Beispiel #1
int main(int argc, char **argv)
  // OP initialisation

  int    niter;
  double  rms;

  double cpu_t1, cpu_t2, wall_t1, wall_t2;

  // set constants and initialise flow field and residual
  op_printf("initialising flow field \n");

  char file[] = "new_grid.h5";

  // declare sets, pointers, datasets and global constants

  op_set nodes  = op_decl_set_hdf5(file, "nodes");
  op_set edges  = op_decl_set_hdf5(file,  "edges");
  op_set bedges = op_decl_set_hdf5(file, "bedges");
  op_set cells  = op_decl_set_hdf5(file,  "cells");

  op_map pedge   = op_decl_map_hdf5(edges, nodes, 2, file, "pedge");
  op_map pecell  = op_decl_map_hdf5(edges, cells,2, file, "pecell");
  op_map pbedge  = op_decl_map_hdf5(bedges,nodes,2, file, "pbedge");
  op_map pbecell = op_decl_map_hdf5(bedges,cells,1, file, "pbecell");
  op_map pcell   = op_decl_map_hdf5(cells, nodes,4, file, "pcell");

  op_dat p_bound = op_decl_dat_hdf5(bedges,1,"int"  ,file,"p_bound");
  op_dat p_x     = op_decl_dat_hdf5(nodes ,2,"double",file,"p_x");
  op_dat p_q     = op_decl_dat_hdf5(cells ,4,"double",file,"p_q");
  op_dat p_qold  = op_decl_dat_hdf5(cells ,4,"double",file,"p_qold");
  op_dat p_adt   = op_decl_dat_hdf5(cells ,1,"double",file,"p_adt");
  op_dat p_res   = op_decl_dat_hdf5(cells ,4,"double",file,"p_res");

  op_get_const_hdf5("gam", 1, "double", (char *)&gam, "new_grid.h5");
  op_get_const_hdf5("gm1", 1, "double", (char *)&gm1, "new_grid.h5");
  op_get_const_hdf5("cfl", 1, "double", (char *)&cfl, "new_grid.h5");
  op_get_const_hdf5("eps", 1, "double", (char *)&eps, "new_grid.h5");
  op_get_const_hdf5("mach", 1, "double", (char *)&mach, "new_grid.h5");
  op_get_const_hdf5("alpha", 1, "double", (char *)&alpha, "new_grid.h5");
  op_get_const_hdf5("qinf", 4, "double", (char *)&qinf, "new_grid.h5");

  op_decl_const(1,"double",&gam  );
  op_decl_const(1,"double",&gm1  );
  op_decl_const(1,"double",&cfl  );
  op_decl_const(1,"double",&eps  );
  op_decl_const(1,"double",&mach );
  op_decl_const(4,"double",qinf  );


  //write back original data just to compare you read the file correctly
  //do an h5diff between new_grid_out.h5 and new_grid.h5 to
  //compare two hdf5 files

  op_write_const_hdf5("gam",1,"double",(char *)&gam,  "new_grid_out.h5");
  op_write_const_hdf5("gm1",1,"double",(char *)&gm1,  "new_grid_out.h5");
  op_write_const_hdf5("cfl",1,"double",(char *)&cfl,  "new_grid_out.h5");
  op_write_const_hdf5("eps",1,"double",(char *)&eps,  "new_grid_out.h5");
  op_write_const_hdf5("mach",1,"double",(char *)&mach,  "new_grid_out.h5");
  op_write_const_hdf5("alpha",1,"double",(char *)&alpha,  "new_grid_out.h5");
  op_write_const_hdf5("qinf",4,"double",(char *)qinf,  "new_grid_out.h5");

  //trigger partitioning and halo creation routines
  op_partition("PTSCOTCH", "KWAY", edges, pecell, p_x);

  int g_ncell = op_get_size(cells);

  //initialise timers for total execution wall time
  op_timers(&cpu_t1, &wall_t1);

  // main time-marching loop

  niter = 1000;

  for(int iter=1; iter<=niter; iter++) {

    //  save old flow solution

    op_par_loop(save_soln,"save_soln", cells,
        op_arg_dat(p_q,   -1,OP_ID, 4,"double",OP_READ ),
        op_arg_dat(p_qold,-1,OP_ID, 4,"double",OP_WRITE));

