void * Task::allocate( const unsigned arg_sizeof_derived
                     , const unsigned arg_dependence_capacity )
  // Counting on 'malloc' thread safety so lock/unlock not required.
  // However, isolate calls here to mitigate future need to introduce lock/unlock.

  // lock

  // while ( ! Kokkos::atomic_compare_exchange_strong( & lock_alloc_dealloc , 0 , 1 ) );

  void * const ptr = malloc( padded_sizeof_derived( arg_sizeof_derived ) + arg_dependence_capacity * sizeof(Task*) );

  // unlock

  // Kokkos::atomic_compare_exchange_strong( & lock_alloc_dealloc , 1 , 0 );

  return ptr ;
Task::TaskMember( const Task::function_dealloc_type  arg_dealloc
                , const Task::function_apply_type    arg_apply
                , const unsigned                     arg_sizeof_derived
                , const unsigned                     arg_dependence_capacity
  : m_dealloc( arg_dealloc )
  , m_verify(  & Task::verify_type<void> )
  , m_apply(   arg_apply )
  , m_dep( (Task **)( ((unsigned char *) this) + padded_sizeof_derived( arg_sizeof_derived ) ) )
  , m_wait( 0 )
  , m_next( 0 )
  , m_dep_capacity( arg_dependence_capacity )
  , m_dep_size( 0 )
  , m_ref_count( 0 )
  for ( unsigned i = 0 ; i < arg_dependence_capacity ; ++i ) m_dep[i] = 0 ;
Task::TaskMember( const function_dealloc_type  arg_dealloc
                , const function_single_type   arg_apply_single
                , const function_team_type     arg_apply_team
                , volatile int &               arg_active_count
                , const unsigned               arg_sizeof_derived
                , const unsigned               arg_dependence_capacity
  : m_dealloc( arg_dealloc )
  , m_verify(  & Task::verify_type<void> )
  , m_apply_single( arg_apply_single )
  , m_apply_team( arg_apply_team )
  , m_active_count( & arg_active_count )
  , m_qfeb(0)
  , m_dep( (Task **)( ((unsigned char *) this) + padded_sizeof_derived( arg_sizeof_derived ) ) )
  , m_dep_capacity( arg_dependence_capacity )
  , m_dep_size( 0 )
  , m_ref_count( 0 )
  , m_state( Kokkos::Experimental::TASK_STATE_CONSTRUCTING )
  qthread_empty( & m_qfeb ); // Set to full when complete
  for ( unsigned i = 0 ; i < arg_dependence_capacity ; ++i ) m_dep[i] = 0 ;
void * Task::allocate( const unsigned arg_sizeof_derived
                     , const unsigned arg_dependence_capacity )
  return malloc( padded_sizeof_derived( arg_sizeof_derived ) + arg_dependence_capacity * sizeof(Task*) );