Beispiel #1
/* return 0 if good, 1 if not */
GOOD_OR_BAD Cache_Add_SlaveSpecific(const void *data, const size_t datasize, const struct internal_prop *ip, const struct parsedname *pn)
	struct tree_node *tn;
	time_t duration;
	if (!pn) {
		return gbGOOD;				// do check here to avoid needless processing

	duration = TimeOut(ip->change);
	if (duration <= 0) {
		return gbGOOD;				/* in case timeout set to 0 */

	tn = (struct tree_node *) owmalloc(sizeof(struct tree_node) + datasize);
	if (!tn) {
		return gbBAD;

	LEVEL_DEBUG("Adding internal data for "SNformat " size=%d", SNvar(pn->sn), (int) datasize);
	LoadTK( pn->sn, ip->name, EXTENSION_INTERNAL, tn );
	tn->expires = duration + NOW_TIME;
	tn->dsize = datasize;
	if (datasize) {
		memcpy(TREE_DATA(tn), data, datasize);
	//printf("ADD INTERNAL name= %s size=%d \n",tn->tk.p.nm,tn->dsize);
	//printf("  ADD INTERNAL data[0]=%d size=%d \n",((BYTE *)data)[0],datasize);
	switch (ip->change) {
	case fc_persistent:
		return Add_Stat(&cache_pst, Cache_Add_Persistent(tn));
		return Add_Stat(&cache_int, Cache_Add_Common(tn));
Beispiel #2
/* return 0 if good, 1 if not */
GOOD_OR_BAD Cache_Add_Device(const int bus_nr, const BYTE * sn)
	time_t duration = TimeOut(fc_presence);
	struct tree_node *tn;

	if (duration <= 0) {
		return gbGOOD;				/* in case timeout set to 0 */

	if ( sn[0] == 0 ) { //bad serial number
		return gbGOOD ;

	tn = (struct tree_node *) owmalloc(sizeof(struct tree_node) + sizeof(int));
	if (!tn) {
		return gbBAD;

	LEVEL_DEBUG("Adding device location " SNformat " bus=%d", SNvar(sn), (int) bus_nr);
	LoadTK(sn, Device_Marker, 0, tn );
	tn->expires = duration + NOW_TIME;
	tn->dsize = sizeof(int);
	memcpy(TREE_DATA(tn), &bus_nr, sizeof(int));
	return Add_Stat(&cache_dev, Cache_Add_Common(tn));
Beispiel #3
static struct family_node * create_family_node( char * s_family )
	int l_family = strlen(s_family)+1;

	struct family_node * s = owmalloc( sizeof(struct family_node) 
	+  l_family ) ;

	if ( s==NULL) {
		return NULL ;

	memset( s, 0, sizeof(struct family_node) 
	+  l_family ) ;

	s->family = s->payload ;
	strcpy( s->family, s_family ) ;
	// fill some of device fields
	s->dev.count_of_filetypes = 0 ; // until known
	s->dev.family_code = s->family ;
	s->dev.readable_name = s->family ;
	s->dev.filetype_array = NULL ; // until known
	s->dev.flags = 0 ;
	s->dev.g_read = NULL ;
	s->dev.g_write = NULL ;

	return s ;
Beispiel #4
/* Parse a path/file combination */
ZERO_OR_ERROR FS_ParsedNamePlus(const char *path, const char *file, struct parsedname *pn)
	ZERO_OR_ERROR ret = 0;
	char *fullpath;

	if (path == NO_PATH) {
		path = "" ;
	if (file == NULL) {
		file = "" ;

	fullpath = owmalloc(strlen(file) + strlen(path) + 2);
	if (fullpath == NO_PATH) {
		RETURN_CODE_RETURN( 79 ) ; // unable to allocate memory
	strcpy(fullpath, path);
	if (fullpath[strlen(fullpath) - 1] != '/') {
		strcat(fullpath, "/");
	strcat(fullpath, file);
	//printf("PARSENAMEPLUS path=%s pre\n",fullpath) ;
	ret = FS_ParsedName(fullpath, pn);
	//printf("PARSENAMEPLUS path=%s post\n",fullpath) ;
	//printf("PARSENAMEPLUS free\n") ;
	return ret;
Beispiel #5
// Delete a serial number's alias
// Safe to call if no alias exists
// Also deletes from linked alias_sn file
void Cache_Del_Alias(const BYTE * sn)
	ASCII * alias_name ;
	struct tree_node *tn;
	size_t size ;

	alias_name = Cache_Get_Alias( sn ) ;
	if ( alias_name == NULL ) {
		// doesn't exist
		// (or a memory error -- unlikely)
		return ;