    //  predictor/corrector update loop

    for(int k=0; k<2; k++) {

      //    calculate area/timstep

                  op_arg_dat(p_x,  -4,pcell, 2,"double",OP_READ ),
                  op_arg_dat(p_q,  -1,OP_ID, 4,"double",OP_READ ),
                  op_arg_dat(p_adt,-1,OP_ID, 1,"double",OP_WRITE));

      //    calculate flux residual

                  op_arg_dat(p_x,   -2,pedge, 2,"double",OP_READ),
                  op_arg_dat(p_q,   -2,pecell,4,"double",OP_READ),
                  op_arg_dat(p_adt, -2,pecell,1,"double",OP_READ),
                  op_arg_dat(p_res, -2,pecell,4,"double",OP_INC ));

                  op_arg_dat(p_x,    -2,pbedge, 2,"double",OP_READ),
                  op_arg_dat(p_q,     0,pbecell,4,"double",OP_READ),
                  op_arg_dat(p_adt,   0,pbecell,1,"double",OP_READ),
                  op_arg_dat(p_res,   0,pbecell,4,"double",OP_INC ),
                  op_arg_dat(p_bound,-1,OP_ID  ,1,"int",  OP_READ));

      //    update flow field

      rms = 0.0;

                  op_arg_dat(p_qold,-1,OP_ID, 4,"double",OP_READ ),
                  op_arg_dat(p_q,   -1,OP_ID, 4,"double",OP_WRITE),
                  op_arg_dat(p_res, -1,OP_ID, 4,"double",OP_RW   ),
                  op_arg_dat(p_adt, -1,OP_ID, 1,"double",OP_READ ),

    //  print iteration history

    rms = sqrt(rms/(double)g_ncell);

    if (iter%100 == 0)
      op_printf(" %d  %10.5e \n",iter,rms);

  op_timers(&cpu_t2, &wall_t2);

  op_printf("Max total runtime = \n%f\n",wall_t2-wall_t1);
Beispiel #2
// main program
int main(int argc, char **argv){
    int my_rank;
    int comm_size;
    MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
    MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &my_rank);
    MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &comm_size);
    double cpu_t1, cpu_t2, wall_t1, wall_t2;
    double time;
    double max_time;
    int    *becell, *ecell,  *bound, *bedge, *edge, *cell;
    double  *x, *q, *qold, *adt, *res;
    int    niter;
    double  rms;
    op_timers(&cpu_t1, &wall_t1);
    // set constants
    if(my_rank == MPI_ROOT )printf("initialising flow field\n");
    gam = 1.4f;
    gm1 = gam - 1.0f;
    cfl = 0.9f;
    eps = 0.05f;

    double mach  = 0.4f;
    double alpha = 3.0f*atan(1.0f)/45.0f;  
    double p     = 1.0f;
    double r     = 1.0f;
    double u     = sqrt(gam*p/r)*mach;
    double e     = p/(r*gm1) + 0.5f*u*u;

    qinf[0] = r;
    qinf[1] = r*u;
    qinf[2] = 0.0f;
    qinf[3] = r*e;
    // OP initialisation

    /**------------------------BEGIN Parallel I/O -------------------**/
    char file[] = "new_grid.h5";//"new_grid-26mil.h5";//"new_grid.h5";
    // declare sets, pointers, datasets and global constants - reading in from file
    op_set nodes  = op_decl_set_hdf5(file, "nodes");
    op_set edges  = op_decl_set_hdf5(file,  "edges");
    op_set bedges = op_decl_set_hdf5(file, "bedges");
    op_set cells  = op_decl_set_hdf5(file,  "cells");

    op_map pedge   = op_decl_map_hdf5(edges, nodes, 2, file, "pedge");
    op_map pecell  = op_decl_map_hdf5(edges, cells,2, file, "pecell");
    op_map pbedge  = op_decl_map_hdf5(bedges,nodes,2, file, "pbedge");
    op_map pbecell = op_decl_map_hdf5(bedges,cells,1, file, "pbecell");
    op_map pcell   = op_decl_map_hdf5(cells, nodes,4, file, "pcell");

    op_dat p_bound = op_decl_dat_hdf5(bedges,1,"int"  ,file,"p_bound");
    op_dat p_x     = op_decl_dat_hdf5(nodes ,2,"double",file,"p_x");
    op_dat p_q     = op_decl_dat_hdf5(cells ,4,"double",file,"p_q");
    op_dat p_qold  = op_decl_dat_hdf5(cells ,4,"double",file,"p_qold");
    op_dat p_adt   = op_decl_dat_hdf5(cells ,1,"double",file,"p_adt");
    op_dat p_res   = op_decl_dat_hdf5(cells ,4,"double",file,"p_res");

