Beispiel #1
static void propagate_split(SmoothEdge *edge, SmoothVert *vert,
				SmoothMesh *mesh)
	SmoothEdge *edge2;
	LinkNode *visited_faces = NULL;
	printf("=== START === propagate_split(edge = %4d, vert = %4d)\n",
		edge->newIndex, vert->newIndex);

	edge2 = find_other_sharp_edge(vert, edge, &visited_faces);

	if(!edge2) {
		/* didn't find a sharp or loose edge, so we've hit a dead end */
	} else if(!edge_is_loose(edge2)) {
		/* edge2 is not loose, so it must be sharp */
		if(edge_is_loose(edge)) {
			/* edge is loose, so we can split edge2 at this vert */
			split_edge(edge2, vert, mesh);
		} else if(edge_is_sharp(edge)) {
			/* both edges are sharp, so we can split the pair at vert */
			split_edge(edge, vert, mesh);
		} else {
			/* edge is not sharp, so try to split edge2 at its other vert */
			split_edge(edge2, other_vert(edge2, vert), mesh);
	} else { /* edge2 is loose */
		if(edge_is_loose(edge)) {
			SmoothVert *vert2;
			ReplaceData repdata;

			/* can't split edge, what should we do with vert? */
			if(linklist_subset(vert->faces, visited_faces)) {
				/* vert has only one fan of faces attached; don't split it */
			} else {
				/* vert has more than one fan of faces attached; split it */
				vert2 = smoothvert_copy(vert, mesh);

				/* fails in rare cases, see [#26993] */
				if(vert2) {
					/* replace vert with its copy in visited_faces */
					repdata.find = vert;
					repdata.replace = vert2;
					BLI_linklist_apply(visited_faces, face_replace_vert, &repdata);
		} else {
			/* edge is not loose, so it must be sharp; split it */
			split_edge(edge, vert, mesh);

	BLI_linklist_free(visited_faces, NULL);
	printf("=== END === propagate_split(edge = %4d, vert = %4d)\n",
		edge->newIndex, vert->newIndex);
Beispiel #2
static void number_connected_verts(struct mds* m, mds_id v,
    struct mds_tag* tag, mds_id* label)
  struct queue q;
  struct mds_set adj[2];
  int i;
  adj[0].n = adj[1].n = 0;
  if (!visit(m, tag, label, v))
  make_queue(&q, m->n[MDS_VERTEX]);
  push_queue(&q, v);
  while ( ! queue_empty(&q)) {
    v = pop_queue(&q);
    mds_get_adjacent(m, v, 1, &adj[1]);
    adj[0].n = adj[1].n;
    for (i = 0; i < adj[1].n; ++i)
      adj[0].e[i] = other_vert(m, adj[1].e[i], v);
    for (i = 0; i < adj[0].n; ++i)
      if (visit(m, tag, label, adj[0].e[i]))
        push_queue(&q, adj[0].e[i]);
Beispiel #3
static void split_edge(SmoothEdge *edge, SmoothVert *vert, SmoothMesh *mesh)
	SmoothEdge *edge2;
	SmoothVert *vert2;
	ReplaceData repdata;
	/* the list of faces traversed while looking for a sharp edge */
	LinkNode *visited_faces = NULL;
	printf("=== START === split_edge(edge = %4d, vert = %4d)\n",
		edge->newIndex, vert->newIndex);

	edge2 = find_other_sharp_edge(vert, edge, &visited_faces);

	if(!edge2) {
		/* didn't find a sharp or loose edge, so try the other vert */
		vert2 = other_vert(edge, vert);
		push_propagate_stack(edge, vert2, mesh);
	} else if(!edge_is_loose(edge2)) {
		/* edge2 is not loose, so it must be sharp */
		SmoothEdge *copy_edge = smoothedge_copy(edge, mesh);
		SmoothEdge *copy_edge2 = smoothedge_copy(edge2, mesh);
		SmoothVert *vert2;

		/* replace edge with its copy in visited_faces */
		repdata.find = edge;
		repdata.replace = copy_edge;
		BLI_linklist_apply(visited_faces, face_replace_edge, &repdata);

		/* replace edge2 with its copy in visited_faces */
		repdata.find = edge2;
		repdata.replace = copy_edge2;
		BLI_linklist_apply(visited_faces, face_replace_edge, &repdata);

		vert2 = smoothvert_copy(vert, mesh);

		/* replace vert with its copy in visited_faces (must be done after
		* edge replacement so edges have correct vertices)
		repdata.find = vert;
		repdata.replace = vert2;
		BLI_linklist_apply(visited_faces, face_replace_vert, &repdata);

		/* all copying and replacing is done; the mesh should be consistent.
		* now propagate the split to the vertices at either end
		push_propagate_stack(copy_edge, other_vert(copy_edge, vert2), mesh);
		push_propagate_stack(copy_edge2, other_vert(copy_edge2, vert2), mesh);

		if(smoothedge_has_vert(edge, vert))
			push_propagate_stack(edge, vert, mesh);
	} else {
		/* edge2 is loose */
		SmoothEdge *copy_edge = smoothedge_copy(edge, mesh);
		SmoothVert *vert2;

		/* replace edge with its copy in visited_faces */
		repdata.find = edge;
		repdata.replace = copy_edge;
		BLI_linklist_apply(visited_faces, face_replace_edge, &repdata);

		vert2 = smoothvert_copy(vert, mesh);

		/* bug [#29205] which is caused by exactly the same reason as [#26316]
		   this check will only prevent crash without fixing actual issue and
		   some vertices can stay unsplitted when they should (sergey) */
		if(vert2) {
			/* replace vert with its copy in visited_faces (must be done after
			 * edge replacement so edges have correct vertices)
			repdata.find = vert;
			repdata.replace = vert2;
			BLI_linklist_apply(visited_faces, face_replace_vert, &repdata);

		/* copying and replacing is done; the mesh should be consistent.
		* now propagate the split to the vertex at the other end
		push_propagate_stack(copy_edge, other_vert(copy_edge, vert2), mesh);

		if(smoothedge_has_vert(edge, vert))
			push_propagate_stack(edge, vert, mesh);

	BLI_linklist_free(visited_faces, NULL);
	printf("=== END === split_edge(edge = %4d, vert = %4d)\n",
		edge->newIndex, vert->newIndex);