RuleI* RuleTerrainCenter::makeRule(size_t i_rotations)
     RuleI* rule = new RuleI;
     Pattern pIn(3,3), pOut(3,3);
     pIn(0,0) = 1;
     pIn(1,0) = 1;
     pIn(2,0) = 1;
     pIn(0,1) = 1;
     pIn(1,1) = 1;
     pIn(2,1) = 1;
     pIn(0,2) = 1;
     pIn(1,2) = 1;
     pIn(2,2) = 1;
     pOut(0,0) = 0;
     pOut(1,0) = 0;
     pOut(2,0) = 0;
     pOut(0,1) = 0;
     pOut(1,1) = 2;
     pOut(2,1) = 0;
     pOut(0,2) = 0;
     pOut(1,2) = 0;
     pOut(2,2) = 0;
     rule->d_input = pIn;
     rule->addOutputPattern( pOut );
     return rule;
 RuleI* RuleTerrainInsideCorner::makeRule(size_t i_rotations)
     RuleI* rule = new RuleI;
     Pattern pIn(2,2), pOut(2,2);
     pIn(0,0) = 1;
     pIn(1,0) = 1;
     pIn(0,1) = 2;
     pIn(1,1) = 1;
     pOut(0,0) = 3;
     pOut(1,0) = 3;
     pOut(0,1) = 4;
     pOut(1,1) = 3;
     for(size_t i=0;i<i_rotations;++i)
         pIn = pIn.rotate();
         pOut = pOut.rotate();
     rule->d_input = pIn;
     rule->addOutputPattern( pOut );
     return rule;
 RuleI* RuleSimpleChange::makeRule(size_t)
     RuleI* rule = new RuleI;
     Pattern pIn(1,1), pOut(1,1);
     pIn(0,0) = 1;
     pOut(0,0) = 2;
     rule->d_input = pIn;
     rule->addOutputPattern( pOut );
     return rule;
	void PTrackManager::UpdateGraphics()
		// Update Graphics Module
		pOut("\tUpdating Graphics Module.\n");
		raceManager->_reGraphicItf.PGrDetach3DDesc(track->GetTrackDesc()); // Detach existing description from scene graph

		pOut("\tGenerating new 3D Description.\n");

		// Update the AC File

		// Append existing 3D Description

		// Reattach 3D description
Beispiel #5
 * @function WavStop
 * @brief stop the WAV playback
 * @param none
 * @return none
void WavStop(void) {
  if(state != WAV_STOPPED) {
    state = WAV_STOPPED;
    TmrStop(WAV_TIMER);       /*disable the callback*/
    pOut(0x8000);       /*clear the DAC*/
Beispiel #6
  inline Vectors::Point2DCont transform(const Vectors::Point2DCont &pt) const
    // transformaion is:
    //   Ybase=[sin_a; cos_a]
    //   Xbase=[cos_a;-sin_a]
    const double x= pt[0]*_cos_a + pt[1]*_sin_a;
    const double y=-pt[0]*_sin_a + pt[1]*_cos_a;

    Vectors::Point2DCont pOut( x+_pos[0], y+_pos[1] ); // verctor + offset
    return pOut;                                       // return result
	void PTrackManager::AddSegment(const PSeg& segment)
		pOut("Adding new Segment....\n");

		// Add Segment
		pOut("\tAdding segment to track.\n");
		pOut("New segment added.\n");

		// Calculate new segment ranges
		if (segment.type != TR_STR)
			PCornerType t;
			if (segment.type == TR_LFT)
				t = PCornerType::CTLeft;
				t = PCornerType::CTRight;

			segFactory->UpdateRanges(track->GetEnd()->arc, t);
Beispiel #8
 * @function WavPlaback_1CH_16BITS
 * @brief wav handle for 1 channel, 16bits
 * @param none
 * @return none
static void Callback_1CH_16BITS(void) {

