Beispiel #1
/* Function:  p7_alidisplay_Create()
 * Synopsis:  Create an alignment display, from trace and oprofile.
 * Incept:    SRE, Sun Dec 30 09:13:31 2007 [Janelia]
 * Purpose:   Creates and returns an alignment display for domain number
 *            <which> in traceback <tr>, where the traceback
 *            corresponds to an alignment of optimized profile <om> to digital sequence
 *            <dsq>, and the unique name of that target
 *            sequence <dsq> is <sqname>. The <which> index starts at 0.
 *            It will be a little faster if the trace is indexed with
 *            <p7_trace_Index()> first. The number of domains is then
 *            in <tr->ndom>. If the caller wants to create alidisplays
 *            for all of these, it would loop <which> from
 *            <>ndom-1>.
 *            However, even without an index, the routine will work fine.
 * Args:      tr     - traceback
 *            which  - domain number,>ndom-1
 *            om     - optimized profile (query)
 *            sq     - digital sequence (target)
 * Returns:   <eslOK> on success.
 * Throws:    <NULL> on allocation failure, or if something's internally corrupt 
 *            in the data.
p7_alidisplay_Create(const P7_TRACE *tr, int which, const P7_OPROFILE *om, const ESL_SQ *sq)
  P7_ALIDISPLAY *ad       = NULL;
  char          *Alphabet = om->abc->sym;
  int            n, pos, z;
  int            z1,z2;
  int            k,x,i,s;
  int            hmm_namelen, hmm_acclen, hmm_desclen;
  int            sq_namelen,  sq_acclen,  sq_desclen;
  int            status;
  /* First figure out which piece of the trace (from first match to last match) 
   * we're going to represent, and how big it is.
  if (tr->ndom > 0) {		/* if we have an index, this is a little faster: */
    for (z1 = tr->tfrom[which]; z1 < tr->N; z1++) if (tr->st[z1] == p7T_M) break;  /* find next M state      */
    if (z1 == tr->N) return NULL;                                                  /* no M? corrupt trace    */
    for (z2 = tr->tto[which];   z2 >= 0 ;   z2--) if (tr->st[z2] == p7T_M) break;  /* find prev M state      */
    if (z2 == -1) return NULL;                                                     /* no M? corrupt trace    */
  } else {			/* without an index, we can still do it fine:    */
    for (z1 = 0; which >= 0 && z1 < tr->N; z1++) if (tr->st[z1] == p7T_B) which--; /* find the right B state */
    if (z1 == tr->N) return NULL;                                                  /* no such domain <which> */
    for (; z1 < tr->N; z1++) if (tr->st[z1] == p7T_M) break;                       /* find next M state      */
    if (z1 == tr->N) return NULL;                                                  /* no M? corrupt trace    */
    for (z2 = z1; z2 < tr->N; z2++) if (tr->st[z2] == p7T_E) break;                /* find the next E state  */
    for (; z2 >= 0;    z2--) if (tr->st[z2] == p7T_M) break;                       /* find prev M state      */
    if (z2 == -1) return NULL;                                                     /* no M? corrupt trace    */

  /* Now we know that z1..z2 in the trace will be represented in the
   * alidisplay; that's z2-z1+1 positions. We need a \0 trailer on all
   * our display lines, so allocate z2-z1+2. We know each position is
   * M, D, or I, so there's a 1:1 correspondence of trace positions
   * with alignment display positions.  We also know the display
   * starts and ends with M states.
   * So now let's allocate. The alidisplay is packed into a single
   * memory space, so this appears to be intricate, but it's just
   * bookkeeping.  
  n = (z2-z1+2) * 3;                     /* model, mline, aseq mandatory         */
  if (om->rf[0]  != 0)    n += z2-z1+2;  /* optional reference line              */
  if (om->cs[0]  != 0)    n += z2-z1+2;  /* optional structure line              */
  if (tr->pp     != NULL) n += z2-z1+2;  /* optional posterior prob line         */
  hmm_namelen = strlen(om->name);                           n += hmm_namelen + 1;
  hmm_acclen  = (om->acc  != NULL ? strlen(om->acc)  : 0);  n += hmm_acclen  + 1;
  hmm_desclen = (om->desc != NULL ? strlen(om->desc) : 0);  n += hmm_desclen + 1;
  sq_namelen  = strlen(sq->name);                           n += sq_namelen  + 1;
  sq_acclen   = strlen(sq->acc);                            n += sq_acclen   + 1; /* sq->acc is "\0" when unset */
  sq_desclen  = strlen(sq->desc);                           n += sq_desclen  + 1; /* same for desc              */
  ESL_ALLOC(ad, sizeof(P7_ALIDISPLAY));
  ad->mem = NULL;

