void TestRender::renderToImage()
  int py=0;
  int ew = part->view()->viewport()->width();
  int eh = part->view()->viewport()->height();
  QPixmap paintBuffer(800,600);

  while (py < eh)
    QPainter* tp = new QPainter;
    tp->begin( &paintBuffer );

    int ph = eh-py<PAINT_BUFFER_HEIGHT ? eh-py : PAINT_BUFFER_HEIGHT;

    tp->fillRect(0, py, ew, ph, palette().active().brush(QColorGroup::Background));
    part->docImpl()->renderer()->print(tp, 0, py, ew, ph, 0, 0);
    delete tp;

  if (!paintBuffer.save(destDir+"/"+filenames.at(fileno)+".png","PNG"))
    *logStream << "Error writing to file "+destDir+"/"+filenames.at(fileno)+".png" << endl;

Beispiel #2
  \brief Repaint the knob
void QwtKnob::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e)
    const QRect &ur = e->rect();
    if ( ur.isValid() ) 
        QwtPaintBuffer paintBuffer(this, ur);
        draw(paintBuffer.painter(), ur);
  \brief paintEvent
void QwtScaleWidget::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e)
    const QRect &ur = e->rect();
    if ( ur.isValid() )
#if QT_VERSION < 0x040000
        QwtPaintBuffer paintBuffer(this, ur);
        QPainter painter(this);
   Qt paint event
   \param event Paint event
void QwtSlider::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event)
    const QRect &ur = event->rect();
    if ( ur.isValid() )
#if QT_VERSION < 0x040000
        QwtPaintBuffer paintBuffer(this, ur);
        draw(paintBuffer.painter(), ur);
        QPainter painter(this);
        draw(&painter, ur);
//! Qt paint event.
void QwtThermo::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e)
    // Use double-buffering
    const QRect &ur = e->rect();
    if ( ur.isValid() )
#if QT_VERSION < 0x040000
        QwtPaintBuffer paintBuffer(this, ur);
        draw(paintBuffer.painter(), ur);
        QPainter painter(this);
        draw(&painter, ur);
Beispiel #6
  Repaint the knob

  \param e Paint event
void QwtKnob::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e)
    const QRect &ur = e->rect();
    if ( ur.isValid() ) 
#if QT_VERSION < 0x040000
        QwtPaintBuffer paintBuffer(this, ur);
        draw(paintBuffer.painter(), ur);
        QPainter painter(this);
        draw(&painter, ur);
Beispiel #7
//! Repaint the dial 
void QwtDial::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e)
    const QRect &ur = e->rect();
    if ( ur.isValid() )
        QwtPaintBuffer paintBuffer(this, ur);

        QPainter *painter = paintBuffer.painter();


        if ( hasFocus() )
void QwtPlotCanvas::drawCanvas(QPainter *painter)
    if ( !contentsRect().isValid() )

    QRect clipRect = contentsRect();
    if ( !cacheMode() || !QwtPaintBuffer::isEnabled() )
        // If we don´t need the paint buffer as cache we can
        // use the clip for painting to the buffer too. 

        if ( painter && !painter->clipRegion().isNull() )
            clipRect = painter->clipRegion().boundingRect();

    QwtPaintBuffer paintBuffer(this, clipRect, painter);
    ((QwtPlot *)parent())->drawCanvas(paintBuffer.painter());

    if ( cacheMode() )
        if ( d_cache == NULL )
            d_cache = new QPixmap(contentsRect().size());
#if QT_VERSION >= 300
#ifdef Q_WS_X11
            if ( d_cache->x11Screen() != x11Screen() )

        if ( QwtPaintBuffer::isEnabled() )
            *d_cache = paintBuffer.buffer();
            d_cache->fill(this, 0, 0);
            QPainter cachePainter(d_cache);
            ((QwtPlot *)parent())->drawCanvas(&cachePainter);
Beispiel #9
// ============================================================================
// DrawBox::draw()                                                             
// convert particles from 3D space to 2D screen coordinates                    
// compute blending values for particles and texture                           
void DrawBox::draw( GLBox * glbox, const ParticlesData * part_data, 
		    const ParticlesSelectVector * _psv, const GlobalOptions * _store_options,
		    QString shot_name)
  const double * mProj    = glbox->getProjMatrix();
  double * mMod     = const_cast<double*> 
  // get data pointers
  viewport      = glbox->getViewPort();
  store_options = _store_options;
  psv           = _psv;
#define MP(row,col)  mProj[col*4+row]
#define MM(row,col)  mMod[col*4+row]

