void InteractiveGrid::update() { if (NULL == tracker) { RX_ERROR("Tracker is invalid."); return; } if (NULL == on_activate) { RX_ERROR("No on_activate set so no use to execute the update function."); return; } uint64_t now = rx_hrtime(); float iv_w = 1.0f / mos::config.webcam_width; float iv_h = 1.0f / mos::config.webcam_height; /* get the detected blobs. */ for (size_t i = 0; i < tracker->blobs.blobs.size(); ++i) { Blob& blob = tracker->blobs.blobs[i]; #if 0 if (false == blob.matched) { continue; } if (15 > blob.trail.size()) { continue; } #endif /* convert the position of the blob to a cell index. */ cv::Point& pt = blob.position; float px = float(pt.x) * iv_w; float py = float(pt.y) * iv_h; int col = px * fex::config.cols; int row = py * fex::config.rows; int dx = row * fex::config.cols + col; if (dx >= cells.size()) { RX_ERROR("Not supposed to happen, but the calculated index is bigger then the total number of cells, col: %d, row: %d, dx: %d", col, row, dx); continue; } InteractiveCell& cell = cells[dx]; if (0 == cell.timeout || (0 != cell.timeout && now > cell.timeout)) { /* new cell, make active. */ //RX_VERBOSE("Activated: %d x %d, timeout: %llu", col, row, cell.timeout); on_activate(col, row, user); cell.timeout = now + 1e9; /* this cell can be reused after X seconds (Xe9) */ } } }
static void on_open(GApplication *gapp, GFile **files, int n_files, char *hint) { GError *error = NULL; if(n_files == 2) { char *graphics_file_path = g_file_get_path(files[1]); g_object_set(glk, "graphics-file", graphics_file_path, NULL); g_free(graphics_file_path); } if(n_files >= 1) { if( !chimara_if_run_game_file(CHIMARA_IF(glk), files[0], &error) ) { error_dialog(GTK_WINDOW(window), error, "Error starting Glk library: "); g_application_quit(gapp); } } on_activate(gapp); }
LRESULT TopWindow::on_message(HWND _hWnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { switch (message) { case WM_ACTIVATE: #ifdef HAVE_ACTIVATE_INFO SHHandleWMActivate(_hWnd, wParam, lParam, &s_sai, FALSE); #endif if (wParam == WA_INACTIVE ? on_deactivate() : on_activate()) return true; break; case WM_SETTINGCHANGE: #ifdef HAVE_ACTIVATE_INFO SHHandleWMSettingChange(_hWnd, wParam, lParam, &s_sai); #endif break; }; return ContainerWindow::on_message(_hWnd, message, wParam, lParam); }
void ModeBase::activate() { canvas()->clear_tool_info(); is_active_ = true; std::uint32_t tool_flags = enabled_tools(); auto conditional_enable = [=](EditorTool tool) { if ((tool_flags & tool) != 0) canvas()->tool_enabled(tool); else canvas()->tool_disabled(tool); }; conditional_enable(EditorTool::Placement); conditional_enable(EditorTool::Movement); conditional_enable(EditorTool::Rotation); conditional_enable(EditorTool::TileSelection); conditional_enable(EditorTool::AreaSelection); conditional_enable(EditorTool::Resize); on_activate(); }
static intptr_t CALLBACK chatlist_proc(HWND window, uint32_t msg, uintptr_t w_param, intptr_t l_param) { switch (msg) { case WM_CREATE: on_create(window); return 0; case WM_SIZE: on_size(window, LOWORD(l_param), HIWORD(l_param)); return 0; case WM_NOTIFY: { NMHDR *note; note = (NMHDR *)l_param; if (note->idFrom != DLG_LIST) break; if (note->code == LVN_ITEMACTIVATE) { on_activate((NMITEMACTIVATE *)l_param); return 0; } if (note->code == NM_RCLICK) { on_right_click((NMITEMACTIVATE *)l_param); return 1; } } default: break; } return DefWindowProc(window, msg, w_param, l_param); }
void activate() { on_activate(); }
void CEnergyHolder::activate() { if (!is_active()) on_activate(); m_active = true; }
void GotoReferenceDialog::on_activate_verse() { on_activate(); }
void Gobby::TabLabel::on_folder_document_changed(SessionView* view) { if(view == &m_view) on_activate(); }
void ScriptComponent::activate() { processors().script.register_script(this); on_activate(); }