	LEVEL_DEBUG("Deleting alias %s from "SNformat, alias_name, SNvar(sn)) ;
	size = strlen( alias_name ) ;
	tn = (struct tree_node *) owmalloc(sizeof(struct tree_node) + size + 1 );
	if ( tn != NULL ) {
		tn->expires = NOW_TIME;
		tn->dsize = size;
		memcpy((ASCII *)TREE_DATA(tn), alias_name, size+1); // includes NULL
		LoadTK( sn, Alias_Marker, 0, tn ) ;
		Del_Stat(&cache_pst, Cache_Del_Persistent(tn));
		Cache_Del_Alias_SN( alias_name ) ;
	owfree( alias_name ) ;
GOOD_OR_BAD OWQ_allocate_write_buffer( const char * write_buffer, size_t buffer_length, off_t offset, struct one_wire_query * owq )
	char * buffer_copy ;
	if ( buffer_length == 0 ) {
		// Buffer size is zero. Allowed, but make it NULL and no cleanup needed.
		OWQ_size(owq) = 0 ;
		OWQ_offset(owq) = 0 ;
		return gbGOOD ;
	buffer_copy = owmalloc( buffer_length+1) ;
	if ( buffer_copy == NULL) {
		// cannot allocate space for buffer
		LEVEL_DEBUG("Cannot allocate %ld bytes for buffer", buffer_length) ;
		OWQ_size(owq) = 0 ;
		OWQ_offset(owq) = 0 ;
		return gbBAD ;
	memcpy( buffer_copy, write_buffer, buffer_length) ;
	buffer_copy[buffer_length] = '\0' ; // make sure it's zero-ended
	OWQ_buffer(owq) = buffer_copy ;
	OWQ_size(owq)   = buffer_length ;
	OWQ_length(owq) = buffer_length ;
	OWQ_offset(owq) = offset ;
	OWQ_cleanup(owq) |= owq_cleanup_buffer ; // buffer needs cleanup
	return gbGOOD ;
/* Create the Parsename structure and create the buffer */
struct one_wire_query * OWQ_create_from_path(const char *path)
	int sz = sizeof( struct one_wire_query ) + OWQ_DEFAULT_READ_BUFFER_SIZE;
	struct one_wire_query * owq = owmalloc( sz );
	LEVEL_DEBUG("%s", path);

	if ( owq== NO_ONE_WIRE_QUERY) {
		LEVEL_DEBUG("No memory to create object for path %s",path) ;
		return NO_ONE_WIRE_QUERY ;
	memset(owq, 0, sz);
	OWQ_cleanup(owq) = owq_cleanup_owq ;
	if ( GOOD( OWQ_parsename(path,owq) ) ) {
		if ( GOOD( OWQ_allocate_array(owq)) ) {
			/*   Add a 1 byte buffer by default. This distinguishes from filesystem calls at end of buffer */
			/*   Read bufer is provided by OWQ_assign_read_buffer or OWQ_allocate_read_buffer */
			OWQ_buffer(owq) = (char *) (& owq[1]) ; // point just beyond the one_wire_query struct
			return owq ;
/* Use an single OWQ as a template for the aggregate one */
struct one_wire_query * OWQ_create_aggregate( struct one_wire_query * owq_single )
    int sz = sizeof( struct one_wire_query ) + OWQ_DEFAULT_READ_BUFFER_SIZE;
	struct one_wire_query * owq_all = owmalloc( sz );
	LEVEL_DEBUG("%s with extension ALL", PN(owq_single)->path);

