Beispiel #1
LeftRightNav::LeftRightNav(QWidget *parent)
 : QWidget(parent),
   m_leftBtn(this, tr("Previous")),
   m_rightBtn(this, tr("Next"))
	m_layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0);



							"stepper-right-press" ));

							"stepper-left" ));

	connect(&m_leftBtn, SIGNAL(clicked()), this,
	connect(&m_rightBtn, SIGNAL(clicked()), this,

	ToolTip::add(&m_leftBtn, tr("Previous"));
	ToolTip::add(&m_rightBtn, tr("Next"));


	// AutomatableButton's right click menu (contains irrelevant options like copying and pasting values)

// #### ITW:
InstrumentTrackWindow::InstrumentTrackWindow( InstrumentTrackView * _itv ) :
	ModelView( NULL, this ),
	m_track( _itv->model() ),
	m_itv( _itv ),
	m_instrumentView( NULL )
	setAcceptDrops( true );

	// init own layout + widgets
	setFocusPolicy( Qt::StrongFocus );
	QVBoxLayout * vlayout = new QVBoxLayout( this );
	vlayout->setMargin( 0 );
	vlayout->setSpacing( 0 );

	TabWidget* generalSettingsWidget = new TabWidget( tr( "GENERAL SETTINGS" ), this );

	QVBoxLayout* generalSettingsLayout = new QVBoxLayout( generalSettingsWidget );

	generalSettingsLayout->setContentsMargins( 8, 18, 8, 8 );
	generalSettingsLayout->setSpacing( 6 );

	QWidget* nameAndChangeTrackWidget = new QWidget( generalSettingsWidget );
	QHBoxLayout* nameAndChangeTrackLayout = new QHBoxLayout( nameAndChangeTrackWidget );
	nameAndChangeTrackLayout->setContentsMargins( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
	nameAndChangeTrackLayout->setSpacing( 2 );

	// setup line edit for changing instrument track name
	m_nameLineEdit = new QLineEdit;
	m_nameLineEdit->setFont( pointSize<9>( m_nameLineEdit->font() ) );
	connect( m_nameLineEdit, SIGNAL( textChanged( const QString & ) ),
				this, SLOT( textChanged( const QString & ) ) );

	m_nameLineEdit->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Preferred));

	// set up left/right arrows for changing instrument
	m_leftRightNav = new LeftRightNav(this);
	connect( m_leftRightNav, SIGNAL( onNavLeft() ), this,
						SLOT( viewPrevInstrument() ) );
	connect( m_leftRightNav, SIGNAL( onNavRight() ), this,
						SLOT( viewNextInstrument() ) );
		tr( "Use these controls to view and edit the next/previous track in the song editor." ) );
	// m_leftRightNav->setShortcuts();

	generalSettingsLayout->addWidget( nameAndChangeTrackWidget );

	QGridLayout* basicControlsLayout = new QGridLayout;
	basicControlsLayout->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0);

	QString labelStyleSheet = "font-size: 6pt;";
	Qt::Alignment labelAlignment = Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignTop;
	Qt::Alignment widgetAlignment = Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignCenter;

	// set up volume knob
	m_volumeKnob = new Knob( knobBright_26, NULL, tr( "Instrument volume" ) );
	m_volumeKnob->setVolumeKnob( true );
	m_volumeKnob->setHintText( tr( "Volume:" ), "%" );
	m_volumeKnob->setWhatsThis( tr( volume_help ) );

	basicControlsLayout->addWidget( m_volumeKnob, 0, 0 );
	basicControlsLayout->setAlignment( m_volumeKnob, widgetAlignment );

	QLabel *label = new QLabel( tr( "VOL" ), this );
	label->setStyleSheet( labelStyleSheet );
	basicControlsLayout->addWidget( label, 1, 0);
	basicControlsLayout->setAlignment( label, labelAlignment );

	// set up panning knob
	m_panningKnob = new Knob( knobBright_26, NULL, tr( "Panning" ) );
	m_panningKnob->setHintText( tr( "Panning:" ), "" );

	basicControlsLayout->addWidget( m_panningKnob, 0, 1 );
	basicControlsLayout->setAlignment( m_panningKnob, widgetAlignment );

	label = new QLabel( tr( "PAN" ), this );
	label->setStyleSheet( labelStyleSheet );
	basicControlsLayout->addWidget( label, 1, 1);
	basicControlsLayout->setAlignment( label, labelAlignment );

	basicControlsLayout->setColumnStretch(2, 1);

	// set up pitch knob
	m_pitchKnob = new Knob( knobBright_26, NULL, tr( "Pitch" ) );
	m_pitchKnob->setHintText( tr( "Pitch:" ), " " + tr( "cents" ) );

	basicControlsLayout->addWidget( m_pitchKnob, 0, 3 );
	basicControlsLayout->setAlignment( m_pitchKnob, widgetAlignment );

	m_pitchLabel = new QLabel( tr( "PITCH" ), this );
	m_pitchLabel->setStyleSheet( labelStyleSheet );
	basicControlsLayout->addWidget( m_pitchLabel, 1, 3);
	basicControlsLayout->setAlignment( m_pitchLabel, labelAlignment );