  /*use buffer 1?*/
  if(bufferToUse == BUFFER_1 && isBuffer1Empty == false) {
    pOut(0x8000 + buf1[posBuf1]);
    if(posBuf1 >= BUF_SIZE) {
      bufferToUse = BUFFER_2;
      isBuffer1Empty = true;

  /*use buffer 2?*/
  else if(bufferToUse == BUFFER_2 && isBuffer2Empty == false) {
    pOut(0x8000 + buf2[posBuf2]);
    if(posBuf2 >= BUF_SIZE) {
      bufferToUse = BUFFER_1;
      isBuffer2Empty = true;
Beispiel #9
P2DVec2 CoordinateInterface::MapToEngine(QPointF pIn)
{//qDebug()<<"MapToEngine input"<<pIn;
    float32 x = (pIn.x()-(-SCENE_WIDTH_HALF)) / (SCENE_WIDTH_HALF*2)

    float32 y = (pIn.y()-(-SCENE_HEIGHT_HALF)) / (SCENE_HEIGHT_HALF*2)

    P2DVec2 pOut(x,y);

    return pOut;
Beispiel #10
QPointF CoordinateInterface::MapToScene(P2DVec2 pIn)
{//qDebug()<<"MapToScene input"<<pIn;
            * (SCENE_WIDTH_HALF*2)
            + (-SCENE_WIDTH_HALF);

            * (SCENE_HEIGHT_HALF*2)
            + (-SCENE_HEIGHT_HALF);

    QPointF pOut(x,y);

    return pOut;
    void TimeDifference<Qin, Qout>::operator()() {

        rtb::Concurrency::Latch internalLatch(3);

        TimeProbe<Qin> pIn(queueIn_, internalLatch);
        TimeProbe<Qout>  pOut(queueOut_, internalLatch);
        std::thread thrIn(std::ref(pIn));
        std::thread thrOut(std::ref(pOut));
        thrIn.join(); thrOut.join();

        wallClockDifference_ = pOut.getWallClockTimes() - pIn.getWallClockTimes();
        cpuClockDifference_ = pOut.getCpuClockTimes() - pIn.getCpuClockTimes();
	void PTrackManager::InitTrack()
		// Retrieve the load state from the file manager
		PTrackLoadState loadState = PFileManager::Get()->GetTrackLoadState();

		// If no config is set, then set to the first config in the directory
		if (!loadState.ConfigName().compare(NO_CONFIG_SET))
			PFileManager* fManager = PFileManager::Get();
			std::vector<std::string> configs = fManager->DirectoriesInDirectory(std::string(fManager->GetCurrentDir()) + "tracks\\procedural\\");
			loadState.SetConfiguration(configs[0], "tracks/procedural/" + configs[0] + "/");

		pOut("Track manager obtaining pointer to segment factory...\n");
		segFactory = PSegFactory::GetInstance(); // Obtain pointer to segment factory

		pOut("Initializing segment factory...\n");
		segFactory->SetChances(45.f, 65.f);

		// Set neccesary paths
		std::string modeldir("tracks/procedural/" + loadState.ConfigName() + "/");
		std::string texturedir("data/textures");

		pOut("Setting Track 3D Description Loader Options...\n");
		ssgLoaderOptions* lopts = new ssgLoaderOptions();

		if (loadState.LoadType() == PLoadType::CONFIG) // Default TORCS Adaptive track initialization - initializes a configuration for a procedural track
			pOut("Initialize procedural track configuration...\n");

			pOut("Setting track file path and file names...\n");
			std::string acname(loadState.ConfigName() + ".ac");
			std::string acpath("tracks/procedural/" + loadState.ConfigName() + "/");
			std::string configpath(acpath);
			std::string configname(loadState.ConfigFileName());

			// Initialize the procedural track.
			pOut("Initializing procedural track structure...\n");
			track = new PTrack(loadState.Length(), configpath, acpath, configname, acname, lopts);

