Beispiel #1
 csColor GetPixel (float coord_x, float coord_y)
   // Scale the texture coordinates.
   coord_x *= textureScale.x;
   coord_y *= textureScale.y;
   // Calculate the material coordinates.
   float matcoord_x_f = (coord_x * img_w);
   float matcoord_y_f = (coord_y * img_h);
   int matcoord_x = int (matcoord_x_f);
   int matcoord_y = int (matcoord_y_f);
   // Bilinearly filter from material.
   csColor p00 (GetPixelWrap (img, img_w, img_h,
     matcoord_x, matcoord_y));
   csColor p01 (GetPixelWrap (img, img_w, img_h,
     matcoord_x, matcoord_y+1));
   csColor p11 (GetPixelWrap (img, img_w, img_h,
     matcoord_x+1, matcoord_y+1));
   csColor p10 (GetPixelWrap (img, img_w, img_h,
     matcoord_x+1, matcoord_y));
   float f1 = matcoord_x_f - matcoord_x;
   float f2 = matcoord_y_f - matcoord_y;
   return csLerp (csLerp (p00, p10, f1), 
     csLerp (p01, p11, f1), f2);
Beispiel #2
*  @brief
*    Calculate the intersection point of a line segment and the two triangles making a the cell of a height map terrain
dFloat BodyTerrain::RayCastCell(int xIndex0, int zIndex0, const Vector3 &p0, const Vector3 &dp, Vector3 &normalOut)
	dFloat t;

	// Clamp x
	if (xIndex0 < 0)
		xIndex0 = 0;
	if (xIndex0 >= static_cast<int>(m_nWidth)-1)
		xIndex0 = m_nWidth-2;
	// Clamp z
	if (zIndex0 < 0)
		zIndex0 = 0;
	if (zIndex0 >= static_cast<int>(m_nHeight)-1)
		zIndex0 = m_nHeight-2;

	// Get the 3d point at the corner of the cell
	Vector3 p00((xIndex0 + 0)*m_vScale.x, HEIGHFIELD(zIndex0+0, xIndex0+0), (zIndex0 + 0)*m_vScale.z);
	Vector3 p10((xIndex0 + 1)*m_vScale.x, HEIGHFIELD(zIndex0+0, xIndex0+1), (zIndex0 + 0)*m_vScale.z);
	Vector3 p11((xIndex0 + 1)*m_vScale.x, HEIGHFIELD(zIndex0+1, xIndex0+1), (zIndex0 + 1)*m_vScale.z);

	// Clip line again first triangle
	Vector3 e0 = p10 - p00;
	Vector3 e1 = p11 - p00;

	t = RayCastTriangle(p0, dp, p00, e0, e1);
	if (t < 1.0f) {
		return t;

