Beispiel #1
cv::Mat3b OpenCVUtil::tile_image_patches(const std::vector<cv::Mat3b>& images, int tileCols, int tileRows, int patchWidth, int patchHeight, int paddingSize)
  // Scale and pad the input images to make the tiles.
  std::vector<cv::Mat3b> tiles;
  for(size_t i = 0, size = images.size(); i < size; ++i)
    cv::Mat3b scaledImage(patchHeight, patchWidth);
    cv::resize(images[i], scaledImage, scaledImage.size(), 0.0, 0.0, CV_INTER_NN);
    tiles.push_back(pad_image(scaledImage, paddingSize));

  // Make a blank output image of the right size to which the tiles can be copied.
  const int tileHeight = patchHeight + 2 * paddingSize;
  const int tileWidth = patchWidth + 2 * paddingSize;
  cv::Mat3b tiledImage = cv::Mat3b::zeros(tileHeight * tileRows, tileWidth * tileCols);

  // Copy the tiles across to the output image.
  for(int i = 0, tileCount = tileCols * tileRows; i < tileCount; ++i)
    int x = (i % tileCols) * tileWidth;
    int y = (i / tileCols) * tileHeight;
    cv::Rect roi(x, y, tileWidth, tileHeight);

  return tiledImage;
Beispiel #2
static int write_horizontal_file(state *s)
  int32_t i,j,location;
  unsigned char c;

  for (i = 0 ; i < s->image_width ; i++) {
    for (j = 0 ; j < s->image_height ; ++j) {
      if (s->direction)
	location = (s->image_width * (j+1)) - (i+1); 
	location = s->image_height * (s->image_width - i -1) + j;

      if (location < s->input_length) {
	c = fgetc(s->in_handle);
      } else {
	// We pad the image with black when necessary 
	c = padding();
  return FALSE;
Beispiel #3
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
	uint32_t pad_mask;
	int ret = EXIT_FAILURE;
	int err;
	int i;

	progname = basename(argv[0]);

	if (argc < 2) {
			"Usage: %s file [pad0] [pad1] [padN]\n",
		goto out;

	pad_mask = 0;
	for (i = 2; i < argc; i++)
		pad_mask |= strtoul(argv[i], NULL, 0) * 1024;

	if (pad_mask == 0)
		pad_mask = (4 * 1024) | (8 * 1024) | (64 * 1024) |
			   (128 * 1024);

	err = pad_image(argv[1], pad_mask);
	if (err)
		goto out;


	return ret;
Beispiel #4
static int write_vertical_file(state *s) { 
  int32_t i,j, bytes_read = 0;
  off_t location;
  int32_t offset = (s->image_width * s->image_height) - s->image_width;
  unsigned char c;
#ifdef DEBUG
  print_status ("offset %"PRId32"  length %"PRId32"  width %"PRId32"\n",
		offset, s->input_length, s->image_width);

  for (i = 0 ; i < s->image_height ; ++i) {
    for (j = 0 ; j < s->image_width ; ++j) {
      if (s->direction) { 
	location =  offset - (s->image_width * i) + j;
	if (location < s->input_length) { 
#ifdef DEBUG
	  print_status ("bytes read %06"PRId32"  seeking to %06"PRId32,
			bytes_read, location);
	  if (fseeko(s->in_handle, location, SEEK_SET)) {
	    return TRUE;
	  c = fgetc(s->in_handle); 
	} else { 
#ifdef DEBUG
	  print_status ("padding"); 
	  // We pad the image with black when necessary 
	  c = padding();
      } else { 
	if (bytes_read < s->input_length)
	  c = fgetc(s->in_handle);
	  c = padding();
      write_byte(s, c);

    if (s->direction)
  return FALSE;
Beispiel #5
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
	uint32_t pad_mask;
	int ret = EXIT_FAILURE;
	int err;
	int i;

	progname = basename(argv[0]);

	if (argc < 2) {
			"Usage: %s file [-x <xtra offset>] [pad0] [pad1] [padN]\n",
		goto out;

	pad_mask = 0;
	for (i = 2; i < argc; i++) {
		if (i == 2 && strcmp(argv[i], "-x") == 0) {
			xtra_offset = strtoul(argv[i], NULL, 0);
			fprintf(stderr, "assuming %u bytes offset\n",
		pad_mask |= strtoul(argv[i], NULL, 0) * 1024;

	if (pad_mask == 0)
		pad_mask = (4 * 1024) | (8 * 1024) | (64 * 1024) |
			   (128 * 1024);

	err = pad_image(argv[1], pad_mask);
	if (err)
		goto out;


	return ret;
Beispiel #6
sk_sp<SkSpecialImage> SkImageFilter::applyCropRect(const Context& ctx,
                                                   SkSpecialImage* src,
                                                   SkIPoint* srcOffset,
                                                   SkIRect* bounds) const {
    const SkIRect srcBounds = SkIRect::MakeXYWH(srcOffset->x(), srcOffset->y(),
                                                src->width(), src->height());