	if ( owq_all == NO_ONE_WIRE_QUERY) {
		LEVEL_DEBUG("No memory to create object for extension ALL") ;
		return NO_ONE_WIRE_QUERY ;
	memset(owq_all, 0, sz);
	OWQ_cleanup(owq_all) = owq_cleanup_owq ;
	memcpy( PN(owq_all), PN(owq_single), sizeof(struct parsedname) ) ;
	PN(owq_all)->extension = EXTENSION_ALL ;
	OWQ_buffer(owq_all) = (char *) (& owq_all[1]) ; // point just beyond the one_wire_query struct
	OWQ_offset(owq_all) = 0 ;
	if ( BAD( OWQ_allocate_array(owq_all)) ) {
		return NO_ONE_WIRE_QUERY ;
	return owq_all ;
Beispiel #9
static struct sensor_node * create_sensor_node( char * s_name, char * s_family, char * s_description, char * s_data )
	int l_name = strlen(s_name)+1;
	int l_family = strlen(s_family)+1;
	int l_description = strlen(s_description)+1;
	int l_data = strlen(s_data)+1;

	struct sensor_node * s = owmalloc( sizeof(struct sensor_node) 
	+ l_name +  l_family + l_description + l_data ) ;

	if ( s==NULL) {
		return NULL ;
	memset( s, 0, sizeof(struct sensor_node) 
	+ l_name +  l_family + l_description + l_data ) ;

	s->name = s->payload ;
	strcpy( s->name, s_name ) ;

	s->family = s->name + l_name ;
	strcpy( s->family, s_family ) ;

	s->description = s->family + l_family ;
	strcpy( s->description, s_description ) ;

	s->data = s->description + l_description ;
	strcpy( s->data, s_data ) ;

	return s ;
Beispiel #10
/* return 0 if good, 1 if not */
GOOD_OR_BAD Cache_Add_Dir(const struct dirblob *db, const struct parsedname *pn)
	time_t duration = TimeOut(fc_directory);
	struct tree_node *tn;
	size_t size = DirblobElements(db) * SERIAL_NUMBER_SIZE;
	struct parsedname pn_directory;

	if (pn==NO_PARSEDNAME || pn->selected_connection==NO_CONNECTION) {
		return gbGOOD;				// do check here to avoid needless processing
	switch ( get_busmode(pn->selected_connection) ) {
		case bus_fake:
		case bus_tester:
		case bus_mock:
		case bus_w1:
		case bus_bad:
		case bus_unknown:
			return gbGOOD ;
			break ;
	if (duration <= 0) {
		return 0;				/* in case timeout set to 0 */

	if ( DirblobElements(db) < 1 ) {
		// only cache long directories.
		// zero (or one?) entry is possibly an error and needs to be repeated more quickly
		LEVEL_DEBUG("Won\'t cache empty directory");
		Cache_Del_Dir( pn ) ;
		return gbGOOD ;
	// allocate space for the node and data
	tn = (struct tree_node *) owmalloc(sizeof(struct tree_node) + size);
	if (!tn) {
		return gbBAD;
	LEVEL_DEBUG("Adding directory for " SNformat " elements=%d", SNvar(pn->sn), DirblobElements(db));
	// populate node with directory name and dirblob
	FS_LoadDirectoryOnly(&pn_directory, pn);
	LoadTK(, Directory_Marker, pn->selected_connection->index, tn );
	tn->expires = duration + NOW_TIME;
	tn->dsize = size;
	if (size) {
		memcpy(TREE_DATA(tn), db->snlist, size);
	return Add_Stat(&cache_dir, Cache_Add_Common(tn));
Beispiel #11
static struct BrowseStruct *Browse_Struct_Create(const char *name, const char *type, const char *domain)
	struct BrowseStruct *browse_struct = owmalloc(sizeof(struct BrowseStruct));
	if ( browse_struct == NULL ) {
		return NULL ;

	browse_struct->name   = ( name    != NULL ) ? owstrdup(name)   : NULL;
	browse_struct->type   = ( type    != NULL ) ? owstrdup(type)   : NULL;
	browse_struct->domain = ( domain  != NULL ) ? owstrdup(domain) : NULL;

	return browse_struct;
Beispiel #12
/* allocate buffer but free unless able to read and parse nlm fully */
static GOOD_OR_BAD Get_and_Parse_Pipe( FILE_DESCRIPTOR_OR_ERROR file_descriptor, struct netlink_parse * nlp )
	struct nlmsghdr peek_nlm ;
	struct nlmsghdr * nlm ;
	size_t payload_length ;