	// Clip line against second triangle
	Vector3 p01((xIndex0 + 0)*m_vScale.x, HEIGHFIELD(zIndex0+1, xIndex0+0), (zIndex0 + 1)*m_vScale.z);
	Vector3 e2 = p01 - p00;
	return RayCastTriangle(p0, dp, p00, e1, e2);
Beispiel #3
	void Polyhedron_triangulation::extract_CAT()
		std::for_each(cat_cells.begin(), cat_cells.end(), std::mem_fun_ref(&std::list<CAT_facet>::clear));
		int *tetra_vtx_ptr = tetra_mesh.tetrahedronlist;
		int *marker = tetra_mesh.pointmarkerlist;
		REAL *pnt_tbl = tetra_mesh.pointlist;
		std::function<Point_3(int)> cgal_pnt = [=](int idx) { return Point_3(pnt_tbl[idx*3], pnt_tbl[idx*3+1], pnt_tbl[idx*3+2]); };
		for (int i = 0; i < tetra_mesh.numberoftetrahedra; i++, tetra_vtx_ptr += 4)
			std::set<int> group_no;
			std::multimap<int, int> group_no_vidx;
			typedef std::multimap<int, int>::const_iterator Iter;
			for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
				int vid = tetra_vtx_ptr[j];
				int gid = marker[vid];
				group_no_vidx.insert(std::make_pair(gid, vid));
			if (group_no.size() == 2)
				std::set<int>::const_iterator gid0 = group_no.begin(), gid1 = group_no.begin();
				if (group_no_vidx.count(*gid0) == 1 && group_no_vidx.count(*gid1) == 3)
					std::pair<Iter, Iter> i0 = group_no_vidx.equal_range(*gid0);
					std::pair<Iter, Iter> i1 = group_no_vidx.equal_range(*gid1);
					std::list<Point_3> mid_tri;
					for (Iter it = i1.first; it != i1.second; ++it)
						mid_tri.push_back(CGAL::midpoint(cgal_pnt(i0.first->second), cgal_pnt(it->second)));
					if (*gid0 >= 0)
						cat_cells[*gid0].push_back(CAT_facet(cgal_pnt(i0.first->second), mid_tri));
					if (*gid1 >= 0)
						for (Iter it = i1.first; it != i1.second; ++it)
							cat_cells[*gid1].push_back(CAT_facet(cgal_pnt(it->second), mid_tri));
				else if (group_no_vidx.count(*gid0) == 3 && group_no_vidx.count(*gid1) == 1)
					std::pair<Iter, Iter> i0 = group_no_vidx.equal_range(*gid0);
					std::pair<Iter, Iter> i1 = group_no_vidx.equal_range(*gid1);
					std::list<Point_3> mid_tri;
					for (Iter it = i0.first; it != i0.second; ++it)
						mid_tri.push_back(CGAL::midpoint(cgal_pnt(i1.first->second), cgal_pnt(it->second)));
					if (*gid1 >= 0)
						cat_cells[*gid1].push_back(CAT_facet(cgal_pnt(i1.first->second), mid_tri));
					if (*gid0 >= 0)
						for (Iter it = i0.first; it != i0.second; ++it)
							cat_cells[*gid0].push_back(CAT_facet(cgal_pnt(it->second), mid_tri));
					std::pair<Iter, Iter> i0 = group_no_vidx.equal_range(*gid0);
					std::pair<Iter, Iter> i1 = group_no_vidx.equal_range(*gid1);
					Iter it = i0.first;
					Point_3 p00(cgal_pnt(it->second));
					Point_3 p01(cgal_pnt(it->second));
					it = i1.first;
					Point_3 p10(cgal_pnt(it->second));
					Point_3 p11(cgal_pnt(it->second));
					Point_3 midpnt[4] = {CGAL::midpoint(p00, p10), CGAL::midpoint(p00, p11), CGAL::midpoint(p01, p10), CGAL::midpoint(p01, p11)};
					std::list<Point_3> mid_pm; // the middle parallelogram
					if (Vector_3(midpnt[0], midpnt[1])*Vector_3(midpnt[2], midpnt[3]) < 0)
					if (*gid0 >= 0)
						cat_cells[*gid0].push_back(CAT_facet(p00, mid_pm));
						cat_cells[*gid0].push_back(CAT_facet(p01, mid_pm));
					if (*gid1 >= 0)
						cat_cells[*gid1].push_back(CAT_facet(p10, mid_pm));
						cat_cells[*gid1].push_back(CAT_facet(p11, mid_pm));
			else if (group_no.size() == 3)
				// the two vertices in the same group
				int smgp[2];
