Beispiel #1
/* Prepare the matrices for the lcp call

   pA = [-M -1 q]

PT_Matrix lcp_Matrix_Init(ptrdiff_t m, double *M, double *q)
	ptrdiff_t i,n,incx;
	double tmp;

	PT_Matrix pA;
	/* Build column-major matrix A = [-M -1 q] */
	pA = Matrix_Init(m,m+2,"A");

	/* A(:,1:m) = M */
	memcpy(pMAT(pA), M, m*m*sizeof(double));

	/* A(:,1:m) = -A(:,1:m) */
	tmp  = -1.0;
	incx = 1;
	n = m*m;
	dscal(&n, &tmp, pMAT(pA), &incx);

	/* A(:,m+1) = -1 */
		C_SEL(pA,i,m) = -1.0;

	/* A(:,m+2) = q */

	return pA;
Beispiel #2
void LU_Refactorize(PT_Basis pB)
	char L = 'L'; /* lower triangular */
	char D = 'U'; /* unit triangular matrix (diagonals are ones) */
	ptrdiff_t info, incx=1, incp;
	/* Matrix_Print_row(pB->pLX); */
	/* Matrix_Print_utril_row(pB->pUX); */

	/* factorize using lapack */
	dgetrf(&(Matrix_Rows(pB->pF)), &(Matrix_Rows(pB->pF)),
	       pMAT(pB->pF), &((pB->pF)->rows_alloc), pB->p, &info);

	/* store upper triangular matrix (including the diagonal to Ut), i.e. copy Ut <- F */
	/* lapack ignores remaining elements below diagonal when computing triangular solutions */
	Matrix_Copy(pB->pF, pB->pUt, pB->w);

	/* transform upper part of F (i.e. Ut) to triangular row major matrix UX*/
	/* UX <- F */
	Matrix_Full2RowTriangular(pB->pF, pB->pUX, pB->r);

	/* invert lower triangular part  */
	dtrtri( &L, &D, &(Matrix_Rows(pB->pF)), pMAT(pB->pF),
		&((pB->pF)->rows_alloc), &info);
	/* set strictly upper triangular parts to zeros because L is a full matrix
	 * and we need zeros to compute proper permutation inv(L)*P */

	/* transpose matrix because dlaswp operates rowwise  and we need columnwise */
	/* LX <- F' */
	Matrix_Transpose(pB->pF, pB->pLX, pB->r);

	/* interchange columns according to pivots in pB->p and write to LX*/
	incp = -1; /* go backwards */
	dlaswp( &(Matrix_Rows(pB->pLX)), pMAT(pB->pLX), &((pB->pLX)->rows_alloc),
		&incx, &(Matrix_Rows(pB->pLX)) , pB->p, &incp);

	/* Matrix_Print_col(pB->pX); */
	/* Matrix_Print_row(pB->pLX); */
	/* Matrix_Print_col(pB->pUt); */
	/* Matrix_Print_utril_row(pB->pUX); */

	/* matrix F after solution is factored in [L\U], we want the original format for the next call
	   to dgesv, thus create a copy F <- X */
	Matrix_Copy(pB->pX, pB->pF, pB->w);

Beispiel #3
/* Return information if the solution was computed */
ptrdiff_t Basis_Solve(PT_Basis pB, double *q, double *x, T_Options options)
/*   Basis B */
/*     I = W union (Z+m) -> ordered */
/*     X = M_/W,Z        <- invertible */
/*     G = M_W,Z */
/*   Bx_B = q -> x = [w_W;z_Z] */
/*     z_Z = iX*q_/W */
/*     w_W = q_W - G*x_/W */

	ptrdiff_t i, incx=1, nb, m, diml, info;
	char T;
	double alpha=-1.0, beta=1.0;

	/* x(1:length(W)) = q(W) */
	for(i=0;i<Index_Length(pB->pW);i++) x[i] = q[Index_Get(pB->pW, i)];

	/* X = [] */
	if(Index_Length(pB->pWc) == 0)
		return 0;

	/* z = q(B.Wc) */
	for(i=0;i<Index_Length(pB->pWc);i++) pB->z[i] = q[Index_Get(pB->pWc, i)];

	/* because the right hand side will be overwritten in dgesv, store it into 
	   temporary vector r */
	dcopy(&(Index_Length(pB->pWc)), pB->z, &incx, pB->r, &incx);