	// first read start of message to get length and details
	if ( read( file_descriptor, &peek_nlm, W1_NLM_LENGTH ) != W1_NLM_LENGTH ) {
		ERROR_DEBUG("Pipe (w1) read header error");
		return gbBAD ;

	LEVEL_DEBUG("Pipe header: len=%u type=%u seq=%u|%u pid=%u ",peek_nlm.nlmsg_len,peek_nlm.nlmsg_type,NL_BUS(peek_nlm.nlmsg_seq),NL_SEQ(peek_nlm.nlmsg_seq),peek_nlm.nlmsg_pid);

	// allocate space
	nlm = owmalloc( peek_nlm.nlmsg_len ) ;
	nlp->nlm = nlm ;
	if ( nlm == NULL ) {
		LEVEL_DEBUG("Netlink (w1) Cannot allocate %d byte buffer for data", peek_nlm.nlmsg_len ) ;
		return gbBAD ;

	memcpy( nlm, &peek_nlm, W1_NLM_LENGTH ) ; // copy header
	// read rest of packet
	if ( peek_nlm.nlmsg_len <= W1_NLM_LENGTH ) {
		owfree(nlm) ;
		LEVEL_DEBUG( "W1 packet error. Length is too short." ) ;
		return gbBAD ;
	payload_length = peek_nlm.nlmsg_len - W1_NLM_LENGTH ;
	if ( read( file_descriptor, NLMSG_DATA(nlm), payload_length ) != (ssize_t) payload_length ) {
		owfree(nlm) ;
		nlp->nlm = NULL ;
		ERROR_DEBUG("Pipe (w1) read payload error");
		return gbBAD ;

	if ( BAD( Netlink_Parse_Buffer( nlp )) ) {
		LEVEL_DEBUG("Buffer parsing error");
		owfree(nlm) ;
		nlp->nlm = NULL ;
		return gbBAD ;

	// Good, the receiving routine should owfree buffer
	LEVEL_DEBUG("Pipe read --------------------");
	Netlink_Parse_Show( nlp ) ;
	return gbGOOD ;
Beispiel #13
/* HTTP encode */
char * httpescape( const char * original_string )
	const char * original_p = original_string ;
	char * escaped_string ;
	char * escaped_p ;

	if ( original_string == NULL ) {
		return NULL ;

	escaped_p = escaped_string = owmalloc( strlen(original_string)*3 + 1 ) ;

	if ( escaped_string == NULL ) {
		return NULL ;

	while (1) {
		switch ( *original_p ) {
			case '\0':
				*escaped_p = '\0' ;
				return escaped_string ;
			case ' ':
			case '!':
			case '"':
			case '#':
			case '$':
			case '%':
			case '@':
			case '\'':
			case '(':
			case ')':
			case '<':
			case '>':
			case ';':
			case ':':
			case '+':
			case ',':
			case '=':
				escaped_p += sprintf( escaped_p, "%%%.2X", *original_p++ ) ;
				break ;
				*escaped_p++ = *original_p++ ;
				break ;
Beispiel #14
/* Alias name must be a null-terminated string */
static void Cache_Del_Alias_SN(const ASCII * alias_name)
	// allocate space for the node and data
	size_t datasize = strlen(alias_name) ;
	struct alias_tree_node *atn = (struct alias_tree_node *) owmalloc(sizeof(struct alias_tree_node) + datasize + 1);

	if (atn==NULL) {
		return ;