				// the two vertices in the other two different groups
				int dfgp[2];
				int gi, gj, gk;
				std::vector< std::pair<int, int> > tmpv(group_no_vidx.begin(), group_no_vidx.end());
				if (tmpv[0].first == tmpv[1].first)
					smgp[0] = tmpv[0].second;	smgp[1] = tmpv[1].second;	gi = tmpv[0].first;
					dfgp[0] = tmpv[2].second;	dfgp[1] = tmpv[3].second;	gj = tmpv[2].first;	gk = tmpv[3].first;
				else if (tmpv[1].first == tmpv[2].first)
					smgp[0] = tmpv[1].second;	smgp[1] = tmpv[2].second;	gi = tmpv[1].first;
					dfgp[0] = tmpv[0].second;	dfgp[1] = tmpv[3].second;	gj = tmpv[0].first;	gk = tmpv[3].first;
					smgp[0] = tmpv[2].second;	smgp[1] = tmpv[3].second;	gi = tmpv[2].first;
					dfgp[0] = tmpv[0].second;	dfgp[1] = tmpv[1].second;	gj = tmpv[0].first; gk = tmpv[1].first;
				Point_3 pi[2] = {cgal_pnt(smgp[0]), cgal_pnt(smgp[1])};
				Point_3 pj(cgal_pnt(dfgp[0])), pk(cgal_pnt(dfgp[1]));
				Point_3 tri_cent[2] = {CGAL::centroid(pi[0], pj, pk), CGAL::centroid(pi[1], pj, pk)};
				Point_3 edge_mid[5] = {CGAL::midpoint(pi[0], pj), CGAL::midpoint(pi[0], pk), 
										CGAL::midpoint(pi[1], pj), CGAL::midpoint(pi[1], pk),
										CGAL::midpoint(pj, pk)};
				//std::list<Point_3> quad_i0i1j, quad_i0i1k, tri_i0i1jk;
				std::array<Point_3, 4> quad_i0i1j = {edge_mid[0], edge_mid[2], tri_cent[1], tri_cent[0]};
				std::array<Point_3, 4> quad_i0i1k = {edge_mid[1], edge_mid[3], tri_cent[1], tri_cent[0]};
				std::array<Point_3, 3> tri_i0i1jk = {edge_mid[4], tri_cent[1], tri_cent[0]};
				if (gi >= 0)
					cat_cells[gi].push_back(CAT_facet(pi[0], quad_i0i1j.begin(), quad_i0i1j.end()));
					cat_cells[gi].push_back(CAT_facet(pi[0], quad_i0i1k.begin(), quad_i0i1k.end()));
					cat_cells[gi].push_back(CAT_facet(pi[1], quad_i0i1j.begin(), quad_i0i1j.end()));
					cat_cells[gi].push_back(CAT_facet(pi[1], quad_i0i1k.begin(), quad_i0i1k.end()));
				if (gj >= 0)
					cat_cells[gj].push_back(CAT_facet(pj, quad_i0i1j.begin(), quad_i0i1j.end()));
					cat_cells[gj].push_back(CAT_facet(pj, tri_i0i1jk.begin(), tri_i0i1jk.end()));
				if (gk >= 0)
					cat_cells[gk].push_back(CAT_facet(pk, quad_i0i1k.begin(), quad_i0i1k.end()));
					cat_cells[gk].push_back(CAT_facet(pk, tri_i0i1jk.begin(), tri_i0i1jk.end()));
			else if (group_no.size() == 4)
				std::array<Point_3, 4> vs;
				std::array<int, 4> groupid;
				for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
					vs[j] = cgal_pnt(tetra_vtx_ptr[j]);
					groupid[j] = marker[tetra_vtx_ptr[j]];
				Point_3 tetra_cent = CGAL::centroid(vs.begin(), vs.end(), CGAL::Dimension_tag<0>());
				for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
					if (groupid[j] < 0)
					for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++)
						if (j == k) 
						for (int l = 0; l < 4; l++)
							if (l == j || l == k)
							Point_3 mpnt = CGAL::midpoint(vs[j], vs[k]);
							int m;
							for (m = 0; m < 4; m++)	
								if (m != j && m != k && m != l)
							Point_3 tri_cent[2] = { CGAL::centroid(vs[j], vs[k], vs[l]), CGAL::centroid(vs[j], vs[k], vs[m]) };
							std::list<Point_3> tri;
							cat_cells[groupid[j]].push_back(CAT_facet(vs[j], tri));
							cat_cells[groupid[j]].push_back(CAT_facet(vs[j], tri));
Beispiel #4
void LLSurfacePatch::calcNormal(const U32 x, const U32 y, const U32 stride)
	U32 patch_width = mSurfacep->mPVArray.mPatchWidth;
	U32 surface_stride = mSurfacep->getGridsPerEdge();

