Beispiel #1
/* recalibrate_model()
 * Optionally, user can choose (with --recal) to replace the
 * statistical parameters of the HMM.  The calibrated params are used
 * to generate "expected" distributions in output plots.  see
 * p7_Calibrate(), which this is a partial copy of. (p7_Calibrate()
 * requires a P7_BUILDER object that we don't have.)
 * On success, returns <eslOK> and the statistical parameters of the
 * <hmm> have been recalibrated and replaced.
static int
recalibrate_model(ESL_GETOPTS *go, struct cfg_s *cfg, char *errbuf, P7_HMM *hmm)
  P7_PROFILE  *gm   = NULL;
  P7_OPROFILE *om   = NULL;
  int          EmL  = esl_opt_GetInteger(go, "--EmL");
  int          EmN  = esl_opt_GetInteger(go, "--EmN");
  int          EvL  = esl_opt_GetInteger(go, "--EvL");
  int          EvN  = esl_opt_GetInteger(go, "--EvN");
  int          EfL  = esl_opt_GetInteger(go, "--EfL");
  int          EfN  = esl_opt_GetInteger(go, "--EfN");
  double       Eft  = esl_opt_GetReal   (go, "--Eft");
  double       lambda, mmu, vmu, ftau;

  gm = p7_profile_Create(hmm->M, cfg->abc);
  p7_profile_Config(gm, hmm, cfg->bg);      /* dual-mode multihit; L=0 (no length model needed right now) */
   P7_HARDWARE *hw;
  if ((hw = p7_hardware_Create ()) == NULL)  p7_Fail("Couldn't get HW information data structure"); 
  om = p7_oprofile_Create(gm->M, cfg->abc, hw->simd);
  p7_oprofile_Convert(gm, om);	/* om is now *local* multihit */

  p7_Lambda(hmm, cfg->bg, &lambda);
  p7_MSVMu    (cfg->r, om, cfg->bg, EmL, EmN, lambda,      &mmu);
  p7_ViterbiMu(cfg->r, om, cfg->bg, EvL, EvN, lambda,      &vmu);
  p7_Tau      (cfg->r, om, cfg->bg, EfL, EfN, lambda, Eft, &ftau);

  hmm->evparam[p7_MLAMBDA] = lambda;
  hmm->evparam[p7_VLAMBDA] = lambda;
  hmm->evparam[p7_FLAMBDA] = lambda;
  hmm->evparam[p7_MMU]     = mmu;
  hmm->evparam[p7_VMU]     = vmu;
  hmm->evparam[p7_FTAU]    = ftau;
  hmm->flags              |= p7H_STATS;

  return eslOK;
Beispiel #2
/* Function:  p7_Calibrate()
 * Synopsis:  Calibrate the E-value parameters of a model.
 * Incept:    SRE, Thu Dec 25 09:29:31 2008 [Magallon]
 * Purpose:   Calibrate the E-value parameters of a model with 
 *            one calculation ($\lambda$) and two brief simulations
 *            (Viterbi $\mu$, Forward $\tau$).
 * Args:      hmm     - HMM to be calibrated
 *            cfg_b   - OPTCFG: ptr to optional build configuration;
 *                      if <NULL>, use default parameters.
 *            byp_rng - BYPASS optimization: pass ptr to <ESL_RANDOMNESS> generator
 *                      if already known; 
 *                      <*byp_rng> == NULL> if <rng> return is desired;
 *                      pass <NULL> to use and discard internal default.
 *            byp_bg  - BYPASS optimization: pass ptr to <P7_BG> if already known; 
 *                      <*byp_bg == NULL> if <bg> return is desired;
 *                      pass <NULL> to use and discard internal default.
 *            byp_gm  - BYPASS optimization: pass ptr to <gm> profile if already known;
 *                      pass <*byp_gm == NULL> if <gm> return desired;
 *                      pass <NULL> to use and discard internal default.
 *            byp_om  - BYPASS optimization: pass ptr to <om> profile if already known;
 *                      pass <*byp_om == NULL> if <om> return desired;
 *                      pass <NULL> to use and discard internal default.          
 * Returns:   <eslOK> on success.
 * Throws:    <eslEMEM> on allocation failure.
 *            <eslEINVAL> if <hmm>, <gm>, <om> aren't compatible somehow.
 * Xref:      J4/41
p7_Calibrate(P7_HMM *hmm, P7_BUILDER *cfg_b, ESL_RANDOMNESS **byp_rng, P7_BG **byp_bg, P7_PROFILE **byp_gm, P7_OPROFILE **byp_om)
  P7_BG          *bg     = (esl_byp_IsProvided(byp_bg)  ? *byp_bg  : NULL); 
  P7_PROFILE     *gm     = (esl_byp_IsProvided(byp_gm)  ? *byp_gm  : NULL); 
  P7_OPROFILE    *om     = (esl_byp_IsProvided(byp_om)  ? *byp_om  : NULL); 
  ESL_RANDOMNESS *r      = (esl_byp_IsProvided(byp_rng) ? *byp_rng : NULL);
  char           *errbuf = ((cfg_b != NULL) ? cfg_b->errbuf : NULL);
  int             EmL    = ((cfg_b != NULL) ? cfg_b->EmL    : 200);
  int             EmN    = ((cfg_b != NULL) ? cfg_b->EmN    : 200);
  int             EvL    = ((cfg_b != NULL) ? cfg_b->EvL    : 200);
  int             EvN    = ((cfg_b != NULL) ? cfg_b->EvN    : 200);
  int             EfL    = ((cfg_b != NULL) ? cfg_b->EfL    : 100);
  int             EfN    = ((cfg_b != NULL) ? cfg_b->EfN    : 200);
  double          Eft    = ((cfg_b != NULL) ? cfg_b->Eft    : 0.04);
  double          lambda, mmu, vmu, tau;
  int             status;
  /* Configure any objects we need
   * that weren't already passed to us as a bypass optimization 
  if (r  == NULL) {
    if ((r = esl_randomness_CreateFast(42)) == NULL) ESL_XFAIL(eslEMEM, errbuf, "failed to create RNG");
  } else if (cfg_b != NULL && cfg_b->do_reseeding) {
    esl_randomness_Init(r, esl_randomness_GetSeed(r));