	/* printf("x :\n"); */
	/* Vector_Print_raw(pB->z,Index_Length(pB->pW)); */

	/* printf("z :\n"); */
	/* Vector_Print_raw(pB->z,Index_Length(pB->pWc)); */
	/* x = [x1;x2] */
	/* x2 = inv(X)*q(Wc) = inv(X)*z */
	nb = 1; /* number of right hand side in A*x=b is 1 */
	m = Matrix_Rows(pB->pF);

	/* Find solution to general problem A*x=b using LAPACK
	   All the arguments have to  be pointers.  A and b will be altered on exit. */
	switch (options.routine) {
	case 1:
		/* DGESV method implements  LU factorization of A. */		
		dgesv(&m, &nb, pMAT(pB->pF), &((pB->pF)->rows_alloc), 
		      pB->p, pB->r, &m, &info);
	case 2: 
		/*  DGELS solves overdetermined or underdetermined real linear systems
		    involving an M-by-N matrix A, or its transpose, using a QR or LQ
		    factorization of A.  It is assumed that A has full rank. */
		T = 'n'; /* Not transposed */
		diml = 2*m;
		dgels(&T, &m, &m, &nb, pMAT(pB->pF), &((pB->pF)->rows_alloc),
		      pB->r, &m, pB->s, &diml, &info );
	default : 
		/* solve with factors F or U */

		/* solve using LUMOD (no checks) */
		/* LU_Solve0(pB->pLX, pB->pUX, pB->z, &(x[Index_Length(pB->pW)])); */

		/* solve using LAPACK (contains also singularity checks) */
		/* need to pass info as a pointer, otherwise weird numbers are assigned */
		LU_Solve1(pB->pLX, pB->pUt, pB->z, &(x[Index_Length(pB->pW)]), &info);

		/* if something went wrong, refactorize and solve again */
		if (info!=0) {
			/* printf("info=%ld,  refactoring\n", info); */

			/* Matrix_Print_row(pB->pLX); */
			/* Matrix_Print_utril_row(pB->pUX); */
			/* Matrix_Print_col(pB->pUt); */

			/* if this fails again, then no minimum ratio is found -> exit with
			 * numerical problems flag */
			LU_Solve1(pB->pLX, pB->pUt, pB->z, &(x[Index_Length(pB->pW)]), &info);			


	/* x1 = -G*x2 + q(W) */
	/*  y = alpha*G*x + beta*y */
	/* alpha = -1.0; */
	/* beta  =  1.0; */
	T     = 'n'; /* Not transposed */
	if (options.routine>0) {
		/* take LAPACK solution */

		/* printf("lapack solution z:\n"); */
		/* Vector_Print_raw(pB->r,Index_Length(pB->pWc)); */

		/* matrix F after solution is factored in [L\U], we want the original format for the next call
		   to dgesv, thus create a copy F <- X */
		Matrix_Copy(pB->pX, pB->pF, pB->w);
		/* printf("x after lapack solution:\n"); */
		/* Vector_Print_raw(x,Index_Length(pB->pW)+Index_Length(pB->pWc)); */

		/* recompute the remaining variables according to basic solution */
		dgemv(&T, &(Matrix_Rows(pB->pG)), &(Matrix_Cols(pB->pG)),
		      &alpha, pMAT(pB->pG), &((pB->pG)->rows_alloc),
		      pB->r, &incx, &beta, x, &incx);
		/* append the basic solution at the end of x vector */
		dcopy(&(Index_Length(pB->pWc)), pB->r, &incx, &(x[Index_Length(pB->pW)]), &incx);
	} else {
		/* take LUmod solution */
		dgemv(&T, &(Matrix_Rows(pB->pG)), &(Matrix_Cols(pB->pG)),
		      &alpha, pMAT(pB->pG), &((pB->pG)->rows_alloc),
		      &(x[Index_Length(pB->pW)]), &incx,
		      &beta, x, &incx);
	/* printf("y:\n"); */
	/* Vector_Print_raw(x,Matrix_Rows(pB->pG)); */

	return info;

Beispiel #4
/* Function: mdlOutputs =======================================================
 * do the main optimization routine here
 * no discrete states are considered
static void mdlOutputs(SimStruct *S, int_T tid)
	int_T i, j, Result, qinfeas=0;
	real_T  *z = ssGetOutputPortRealSignal(S,0);
	real_T  *w = ssGetOutputPortRealSignal(S,1);
	real_T  *I = ssGetOutputPortRealSignal(S,2);
	real_T  *exitflag = ssGetOutputPortRealSignal(S,3);
	real_T  *pivots = ssGetOutputPortRealSignal(S,4);
	real_T  *time = ssGetOutputPortRealSignal(S,5);