	const F32 mpg = mSurfacep->getMetersPerGrid() * stride;

	S32 poffsets[2][2][2];
	poffsets[0][0][0] = x - stride;
	poffsets[0][0][1] = y - stride;

	poffsets[0][1][0] = x - stride;
	poffsets[0][1][1] = y + stride;

	poffsets[1][0][0] = x + stride;
	poffsets[1][0][1] = y - stride;

	poffsets[1][1][0] = x + stride;
	poffsets[1][1][1] = y + stride;

	const LLSurfacePatch *ppatches[2][2];

	// LLVector3 p1, p2, p3, p4;

	ppatches[0][0] = this;
	ppatches[0][1] = this;
	ppatches[1][0] = this;
	ppatches[1][1] = this;

	U32 i, j;
	for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
		for (j = 0; j < 2; j++)
			if (poffsets[i][j][0] < 0)
				if (!ppatches[i][j]->getNeighborPatch(WEST))
					poffsets[i][j][0] = 0;
					poffsets[i][j][0] += patch_width;
					ppatches[i][j] = ppatches[i][j]->getNeighborPatch(WEST);
			if (poffsets[i][j][1] < 0)
				if (!ppatches[i][j]->getNeighborPatch(SOUTH))
					poffsets[i][j][1] = 0;
					poffsets[i][j][1] += patch_width;
					ppatches[i][j] = ppatches[i][j]->getNeighborPatch(SOUTH);
			if (poffsets[i][j][0] >= (S32)patch_width)
				if (!ppatches[i][j]->getNeighborPatch(EAST))
					poffsets[i][j][0] = patch_width - 1;
					poffsets[i][j][0] -= patch_width;
					ppatches[i][j] = ppatches[i][j]->getNeighborPatch(EAST);
			if (poffsets[i][j][1] >= (S32)patch_width)
				if (!ppatches[i][j]->getNeighborPatch(NORTH))
					poffsets[i][j][1] = patch_width - 1;
					poffsets[i][j][1] -= patch_width;
					ppatches[i][j] = ppatches[i][j]->getNeighborPatch(NORTH);

	LLVector3 p00(-mpg,-mpg,
				  + poffsets[0][0][0]
				  + poffsets[0][0][1]*surface_stride));
	LLVector3 p01(-mpg,+mpg,
				  + poffsets[0][1][0]
				  + poffsets[0][1][1]*surface_stride));
	LLVector3 p10(+mpg,-mpg,
				  + poffsets[1][0][0]
				  + poffsets[1][0][1]*surface_stride));
	LLVector3 p11(+mpg,+mpg,
				  + poffsets[1][1][0]
				  + poffsets[1][1][1]*surface_stride));

	LLVector3 c1 = p11 - p00;
	LLVector3 c2 = p01 - p10;

	LLVector3 normal = c1;
	normal %= c2;

	*(mDataNorm + surface_stride * y + x) = normal;
BezTreeNode::BezTreeNode(int _lv, float us, float ue, float vs, float ve, 
	BezTree* _tree, BezTreeNode* p, int* _idx)
	: lv(_lv), u_s(us), u_e(ue), v_s(vs), v_e(ve)
	tree = _tree;
	parent = p;
	child[0] = child[1] = child[2] = child[3] = NULL;
	memcpy(idx, _idx, sizeof(int) * 9);

	//const double Height = static_cast<double>(GeoCorrection::gridY) - 1;
	// compute bezier control points
	Vector2f p00(tree->transformedPoints[idx[0]].at<double>(0, 0),  tree->transformedPoints[idx[0]].at<double>(1, 0)),
		p02(tree->transformedPoints[idx[2]].at<double>(0, 0),  tree->transformedPoints[idx[2]].at<double>(1, 0)),
		p01 = estimateControlPoint(p00, p02, cv::Point2f(tree->transformedPoints[idx[1]].at<double>(0, 0),  tree->transformedPoints[idx[1]].at<double>(1, 0)), 0.5),
		p20(tree->transformedPoints[idx[6]].at<double>(0, 0),  tree->transformedPoints[idx[6]].at<double>(1, 0)),
		p22(tree->transformedPoints[idx[8]].at<double>(0, 0),  tree->transformedPoints[idx[8]].at<double>(1, 0)),
		p21 = estimateControlPoint(p20, p22, cv::Point2f(tree->transformedPoints[idx[7]].at<double>(0, 0),  tree->transformedPoints[idx[7]].at<double>(1, 0)), 0.5),
		p10 = estimateControlPoint(p00, p20, cv::Point2f(tree->transformedPoints[idx[3]].at<double>(0, 0),  tree->transformedPoints[idx[3]].at<double>(1, 0)), 0.5),
		p12 = estimateControlPoint(p02, p22, cv::Point2f(tree->transformedPoints[idx[5]].at<double>(0, 0),  tree->transformedPoints[idx[5]].at<double>(1, 0)), 0.5),
		p11 = estimateControlPoint(p10, p12, cv::Point2f(tree->transformedPoints[idx[4]].at<double>(0, 0),  tree->transformedPoints[idx[4]].at<double>(1, 0)), 0.5);

