void IntervalProgressDisplay::EllipticalPaintStrategy::drawCircles(QPainter &p, const QRectF &rect, const PaintContext &context, const PaintColors &colors, int beatsToDraw, int beatsToDrawOffset, bool drawPath)
    if (drawPath) {
        paintEllipticalPath(p, rect, colors, context.currentBeat, beatsToDraw);

    qreal angleIncrement = (2 * -PI) / beatsToDraw;
    double angle = -PI/2 + angleIncrement;
    qreal hRadius = rect.width()/2;
    qreal vRadius = rect.height()/2;
    qreal centerX = rect.center().x();
    qreal centerY = rect.center().y();

    for (int beat = beatsToDraw-1; beat >= 0; --beat) {
        // draw the current beat
        if (beat + beatsToDrawOffset >= context.currentBeat) {
            qreal x = centerX + ((hRadius) * std::cos(angle));
            qreal y = centerY + ((vRadius) * std::sin(angle));
            p.setBrush(getBrush(beat, beatsToDrawOffset, context, colors));
            p.setPen(getPen(beat, beatsToDrawOffset, context));
            qreal size = getCircleSize(beat, beatsToDrawOffset, context);
            p.drawEllipse(QPointF(x, y), size, size);
        angle += angleIncrement;
void IntervalProgressDisplay::drawBeatCircles(QPainter& p, int hRadius, int vRadius, int beatCircles, int offset) {
    paintEllipticalPath(p, hRadius, vRadius);

    double angle = -PI / 2.0;

    const float FIRST_COLOR_POSITION = 0.0f;
    const float SECOND_COLOR_POSITION = 0.99f;

    //float hRadius = width()/2;
    //float vRadius = height()/2;

    for (int i = 0; i < beatCircles; i++) {

        int x = centerX + (hRadius  * std::cos(angle));// - ovalSize /2;
        int y = (centerY + (vRadius * std::sin(angle))) + ovalSize/2;

        QRadialGradient brush(x + ovalSize/2, y, ovalSize*2);
        QPen pen(Qt::NoPen);

        //p->drawLine(0, centerY, width(), centerY);

        //beat not played yet
        brush.setColorAt(FIRST_COLOR_POSITION, Qt::gray);
        brush.setColorAt(SECOND_COLOR_POSITION, Qt::black);

        bool isIntervalFirstBeat = i + offset == 0;
        bool isMeasureFirstBeat = (i + offset) % beatsPerAccent == 0;
        if (i + offset == currentBeat && (isIntervalFirstBeat || isMeasureFirstBeat)) {//first beats
            if( isIntervalFirstBeat || isShowingAccents() ){
                brush.setColorAt(FIRST_COLOR_POSITION, QColor(255, 100, 100));//accent beat colors
                brush.setColorAt(SECOND_COLOR_POSITION, Qt::red);
                brush.setColorAt(FIRST_COLOR_POSITION, Qt::green); //playing beat highlight colors
                brush.setColorAt(SECOND_COLOR_POSITION, Qt::darkGreen);
            if((i + offset) % beatsPerAccent == 0 && (i+offset) > currentBeat){
                    brush.setColorAt(FIRST_COLOR_POSITION, Qt::white); //accent marks
                    brush.setColorAt(SECOND_COLOR_POSITION, Qt::gray);

            else if ( (i + offset) <= currentBeat) {
                if(i + offset < currentBeat){
                    brush.setColorAt(FIRST_COLOR_POSITION, PLAYED_BEATS_FIRST_COLOR); //played beats
                    brush.setColorAt(SECOND_COLOR_POSITION, PLAYED_BEATS_SECOND_COLOR);
                else{//the current beat is highlighted
                    brush.setColorAt(FIRST_COLOR_POSITION, Qt::green); //playing beat highlight colors
                    brush.setColorAt(SECOND_COLOR_POSITION, Qt::darkGreen);


        p.setPen( pen );
        int size = (i + offset) == currentBeat ? ovalSize + 1 : ovalSize;
        p.drawEllipse( QPoint(x, y), size, size);

        if(offset > 0 && currentBeat < offset){//is drawing the first circles?
            p.setBrush(QColor(255,255, 255, 200)); //the internal circles are drawed transparent
            p.drawEllipse( QPoint(x, y), size, size);

        angle -= 2 * -PI / beatCircles;