    /**------------------------END Parallel I/O  -----------------------**/
    op_timers(&cpu_t2, &wall_t2); 
    time = wall_t2-wall_t1;
    MPI_Reduce(&time,&max_time,1,MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_MAX,MPI_ROOT, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
    if(my_rank==MPI_ROOT)printf("Max total file read time = %f\n",max_time); 

    op_decl_const(1,"double",&gam  );
    op_decl_const(1,"double",&gm1  );
    op_decl_const(1,"double",&cfl  );
    op_decl_const(1,"double",&eps  );
    op_decl_const(1,"double",&mach );
    op_decl_const(4,"double",qinf  );


    //write back original data just to compare you read the file correctly 
    //do an h5diff between new_grid_writeback.h5 and new_grid.h5 to 
    //compare two hdf5 files 
    //partition with ParMetis
    //op_partition_geomkway(p_x, pcell);
    //partition with PT-Scotch
    //create halos
    int g_ncell = 0;
    int* sizes = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int)*comm_size);
    MPI_Allgather(&cells->size, 1, MPI_INT, sizes, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
    for(int i = 0; i<comm_size; i++)g_ncell = g_ncell + sizes[i];
    //initialise timers for total execution wall time
    op_timers(&cpu_t1, &wall_t1); 
    niter = 1000;
    for(int iter=1; iter<=niter; iter++) {
    	//save old flow solution
    	op_par_loop(save_soln,"save_soln", cells,
    	    op_arg_dat(p_q,   -1,OP_ID, 4,"double",OP_READ ),
    	    op_arg_dat(p_qold,-1,OP_ID, 4,"double",OP_WRITE));

    	//  predictor/corrector update loop

    	for(int k=0; k<2; k++) {
    	    //    calculate area/timstep
                  op_arg_dat(p_x,   0,pcell, 2,"double",OP_READ ),
                  op_arg_dat(p_x,   1,pcell, 2,"double",OP_READ ),
                  op_arg_dat(p_x,   2,pcell, 2,"double",OP_READ ),
                  op_arg_dat(p_x,   3,pcell, 2,"double",OP_READ ),
                  op_arg_dat(p_q,  -1,OP_ID, 4,"double",OP_READ ),
                  op_arg_dat(p_adt,-1,OP_ID, 1,"double",OP_WRITE));
            //    calculate flux residual
                  op_arg_dat(p_x,    0,pedge, 2,"double",OP_READ),
                  op_arg_dat(p_x,    1,pedge, 2,"double",OP_READ),
                  op_arg_dat(p_q,    0,pecell,4,"double",OP_READ),
                  op_arg_dat(p_q,    1,pecell,4,"double",OP_READ),
                  op_arg_dat(p_adt,  0,pecell,1,"double",OP_READ),
                  op_arg_dat(p_adt,  1,pecell,1,"double",OP_READ),
                  op_arg_dat(p_res,  0,pecell,4,"double",OP_INC ),
                  op_arg_dat(p_res,  1,pecell,4,"double",OP_INC ));
                  op_arg_dat(p_x,     0,pbedge, 2,"double",OP_READ),
                  op_arg_dat(p_x,     1,pbedge, 2,"double",OP_READ),
                  op_arg_dat(p_q,     0,pbecell,4,"double",OP_READ),
                  op_arg_dat(p_adt,   0,pbecell,1,"double",OP_READ),
                  op_arg_dat(p_res,   0,pbecell,4,"double",OP_INC ),
                  op_arg_dat(p_bound,-1,OP_ID  ,1,"int",  OP_READ));
            //    update flow field

            rms = 0.0;

                  op_arg_dat(p_qold,-1,OP_ID, 4,"double",OP_READ ),
                  op_arg_dat(p_q,   -1,OP_ID, 4,"double",OP_WRITE),
                  op_arg_dat(p_res, -1,OP_ID, 4,"double",OP_RW   ),
                  op_arg_dat(p_adt, -1,OP_ID, 1,"double",OP_READ ),
        //print iteration history
            rms = sqrt(rms/(double) g_ncell);
            if (iter%100 == 0)
            	printf("%d  %10.5e \n",iter,rms);
    op_timers(&cpu_t2, &wall_t2);
    //get results data array
    op_dat temp = op_mpi_get_data(p_q);
    //output the result dat array to files 
    //compress using
    // ~/hdf5/bin/h5repack -f GZIP=9 new_grid.h5 new_grid_pack.h5
    //free memory allocated to halos
    //return all op_dats, op_maps back to original element order
    //print each mpi process's timing info for each kernel
    //print total time for niter interations
    time = wall_t2-wall_t1;
    MPI_Reduce(&time,&max_time,1,MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_MAX,MPI_ROOT, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
    if(my_rank==MPI_ROOT)printf("Max total runtime = %f\n",max_time);    
    MPI_Finalize();   //user mpi finalize
Beispiel #3
int main(int argc, char **argv)
  int my_rank;
  int comm_size;

  MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
  MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &my_rank);
  MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &comm_size);

  int    *becell, *ecell,  *bound, *bedge, *edge, *cell;
  double  *x, *q, *qold, *adt, *res;

  int    nnode,ncell,nedge,nbedge;

  /**------------------------BEGIN  I/O -------------------**/

  char file[] = "new_grid-26mil.dat";
  char file_out[] = "new_grid_out.h5";

  /* read in grid from disk on root processor */
  FILE *fp;

  if ( (fp = fopen(file,"r")) == NULL) {
    printf("can't open file %s\n",file); exit(-1);

  int   g_nnode,g_ncell,g_nedge,g_nbedge;

  check_scan(fscanf(fp,"%d %d %d %d \n",&g_nnode, &g_ncell, &g_nedge, &g_nbedge), 4);

  int *g_becell = 0, *g_ecell = 0, *g_bound = 0, *g_bedge = 0, *g_edge = 0, *g_cell = 0;
  double *g_x = 0,*g_q = 0, *g_qold = 0, *g_adt = 0, *g_res = 0;

  // set constants

  if(my_rank == MPI_ROOT )printf("initialising flow field\n");
  gam = 1.4f;
  gm1 = gam - 1.0f;
  cfl = 0.9f;
  eps = 0.05f;

  double mach  = 0.4f;
  double alpha = 3.0f*atan(1.0f)/45.0f;
  double p     = 1.0f;
  double r     = 1.0f;
  double u     = sqrt(gam*p/r)*mach;
  double e     = p/(r*gm1) + 0.5f*u*u;

  qinf[0] = r;
  qinf[1] = r*u;
  qinf[2] = 0.0f;
  qinf[3] = r*e;

  if(my_rank == MPI_ROOT) {
    printf("reading in grid \n");
    printf("Global number of nodes, cells, edges, bedges = %d, %d, %d, %d\n"

    g_cell   = (int *) malloc(4*g_ncell*sizeof(int));
    g_edge   = (int *) malloc(2*g_nedge*sizeof(int));
    g_ecell  = (int *) malloc(2*g_nedge*sizeof(int));
    g_bedge  = (int *) malloc(2*g_nbedge*sizeof(int));
    g_becell = (int *) malloc(  g_nbedge*sizeof(int));
    g_bound  = (int *) malloc(  g_nbedge*sizeof(int));

    g_x      = (double *) malloc(2*g_nnode*sizeof(double));
    g_q      = (double *) malloc(4*g_ncell*sizeof(double));
    g_qold   = (double *) malloc(4*g_ncell*sizeof(double));
    g_res    = (double *) malloc(4*g_ncell*sizeof(double));
    g_adt    = (double *) malloc(  g_ncell*sizeof(double));

    for (int n=0; n<g_nnode; n++){
      check_scan(fscanf(fp,"%lf %lf \n",&g_x[2*n], &g_x[2*n+1]), 2);

    for (int n=0; n<g_ncell; n++) {
      check_scan(fscanf(fp,"%d %d %d %d \n",&g_cell[4*n  ], &g_cell[4*n+1],
            &g_cell[4*n+2], &g_cell[4*n+3]), 4);

    for (int n=0; n<g_nedge; n++) {
      check_scan(fscanf(fp,"%d %d %d %d \n",&g_edge[2*n],&g_edge[2*n+1],
            &g_ecell[2*n],&g_ecell[2*n+1]), 4);

    for (int n=0; n<g_nbedge; n++) {
      check_scan(fscanf(fp,"%d %d %d %d \n",&g_bedge[2*n],&g_bedge[2*n+1],
            &g_becell[n],&g_bound[n]), 4);