	Vector2f glProjPoint0(tree->projPoints[idx[0]].x,  tree->projPoints[idx[0]].y),
		glProjPoint1(tree->projPoints[idx[1]].x,  tree->projPoints[idx[1]].y),
		glProjPoint2(tree->projPoints[idx[2]].x,  tree->projPoints[idx[2]].y),
		glProjPoint3(tree->projPoints[idx[3]].x,  tree->projPoints[idx[3]].y),
		glProjPoint4(tree->projPoints[idx[4]].x,  tree->projPoints[idx[4]].y),
		glProjPoint5(tree->projPoints[idx[5]].x,  tree->projPoints[idx[5]].y),
		glProjPoint6(tree->projPoints[idx[6]].x,  tree->projPoints[idx[6]].y),
		glProjPoint7(tree->projPoints[idx[7]].x,  tree->projPoints[idx[7]].y),
		glProjPoint8(tree->projPoints[idx[8]].x,  tree->projPoints[idx[8]].y);

	if (p == nullptr)
		// actual bezier control points, need to differntiate delta
		/*surface = new QuadBezierPatch2f(2.0f*glProjPoint0 - p00,
			2.0f*glProjPoint1 - p01,
			2.0f*glProjPoint2 - p02,
			2.0f*glProjPoint3 - p10,
			2.0f*glProjPoint4 - p11,
			2.0f*glProjPoint5 - p12,
			2.0f*glProjPoint6 - p20,
			2.0f*glProjPoint7 - p21,
			2.0f*glProjPoint8 - p22
		surface = new QuadBezierPatch2f(glProjPoint0 ,
			2.0f*glProjPoint1 - p01,
			2.0f*glProjPoint3 - p10,
			2.0f*glProjPoint4 - p11,
			2.0f*glProjPoint5 - p12,
			2.0f*glProjPoint7 - p21,
		std::cout << "subdivision above 0th level" << std::endl;
		size_t row = sqrt(p->bezPatch.size());
		surface = new QuadBezierPatch2f(p->bezPatch[idx[0]],
			2.0*glProjPoint1 - p01,
			2.0*glProjPoint3 - p10,
			2.0*glProjPoint4 - p11,
			2.0*glProjPoint5 - p12,
			2.0*glProjPoint7 - p21,

	// generate vertices and mesh indices
	surface->interpolate(bezPatch, bezPatchIdx, BernsVal, 0, BernsVal.size());
Beispiel #6
void onInitialization( ) {
    glViewport(0, 0, screenWidth, screenHeight);
    Mat gold;
    gold.ka=Color(0.24725, 0.1995, 0.0745);
    gold.kd=Color(0.75164, 0.60648, 0.22648);
    gold.ks=Color(0.628281, 0.555802, 0.366065);
    gold.shine=0.4 * 128;
    gold.n=Color(0.17, 0.35, 1.5);
    gold.k=Color(3.1, 2.7, 1.9);
    Mat brown;
    brown.kd=Color(0.58, 0.294, 0);
    double gn=1.5;
    Mat glass;
    Mat glass2=glass;
    glass2.n=Color(1/gn, 1/gn, 1/gn);
    add(new Sphere(glass2, Vector(0,0,0), 0.4));
    add(new Torus(gold, 0.25, 0.1));
    double z=-0.65;
    Vector p00(-2,-2,z);
    Vector p10(2,-2,z);
    Vector p01(-2,2,z);
    Vector p11(2,2,z);
    Vector n(0,0,1);
    add(new Triangle(brown, p00, p10, p01, n,n,n));
    add(new Triangle(brown, p11, p01, p10, n,n,n));
    int cube[12][3][3]={
                {-1, -1, -1},
                {1, -1, -1},
                {1, -1, 1}
                {-1, -1, 1},
                {-1, -1, -1},
                {1, -1, 1}
                {-1, 1, -1},
                {1, 1, 1},
                {1, 1, -1}
                {-1, 1, 1},
                {1, 1, 1},
                {-1, 1, -1}
                {-1, -1, -1},
                {-1, 1, 1},
                {-1, 1, -1}
                {-1, 1, 1},
                {-1, -1, -1},
                {-1, -1, 1}
                {1, -1, -1},
                {1, 1, -1},
                {1, 1, 1}
                {1, 1, 1},
                {1, -1, 1},
                {1, -1, -1}
                {-1, 1, -1},
                {1, 1, -1},
                {-1, -1, -1}
                {1, -1, -1},
                {-1, -1, -1},
                {1, 1, -1}
                {-1, 1, 1},
                {-1, -1, 1},
                {1, 1, 1},
                {1, -1, 1},
                {1, 1, 1},
                {-1, -1, 1}
    double a=0.5,b=0.5,c=0.5;
    for(int i=0;i<12;i++){
        Vector p1(cube[i][0][0]*a, cube[i][0][1]*b, cube[i][0][2]*c);
        Vector p2(cube[i][1][0]*a, cube[i][1][1]*b, cube[i][1][2]*c);
        Vector p3(cube[i][2][0]*a, cube[i][2][1]*b, cube[i][2][2]*c);
        Vector n=((p2-p1)%(p3-p1)).unit();
        add(new Triangle(glass, p1, p2, p3, n, n, n));
    for(int i=0;i<objSize;i++){
        delete obj[i];
void MSNewton::CurvySlider::submit_constraints(const NewtonJoint* joint, dgFloat32 timestep, int thread_index) {
	JointData* joint_data = (JointData*)NewtonJointGetUserData(joint);
	CurvySliderData* cj_data = (CurvySliderData*)joint_data->cj_data;