  pos = 0; 
  ad->memsize = sizeof(char) * n;
  ESL_ALLOC(ad->mem, ad->memsize);
  if (om->rf[0]  != 0) { ad->rfline = ad->mem + pos; pos += z2-z1+2; } else { ad->rfline = NULL; }
  if (om->cs[0]  != 0) { ad->csline = ad->mem + pos; pos += z2-z1+2; } else { ad->csline = NULL; }
  ad->model   = ad->mem + pos;  pos += z2-z1+2;
  ad->mline   = ad->mem + pos;  pos += z2-z1+2;
  ad->aseq    = ad->mem + pos;  pos += z2-z1+2;
  if (tr->pp != NULL)  { ad->ppline = ad->mem + pos;  pos += z2-z1+2;} else { ad->ppline = NULL; }
  ad->hmmname = ad->mem + pos;  pos += hmm_namelen +1;
  ad->hmmacc  = ad->mem + pos;  pos += hmm_acclen +1;
  ad->hmmdesc = ad->mem + pos;  pos += hmm_desclen +1;
  ad->sqname  = ad->mem + pos;  pos += sq_namelen +1;
  ad->sqacc   = ad->mem + pos;  pos += sq_acclen +1;
  ad->sqdesc  = ad->mem + pos;  pos += sq_desclen +1;

  strcpy(ad->hmmname, om->name);
  if (om->acc  != NULL) strcpy(ad->hmmacc,  om->acc);  else ad->hmmacc[0]  = 0;
  if (om->desc != NULL) strcpy(ad->hmmdesc, om->desc); else ad->hmmdesc[0] = 0;
  strcpy(ad->sqname,  sq->name);
  strcpy(ad->sqacc,   sq->acc);
  strcpy(ad->sqdesc,  sq->desc);

  /* Determine hit coords */
  ad->hmmfrom = tr->k[z1];
  ad->hmmto   = tr->k[z2];
  ad->M       = om->M;
  ad->sqfrom  = tr->i[z1];
  ad->sqto    = tr->i[z2];
  ad->L       = sq->n;

  /* optional rf line */
  if (ad->rfline != NULL) {
    for (z = z1; z <= z2; z++) ad->rfline[z-z1] = ((tr->st[z] == p7T_I) ? '.' : om->rf[tr->k[z]]);
    ad->rfline[z-z1] = '\0';

  /* optional cs line */
  if (ad->csline != NULL) {
    for (z = z1; z <= z2; z++) ad->csline[z-z1] = ((tr->st[z] == p7T_I) ? '.' : om->cs[tr->k[z]]);
    ad->csline[z-z1] = '\0';

  /* optional pp line */
  if (ad->ppline != NULL) {
    for (z = z1; z <= z2; z++) ad->ppline[z-z1] = ( (tr->st[z] == p7T_D) ? '.' : p7_alidisplay_EncodePostProb(tr->pp[z]));
    ad->ppline[z-z1] = '\0';

  /* mandatory three alignment display lines: model, mline, aseq */
  for (z = z1; z <= z2; z++) 
      k = tr->k[z];
      i = tr->i[z];
      x = sq->dsq[i];
      s = tr->st[z];

      switch (s) {
      case p7T_M:
	ad->model[z-z1] = om->consensus[k]; 
	if      (x == esl_abc_DigitizeSymbol(om->abc, om->consensus[k])) ad->mline[z-z1] = ad->model[z-z1];
	else if (p7_oprofile_FGetEmission(om, k, x) > 1.0)               ad->mline[z-z1] = '+'; /* >1 not >0; om has odds ratios, not scores */
	else                                                             ad->mline[z-z1] = ' ';
	ad->aseq  [z-z1] = toupper(Alphabet[x]);
      case p7T_I:
	ad->model [z-z1] = '.';
	ad->mline [z-z1] = ' ';
	ad->aseq  [z-z1] = tolower(Alphabet[x]);
      case p7T_D:
	ad->model [z-z1] = om->consensus[k]; 
	ad->mline [z-z1] = ' ';
	ad->aseq  [z-z1] = '-';