	// populate the node structure with data
	atn->expires = NOW_TIME;
	atn->size = datasize;
	memcpy( ALIAS_TREE_DATA(atn), alias_name, datasize+1 ) ;
	Cache_Del_Alias_Persistent( atn ) ;
Beispiel #15
// create the buffer of size filesize
GOOD_OR_BAD OWQ_allocate_read_buffer(struct one_wire_query * owq )
	struct parsedname * pn = PN(owq) ;
	size_t size = FullFileLength(pn);

	if ( size > 0 ) {
		char * buffer = owmalloc(size+1) ;
		if ( buffer == NULL ) {
			return gbBAD ;
		memset(buffer,0,size+1) ;
		OWQ_buffer(owq) = buffer ;
		OWQ_size(owq) = size ;
		OWQ_offset(owq) = 0 ;
		OWQ_cleanup(owq) |= owq_cleanup_buffer ;
	return gbGOOD;
Beispiel #16
struct connection_out *NewOut(void)
	size_t len = sizeof(struct connection_out);
	struct connection_out *now = (struct connection_out *) owmalloc(len);
	if (now) {
		memset(now, 0, len);
		now->next = Outbound_Control.head;
		Outbound_Control.head = now;
		now->index = Outbound_Control.next_index++; ;

		// Zero sref's -- done with struct memset
		//now->sref0 = 0 ;
		//now->sref1 = 0 ;
	} else {
		LEVEL_DEFAULT("Cannot allocate memory for server structure,");
	return now;
Beispiel #17
/* Return NULL if there is a problem */
char *DS9490_device_name(const struct usb_list *ul)
	size_t len = 32 ;
	int sn_ret ;
	char * return_string = owmalloc(len+1);

	if ( return_string == NULL ) {
		return NULL ;

	sn_ret = snprintf(return_string, len, "%.d:%.d", ul->usb_bus_number, ul->usb_dev_number) ;

	if (sn_ret <= 0) {
		SAFEFREE(return_string) ;

	return return_string;
Beispiel #18
/* return 0 if good, 1 if not */
GOOD_OR_BAD Cache_Add_Simul(const enum simul_type type, const struct parsedname *pn)
	// Note: pn already points to directory
	time_t duration = TimeOut(fc_volatile);
	struct tree_node *tn;

	if (pn==NO_PARSEDNAME || pn->selected_connection==NO_CONNECTION) {
		return gbGOOD;				// do check here to avoid needless processing
	switch ( get_busmode(pn->selected_connection) ) {
		case bus_fake:
		case bus_tester:
		case bus_mock:
		case bus_bad:
		case bus_unknown:
			return gbGOOD ;
			break ;
	if (duration <= 0) {
		return gbGOOD;				/* in case timeout set to 0 */
	// allocate space for the node and data
	LEVEL_DEBUG("Adding for conversion time for "SNformat, SNvar(pn->sn));
	tn = (struct tree_node *) owmalloc(sizeof(struct tree_node));
	if (!tn) {
		return gbBAD;
	LEVEL_DEBUG(SNformat, SNvar(pn->sn));
	// populate node with directory name and dirblob
	LoadTK( pn->sn, Simul_Marker[type], pn->selected_connection->index, tn) ;
	LEVEL_DEBUG("Simultaneous add type=%d",type);
	tn->expires = duration + NOW_TIME;
	tn->dsize = 0;
	return Add_Stat(&cache_dir, Cache_Add_Common(tn));
Beispiel #19
/* returns null-terminated string */
ASCII * Cache_Get_Alias(const BYTE * sn)
	struct tree_node tn;
	struct tree_opaque *opaque;
	ASCII * alias_name = NULL ;

	LoadTK(sn, Alias_Marker, 0, &tn ) ;

	opaque = tfind(&tn, &cache.persistent_tree, tree_compare) ;
	if ( opaque != NULL ) {
		alias_name = owmalloc( opaque->key->dsize + 1 ) ;
		if ( alias_name != NULL ) {
			memcpy( alias_name, (ASCII *)TREE_DATA(opaque->key), opaque->key->dsize+1 ) ;
			LEVEL_DEBUG("Retrieving " SNformat " alias=%s", SNvar(sn), alias_name );
	return alias_name ;
Beispiel #20
/* Alias name must be a null-terminated string */
INDEX_OR_ERROR Cache_Get_Alias_Bus(const ASCII * alias_name)
	// allocate space for the node and data
	size_t datasize = strlen(alias_name) ;
	struct alias_tree_node *atn = (struct alias_tree_node *) owmalloc(sizeof(struct alias_tree_node) + datasize + 1);

	if (atn==NULL) {
		return INDEX_BAD ;

	if (datasize==0) {
		owfree(atn) ;
		return INDEX_BAD ;

