODO
			std::vector<double> deriv0(thrDerivSize);
			std::vector<double> latentGrad(numLatents);
			std::vector<double> patGrad(numParam);
			double *grad = + thrId * numParam;
			double *meat = + thrId * numParam * numParam;
			estate->grp.cai2010EiEis(px, lxk, Eis, Ei);

			for (int qx=0, qloc = 0; qx < totalPrimaryPoints; qx++) {
				for (int sgroup=0; sgroup < numSpecific; ++sgroup) {
					Eis[qloc] = Ei[qx] / Eis[qloc];

			for (int qloc=0, eisloc=0, qx=0; eisloc < totalPrimaryPoints * numSpecific; eisloc += numSpecific) {
				for (int sx=0; sx < specificPoints; sx++) {
					mapLatentDeriv(state, estate, Eis[eisloc] * lxk[qloc],
			 + qx * derivPerPoint,

					for (int Sgroup=0; Sgroup < numSpecific; Sgroup++) {
						double lxk1 = lxk[qloc];
						double Eis1 = Eis[eisloc + Sgroup];
						double tmp = Eis1 * lxk1;
						mapLatentDerivS(state, estate, Sgroup, tmp, + qx * derivPerPoint + priDerivCoef + 2 * Sgroup,;

						for (int ix=0; ix < numItems; ++ix) {
							if (estate->grp.Sgroup[ix] != Sgroup) continue;
							int pick = estate->grp.dataColumns[ix][rowMap[px]];
							if (pick == NA_INTEGER) continue;
							OMXZERO(, estate->itemOutcomes(ix));
							expected[pick-1] = tmp;
							const double *spec = estate->itemSpec(ix);
							double *iparam = omxMatrixColumn(itemParam, ix);
							const int id = spec[RPF_ISpecID];
							const int dims = spec[RPF_ISpecDims];
							double *myDeriv = + ix * state->itemDerivPadSize;
							const double *where = wherePrep + qx * maxDims;
							Eigen::VectorXd ptheta(dims);
							for (int dx=0; dx < dims; dx++) {
								ptheta[dx] = where[std::min(dx, maxDims-1)];
							(*Glibrpf_model[id].dLL1)(spec, iparam,,
					, myDeriv);

			// If patternLik is already valid, maybe could avoid this loop TODO
			double patternLik1 = 0;
			for (int qx=0; qx < totalPrimaryPoints; ++qx) {
				patternLik1 += Ei[qx];
			patternLik[px] = patternLik1;

			gradCov_finish_1pat(1 / patternLik1, rowWeight[px], numItems, numLatents, numParam,
					state, estate, itemParam, deriv0, latentGrad, Scale, patGrad, grad, meat);

	for (int tx=1; tx < numThreads; ++tx) {
		double *th = + tx * numParam;
		for (size_t en=0; en < numParam; ++en) {
			thrGrad[en] += th[en];
	for (int tx=1; tx < numThreads; ++tx) {
		double *th = + tx * numParam * numParam;
		for (size_t en=0; en < numParam * numParam; ++en) {
			thrMeat[en] += th[en];
	for (size_t d1=0; d1 < numParam; ++d1) {
		fc->grad(d1) += thrGrad[d1];
	if (fc->infoB) {
		for (size_t d1=0; d1 < numParam; ++d1) {
			for (size_t d2=0; d2 < numParam; ++d2) {
				int cell = d1 * numParam + d2;
				fc->infoB[cell] += thrMeat[cell];
Beispiel #8
static void sandwich(omxFitFunction *oo, FitContext *fc)
	const double abScale = fabs(Global->llScale);
	omxExpectation *expectation = oo->expectation;
	BA81FitState *state = (BA81FitState*) oo->argStruct;
	BA81Expect *estate = (BA81Expect*) expectation->argStruct;
	if (estate->verbose >= 1) mxLog("%s: sandwich", oo->name());

	estate->grp.ba81OutcomeProb(estate->itemParam->data, FALSE);

	const int numThreads = Global->numThreads;
	const int numUnique = estate->getNumUnique();
	ba81NormalQuad &quad = estate->getQuad();
	const int numSpecific = quad.numSpecific;
	const int maxDims = quad.maxDims;
	std::vector<int> &rowMap = estate->grp.rowMap;
	double *rowWeight = estate->grp.rowWeight;
	std::vector<bool> &rowSkip = estate->grp.rowSkip;
	const int totalQuadPoints = quad.totalQuadPoints;
	omxMatrix *itemParam = estate->itemParam;
	omxBuffer<double> patternLik(numUnique);

	std::vector<const double*> &itemSpec = estate->grp.spec;
	const int totalOutcomes = estate->totalOutcomes();
	const int numItems = estate->grp.numItems();
	const size_t numParam = fc->varGroup->vars.size();
	const double *wherePrep =;
	std::vector<double> thrBreadG(numThreads * numParam * numParam);
	std::vector<double> thrBreadH(numThreads * numParam * numParam);
	std::vector<double> thrMeat(numThreads * numParam * numParam);

	if (numSpecific == 0) {
		omxBuffer<double> thrLxk(totalQuadPoints * numThreads);