	// Calculate position of pivot points and Jacobian direction vectors in global space.
	dMatrix matrix0, matrix1, matrix2;
	MSNewton::Joint::c_calculate_global_matrix(joint_data, matrix0, matrix1, matrix2);

	dVector location = matrix2.UntransformVector(matrix0.m_posit);
	dVector point, vector, min_pt, max_pt;
	dFloat distance, min_len, max_len;
	if (!c_calc_curve_data_at_location(cj_data, location, point, vector, distance, min_pt, max_pt, min_len, max_len)) {
		cj_data->cur_data_set = false;

	point = matrix2.TransformVector(point);
	vector = matrix2.RotateVector(vector);
	min_pt = matrix2.TransformVector(min_pt);
	max_pt = matrix2.TransformVector(max_pt);

	cj_data->cur_point = point;
	cj_data->cur_vector = vector;
	cj_data->cur_tangent = (1.0f - dAbs(vector.m_z) < EPSILON) ? Y_AXIS * vector : Z_AXIS * vector;
	cj_data->cur_data_set = true;

	dFloat last_pos = cj_data->cur_pos;
	dFloat last_vel = cj_data->cur_vel;
	if (cj_data->loop) {
		dFloat diff1 = distance - cj_data->last_dist;
		dFloat diff2 = diff1 + (diff1 > 0 ? -cj_data->curve_len : cj_data->curve_len);
		if (dAbs(diff1) < dAbs(diff2))
			cj_data->cur_pos += diff1;
			cj_data->cur_pos += diff2;
		cj_data->cur_pos = distance;
	cj_data->cur_vel = (cj_data->cur_pos - last_pos) / timestep;
	cj_data->cur_accel = (cj_data->cur_vel - last_vel) / timestep;
	cj_data->last_dist = distance;

	dMatrix matrix3;
	Util::matrix_from_pin_dir(point, vector, matrix3);

	const dVector& p0 = matrix0.m_posit;
	const dVector& p1 = matrix3.m_posit;
	dVector p00(p0 + matrix0.m_right.Scale(MIN_JOINT_PIN_LENGTH));
	dVector p11(p1 + matrix3.m_right.Scale(MIN_JOINT_PIN_LENGTH));

	// Restrict movement on the pivot point along the normal and bi normal of the path.
	NewtonUserJointAddLinearRow(joint, &p0[0], &p1[0], &matrix3.m_front[0]);
	if (joint_data->ctype == CT_FLEXIBLE)
		NewtonUserJointSetRowSpringDamperAcceleration(joint, Joint::LINEAR_STIFF, Joint::LINEAR_DAMP);
	else if (joint_data->ctype == CT_ROBUST)
		NewtonUserJointSetRowAcceleration(joint, NewtonUserCalculateRowZeroAccelaration(joint));
	NewtonUserJointSetRowStiffness(joint, joint_data->stiffness);