	// populate the node structure with data
	atn->size = datasize;
	memcpy( ALIAS_TREE_DATA(atn), alias_name, datasize+1 ) ;
	return Cache_Get_Alias_Common( atn ) ;
Beispiel #21
/* Alias name must be a null-terminated string */
GOOD_OR_BAD Cache_Get_Alias_SN(const ASCII * alias_name, BYTE * sn )
	// allocate space for the node and data
	size_t datasize = strlen(alias_name) ;
	struct alias_tree_node *atn ;

	if (datasize==0) {
		return gbBAD ;

	atn = (struct alias_tree_node *) owmalloc(sizeof(struct alias_tree_node) + datasize+1);
	if (atn==NULL) {
		return gbBAD ;

	// populate the node structure with data
	atn->size = datasize;
	memcpy( ALIAS_TREE_DATA(atn), alias_name, datasize+1 ) ;
	return Cache_Get_Alias_Persistent( sn, atn )==ctr_ok ? gbGOOD : gbBAD  ;
Beispiel #22
/* Add new license into device */
ZERO_OR_ERROR FS_w_PBM_activationcode(struct one_wire_query *owq)
	struct connection_in * in = PN(owq)->selected_connection ;
	size_t size = OWQ_size(owq) ;
	BYTE * cmd_string = owmalloc( size+5 ) ;
	if ( cmd_string == NULL ) {
		return -ENOMEM ;

	cmd_string[0] = 'k';
	cmd_string[1] = 'a';
	memcpy(&cmd_string[2], OWQ_buffer(owq), size ) ;
	cmd_string[size+2] = '\r';
	// Writes from and to cmd_string
	PBM_SendCMD(cmd_string, size + 3, cmd_string, size + 3, in, 500);

	owfree(cmd_string) ;
	return 0;
Beispiel #23
/* return 0 if good, 1 if not */
static GOOD_OR_BAD Cache_Add(const void *data, const size_t datasize, const struct parsedname *pn)
	struct tree_node *tn;
	time_t duration;
	int persistent ;

	if (!pn || IsAlarmDir(pn)) {
		return gbGOOD;				// do check here to avoid needless processing

	// Special handling of Mock
	persistent = IsThisPersistent(pn) ;
	if ( persistent ) {
		duration = 1 ;
	} else {
		duration = TimeOut(pn->selected_filetype->change);
		if (duration <= 0) {
			return gbGOOD;				/* in case timeout set to 0 */

	// allocate space for the node and data
	tn = (struct tree_node *) owmalloc(sizeof(struct tree_node) + datasize);
	if (!tn) {
		return gbBAD;

	LEVEL_DEBUG(SNformat " size=%d", SNvar(pn->sn), (int) datasize);

	// populate the node structure with data
	LoadTK( pn->sn, pn->selected_filetype, pn->extension, tn );
	tn->expires = duration + NOW_TIME;
	tn->dsize = datasize;
	if (datasize) {
		memcpy(TREE_DATA(tn), data, datasize);
	return persistent ?
		Add_Stat(&cache_pst, Cache_Add_Persistent(tn)) :
		Add_Stat(&cache_ext, Cache_Add_Common(tn)) ;
Beispiel #24
GOOD_OR_BAD Netlink_Parse_Get( struct netlink_parse * nlp )
	struct nlmsghdr peek_nlm ;

	// first peek at message to get length and details
	LEVEL_DEBUG("Wait to peek at message");
	int recv_len = recv( Inbound_Control.w1_monitor->pown->file_descriptor, &peek_nlm, W1_NLM_LENGTH, MSG_PEEK );

	// Set time of last read
	_MUTEX_LOCK(Inbound_Control.w1_monitor->master.w1_monitor.read_mutex) ;
	timernow( &(Inbound_Control.w1_monitor->master.w1_monitor.last_read) );
	_MUTEX_UNLOCK(Inbound_Control.w1_monitor->master.w1_monitor.read_mutex) ;