    SkIRect dstBounds = this->onFilterNodeBounds(srcBounds, ctx.ctm(), kForward_MapDirection);
    fCropRect.applyTo(dstBounds, ctx.ctm(), this->affectsTransparentBlack(), bounds);
    if (!bounds->intersect(ctx.clipBounds())) {
        return nullptr;

    if (srcBounds.contains(*bounds)) {
        return sk_sp<SkSpecialImage>(SkRef(src));
    } else {
        sk_sp<SkSpecialImage> img(pad_image(src,
                                            bounds->width(), bounds->height(),
                                            srcOffset->x() - bounds->x(),
                                            srcOffset->y() - bounds->y()));
        *srcOffset = SkIPoint::Make(bounds->x(), bounds->y());
        return img;
Beispiel #7
typename ImageFactory<T>::view_type* rotate(const T &src, double angle, typename T::value_type bgcolor, int order)
    if (order < 1 || order > 3) {
        throw std::range_error("Order must be between 1 and 3");
    if (src.nrows()<2 && src.ncols()<2)
        return simple_image_copy(src);

    // Adjust angle to a positive double between 0-360
    while(angle<0.0) angle+=360;
    while(angle>=360.0) angle-=360;

    // some angle ranges flip width and height
    // as VIGRA requires source and destination to be of the same
    // size, it cannot handle a reduce in one image dimension.
    // Hence we must rotate by 90 degrees, if necessary
    bool rot90done = false;
    typename ImageFactory<T>::view_type* prep4vigra = (typename ImageFactory<T>::view_type*) &src;
    if ((45 < angle && angle < 135) ||
            (225 < angle && angle < 315)) {
        typename ImageFactory<T>::data_type* prep4vigra_data =
            new typename ImageFactory<T>::data_type(Size(src.height(),src.width()));
        prep4vigra = new typename ImageFactory<T>::view_type(*prep4vigra_data);
        size_t ymax = src.nrows() - 1;
        for (size_t y = 0; y < src.nrows(); ++y) {
            for (size_t x = 0; x < src.ncols(); ++x) {
                prep4vigra->set(Point(ymax-y,x), src.get(Point(x,y)));
        rot90done = true;
        // recompute rotation angle, because partial rotation already done
        angle -= 90.0;
        if (angle < 0.0) angle +=360;

    double rad = (angle / 180.0) * M_PI;

    // new width/height depending on angle
    size_t new_width, new_height;
    if ((0 <= angle && angle <= 90) ||
            (180 <= angle && angle <= 270)) {
        new_width = size_t(0.5+abs(cos(rad) * (double)prep4vigra->width() +
                                   sin(rad) * (double)prep4vigra->height()));
        new_height = size_t(0.5+abs(sin(rad) * (double)prep4vigra->width() +
                                    cos(rad) * (double)prep4vigra->height()));
    } else {
        new_width = size_t(0.5+abs(cos(rad) * (double)prep4vigra->width() -
                                   sin(rad) * (double)prep4vigra->height()));
        new_height = size_t(0.5+abs(sin(rad) * (double)prep4vigra->width() -
                                    cos(rad) * (double)prep4vigra->height()));
    size_t pad_width = 0;
    if (new_width > prep4vigra->width())
        pad_width = (new_width - prep4vigra->width()) / 2 + 2;
    size_t pad_height = 0;
    if (new_height > prep4vigra->height())
        pad_height = (new_height - prep4vigra->height()) / 2 + 2;

    typename ImageFactory<T>::view_type* tmp =
        pad_image(*prep4vigra, pad_height, pad_width, pad_height, pad_width, bgcolor);

    typename ImageFactory<T>::data_type* dest_data =
        new typename ImageFactory<T>::data_type(tmp->size());
    typename ImageFactory<T>::view_type* dest =
        new typename ImageFactory<T>::view_type(*dest_data);

    try {
        fill(*dest, bgcolor);

        if (order == 1) {
            vigra::SplineImageView<1, typename T::value_type>
            vigra::rotateImage(spline, dest_image(*dest), -angle);
        } else if (order == 2) {
            vigra::SplineImageView<2, typename T::value_type>
            vigra::rotateImage(spline, dest_image(*dest), -angle);
        } else if (order == 3) {
            vigra::SplineImageView<3, typename T::value_type>
            vigra::rotateImage(spline, dest_image(*dest), -angle);
    } catch (std::exception e) {
        delete tmp->data();
        delete tmp;
        delete dest;
        delete dest_data;
        if (rot90done) {
            delete prep4vigra->data();
            delete prep4vigra;

    if (rot90done) {
        delete prep4vigra->data();
        delete prep4vigra;
    delete tmp->data();
    delete tmp;

    return dest;
Beispiel #8
cl_int ConvolutionLayerSpatial<float>::convolve(
    const vector<Blob<float>*>& bottom, const vector<Blob<float>*>& top,
    int_tp index,
    int_tp numImages, kernelConfig* config) {