	// set up pitch range knob
	m_pitchRangeSpinBox= new LcdSpinBox( 2, NULL, tr( "Pitch range (semitones)" ) );

	basicControlsLayout->addWidget( m_pitchRangeSpinBox, 0, 4 );
	basicControlsLayout->setAlignment( m_pitchRangeSpinBox, widgetAlignment );

	m_pitchRangeLabel = new QLabel( tr( "RANGE" ), this );
	m_pitchRangeLabel->setStyleSheet( labelStyleSheet );
	basicControlsLayout->addWidget( m_pitchRangeLabel, 1, 4);
	basicControlsLayout->setAlignment( m_pitchRangeLabel, labelAlignment );

	basicControlsLayout->setColumnStretch(5, 1);

	// setup spinbox for selecting FX-channel
	m_effectChannelNumber = new fxLineLcdSpinBox( 2, NULL, tr( "FX channel" ) );

	basicControlsLayout->addWidget( m_effectChannelNumber, 0, 6 );
	basicControlsLayout->setAlignment( m_effectChannelNumber, widgetAlignment );

	label = new QLabel( tr( "FX" ), this );
	label->setStyleSheet( labelStyleSheet );
	basicControlsLayout->addWidget( label, 1, 6);
	basicControlsLayout->setAlignment( label, labelAlignment );

	QPushButton* saveSettingsBtn = new QPushButton( embed::getIconPixmap( "project_save" ), QString() );
	saveSettingsBtn->setMinimumSize( 32, 32 );

	connect( saveSettingsBtn, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( saveSettingsBtnClicked() ) );

	ToolTip::add( saveSettingsBtn, tr( "Save current instrument track settings in a preset file" ) );
		tr( "Click here, if you want to save current instrument track settings in a preset file. "
			"Later you can load this preset by double-clicking it in the preset-browser." ) );

	basicControlsLayout->addWidget( saveSettingsBtn, 0, 7 );

	label = new QLabel( tr( "SAVE" ), this );
	label->setStyleSheet( labelStyleSheet );
	basicControlsLayout->addWidget( label, 1, 7);
	basicControlsLayout->setAlignment( label, labelAlignment );

	generalSettingsLayout->addLayout( basicControlsLayout );

	m_tabWidget = new TabWidget( "", this );
	m_tabWidget->setFixedHeight( INSTRUMENT_HEIGHT + 10 );

	// create tab-widgets
	m_ssView = new InstrumentSoundShapingView( m_tabWidget );

	// FUNC tab
	QWidget* instrumentFunctions = new QWidget( m_tabWidget );
	QVBoxLayout* instrumentFunctionsLayout = new QVBoxLayout( instrumentFunctions );
	instrumentFunctionsLayout->setMargin( 5 );
	m_noteStackingView = new InstrumentFunctionNoteStackingView( &m_track->m_noteStacking );
	m_arpeggioView = new InstrumentFunctionArpeggioView( &m_track->m_arpeggio );

	instrumentFunctionsLayout->addWidget( m_noteStackingView );
	instrumentFunctionsLayout->addWidget( m_arpeggioView );

	// MIDI tab
	m_midiView = new InstrumentMidiIOView( m_tabWidget );

	// FX tab
	m_effectView = new EffectRackView( m_track->m_audioPort.effects(), m_tabWidget );

	// MISC tab
	m_miscView = new InstrumentMiscView( m_track, m_tabWidget );

	m_tabWidget->addTab( m_ssView, tr( "ENV/LFO" ), 1 );
	m_tabWidget->addTab( instrumentFunctions, tr( "FUNC" ), 2 );
	m_tabWidget->addTab( m_effectView, tr( "FX" ), 3 );
	m_tabWidget->addTab( m_midiView, tr( "MIDI" ), 4 );
	m_tabWidget->addTab( m_miscView, tr( "MISC" ), 5 );

	// setup piano-widget
	m_pianoView = new PianoView( this );
	m_pianoView->setFixedSize( INSTRUMENT_WIDTH, PIANO_HEIGHT );

	vlayout->addWidget( generalSettingsWidget );
	vlayout->addWidget( m_tabWidget );
	vlayout->addWidget( m_pianoView );

	setModel( _itv->model() );


	setFixedWidth( INSTRUMENT_WIDTH );
	resize( sizeHint() );

	QMdiSubWindow * subWin = gui->mainWindow()->addWindowedWidget( this );
	Qt::WindowFlags flags = subWin->windowFlags();
	flags |= Qt::MSWindowsFixedSizeDialogHint;
	flags &= ~Qt::WindowMaximizeButtonHint;
	subWin->setWindowFlags( flags );

	// Hide the Size and Maximize options from the system menu
	// since the dialog size is fixed.
	QMenu * systemMenu = subWin->systemMenu();
	systemMenu->actions().at( 2 )->setVisible( false ); // Size
	systemMenu->actions().at( 4 )->setVisible( false ); // Maximize

	subWin->setWindowIcon( embed::getIconPixmap( "instrument_track" ) );
	subWin->setFixedSize( subWin->size() );