	NewtonUserJointAddLinearRow(joint, &p0[0], &p1[0], &matrix3.m_up[0]);
	if (joint_data->ctype == CT_FLEXIBLE)
		NewtonUserJointSetRowSpringDamperAcceleration(joint, Joint::LINEAR_STIFF, Joint::LINEAR_DAMP);
	else if (joint_data->ctype == CT_ROBUST)
		NewtonUserJointSetRowAcceleration(joint, NewtonUserCalculateRowZeroAccelaration(joint));
	NewtonUserJointSetRowStiffness(joint, joint_data->stiffness);

	// Align to curve
	if (cj_data->align) {
		NewtonUserJointAddLinearRow(joint, &p00[0], &p11[0], &matrix3.m_front[0]);
		if (joint_data->ctype == CT_ROBUST)
			NewtonUserJointSetRowAcceleration(joint, NewtonUserCalculateRowZeroAccelaration(joint));
			NewtonUserJointSetRowSpringDamperAcceleration(joint, Joint::LINEAR_STIFF, Joint::LINEAR_DAMP);
		NewtonUserJointSetRowStiffness(joint, joint_data->stiffness);

		NewtonUserJointAddLinearRow(joint, &p00[0], &p11[0], &matrix3.m_up[0]);
		if (joint_data->ctype == CT_ROBUST)
			NewtonUserJointSetRowAcceleration(joint, NewtonUserCalculateRowZeroAccelaration(joint));
			NewtonUserJointSetRowSpringDamperAcceleration(joint, Joint::LINEAR_STIFF, Joint::LINEAR_DAMP);
		NewtonUserJointSetRowStiffness(joint, joint_data->stiffness);

	// Add linear friction or limits
	dFloat min_posit = matrix3.UntransformVector(min_pt).m_z;
	dFloat max_posit = matrix3.UntransformVector(max_pt).m_z;
	dFloat cur_posit = matrix3.UntransformVector(p0).m_z;
	dFloat margin = EPSILON + 0.01f * dAbs(cj_data->cur_vel);
	if (cur_posit < min_posit - margin || (cur_posit < min_posit - Joint::LINEAR_LIMIT_EPSILON && dAbs(min_len) < EPSILON && cj_data->loop == false)) {
		NewtonUserJointAddLinearRow(joint, &p0[0], &min_pt[0], &matrix3.m_right[0]);
		NewtonUserJointSetRowMinimumFriction(joint, 0.0f);
		if (joint_data->ctype == CT_FLEXIBLE)
			NewtonUserJointSetRowSpringDamperAcceleration(joint, Joint::LINEAR_STIFF, Joint::LINEAR_DAMP);
		else if (joint_data->ctype == CT_ROBUST)
			NewtonUserJointSetRowAcceleration(joint, NewtonUserCalculateRowZeroAccelaration(joint));
		NewtonUserJointSetRowStiffness(joint, joint_data->stiffness);
	else if (cur_posit > max_posit + margin || (cur_posit > max_posit + Joint::LINEAR_LIMIT_EPSILON && dAbs(max_len - cj_data->curve_len) < EPSILON && cj_data->loop == false)) {
		NewtonUserJointAddLinearRow(joint, &p0[0], &max_pt[0], &matrix3.m_right[0]);
		NewtonUserJointSetRowMaximumFriction(joint, 0.0f);
		if (joint_data->ctype == CT_FLEXIBLE)
			NewtonUserJointSetRowSpringDamperAcceleration(joint, Joint::LINEAR_STIFF, Joint::LINEAR_DAMP);
		else if (joint_data->ctype == CT_ROBUST)
			NewtonUserJointSetRowAcceleration(joint, NewtonUserCalculateRowZeroAccelaration(joint));
		NewtonUserJointSetRowStiffness(joint, joint_data->stiffness);
	else {
		dVector point(matrix3.UntransformVector(matrix0.m_posit));
		point.m_z = 0.0f;
		point = matrix3.TransformVector(point);
		NewtonUserJointAddLinearRow(joint, &point[0], &matrix3.m_posit[0], &matrix3.m_right[0]);
		dFloat power = cj_data->linear_friction * cj_data->controller;
		NewtonUserJointSetRowMinimumFriction(joint, -power);
		NewtonUserJointSetRowMaximumFriction(joint, power);
		NewtonUserJointSetRowStiffness(joint, joint_data->stiffness);