      default: ESL_XEXCEPTION(eslEINVAL, "invalid state in trace: not M,D,I");
  ad->model [z2-z1+1] = '\0';
  ad->mline [z2-z1+1] = '\0';
  ad->aseq  [z2-z1+1] = '\0';
  ad->N = z2-z1+1;
  return ad;

  return NULL;
Beispiel #2
/* annotate_posterior_probability()
 * Synopsis:  Add posterior probability annotation lines to new MSA.
static int
annotate_posterior_probability(ESL_MSA *msa, P7_TRACE **tr, const int *matmap, int M, int optflags)
  double *totp   = NULL;	/* total posterior probability in column <apos>: [0..alen-1] */
  int    *matuse = NULL;	/* #seqs with pp annotation in column <apos>: [0..alen-1] */
  int     idx;    		/* counter over sequences [0..nseq-1] */
  int     apos;			/* counter for alignment columns: pp's are [0..alen-1] (unlike ax) */
  int     z;			/* counter over trace positions [>N-1] */
  int     status;

  /* Determine if any of the traces have posterior probability annotation. */
  for (idx = 0; idx < msa->nseq; idx++)
    if (tr[idx]->pp != NULL) break;
  if (idx == msa->nseq) return eslOK;

  ESL_ALLOC(matuse, sizeof(double) * (msa->alen)); esl_vec_ISet(matuse, msa->alen, 0);
  ESL_ALLOC(totp,   sizeof(double) * (msa->alen)); esl_vec_DSet(totp,   msa->alen, 0.0);

  ESL_ALLOC(msa->pp, sizeof(char *) * msa->sqalloc);
  for (idx = 0; idx < msa->nseq; idx++)
      if (tr[idx]->pp == NULL) { msa->pp[idx] = NULL; continue; }

      ESL_ALLOC(msa->pp[idx], sizeof(char) * (msa->alen+1));
      for (apos = 0; apos < msa->alen; apos++) msa->pp[idx][apos] = '.';
      msa->pp[idx][msa->alen] = '\0';

      apos = 0;
      for (z = 0; z < tr[idx]->N; z++)
	  switch (tr[idx]->st[z]) {
	  case p7T_M: 
	    msa->pp[idx][matmap[tr[idx]->k[z]]-1] = p7_alidisplay_EncodePostProb(tr[idx]->pp[z]);  
	    totp  [matmap[tr[idx]->k[z]]-1]+= tr[idx]->pp[z];
	  case p7T_D:
	    apos = matmap[tr[idx]->k[z]]; 

	  case p7T_I:
	    if ( !(optflags & p7_TRIM) || (tr[idx]->k[z] != 0 && tr[idx]->k[z] != M)) {
	      msa->pp[idx][apos] = p7_alidisplay_EncodePostProb(tr[idx]->pp[z]);  

	  case p7T_N:
	  case p7T_C:
	    if (! (optflags & p7_TRIM) && tr[idx]->i[z] > 0) {
	      msa->pp[idx][apos] = p7_alidisplay_EncodePostProb(tr[idx]->pp[z]);

	  case p7T_E:
	    apos = matmap[M];	/* set position for C-terminal tail */
  for (; idx < msa->sqalloc; idx++) msa->pp[idx] = NULL; /* for completeness, following easel MSA conventions, but should be a no-op: nseq==sqalloc */

  /* Consensus posterior probability annotation: only on match columns */
  ESL_ALLOC(msa->pp_cons, sizeof(char) * (msa->alen+1));
  for (apos = 0; apos < msa->alen; apos++) msa->pp_cons[apos] = '.';
  msa->pp_cons[msa->alen] = '\0';
  for (apos = 0; apos < msa->alen; apos++)
    if (matuse[apos]) msa->pp_cons[apos] = p7_alidisplay_EncodePostProb( totp[apos] / (double) matuse[apos]);
  return eslOK;

  if (matuse  != NULL) free(matuse);
  if (totp    != NULL) free(totp);  
  if (msa->pp != NULL) esl_Free2D((void **) msa->pp, msa->sqalloc);
  return status;