  viennacl::ocl::context &ctx = viennacl::ocl::get_context(this->device_->id());
  viennacl::ocl::program & program = ctx.get_program(config->kernelName);
  viennacl::ocl::kernel &kernel = program.get_kernel(config->kernelName);
  cl_int err = 0;

  if (config->kernelType != 2) {
    for (int_tp n = 0; n < numImages; ++n) {
      for (int_tp g = 0; g < group_; ++g) {
        bias_offset_ = M_ * g;
        int_tp image_offset = n * this->bottom_dim_
            + width_ * height_ * (channels_ / group_) * g;
        int_tp output_image_offset = n * this->top_dim_
            + output_w_ * output_h_ * M_ * g;

        cl_uint argIdx = 0;
        int_tp kernel_offset = kernel_h_ * kernel_w_ * (channels_ / group_) * M_
            * g;

        // Copy image
        if (pad_w_ > 0 || pad_h_ > 0) {
          pad_image(bottom, top, image_offset, config, numImages);
          image_offset = 0;
          kernel.arg(argIdx++, WrapHandle((cl_mem) col_data, &ctx));
        } else {
          kernel.arg(argIdx++, WrapHandle((cl_mem) bottom_data, &ctx));
        kernel.arg(argIdx++, image_offset);
        kernel.arg(argIdx++, WrapHandle((cl_mem) weight, &ctx));
        kernel.arg(argIdx++, kernel_offset);
        kernel.arg(argIdx++, WrapHandle((cl_mem) bias_, &ctx));
        kernel.arg(argIdx++, bias_offset_);
        kernel.arg(argIdx++, WrapHandle((cl_mem) top_data, &ctx));
        kernel.arg(argIdx++, output_image_offset);
        kernel.arg(argIdx++, (uint16_t)padded_width_);
        kernel.arg(argIdx++, (uint16_t)padded_height_);
        kernel.arg(argIdx++, (uint16_t)output_w_);
        kernel.arg(argIdx++, (uint16_t)output_h_);
        if (config->use_null_local) {
          err = clEnqueueNDRangeKernel(ctx.get_queue().handle().get(),
                                       kernel.handle().get(), 3,
                                       config->global_work_size, NULL, 0, NULL,
        } else {
          err = clEnqueueNDRangeKernel(ctx.get_queue().handle().get(),
                                       kernel.handle().get(), 3,
                                       config->local_work_size, 0, NULL,

        if (err != CL_SUCCESS)
          return err;
  } else {
    swizzleWeights(bottom, top, 16);
    size_t total_bottom_size = bottom_dim_ * numImages;
    size_t total_kernel_size = kernel_h_ * kernel_w_ * channels_ * M_;
    size_t total_bias_size = M_ * group_;
    size_t total_top_size = top_dim_ * numImages;
    for (int_tp g = 0; g < group_; ++g) {
      bias_offset_ = M_ * g;
      int_tp image_offset = width_ * height_ * (channels_ / group_) * g;
      int_tp output_image_offset = output_w_ * output_h_ * M_ * g;

      cl_uint argIdx = 0;
      int_tp kernel_offset = kernel_h_ * kernel_w_
                             * (channels_ / group_) * M_ * g;
      // Copy image
      cl_mem input_image;
      if (pad_w_ > 0 || pad_h_ > 0) {
        pad_image(bottom, top, image_offset, config, numImages);
        image_offset = 0;
        input_image = (cl_mem) col_data;
      } else {
        input_image = (cl_mem) bottom_data;
      setBufferKernelArg(bottom, top, &kernel, argIdx++, &ctx, input_image,
                         image_offset, total_bottom_size - image_offset,
                         true, false);
      setBufferKernelArg(bottom, top, &kernel, argIdx++, &ctx,
                         (cl_mem) swizzled_weights,
                         kernel_offset, total_kernel_size - kernel_offset,
                         true, true);
      setBufferKernelArg(bottom, top, &kernel, argIdx++, &ctx, (cl_mem) bias_,
                         bias_offset_, total_bias_size - bias_offset_,
                         true, true);
      setBufferKernelArg(bottom, top, &kernel, argIdx++, &ctx,
                         (cl_mem) top_data,
                         total_top_size - output_image_offset,
                         false, false);
      kernel.arg(argIdx++, (uint16_t)padded_width_);
      kernel.arg(argIdx++, (uint16_t)padded_height_);
      kernel.arg(argIdx++, (uint16_t)output_w_);
      kernel.arg(argIdx++, (uint16_t)output_h_);
      err = clEnqueueNDRangeKernel(ctx.get_queue().handle().get(),
                                   kernel.handle().get(), 3,
                                   config->local_work_size, 0, NULL,
      if (err != CL_SUCCESS)
        return err;

    if (group_ > 1) {
      cleanTmpSubBuffers(bottom, top);

  return err;