void update_balance_vote_operation::evaluate( transaction_evaluation_state& eval_state )const
   { try {
      auto current_balance_record = eval_state.pending_state()->get_balance_record( this->balance_id );
      FC_ASSERT( current_balance_record.valid(), "No such balance!" );
      FC_ASSERT( current_balance_record->condition.asset_id == 0, "Only BTS balances can have restricted owners." );
      FC_ASSERT( current_balance_record->condition.type == withdraw_signature_type, "Restricted owners not enabled for anything but basic balances" );

      auto last_update_secs = current_balance_record->last_update.sec_since_epoch();
      ilog("last_update_secs is: ${secs}", ("secs", last_update_secs) );

      auto balance = current_balance_record->balance;
      auto fee = BTS_BLOCKCHAIN_PRECISION / 2;
      FC_ASSERT( balance > fee );

      auto asset_rec = eval_state.pending_state()->get_asset_record( current_balance_record->condition.asset_id );
      if( asset_rec->is_market_issued() ) FC_ASSERT( current_balance_record->condition.slate_id == 0 );

      if( current_balance_record->condition.slate_id )
          eval_state.adjust_vote( current_balance_record->condition.slate_id, -balance );
      current_balance_record->balance -= balance;
      current_balance_record->last_update = eval_state.pending_state()->now();

      ilog("I'm storing a balance record whose last update is: ${secs}", ("secs", current_balance_record->last_update) );
      eval_state.pending_state()->store_balance_record( *current_balance_record );

      auto new_restricted_owner = current_balance_record->restricted_owner;
      auto new_slate = current_balance_record->condition.slate_id;

      if( this->new_restricted_owner.valid() && (this->new_restricted_owner != new_restricted_owner) )
          ilog("@n new restricted owner specified and its not the existing one");
          for( const auto& owner : current_balance_record->owners() ) //eventually maybe multisig can delegate vote
              if( !eval_state.check_signature( owner ) )
                  FC_CAPTURE_AND_THROW( missing_signature, (owner) );
          new_restricted_owner = this->new_restricted_owner;
          new_slate = this->new_slate;
      else // NOT this->new_restricted_owner.valid() || (this->new_restricted_owner == new_restricted_owner)
          auto restricted_owner = current_balance_record->restricted_owner;
          FC_ASSERT( restricted_owner.valid(),
                     "Didn't specify a new restricted owner, but one currently exists." );
          ilog( "@n now: ${secs}", ("secs", eval_state.pending_state()->now().sec_since_epoch()) );
          ilog( "@n last update: ${secs}", ("secs", last_update_secs ) );
          FC_ASSERT( eval_state.pending_state()->now().sec_since_epoch() - last_update_secs
                     "You cannot update your vote this frequently with only the voting key!" );

          if( NOT eval_state.check_signature( *restricted_owner ) )
              const auto& owners = current_balance_record->owners();
              for( const auto& owner : owners ) //eventually maybe multisig can delegate vote
                  if( NOT eval_state.check_signature( owner ) )
                      FC_CAPTURE_AND_THROW( missing_signature, (owner) );
          new_slate = this->new_slate;

      const auto owner = current_balance_record->owner();
      FC_ASSERT( owner.valid() );
      withdraw_condition new_condition( withdraw_with_signature( *owner ), 0, new_slate );
      balance_record newer_balance_record( new_condition );
      auto new_balance_record = eval_state.pending_state()->get_balance_record( newer_balance_record.id() );
      if( !new_balance_record.valid() )
          new_balance_record = current_balance_record;
      new_balance_record->condition = new_condition;

      if( new_balance_record->balance == 0 )
         new_balance_record->deposit_date = eval_state.pending_state()->now();
         fc::uint128 old_sec_since_epoch( current_balance_record->deposit_date.sec_since_epoch() );
         fc::uint128 new_sec_since_epoch( eval_state.pending_state()->now().sec_since_epoch() );

         fc::uint128 avg = (old_sec_since_epoch * new_balance_record->balance) + (new_sec_since_epoch * balance);
         avg /= (new_balance_record->balance + balance);

         new_balance_record->deposit_date = time_point_sec( avg.to_integer() );

      new_balance_record->last_update = eval_state.pending_state()->now();
      new_balance_record->balance += (balance - fee);
      new_balance_record->restricted_owner = new_restricted_owner;

      eval_state.add_balance( asset(fee, 0) );

      // update delegate vote on deposited account..
      if( new_balance_record->condition.slate_id )
         eval_state.adjust_vote( new_balance_record->condition.slate_id, (balance-fee) );

      ilog("I'm storing a balance record whose last update is: ${secs}", ("secs", new_balance_record->last_update) );
      eval_state.pending_state()->store_balance_record( *new_balance_record );