			// Point the racemanager to the procedural track
			pOut("Setting racemanager track to procedural track...\n");
			raceManager->track = track->trk;

			previousSegType = track->GetEnd()->type;

			// Set track type
			trackType = PTrackType::PROCEDURAL;
		else if (loadState.LoadType() == PLoadType::TRACK) // Initialization if a pre-generated track is to be loaded
			// Read in the segments
			std::vector<PSeg> segs = PFileManager::Get()->ReadTrackSegments(loadState.TrackPath() + loadState.TrackFileName());

			// Construct paths and names
			std::string acname(loadState.TrackName() + ".ac");
			std::string acpath("tracks/procedural/" + loadState.ConfigName() + "/previousTracks/" + loadState.TrackName() + "/");
			std::string configpath("tracks/procedural/" + loadState.ConfigName() + "/");
			std::string configname(loadState.ConfigFileName());

			// Obtain track length
			void* handle = GfParmReadFile((loadState.TrackPath() + loadState.TrackFileName()).c_str(), GFPARM_RMODE_STD);
			tdble trkLength = GfParmGetNum(handle, P_TRK_SECT_HDR, P_TRK_ATT_LENGTH, (char*)nullptr, 1000);

			// Initialize the procedural track object
			track = new PTrack(segs, trkLength, configpath, acpath, configname, acname, lopts);

			// Add a finish line

			// Point the racemanager to the procedural track
			raceManager->track = track->trk;

			// Set the track's name
			raceManager->track->name = new char[loadState.TrackName().length()];
			strcpy((char*)raceManager->track->name, loadState.TrackName().c_str());
			strcpy(raceManager->track->internalname, loadState.TrackName().c_str());

			// Set track type
			trackType = PTrackType::PREGENERATED;

		// Create a random previous corner type to start with
		int c = segFactory->CreateRandomCnr(0).type;
		if (c == TR_LFT)
			previousCornerType = PCornerType::CTLeft;
			previousCornerType = PCornerType::CTRight;
	PTrackManager::PTrackManager(tRmInfo* RaceManager)
		pOut("Initializing procedural track manager...\n");
		raceManager = RaceManager; // Save pointer to race manager
Beispiel #14
void VDCreateTestPal8Video(VDGUIHandle h) {

	try {
		tVDInputDrivers inputDrivers;
		std::vector<int> xlat;

		VDGetInputDrivers(inputDrivers, IVDInputDriver::kF_Video);

		const VDStringW filter(VDMakeInputDriverFileFilter(inputDrivers, xlat));

		const VDFileDialogOption opt[]={
			{ VDFileDialogOption::kSelectedFilter },

		int optval[1]={0};

		const VDStringW srcfile(VDGetLoadFileName('pl8s', h, L"Choose source file", filter.c_str(), NULL, opt, optval));

		if (srcfile.empty())

		IVDInputDriver *pDrv;
		int filtidx = xlat[optval[0] - 1];
		if (filtidx < 0)
			pDrv = VDAutoselectInputDriverForFile(srcfile.c_str(), IVDInputDriver::kF_Video);
		else {
			tVDInputDrivers::iterator itDrv(inputDrivers.begin());
			std::advance(itDrv, filtidx);

			pDrv = *itDrv;

		vdrefptr<InputFile> pIF(pDrv->CreateInputFile(0));


		const VDStringW dstfile(VDGetSaveFileName('pl8d', h, L"Choose destination 8-bit file", L"Audio-video interleaved (*.avi)\0*.avi\0All files\0*.*", L"avi", NULL, NULL));
		if (dstfile.empty())

		vdrefptr<IVDVideoSource> pVS;
		pIF->GetVideoSource(0, ~pVS);
		IVDStreamSource *pVSS = pVS->asStream();
		const VDPosition frames = pVSS->getLength();

		if (!pVS->setTargetFormat(nsVDPixmap::kPixFormat_XRGB8888))
			throw MyError("Cannot set decompression format to 32-bit.");

		vdautoptr<IVDMediaOutputAVIFile> pOut(VDCreateMediaOutputAVIFile());