	LEVEL_DEBUG("Pre-parse header: %u bytes len=%u type=%u seq=%u|%u pid=%u",recv_len,peek_nlm.nlmsg_len,peek_nlm.nlmsg_type,NL_BUS(peek_nlm.nlmsg_seq),NL_SEQ(peek_nlm.nlmsg_seq),peek_nlm.nlmsg_pid);
	if (recv_len < 0) {
		ERROR_DEBUG("Netlink (w1) recv header error");
		return gbBAD ;

	// allocate space
	nlp->nlm = owmalloc( peek_nlm.nlmsg_len ) ;
	if ( nlp->nlm == NULL ) {
		LEVEL_DEBUG("Netlink (w1) Cannot allocate %d byte buffer for data",peek_nlm.nlmsg_len) ;
		return gbBAD ;

	// read whole packet
	recv_len = recv( Inbound_Control.w1_monitor->pown->file_descriptor, &(nlp->nlm[0]), peek_nlm.nlmsg_len, 0 );
	if (recv_len == -1) {
		ERROR_DEBUG("Netlink (w1) recv body error");
		return gbBAD ;

	if ( GOOD( Netlink_Parse_Buffer( nlp )) ) {
		LEVEL_DEBUG("Netlink read -----------------");
		Netlink_Parse_Show( nlp ) ;
		return gbGOOD ;
	return gbBAD ;
Beispiel #25
/* return 0 if good, 1 if not */
GOOD_OR_BAD Cache_Add_Alias(const ASCII *name, const BYTE * sn)
	struct tree_node *tn;
	size_t size = strlen(name) ;

	if ( size == 0 ) {
		return gbGOOD ;

	tn = (struct tree_node *) owmalloc(sizeof(struct tree_node) + size + 1 );
	if (!tn) {
		return gbBAD;

	LEVEL_DEBUG("Adding alias for " SNformat " = %s", SNvar(sn), name);
	LoadTK( sn, Alias_Marker, 0, tn );
	tn->expires = NOW_TIME;
	tn->dsize = size;
	memcpy((ASCII *)TREE_DATA(tn), name, size+1 ); // includes NULL
	Cache_Add_Alias_SN( name, sn ) ;
	return Add_Stat(&cache_pst, Cache_Add_Persistent(tn));
Beispiel #26
// Add a reg comp to tree if doesn't already exist
static enum e_regcomp_test regcomp_test( regex_t * reg )
	struct s_regex * pnode = owmalloc( sizeof( struct s_regex ) ) ;
	struct s_regex * found ;
	void * result ;

	if ( pnode == NULL ) {
		LEVEL_DEBUG("memory exhuasted") ;
		return e_regcomp_error ;
	pnode->reg = reg ;
	result = tsearch( (void *) pnode, &regex_tree, reg_compare ) ;
	found = *(struct s_regex **) result ;
	if ( found == pnode ) {
		// new entry
		return e_regcomp_new ;
	// existing entry
	owfree( pnode ) ;
	return e_regcomp_exists ;
Beispiel #27
/* Use an aggregate OWQ as a template for a single element */
struct one_wire_query * OWQ_create_separate( int extension, struct one_wire_query * owq_aggregate )
    int sz = sizeof( struct one_wire_query ) + OWQ_DEFAULT_READ_BUFFER_SIZE;
	struct one_wire_query * owq_sep = owmalloc( sz );
	LEVEL_DEBUG("%s with extension %d", PN(owq_aggregate)->path,extension);

	if ( owq_sep== NO_ONE_WIRE_QUERY) {
		LEVEL_DEBUG("No memory to create object for extension %d",extension) ;
		return NO_ONE_WIRE_QUERY ;
	memset(owq_sep, 0, sz);
	OWQ_cleanup(owq_sep) = owq_cleanup_owq ;
	memcpy( PN(owq_sep), PN(owq_aggregate), sizeof(struct parsedname) ) ;
	PN(owq_sep)->extension = extension ;
	OWQ_buffer(owq_sep) = (char *) (& owq_sep[1]) ; // point just beyond the one_wire_query struct
	OWQ_offset(owq_sep) = 0 ;
	return owq_sep ;
Beispiel #28
/* Alias name must be a null-terminated string */
static void Cache_Add_Alias_SN(const ASCII * alias_name, const BYTE * sn)
	// allocate space for the node and data
	size_t datasize = strlen(alias_name) ;
	struct alias_tree_node *atn = (struct alias_tree_node *) owmalloc(sizeof(struct alias_tree_node) + datasize + 1);

	if (atn==NULL) {
		return ;

	if (datasize==0) {
		owfree(atn) ;
		return ;