   } FC_CAPTURE_AND_RETHROW( (*this) ) }
Beispiel #2
void Helper
( const AbstractDistMatrix<S>& A,
        AbstractDistMatrix<T>& B ) 

    // TODO: Decide whether S or T should be used as the transmission type
    //       based upon which is smaller. Transmit S by default.
    const Int height = A.Height();
    const Int width = A.Width();
    const Grid& g = B.Grid();
    B.Resize( height, width );
    Zero( B );
    const bool BPartic = B.Participating();
    const int BRoot = B.Root();

    const bool includeViewers = (A.Grid() != B.Grid());

    const Int localHeight = A.LocalHeight();
    const Int localWidth = A.LocalWidth();
    auto& ALoc = A.LockedMatrix();
    auto& BLoc = B.Matrix();

    // TODO: Break into smaller pieces to avoid excessive memory usage?
    vector<Entry<S>> remoteEntries;
    vector<int> distOwners;
    if( A.RedundantRank() == 0 )
        const bool noRedundant = B.RedundantSize() == 1;
        const int colStride = B.ColStride();
        const int rowRank = B.RowRank();
        const int colRank = B.ColRank();

        vector<Int> globalRows(localHeight), localRows(localHeight);
        vector<int> ownerRows(localHeight);
        for( Int iLoc=0; iLoc<localHeight; ++iLoc )
            const Int i = A.GlobalRow(iLoc);
            const int ownerRow = B.RowOwner(i);
            globalRows[iLoc] = i;
            ownerRows[iLoc] = ownerRow;
            localRows[iLoc] = B.LocalRow(i,ownerRow);

        remoteEntries.reserve( localHeight*localWidth );
        distOwners.reserve( localHeight*localWidth );
        for( Int jLoc=0; jLoc<localWidth; ++jLoc )
            const Int j = A.GlobalCol(jLoc);
            const int ownerCol = B.ColOwner(j);
            const Int localCol = B.LocalCol(j,ownerCol);
            const bool isLocalCol = ( BPartic && ownerCol == rowRank );
            for( Int iLoc=0; iLoc<localHeight; ++iLoc ) 
                const int ownerRow = ownerRows[iLoc];
                const Int localRow = localRows[iLoc];
                const bool isLocalRow = ( BPartic && ownerRow == colRank );
                const S& alpha = ALoc(iLoc,jLoc);
                if( noRedundant && isLocalRow && isLocalCol )
                    BLoc(localRow,localCol) = Caster<S,T>::Cast(alpha);
                    ( Entry<S>{localRow,localCol,alpha} );
                    distOwners.push_back( ownerRow + colStride*ownerCol );

    // We will first push to redundant rank 0 of B
    const int redundantRootB = 0;

    // Compute the metadata
    // ====================
    const Int totalSend = remoteEntries.size();
    mpi::Comm comm;
    vector<int> sendCounts, owners(totalSend);
    if( includeViewers )
        comm = g.ViewingComm();
        const int viewingSize = mpi::Size( g.ViewingComm() );
        const int distBSize = mpi::Size( B.DistComm() );

        vector<int> distBToViewing(distBSize);
        for( int distBRank=0; distBRank<distBSize; ++distBRank )
            const int vcOwner =
            distBToViewing[distBRank] = g.VCToViewing(vcOwner);

        for( Int k=0; k<totalSend; ++k )
            owners[k] = distBToViewing[distOwners[k]];
        if( !g.InGrid() )
        comm = g.VCComm();

        const int distBSize = mpi::Size( B.DistComm() );
        vector<int> distBToVC(distBSize);
        for( int distBRank=0; distBRank<distBSize; ++distBRank )
            distBToVC[distBRank] = 

        const int vcSize = mpi::Size( g.VCComm() );
        for( Int k=0; k<totalSend; ++k )
            owners[k] = distBToVC[distOwners[k]];
    SwapClear( distOwners );

    // Pack the data
    // =============
    vector<int> sendOffs;
    Scan( sendCounts, sendOffs );
    vector<Entry<S>> sendBuf;
    FastResize( sendBuf, totalSend );
    auto offs = sendOffs;
    for( Int k=0; k<totalSend; ++k )
        sendBuf[offs[owners[k]]++] = remoteEntries[k];
    SwapClear( remoteEntries );
    SwapClear( owners );

    // Exchange and unpack the data
    // ============================
    auto recvBuf = mpi::AllToAll( sendBuf, sendCounts, sendOffs, comm );
    if( BPartic )
        if( B.RedundantRank() == redundantRootB )
            Int recvBufSize = recvBuf.size();
            for( Int k=0; k<recvBufSize; ++k )
                const auto& entry = recvBuf[k];
                BLoc(entry.i,entry.j) = Caster<S,T>::Cast(entry.value);
        El::Broadcast( B, B.RedundantComm(), redundantRootB );