  // get windows size 
  width = viewport[2];
  height= viewport[3];
  // set windows size
  //QPainter paint(this);
  if (psv->size()) {
    // Zoom is located in ModelView matrix at coordinates MM(2,3)
    // loop on all object
    for (int i=0; i< (int ) psv->size(); i++ ) {
      // loop on all visible object selected particles  
      //std::cerr << "----------\n";  
      if ((*psv)[i].vps->is_visible ) {
	for (int j  = 0; 
	     j  <  (*psv)[i].vps->ni_index;
	     j ++) {
	  int jndex= (*psv)[i].vps->index_tab[j];      
              x=part_data->pos[jndex*3  ],
          // do the product Mmodel X point = mxyzw
          float myzw0 = MM(0,1)*y + MM(0,2)*z + MM(0,3)*w;
          float mx = MM(0,0)*x  + myzw0;
          float mx1= mx + store_options->texture_size/2.; // move X from half a texture
          float myzw1 = MM(1,1)*y + MM(1,2)*z + MM(1,3)*w;
          float my = MM(1,0)*x  + myzw1;
          float MmzG = MM(2,1)*y + MM(2,2)*z;
          float Mmz = MM(2,0)*x  + MmzG;
          float mz = Mmz  + MM(2,3)*w;
          float mwG= MM(3,1)*y + MM(3,2)*z + MM(3,3)*w;
          float mw = MM(3,0)*x  + mwG;
          // do the product Mproj X mxyzw  = pxyzw
          float Ppx = MP(0,0)*mx + MP(0,1)*my + MP(0,3)*mw;
          float px  = Ppx + MP(0,2)*mz;
          float px1 = MP(0,0)*mx1 + MP(0,1)*my + MP(0,3)*mw + MP(0,2)*mz;
          float Ppy= MP(1,0)*mx + MP(1,1)*my + MP(1,3)*mw;
          float py = Ppy + MP(1,2)*mz;
          float Ppz= MP(2,0)*mx + MP(2,1)*my + MP(2,3)*mw;
          float pz = Ppz + MP(2,2)*mz;
          float Ppw= MP(3,0)*mx + MP(3,1)*my + MP(3,3)*mw;
          float pw = Ppw + MP(3,2)*mz;
          float pw1 = MP(3,0)*mx1 + MP(3,1)*my + MP(3,3)*mw + MP(3,2)*mz;
          // normalyze
	  //std::cerr << px << " " << py << " " << pz << "\n";
          px /= pw;
          px1/= pw1;
          py /= pw;
	  pz /= pw;
	  //std::cerr << px << " " << py << " " << pz << "\n";
          // compute screen coordinates
          float winx =viewport[0] + (1 + px)  * viewport[2] / 2;
          float winx1=viewport[0] + (1 + px1) * viewport[2] / 2;
          float winy =viewport[1] + (1 + py)  * viewport[3] / 2;
          // paint particles
	  //paint.drawPoint((int) (winx), viewport[3]-(int) (winy));

          #define MMAX(A,B) ((A)>(B)?(A):(B))
          #define MMIN(A,B) ((A)<(B)?(A):(B))

          //if (winx >= 0. && winy >= 0 && winx < 1024 && winy < 1024) {
	  if (winx >= 0. && winy >= 0 && winx < width && winy < height && pz<1.0) {
	    float size_texture = (int) fabs(winx1-winx);
            //std::cerr << "x=" << winx << "  x1=" << winx1 << " size="<<size_texture<< "\n";
	    //color_rgba[(int) (winx)][(int) (winy)].blend(psv[i].vps->col,(float) (alpha)/255.);
	    if (store_options->show_part) {
	      //color_rgba[(int) (winx)][viewport[3]-1-(int) (winy)].blend((*psv)[i].vps->col,
	      //(float) (store_options->particles_alpha)/255.);
	      filterPoint( winx,winy,(*psv)[i].vps->col,(float) (store_options->particles_alpha)/255.);
	  //paint.drawPoint((int) (winx), (int) (winy));
	    if (store_options->show_poly) {
	      float s4 = size_texture*4.;
	      float ratio_texture =  s4 - floor(s4);
	      float ceil_texture  = ceil(s4);
	      texture->draw(this,psv,i,winx,winy,(int)(ceil_texture), ratio_texture); 