#pragma omp parallel for num_threads(numThreads)
		for (int px=0; px < numUnique; px++) {
			if (rowSkip[px]) continue;
			int thrId = omx_absolute_thread_num();
			double *lxk = + thrId * totalQuadPoints;
			omxBuffer<double> itemDeriv(state->itemDerivPadSize);
			omxBuffer<double> expected(totalOutcomes); // can use maxOutcomes instead TODO
			double *breadG = + thrId * numParam * numParam; //a
			double *breadH = + thrId * numParam * numParam; //a
			double *meat = + thrId * numParam * numParam;   //b
			std::vector<double> patGrad(numParam);

			estate->grp.ba81LikelihoodSlow2(px, lxk);

			// If patternLik is already valid, maybe could avoid this loop TODO
			double patternLik1 = 0;
			for (int qx=0; qx < totalQuadPoints; qx++) {
				patternLik1 += lxk[qx];
			patternLik[px] = patternLik1;

			// if (!validPatternLik(state, patternLik1))  complain

			double weight = 1 / patternLik[px];
			for (int qx=0; qx < totalQuadPoints; qx++) {
				double tmp = lxk[qx] * weight;
				double sqrtTmp = sqrt(tmp);

				std::vector<double> gradBuf(numParam);
				int gradOffset = 0;

				for (int ix=0; ix < numItems; ++ix) {
					if (ix) gradOffset += state->paramPerItem[ix-1];
					int pick = estate->grp.dataColumns[ix][rowMap[px]];
					if (pick == NA_INTEGER) continue;
					pick -= 1;

					const int iOutcomes = estate->itemOutcomes(ix);
					OMXZERO(, iOutcomes);
					expected[pick] = 1;
					const double *spec = itemSpec[ix];
					double *iparam = omxMatrixColumn(itemParam, ix);
					const int id = spec[RPF_ISpecID];
					OMXZERO(, state->itemDerivPadSize);
					(*Glibrpf_model[id].dLL1)(spec, iparam, wherePrep + qx * maxDims,
					(*Glibrpf_model[id].dLL2)(spec, iparam,;

					for (int par = 0; par < state->paramPerItem[ix]; ++par) {
						int to = state->itemGradMap[gradOffset + par];
						if (to >= 0) {
							gradBuf[to] -= itemDeriv[par] * sqrtTmp;
							patGrad[to] -= itemDeriv[par] * tmp;
					int derivBase = ix * state->itemDerivPadSize;
					for (int ox=0; ox < state->itemDerivPadSize; ox++) {
						int to = state->paramMap[derivBase + ox];
						if (to >= int(numParam)) {
							int Hto = to - numParam;
							breadH[Hto] += abScale * itemDeriv[ox] * tmp * rowWeight[px];
				addSymOuterProd(abScale * rowWeight[px],, numParam, breadG);
			addSymOuterProd(abScale * rowWeight[px],, numParam, meat);

	} else {
		Rf_error("Sandwich information matrix method is not implemented for bifactor models");
		const int totalPrimaryPoints = quad.totalPrimaryPoints;
		const int specificPoints = quad.quadGridSize;
		omxBuffer<double> thrLxk(totalQuadPoints * numSpecific * numThreads);
		omxBuffer<double> thrEi(totalPrimaryPoints * numThreads);
		omxBuffer<double> thrEis(totalPrimaryPoints * numSpecific * numThreads);

#pragma omp parallel for num_threads(numThreads)
		for (int px=0; px < numUnique; px++) {
			if (rowSkip[px]) continue;
			int thrId = omx_absolute_thread_num();
			omxBuffer<double> expected(totalOutcomes); // can use maxOutcomes instead TODO
			omxBuffer<double> itemDeriv(state->itemDerivPadSize);
			double *breadG = + thrId * numParam * numParam; //a
			double *breadH = + thrId * numParam * numParam; //a
			double *meat = + thrId * numParam * numParam;   //b
			std::vector<double> patGrad(numParam);
			double *lxk = + totalQuadPoints * numSpecific * thrId;
			double *Ei = + totalPrimaryPoints * thrId;
			double *Eis = + totalPrimaryPoints * numSpecific * thrId;
			estate->grp.cai2010EiEis(px, lxk, Eis, Ei);