	// populate the node structure with data
	atn->expires = NOW_TIME;
	atn->size = datasize;
	memcpy( atn->sn, sn, SERIAL_NUMBER_SIZE ) ;
	memcpy( ALIAS_TREE_DATA(atn), alias_name, datasize+1 ) ;
	Cache_Add_Alias_Persistent( atn ) ;
Beispiel #29
/* alias_name is a null-terminated string */
void Cache_Add_Alias_Bus(const ASCII * alias_name, INDEX_OR_ERROR bus)
	// allocate space for the node and data
	size_t datasize = strlen(alias_name) ;
	struct alias_tree_node *atn = (struct alias_tree_node *) owmalloc(sizeof(struct alias_tree_node) + datasize + 1 );
	time_t duration = TimeOut(fc_presence);

	if (atn==NULL) {
		return ;

	if (datasize==0) {
		owfree(atn) ;
		return ;

	// populate the node structure with data
	atn->expires = duration + NOW_TIME;
	atn->size = datasize ;
	atn->bus = bus ;
	memcpy( ALIAS_TREE_DATA(atn), alias_name, datasize + 1 ) ;
	Cache_Add_Alias_Common( atn ) ;
Beispiel #30
// wrapper for regcomp
// pmatch rm_so abd rm_eo handled internally
// allocates (with owcalloc) and fills match_strings
// Can be nmatch==0 and matched_strings==NULL for just a test with no return  
int ow_regexec( const regex_t * rex, const char * string, struct ow_regmatch * orm )
	if ( orm == NULL ) {
		// special case -- no matches saved
		if ( regexec( rex, string, 0, NULL, 0 ) != 0 ) {
			return -1 ;
		return 0 ;
	} else {
		// case with saved matches
		int i ;
		int number = orm->number ;
		int len = strlen( string ) ;
		regmatch_t pmatch[ number + 2 ] ;
		// try the regexec on the string 
		if ( regexec( rex, string, number+1, pmatch, 0 ) != 0 ) {
			LEVEL_DEBUG("Not found");
			return -1 ;
		// allocate space for the array of matches -- pointer array first
		orm->pre = owcalloc( sizeof( char * ) , 3*(number+1) ) ;
		if ( orm->pre == NULL ) {
			LEVEL_DEBUG("Memory allocation error");
			return -1 ;
		orm->match = orm->pre + number+1 ;
		orm->post = orm->match + number+1 ;
		for ( i=0 ; i < number+1 ; ++i ) {
			// Note last index is kept null
			orm->pre[i] = NULL ;
			orm->match[i] = NULL ;
			orm->post[i] = NULL ;

		// not actual string array -- allocated as a buffer with space for pre,match and post
		// only need to allocat once per matched number
		for ( i=0 ; i < number+1 ; ++i ) {
			int s = pmatch[i].rm_so ;
			int e = pmatch[i].rm_eo ;
			if ( s != -1 && e != -1 ) {
				int l = e - s   ;
				// each buffer is only slightly longer than original string (since contains string plus some EOS nulls
				orm->pre[i] = owmalloc( len + 3 ) ;
				if ( orm->pre[i] == NULL ) {
					LEVEL_DEBUG("Memory problem") ;
					ow_regexec_free( orm )  ;
					return -1 ;
				// pre at start
				memset( orm->pre[i], 0 , len+3 ) ; 

				memcpy( orm->pre[i], string, s ) ;

				// match next
				orm->match[i] = orm->pre[i] + s + 1 ;
				memcpy( orm->match[i], &string[s], l ) ;

				// then post
				orm->post[i] = orm->match[i] + l + 1 ;
				memcpy( orm->post[i], &string[e], len-e+1 ) ;

				LEVEL_DEBUG("%d: %d->%d found <%s><%s><%s>",i,s,e,orm->pre[i],orm->match[i],orm->post[i]) ;
		return 0 ;