  if (bg == NULL) {
    if ((bg = p7_bg_Create(hmm->abc)) == NULL)  ESL_XFAIL(eslEMEM, errbuf, "failed to allocate background");

  /* there's an odd case where the <om> is provided and a <gm> isn't going to be returned
   * where we don't need a <gm> at all, and <gm> stays <NULL> after the next block.
   * Note that the <EvL> length in the ProfileConfig doesn't matter; the individual
   * calibration routines MSVMu(), etc. contain their own length reconfig calls.
  if ((esl_byp_IsInternal(byp_gm) && ! esl_byp_IsProvided(byp_om)) || esl_byp_IsReturned(byp_gm)) {
    if  ( (gm     = p7_profile_Create(hmm->M, hmm->abc))          == NULL)  ESL_XFAIL(eslEMEM, errbuf, "failed to allocate profile");
    if  ( (status = p7_ProfileConfig(hmm, bg, gm, EvL, p7_LOCAL)) != eslOK) ESL_XFAIL(status,  errbuf, "failed to configure profile");

  if (om == NULL) {
    if ((om     = p7_oprofile_Create(hmm->M, hmm->abc)) == NULL) ESL_XFAIL(eslEMEM, errbuf, "failed to create optimized profile");
    if ((status = p7_oprofile_Convert(gm, om))         != eslOK) ESL_XFAIL(status,  errbuf, "failed to convert to optimized profile");

  /* The calibration steps themselves */
  if ((status = p7_Lambda(hmm, bg, &lambda))                          != eslOK) ESL_XFAIL(status,  errbuf, "failed to determine lambda");
  if ((status = p7_MSVMu    (r, om, bg, EmL, EmN, lambda, &mmu))      != eslOK) ESL_XFAIL(status,  errbuf, "failed to determine msv mu");
  if ((status = p7_ViterbiMu(r, om, bg, EvL, EvN, lambda, &vmu))      != eslOK) ESL_XFAIL(status,  errbuf, "failed to determine vit mu");
  if ((status = p7_Tau      (r, om, bg, EfL, EfN, lambda, Eft, &tau)) != eslOK) ESL_XFAIL(status,  errbuf, "failed to determine fwd tau");

  /* Store results */
  hmm->evparam[p7_MLAMBDA] = om->evparam[p7_MLAMBDA] = lambda;
  hmm->evparam[p7_VLAMBDA] = om->evparam[p7_VLAMBDA] = lambda;
  hmm->evparam[p7_FLAMBDA] = om->evparam[p7_FLAMBDA] = lambda;
  hmm->evparam[p7_MMU]     = om->evparam[p7_MMU]     = mmu;
  hmm->evparam[p7_VMU]     = om->evparam[p7_VMU]     = vmu;
  hmm->evparam[p7_FTAU]    = om->evparam[p7_FTAU]    = tau;
  hmm->flags              |= p7H_STATS;