	// Add angular friction or limits
	if (cj_data->rotate) {
		if (cj_data->align) {
			NewtonUserJointAddAngularRow(joint, 0.0f, &matrix3.m_right[0]);
			dFloat power = cj_data->angular_friction * cj_data->controller;
			NewtonUserJointSetRowMinimumFriction(joint, -power);
			NewtonUserJointSetRowMaximumFriction(joint, power);
			NewtonUserJointSetRowStiffness(joint, joint_data->stiffness);
		else {
			dFloat cur_cone_angle_cos = matrix0.m_right % cj_data->last_dir;
			if (dAbs(cur_cone_angle_cos) < 0.99995f) {
				dVector lateral_dir =  matrix0.m_right  * cj_data->last_dir;
				NewtonUserJointAddAngularRow(joint, 0.0f, &lateral_dir[0]);
				dFloat power = cj_data->angular_friction * cj_data->controller;
				NewtonUserJointSetRowMinimumFriction(joint, -power);
				NewtonUserJointSetRowMaximumFriction(joint, power);
				NewtonUserJointSetRowStiffness(joint, joint_data->stiffness);
	else if (cj_data->align) {
		NewtonUserJointAddAngularRow(joint, Joint::c_calculate_angle(matrix0.m_front, matrix3.m_front, matrix3.m_right), &matrix3.m_right[0]);
		if (joint_data->ctype == CT_FLEXIBLE)
			NewtonUserJointSetRowSpringDamperAcceleration(joint, Joint::ANGULAR_STIFF, Joint::ANGULAR_DAMP);
		else if (joint_data->ctype == CT_ROBUST)
			NewtonUserJointSetRowAcceleration(joint, NewtonUserCalculateRowZeroAccelaration(joint));
		NewtonUserJointSetRowStiffness(joint, joint_data->stiffness);
	else {
		// Get a point along the pin axis at some reasonable large distance from the pivot.
		dVector q0(p0 + matrix0.m_right.Scale(MIN_JOINT_PIN_LENGTH));
		dVector q1(p1 + matrix1.m_right.Scale(MIN_JOINT_PIN_LENGTH));
		// Get the ankle point.
		dVector r0(p0 + matrix0.m_front.Scale(MIN_JOINT_PIN_LENGTH));
		dVector r1(p1 + matrix1.m_front.Scale(MIN_JOINT_PIN_LENGTH));
		// Restrict rotation along all three orthonormal directions
		NewtonUserJointAddLinearRow(joint, &q0[0], &q1[0], &matrix0.m_front[0]);
		if (joint_data->ctype == CT_FLEXIBLE)
			NewtonUserJointSetRowSpringDamperAcceleration(joint, Joint::LINEAR_STIFF, Joint::LINEAR_DAMP);
		else if (joint_data->ctype == CT_ROBUST)
			NewtonUserJointSetRowAcceleration(joint, NewtonUserCalculateRowZeroAccelaration(joint));
		NewtonUserJointSetRowStiffness(joint, joint_data->stiffness);

		NewtonUserJointAddLinearRow(joint, &q0[0], &q1[0], &matrix0.m_up[0]);
		if (joint_data->ctype == CT_FLEXIBLE)
			NewtonUserJointSetRowSpringDamperAcceleration(joint, Joint::LINEAR_STIFF, Joint::LINEAR_DAMP);
		else if (joint_data->ctype == CT_ROBUST)
			NewtonUserJointSetRowAcceleration(joint, NewtonUserCalculateRowZeroAccelaration(joint));
		NewtonUserJointSetRowStiffness(joint, joint_data->stiffness);

		NewtonUserJointAddLinearRow(joint, &r0[0], &r1[0], &matrix0.m_up[0]);
		if (joint_data->ctype == CT_FLEXIBLE)
			NewtonUserJointSetRowSpringDamperAcceleration(joint, Joint::LINEAR_STIFF, Joint::LINEAR_DAMP);
		else if (joint_data->ctype == CT_ROBUST)
			NewtonUserJointSetRowAcceleration(joint, NewtonUserCalculateRowZeroAccelaration(joint));
		NewtonUserJointSetRowStiffness(joint, joint_data->stiffness);
	cj_data->last_dir = matrix0.m_right;