    //initialise flow field and residual

    for (int n=0; n<g_ncell; n++) {
      for (int m=0; m<4; m++) {
        g_q[4*n+m] = qinf[m];
        g_res[4*n+m] = 0.0f;


  nnode = compute_local_size (g_nnode, comm_size, my_rank);
  ncell = compute_local_size (g_ncell, comm_size, my_rank);
  nedge = compute_local_size (g_nedge, comm_size, my_rank);
  nbedge = compute_local_size (g_nbedge, comm_size, my_rank);

  printf("Number of nodes, cells, edges, bedges on process %d = %d, %d, %d, %d\n"

  //Allocate memory to hold local sets, mapping tables and data
  cell   = (int *) malloc(4*ncell*sizeof(int));
  edge   = (int *) malloc(2*nedge*sizeof(int));
  ecell  = (int *) malloc(2*nedge*sizeof(int));
  bedge  = (int *) malloc(2*nbedge*sizeof(int));
  becell = (int *) malloc(  nbedge*sizeof(int));
  bound  = (int *) malloc(  nbedge*sizeof(int));

  x      = (double *) malloc(2*nnode*sizeof(double));
  q      = (double *) malloc(4*ncell*sizeof(double));
  qold   = (double *) malloc(4*ncell*sizeof(double));
  res    = (double *) malloc(4*ncell*sizeof(double));
  adt    = (double *) malloc(  ncell*sizeof(double));

  //scatter sets, mappings and data on sets
  scatter_int_array(g_cell, cell, comm_size, g_ncell,ncell, 4);
  scatter_int_array(g_edge, edge, comm_size, g_nedge,nedge, 2);
  scatter_int_array(g_ecell, ecell, comm_size, g_nedge,nedge, 2);
  scatter_int_array(g_bedge, bedge, comm_size, g_nbedge,nbedge, 2);
  scatter_int_array(g_becell, becell, comm_size, g_nbedge,nbedge, 1);
  scatter_int_array(g_bound, bound, comm_size, g_nbedge,nbedge, 1);

  scatter_double_array(g_x, x, comm_size, g_nnode,nnode, 2);
  scatter_double_array(g_q, q, comm_size, g_ncell,ncell, 4);
  scatter_double_array(g_qold, qold, comm_size, g_ncell,ncell, 4);
  scatter_double_array(g_res, res, comm_size, g_ncell,ncell, 4);
  scatter_double_array(g_adt, adt, comm_size, g_ncell,ncell, 1);

  if(my_rank == MPI_ROOT) {
    //Freeing memory allocated to gloabal arrays on rank 0
    //after scattering to all processes
    free(g_x ); free(g_q);free(g_qold);free(g_adt);free(g_res);

  // OP initialisation


  /**------------------------END I/O  -----------------------**/

  /* FIXME: It's not clear to the compiler that sth. is going on behind the
     scenes here. Hence theses variables are reported as unused */

  op_set nodes  = op_decl_set(nnode,  "nodes");
  op_set edges  = op_decl_set(nedge,  "edges");
  op_set bedges = op_decl_set(nbedge, "bedges");
  op_set cells  = op_decl_set(ncell,  "cells");

  op_map pedge   = op_decl_map(edges, nodes,2,edge,  "pedge");
  op_map pecell  = op_decl_map(edges, cells,2,ecell, "pecell");
  op_map pbedge  = op_decl_map(bedges,nodes,2,bedge, "pbedge");
  op_map pbecell = op_decl_map(bedges,cells,1,becell,"pbecell");
  op_map pcell   = op_decl_map(cells, nodes,4,cell,  "pcell");

  op_dat p_bound = op_decl_dat(bedges,1,"int"  ,bound,"p_bound");
  op_dat p_x     = op_decl_dat(nodes ,2,"double",x    ,"p_x");
  op_dat p_q     = op_decl_dat(cells ,4,"double",q    ,"p_q");
  op_dat p_qold  = op_decl_dat(cells ,4,"double",qold ,"p_qold");
  op_dat p_adt   = op_decl_dat(cells ,1,"double",adt  ,"p_adt");
  op_dat p_res   = op_decl_dat(cells ,4,"double",res  ,"p_res");

  op_decl_const(1,"double",&gam  );
  op_decl_const(1,"double",&gm1  );
  op_decl_const(1,"double",&cfl  );
  op_decl_const(1,"double",&eps  );
  op_decl_const(1,"double",&mach );
  op_decl_const(4,"double",qinf  );



  //create halos - for sanity check

  MPI_Finalize();   //user mpi finalize