			// If patternLik is already valid, maybe could avoid this loop TODO
			double patternLik1 = 0;
			for (int qx=0; qx < totalPrimaryPoints; ++qx) {
				patternLik1 += Ei[qx];
			patternLik[px] = patternLik1;

			for (int qx=0, qloc = 0; qx < totalPrimaryPoints; qx++) {
				for (int sgroup=0; sgroup < numSpecific; ++sgroup) {
					Eis[qloc] = Ei[qx] / Eis[qloc];

			// WARNING: I didn't work out the math. I just coded this the way
			// it seems to make sense.
			for (int qloc=0, eisloc=0, qx=0; eisloc < totalPrimaryPoints * numSpecific; eisloc += numSpecific) {
				for (int sx=0; sx < specificPoints; sx++) {
					for (int Sgroup=0; Sgroup < numSpecific; Sgroup++) {
						std::vector<double> gradBuf(numParam);
						int gradOffset = 0;
						double lxk1 = lxk[qloc + Sgroup];
						double Eis1 = Eis[eisloc + Sgroup];
						double tmp = Eis1 * lxk1 / patternLik1;
						double sqrtTmp = sqrt(tmp);
						for (int ix=0; ix < numItems; ++ix) {
							if (ix) gradOffset += state->paramPerItem[ix-1];
							if (estate->grp.Sgroup[ix] != Sgroup) continue;
							int pick = estate->grp.dataColumns[ix][rowMap[px]];
							if (pick == NA_INTEGER) continue;
							OMXZERO(, estate->itemOutcomes(ix));
							expected[pick-1] = 1;
							const double *spec = itemSpec[ix];
							double *iparam = omxMatrixColumn(itemParam, ix);
							const int id = spec[RPF_ISpecID];
							const int dims = spec[RPF_ISpecDims];
							OMXZERO(, state->itemDerivPadSize);
							const double *where = wherePrep + qx * maxDims;
							Eigen::VectorXd ptheta(dims);
							for (int dx=0; dx < dims; dx++) {
								ptheta[dx] = where[std::min(dx, maxDims-1)];
							(*Glibrpf_model[id].dLL1)(spec, iparam,,
							(*Glibrpf_model[id].dLL2)(spec, iparam,;

							for (int par = 0; par < state->paramPerItem[ix]; ++par) {
								int to = state->itemGradMap[gradOffset + par];
								if (to >= 0) {
									gradBuf[to] -= itemDeriv[par] * sqrtTmp;
									patGrad[to] -= itemDeriv[par] * tmp;
							int derivBase = ix * state->itemDerivPadSize;
							for (int ox=0; ox < state->itemDerivPadSize; ox++) {
								int to = state->paramMap[derivBase + ox];
								if (to >= int(numParam)) {
									int Hto = to - numParam;
									breadH[Hto] += (abScale * itemDeriv[ox] *
											tmp * rowWeight[px]);
						addSymOuterProd(abScale * rowWeight[px],, numParam, breadG);
					qloc += numSpecific;
			addSymOuterProd(abScale * rowWeight[px],, numParam, meat);

	// only need upper triangle TODO
	for (int tx=1; tx < numThreads; ++tx) {
		double *th = + tx * numParam * numParam;
		for (size_t en=0; en < numParam * numParam; ++en) {
			thrBreadG[en] += th[en];
	for (int tx=1; tx < numThreads; ++tx) {
		double *th = + tx * numParam * numParam;
		for (size_t en=0; en < numParam * numParam; ++en) {
			thrBreadH[en] += th[en];
	for (int tx=1; tx < numThreads; ++tx) {
		double *th = + tx * numParam * numParam;
		for (size_t en=0; en < numParam * numParam; ++en) {
			thrMeat[en] += th[en];
	//pda(, numParam, numParam);
	//pda(, numParam, numParam);
	//pda(, numParam, numParam);
	if (fc->infoA) {
		for (size_t d1=0; d1 < numParam; ++d1) {
			for (size_t d2=0; d2 < numParam; ++d2) {
				int cell = d1 * numParam + d2;
				fc->infoA[cell] += thrBreadH[cell] - thrBreadG[cell] + thrMeat[cell];
	if (fc->infoB) {
		for (size_t d1=0; d1 < numParam; ++d1) {
			for (size_t d2=0; d2 < numParam; ++d2) {
				int cell = d1 * numParam + d2;
				fc->infoB[cell] += thrMeat[cell];
Beispiel #9
static double
ba81ComputeEMFit(omxFitFunction* oo, int want, FitContext *fc)
	const double Scale = Global->llScale;
	BA81FitState *state = (BA81FitState*) oo->argStruct;
	BA81Expect *estate = (BA81Expect*) oo->expectation->argStruct;
	omxMatrix *itemParam = estate->itemParam;
	std::vector<const double*> &itemSpec = estate->grp.spec;
        std::vector<int> &cumItemOutcomes = estate->grp.cumItemOutcomes;
	ba81NormalQuad &quad = estate->getQuad();
	const int maxDims = quad.maxDims;
	const size_t numItems = itemSpec.size();
	const int do_fit = want & FF_COMPUTE_FIT;