	InputRealPtrsType M = ssGetInputPortRealSignalPtrs(S,0);
	InputRealPtrsType q = ssGetInputPortRealSignalPtrs(S,1);

	ptrdiff_t pivs, info, m, n, inc=1;
	char_T T='N';
	double total_time,  alpha=1.0, tmp=-1.0, *x, *Mn, *qn, *r, *c, s=0.0, sn=0.0; 
	PT_Matrix pA; /* Problem data A = [M -1 q] */
	PT_Basis  pB; /* The basis */  
	T_Options options;  /* options structure defined in lcp_matrix.h */          

/* for RTW we do not need these variables */
	const char *fname;
	mxArray *fval;
	int_T nfields;
	clock_t t1,t2;

	UNUSED_ARG(tid); /* not used in single tasking mode */
	/* default options */
	options.zerotol = 1e-10; /* zero tolerance */
	options.lextol = 1e-10; /* lexicographic tolerance - a small treshold to determine if values are equal */
	options.maxpiv = INT_MAX; /* maximum number of pivots */
	/* if LUMOD routine is chosen, this options refactorizes the basis after n steps using DGETRF
	   routine from lapack to avoid numerical problems */
	options.nstepf = 50;
	options.clock = 0; /* 0 or 1 - to print computational time */
	options.verbose = 0; /* 0 or 1 - verbose output */
	/*  which routine in Basis_solve should solve a set of linear equations: 
	    0 - corresponds to LUmod package that performs factorization in the form L*A = U. Depending on
	    the change in A factors L, U are updated. This is the fastest method.
	    1 - corresponds to DGESV simple driver 
	    which solves the system AX = B by factorizing A and overwriting B with the solution X
	    2 - corresponds to DGELS simple driver 
	    which solves overdetermined or underdetermined real linear systems min ||b - Ax||_2
	    involving an M-by-N matrix A, or its transpose, using a QR or LQ  factorization of A.  */
	options.routine = 0; 
	options.timelimit = 3600; /* time limit in seconds to interrupt iterations */
	options.normalize = 1; /* 0 or 1 - perform scaling of input matrices M, q */
    options.normalizethres = 1e6; 
    /* If the normalize option is on, then the matrix scaling is performed 
      only if 1 norm of matrix M (maximum absolute column sum) is above this threshold.
      This enforce additional control over normalization since it seems to be more
      aggressive also for well-conditioned problems. */

	/* overwriting default options by the user */
	if (ssGetSFcnParamsCount(S)==3) {
		nfields = mxGetNumberOfFields(ssGetSFcnParam(S,2));
		for(i=0; i<nfields; i++){
			fname = mxGetFieldNameByNumber(ssGetSFcnParam(S,2), i);   
			fval = mxGetField(ssGetSFcnParam(S,2), 0, fname);
			if ( strcmp(fname,"zerotol")==0 )
				options.zerotol = mxGetScalar(fval);
			if ( strcmp(fname,"lextol")==0 )
				options.lextol = mxGetScalar(fval);
			if ( strcmp(fname,"maxpiv")==0 ) {
				if (mxGetScalar(fval)>=(double)INT_MAX)
					options.maxpiv = INT_MAX;
					options.maxpiv = (int_T)mxGetScalar(fval);
			if ( strcmp(fname,"nstepf")==0 )
				options.nstepf = (int_T)mxGetScalar(fval);
			if ( strcmp(fname,"timelimit")==0 )
				options.timelimit = mxGetScalar(fval);
			if ( strcmp(fname,"clock")==0 )
				options.clock = (int_T)mxGetScalar(fval);
			if ( strcmp(fname,"verbose")==0 )
				options.verbose = (int_T)mxGetScalar(fval);
			if ( strcmp(fname,"routine")==0 )
				options.routine = (int_T)mxGetScalar(fval);
			if ( strcmp(fname,"normalize")==0 )
				options.normalize = (int_T)mxGetScalar(fval);
            if ( strcmp(fname, "normalizethres")==0 )
                options.normalizethres = mxGetScalar(fval);          