		IVDMediaOutputStream *pVSOut = pOut->createVideoStream();

		const VDPixmap& pxsrc = pVS->getTargetFormat();
		const uint32 rowbytes = (pxsrc.w+3) & ~3;

		AVIStreamHeader_fixed hdr;

		hdr.fccType		= 'sdiv';
		hdr.fccHandler	= 0;
		hdr.dwFlags		= 0;
		hdr.wPriority	= 0;
		hdr.wLanguage	= 0;
		hdr.dwScale		= pVSS->getStreamInfo().dwScale;
		hdr.dwRate		= pVSS->getStreamInfo().dwRate;
		hdr.dwStart		= 0;
		hdr.dwLength	= 0;
		hdr.dwInitialFrames = 0;
		hdr.dwSuggestedBufferSize = 0;
		hdr.dwQuality = -1;
		hdr.dwSampleSize = 0;
		hdr.rcFrame.left	= 0;		= 0;
		hdr.rcFrame.right	= (short)pxsrc.w;
		hdr.rcFrame.bottom	= (short)pxsrc.h;


		vdstructex<BITMAPINFOHEADER> bih;

		bih.resize(sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER) + sizeof(RGBQUAD)*252);

		bih->biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
		bih->biWidth = pxsrc.w;
		bih->biHeight = pxsrc.h;
		bih->biPlanes = 1;
		bih->biBitCount = 8;
		bih->biCompression = BI_RGB;
		bih->biSizeImage = rowbytes*pxsrc.h;
		bih->biXPelsPerMeter = 0;
		bih->biYPelsPerMeter = 0;
		bih->biClrUsed = 252;
		bih->biClrImportant = 252;

		RGBQUAD *pal = (RGBQUAD *)((char *) + sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER));
		for(int i=0; i<252; ++i) {
			pal[i].rgbRed		= (BYTE)((i/42)*51);
			pal[i].rgbGreen		= (BYTE)((((i/6)%7)*85)>>1);
			pal[i].rgbBlue		= (BYTE)((i%6)*51);
			pal[i].rgbReserved	= 0;

		pVSOut->setFormat(, bih.size());


		ProgressDialog dlg((HWND)h, "Processing video stream", "Palettizing frames", (long)frames, true);

		vdblock<uint8> outbuf(rowbytes * pxsrc.h);

		const vdpixsize w = pxsrc.w;
		const vdpixsize h = pxsrc.h;

		try {
			for(uint32 frame=0; frame<frames; ++frame) {

				const uint8 *src = (const uint8 *);
				ptrdiff_t srcpitch = pxsrc.pitch;
				uint8 *dst = &outbuf[rowbytes * (pxsrc.h - 1)];

				for(int y=0; y<h; ++y) {
					const uint8 *dr = ditherred[y & 15];
					const uint8 *dg = dithergrn[y & 15];
					const uint8 *db = ditherblu[y & 15];

					for(int x=0; x<w; ++x) {
						const uint8 b = (uint8)((((src[0] * 1286)>>8) + dr[x&15]) >> 8);
						const uint8 g = (uint8)((((src[1] * 1543)>>8) + dg[x&15]) >> 8);
						const uint8 r = (uint8)((((src[2] * 1286)>>8) + db[x&15]) >> 8);
						src += 4;

						dst[x] = (uint8)(r*42 + g*6 + b);

					vdptrstep(dst, -(ptrdiff_t)rowbytes);
					vdptrstep(src, srcpitch - w*4);

				pVSOut->write(AVIOutputStream::kFlagKeyFrame,, outbuf.size(), 1);

		} catch(const MyUserAbortError&) {


	} catch(const MyError& e) {, g_szError);