	if (do_deriv && !state->freeItemParams) {
		omxRaiseErrorf("%s: no free parameters", oo->name());
		return NA_REAL;

	if (state->returnRowLikelihoods) {
		omxRaiseErrorf("%s: vector=TRUE not implemented", oo->name());
		return NA_REAL;

	if (estate->verbose >= 3) mxLog("%s: complete data fit(want fit=%d deriv=%d)", oo->name(), do_fit, do_deriv);

	if (do_fit) estate->grp.ba81OutcomeProb(itemParam->data, TRUE);

	const int thrDerivSize = itemParam->cols * state->itemDerivPadSize;
	std::vector<double> thrDeriv(thrDerivSize * Global->numThreads);
	double *wherePrep =;

	double ll = 0;
#pragma omp parallel for num_threads(Global->numThreads) reduction(+:ll)
	for (size_t ix=0; ix < numItems; ix++) {
		const int thrId = omx_absolute_thread_num();
		const double *spec = itemSpec[ix];
		const int id = spec[RPF_ISpecID];
		const int dims = spec[RPF_ISpecDims];
		Eigen::VectorXd ptheta(dims);
		const rpf_dLL1_t dLL1 = Glibrpf_model[id].dLL1;
		const int iOutcomes = estate->grp.itemOutcomes[ix];
		const int outcomeBase = cumItemOutcomes[ix] * quad.totalQuadPoints;
		const double *weight = estate->expected + outcomeBase;
                const double *oProb = estate->grp.outcomeProb + outcomeBase;
		const double *iparam = omxMatrixColumn(itemParam, ix);
		double *myDeriv = + thrDerivSize * thrId + ix * state->itemDerivPadSize;

		for (int qx=0; qx < quad.totalQuadPoints; qx++) {
			if (do_fit) {
				for (int ox=0; ox < iOutcomes; ox++) {
					ll += weight[ox] * oProb[ox];
			if (do_deriv) {
				double *where = wherePrep + qx * maxDims;
				for (int dx=0; dx < dims; dx++) {
					ptheta[dx] = where[std::min(dx, maxDims-1)];

				(*dLL1)(spec, iparam,, weight, myDeriv);
			weight += iOutcomes;
			oProb += iOutcomes;

	size_t excluded = 0;

	if (do_deriv) {
		double *deriv0 =;

		int perThread = itemParam->cols * state->itemDerivPadSize;
		for (int th=1; th < Global->numThreads; th++) {
			double *thrD = + th * perThread;
			for (int ox=0; ox < perThread; ox++) deriv0[ox] += thrD[ox];

		int numFreeParams = int(state->numFreeParam);
		int ox=-1;
		for (size_t ix=0; ix < numItems; ix++) {
			const double *spec = itemSpec[ix];
			int id = spec[RPF_ISpecID];
			double *iparam = omxMatrixColumn(itemParam, ix);
			double *pad = deriv0 + ix * state->itemDerivPadSize;
			(*Glibrpf_model[id].dLL2)(spec, iparam, pad);

			HessianBlock *hb = state->hBlocks[ix].clone();

			for (int dx=0; dx < state->itemDerivPadSize; ++dx) {
				int to = state->paramMap[++ox];
				if (to == -1) continue;

				// Need to check because this can happen if
				// lbounds/ubounds are not set appropriately.
				if (0 && !std::isfinite(deriv0[ox])) {
					int item = ox / itemParam->rows;
					mxLog("item parameters:\n");
					const double *spec = itemSpec[item];
					int id = spec[RPF_ISpecID];
					int numParam = (*Glibrpf_model[id].numParam)(spec);
					double *iparam = omxMatrixColumn(itemParam, item);
					pda(iparam, numParam, 1);
					// Perhaps bounds can be pulled in from librpf? TODO
					Rf_error("Deriv %d for item %d is %f; are you missing a lbound/ubound?",
						 ox, item, deriv0[ox]);

				if (to < numFreeParams) {
					if (want & FF_COMPUTE_GRADIENT) {
						fc->grad(to) -= Scale * deriv0[ox];
				} else {
						int Hto = state->hbMap[ox];
						if (Hto >= 0) hb->[Hto] -= Scale * deriv0[ox];

	if (excluded && estate->verbose >= 1) {
		mxLog("%s: Hessian not positive definite for %d/%d items",
		      oo->name(), (int) excluded, (int) numItems);
	if (excluded == numItems) {
		omxRaiseErrorf("Hessian not positive definite for %d/%d items",
			       (int) excluded, (int) numItems);

	return Scale * ll;