Beispiel #1
  void TOPPASMergerVertex::run()
    //check if everything ready
    if (!isUpstreamFinished())  return;

    RoundPackages pkg;
    String error_msg("");
    bool success = buildRoundPackages(pkg, error_msg);
    if (!success)
      std::cerr << "Could not retrieve input files from upstream nodes...\n";
      emit mergeFailed((String("Merger #") + this->getTopoNr() + " failed. " + error_msg).toQString());

    /// update round status
    Size input_rounds = pkg.size();
    round_total_ = (round_based_mode_ ? (int) input_rounds : 1);  // for round based: take number of rounds from previous tool(s) - should all be equal
    round_counter_ = 0;        // once round_counter_ reaches round_total_, we are done

    // clear output file list
    output_files_.resize(round_total_); // #rounds

    // Do the virtual merging (nothing more than reorganizing filenames)
    for (Size round = 0; round < input_rounds; ++round)
      QStringList files;
      // warning: ite->first (i.e. target-in param could be -1,-2,... etc to cover all incoming edges (they all have -1 theoretically - see buildRoundPackages())
      for (RoundPackageConstIt ite = pkg[round].begin();
           ite != pkg[round].end();
        files.append(ite->second.filenames);   // concat filenames from all incoming edges
      Size round_index = (round_based_mode_ ? round : 0);
      output_files_[round_index][-1].filenames.append(files);    // concat over all rounds (if required)

    round_counter_ = round_total_;
    finished_ = true;

    // call all children, proceed in pipeline
    for (ConstEdgeIterator it = outEdgesBegin(); it != outEdgesEnd(); ++it)
      TOPPASVertex * tv = (*it)->getTargetVertex();
      debugOut_(String("Starting child ") + tv->getTopoNr());

  void TOPPASToolVertex::editParam()
    QWidget* parent_widget = qobject_cast<QWidget*>(scene()->parent());
    String default_dir = "";

    // use a copy for editing
    Param edit_param(param_);

    QVector<String> hidden_entries;
    // remove entries that are handled by edges already, user should not see them
    QVector<IOInfo> input_infos;
    for (ConstEdgeIterator it = inEdgesBegin(); it != inEdgesEnd(); ++it)
      int index = (*it)->getTargetInParam();
      if (index < 0)

      const String& name = input_infos[index].param_name;
      if (edit_param.exists(name))

    QVector<IOInfo> output_infos;
    for (ConstEdgeIterator it = outEdgesBegin(); it != outEdgesEnd(); ++it)
      int index = (*it)->getSourceOutParam();
      if (index < 0)

      const String& name = output_infos[index].param_name;
      if (edit_param.exists(name))

    // remove entries explained by edges
    foreach(const String &name, hidden_entries)