  if (gm != NULL) {
    gm->evparam[p7_MLAMBDA] = lambda;
    gm->evparam[p7_VLAMBDA] = lambda;
    gm->evparam[p7_FLAMBDA] = lambda;
    gm->evparam[p7_MMU]     = mmu;
    gm->evparam[p7_VMU]     = vmu;
    gm->evparam[p7_FTAU]    = tau;
  if (byp_rng != NULL) *byp_rng = r;  else esl_randomness_Destroy(r); /* bypass convention: no-op if rng was provided.*/
  if (byp_bg  != NULL) *byp_bg  = bg; else p7_bg_Destroy(bg);         /* bypass convention: no-op if bg was provided. */
  if (byp_gm  != NULL) *byp_gm  = gm; else p7_profile_Destroy(gm);    /* bypass convention: no-op if gm was provided. */
  if (byp_om  != NULL) *byp_om  = om; else p7_oprofile_Destroy(om);   /* bypass convention: no-op if om was provided. */
  return eslOK;

  if (! esl_byp_IsProvided(byp_rng)) esl_randomness_Destroy(r);
  if (! esl_byp_IsProvided(byp_bg))  p7_bg_Destroy(bg);
  if (! esl_byp_IsProvided(byp_gm))  p7_profile_Destroy(gm);
  if (! esl_byp_IsProvided(byp_om))  p7_oprofile_Destroy(om);
  return status;
Beispiel #3
main(int argc, char **argv)
  ESL_GETOPTS    *go      = p7_CreateDefaultApp(options, 1, argc, argv, banner, usage);
  char           *hmmfile = esl_opt_GetArg(go, 1);
  ESL_RANDOMNESS *r       = esl_randomness_CreateFast(esl_opt_GetInteger(go, "-s"));
  ESL_ALPHABET   *abc     = NULL;
  P7_HMMFILE     *hfp     = NULL;
  P7_HMM         *hmm     = NULL;
  P7_BG          *bg      = NULL;
  P7_PROFILE     *gm      = NULL;
  P7_OPROFILE    *om      = NULL;
  double          lambda  = 0.0;
  double          mmu     = 0.0;
  double          vmu     = 0.0;
  double          ftau    = 0.0;
  int             Z       = esl_opt_GetInteger(go, "-Z");
  int             EmL     = esl_opt_GetInteger(go, "--EmL");
  int             EmN     = esl_opt_GetInteger(go, "--EmN");
  int             EvL     = esl_opt_GetInteger(go, "--EvL");
  int             EvN     = esl_opt_GetInteger(go, "--EvN");
  int             EfL     = esl_opt_GetInteger(go, "--EfL");
  int             EfN     = esl_opt_GetInteger(go, "--EfN");
  int             Eft     = esl_opt_GetReal   (go, "--Eft");
  int             iteration;
  int             do_msv, do_vit, do_fwd;
  int             status;

  if      (esl_opt_GetBoolean(go, "--msvonly") == TRUE) { do_msv =  TRUE; do_vit = FALSE; do_fwd = FALSE; }
  else if (esl_opt_GetBoolean(go, "--vitonly") == TRUE) { do_msv = FALSE; do_vit =  TRUE; do_fwd = FALSE; }
  else if (esl_opt_GetBoolean(go, "--fwdonly") == TRUE) { do_msv = FALSE; do_vit = FALSE; do_fwd =  TRUE; }
  else                                                  { do_msv =  TRUE; do_vit =  TRUE; do_fwd =  TRUE; }

  if (p7_hmmfile_OpenE(hmmfile, NULL, &hfp, NULL) != eslOK) p7_Fail("Failed to open HMM file %s", hmmfile);
  while ((status = p7_hmmfile_Read(hfp, &abc, &hmm)) != eslEOF) 
      if (bg == NULL) bg = p7_bg_Create(abc);
      gm = p7_profile_Create(hmm->M, abc);
      p7_ProfileConfig(hmm, bg, gm, EvL, p7_LOCAL); /* the EvL doesn't matter */
      om = p7_oprofile_Create(hmm->M, abc);
      p7_oprofile_Convert(gm, om);

      if (esl_opt_IsOn(go, "--lambda"))	lambda = esl_opt_GetReal(go, "--lambda"); 
      else p7_Lambda(hmm, bg, &lambda);	  

      for (iteration = 0; iteration < Z; iteration++)
	  if (do_msv) p7_MSVMu     (r, om, bg, EmL, EmN, lambda,       &mmu);
	  if (do_vit) p7_ViterbiMu (r, om, bg, EvL, EvN, lambda,       &vmu);
	  if (do_fwd) p7_Tau       (r, om, bg, EfL, EfN, lambda, Eft,  &ftau);
	  printf("%s %.4f %.4f %.4f %.4f\n", hmm->name, lambda, mmu, vmu, ftau);


  return eslOK;