Beispiel #1
frameT *read_csv (char *file_name)
	FILE			*fp;
	unsigned char	buf[CSV_BUF_SIZE];
	unsigned char	header_buf[CSV_BUF_SIZE];
	unsigned char	*row[MAX_COLUMNS];
	unsigned char	*header[MAX_COLUMNS];
	int				ncol, cols;
	int				n, i;
	frameT			*frame;
	csvT			*csv;

	csv = open_csv (file_name);
	fp = csv->fp;

	// Parse header
	n = csv_row_fread (fp, header_buf, CSV_BUF_SIZE, header, MAX_COLUMNS, ',', CSV_TRIM | CSV_QUOTES, &ncol);
	if (n <= 0)
		fprintf (stderr, "Failed to read header from CSV file\n");
		exit (-1);

	// Parse the first data row to determine data types

	n = csv_row_fread (fp, buf, CSV_BUF_SIZE, row, ncol, ',', CSV_TRIM | CSV_QUOTES, &cols);
	if (n <= 0)
		fprintf (stderr, "File has no data\n");
		exit (-1);
	frame = new_frame (file_name, ncol);
	frame->csv = csv;
	for (i=0; i<ncol; i++) init_column (frame, i, (char *)header[i], guess_type((char *) row[i]));

	for (i=0; i<ncol; i++) column_init_data (frame, i, csv->est_rows);
	frame->allocated_rows = csv->est_rows;
	frame->region_rows = (unsigned char *) malloc (frame->allocated_rows);
	if (!frame->region_rows)
		fprintf (stderr, "Failed to allocate region_rows\n");	
		exit (-1);
	frame->allocated_region_rows = frame->allocated_rows;

	if (csv->est_rows < 10000)
		load_all_rows (frame);
	} else
		load_random_rows (frame, 1.0);

	return (frame);
Beispiel #2
static int save_as_csv(ImageInfo *ii, 
                       const char *out_file, int what_to_save,
                       int strict_boundary, int load)
    int i,j;

    assert (g_poly->n > 0);
    assert (crosshair_line > 0 && crosshair_samp > 0);

    meta_parameters *meta = ii->meta;

    int line_min, line_max, samp_min, samp_max, nl, ns;
    compute_extent(meta, &line_min, &line_max, &samp_min, &samp_max,
        &nl, &ns);

    if (nl>500 || ns>500) {
        // too big for csv -- Excel etc. will choke
        char errbuf[1024];
        snprintf(errbuf, 1024,
             "\nRegion is too large (%dx%d) to export as CSV (500x500 max)\n\n",
             nl, ns);
        printf("%s", errbuf);
        return FALSE; // failure

    FILE *outFp = fopen(out_file, "w");
    if (!outFp) {
        // failed to open the output file!
        char errbuf[1024];
        snprintf(errbuf, 1024, "Failed to open %s: %s", out_file,
        strcat(errbuf, "\n");
        printf("%s", errbuf);
        return FALSE; // failure

    printf("Generating %s...\n", out_file);

    // define clipping region, if necessary
    double xp[MAX_POLY_LEN+2], yp[MAX_POLY_LEN+2];
    int n=0;

    if (strict_boundary)
        define_clipping_region(meta, &n, xp, yp);

    // generate csv
    fprintf(outFp, ",");
    for (j=0; j<ns; ++j) {
      if (what_to_save==LAT_LON_2_BAND)        
        fprintf(outFp, "%d,%s", samp_min+j, j==ns-1 ? "\n" : ",");
        fprintf(outFp, "%d%s", samp_min+j, j==ns-1 ? "\n" : ",");
    if (what_to_save==LAT_LON_2_BAND) {
      fprintf(outFp, ",");
      for (j=0; j<ns; ++j) {
        fprintf(outFp, "Lat,Lon%s", j==ns-1 ? "\n" : ",");
    for (i=0; i<nl; ++i) {
        int l = line_min+i;
        fprintf(outFp, "%d,", l);
        for (j=0; j<ns; ++j) {
            int s = samp_min+j;
            if (what_to_save==LAT_LON_2_BAND) {
              float lat, lon;
              if (!strict_boundary || pnpoly(n, xp, yp, s, l)) {
                double dlat, dlon;
                meta_get_latLon(meta, l, s, 0, &dlat, &dlon);
                lat = (float)dlat;
                lon = (float)dlon;
              } else {
                lat = lon = 0.;
              fprintf(outFp, "%f,%f%s", lat, lon, j==ns-1 ? "\n" : ",");
            else {
              float val;
              if (!strict_boundary || pnpoly(n, xp, yp, s, l)) {
                val = get_data(ii, what_to_save, l, s);
              } else {
                val = 0;
              fprintf(outFp, "%f%s", val, j==ns-1 ? "\n" : ",");


    // if requested, open up the csv with an external viewer
    if (load)

    return TRUE;