	/* Normalize M, q to avoid numerical problems if possible 
	   Mn = diag(r)*M*diag(c) , qn = diag(r)*q  */
	/* initialize Mn, qn */
	Mn = (double *)ssGetPWork(S)[0];
	qn = (double *)ssGetPWork(S)[1];
	/* initialize vectors r, c */
	r = (double *)ssGetPWork(S)[2];
	c = (double *)ssGetPWork(S)[3];
	/* initialize auxiliary vector x */
	x = (double *)ssGetPWork(S)[4];
	/* initialize to ones */
	for (i=0; i<NSTATES(S); i++) {
		r[i] = 1.0;
		c[i] = 1.0;
	m = NSTATES(S);
	n = m*m;
	/* write data to Mn = M */
	memcpy(Mn, *M, n*sizeof(double));
	/* write data to qn = q */
	memcpy(qn, *q, m*sizeof(double));
    /* check out the 1-norm of matrix M (maximum column sum) */
    for (i=0; i<m; i++) {
        sn = dasum(&m, &Mn[i*m], &inc);
        if (sn>s) {
            s = sn;

	/* scale matrix M, q and write scaling factors to r (rows) and c (columns) */
	if (options.normalize && s>options.normalizethres) {
		NormalizeMatrix (m, m, Mn, qn, r, c,  options);
	/* Setup the problem */
	pA = ssGetPWork(S)[5];
	/* A(:,1:m) = M */
	memcpy(pMAT(pA), Mn, n*sizeof(double));

	/* A(:,1:m) = -A(:,1:m) */
	dscal(&n, &tmp, pMAT(pA), &inc);

	/* A(:,m+1) = -1 */
		C_SEL(pA,i,m) = -1.0;

	/* A(:,m+2) = q */

	/* initialize basis */
	pB = ssGetPWork(S)[6];

    /* check if the problem is not feasible at the beginning */
    for (i=0; i<m; i++) {
        if (qn[i]<-options.zerotol) {
            qinfeas = 1;

    /* Solve the LCP */
    if (qinfeas) {
	t1 = clock();

    /* main LCP rouinte */    
    Result = lcp(pB, pA, &pivs, options);
    t2 = clock();
    total_time = ((double)(t2-t1))/CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
    total_time = -1;
    } else {
        pivs = 0;
        total_time = 0;
        Result = LCP_FEASIBLE;    

	if (options.clock) {
		printf("Time needed to perform pivoting:\n time= %i  (%lf seconds)\n",
		printf("Pivots: %ld\n", pivs);
		printf("CLOCKS_PER_SEC = %i\n",CLOCKS_PER_SEC);

	/* initialize values to 0 */
		w[i] = 0.0;
		z[i] = 0.0;
		I[i] = 0.0;

	/* for a feasible basis, compute the solution */
	if ( Result == LCP_FEASIBLE || Result == LCP_PRETERMINATED )
		t1 = clock();
		info = Basis_Solve(pB, &(C_SEL(pA,0,m+1)), x, options);
		for (j=0,i=0;i<Index_Length(pB->pW);i++,j++)
			w[Index_Get(pB->pW,i)] = x[j];
			/* add 1 due to matlab 1-indexing */
			I[j] = Index_Get(pB->pW,i)+1;
			/* take only positive values */
			if (x[j] > options.zerotol ) {
				z[Index_Get(pB->pZ,i)] = x[j];
			/* add 1 due to matlab 1-indexing */
			I[j] = Index_Get(pB->pZ, i)+m+1;
		t2 = clock();
		if (options.clock) {
			printf("Time in total needed to solve LCP: %lf seconds\n",
			       total_time + (double)(t2-t1)/(double)CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
		if (options.normalize) {
			/* do the backward normalization */
			/* z = diag(c)*zn */
			for (i=0; i<m; i++) {
				z[i] = c[i]*z[i];
			/* since the normalization does not compute w properly, we recalculate it from
			 * recovered z */
			/* write data to Mn = M */
			memcpy(Mn, *M, n*sizeof(double));
			/* write data to qn = q */
			memcpy(qn, *q, m*sizeof(double));
			/* copy w <- q; */
			dcopy(&m, qn, &inc, w, &inc);
			/* compute w = M*z + q */
			dgemv(&T, &m, &m, &alpha, Mn, &m, z, &inc, &alpha, w, &inc);
			/* if w is less than eps, consider it as zero */
			for (i=0; i<m; i++) {
				if (w[i]<options.zerotol) {
					w[i] = 0.0;

	/* outputs */
	*exitflag = (real_T )Result;
	*pivots =(real_T)pivs;
	*time = (real_T)total_time;

	/* reset dimensions and values in basis for a recursive call */
	Reinitialize_Basis(m, pB);