Beispiel #1
static void render_details_scroll_button(cairo_t *cairo,
		struct swaynag *swaynag, struct swaynag_button *button) {
	int text_width, text_height;
	get_text_size(cairo, swaynag->type->font, &text_width, &text_height, NULL,
			swaynag->scale, true, "%s", button->text);

	int border = swaynag->type->button_border_thickness * swaynag->scale;
	int padding = swaynag->type->button_padding * swaynag->scale;

	cairo_set_source_u32(cairo, swaynag->type->border);
	cairo_rectangle(cairo, button->x, button->y,
			button->width, button->height);

	cairo_set_source_u32(cairo, swaynag->type->button_background);
	cairo_rectangle(cairo, button->x + border, button->y + border,
			button->width - (border * 2), button->height - (border * 2));

	cairo_set_source_u32(cairo, swaynag->type->text);
	cairo_move_to(cairo, button->x + border + padding,
			button->y + border + (button->height - text_height) / 2);
	pango_printf(cairo, swaynag->type->font, swaynag->scale, true,
			"%s", button->text);
Beispiel #2
void render(struct output *output, struct config *config, struct status_line *line) {
	int i;

	struct window *window = output->window;
	cairo_t *cairo = window->cairo;

	// Clear
	cairo_set_operator(cairo, CAIRO_OPERATOR_CLEAR);

	// Background
	cairo_set_source_u32(cairo, config->colors.background);

	// Command output
	cairo_set_source_u32(cairo, config->colors.statusline);
	int width, height;

	if (line->protocol == TEXT) {
		get_text_size(window->cairo, window->font, &width, &height, "%s", line->text_line);
		cairo_move_to(cairo, window->width - margin - width, margin);
		pango_printf(window->cairo, window->font, "%s", line->text_line);
	} else if (line->protocol == I3BAR && line->block_line) {
		double pos = window->width - 0.5;
		bool edge = true;
		for (i = line->block_line->length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
			struct status_block *block = line->block_line->items[i];
			if (block->full_text && block->full_text[0]) {
				render_block(window, config, block, &pos, edge);
				edge = false;

	cairo_set_line_width(cairo, 1.0);
	double x = 0.5;

	// Workspaces
	if (config->workspace_buttons) {
		for (i = 0; i < output->workspaces->length; ++i) {
			struct workspace *ws = output->workspaces->items[i];
			render_workspace_button(window, config, ws, &x);

	// binding mode indicator
	if (config->mode && config->binding_mode_indicator) {
		render_binding_mode_indicator(window, config, x);
Beispiel #3
static uint32_t render_message(cairo_t *cairo, struct swaynag *swaynag) {
	int text_width, text_height;
	get_text_size(cairo, swaynag->type->font, &text_width, &text_height, NULL,
			swaynag->scale, true, "%s", swaynag->message);

	int padding = swaynag->type->message_padding * swaynag->scale;

	uint32_t ideal_height = text_height + padding * 2;
	uint32_t ideal_surface_height = ideal_height / swaynag->scale;
	if (swaynag->height < ideal_surface_height) {
		return ideal_surface_height;

	cairo_set_source_u32(cairo, swaynag->type->text);
	cairo_move_to(cairo, padding, (int)(ideal_height - text_height) / 2);
	pango_printf(cairo, swaynag->type->font, swaynag->scale, false,
			"%s", swaynag->message);

	return ideal_surface_height;
Beispiel #4
static uint32_t render_button(cairo_t *cairo, struct swaynag *swaynag,
		int button_index, int *x) {
	struct swaynag_button *button = swaynag->buttons->items[button_index];

	int text_width, text_height;
	get_text_size(cairo, swaynag->type->font, &text_width, &text_height, NULL,
			swaynag->scale, true, "%s", button->text);

	int border = swaynag->type->button_border_thickness * swaynag->scale;
	int padding = swaynag->type->button_padding * swaynag->scale;

	uint32_t ideal_height = text_height + padding * 2 + border * 2;
	uint32_t ideal_surface_height = ideal_height / swaynag->scale;
	if (swaynag->height < ideal_surface_height) {
		return ideal_surface_height;

	button->x = *x - border - text_width - padding * 2 + 1;
	button->y = (int)(ideal_height - text_height) / 2 - padding + 1;
	button->width = text_width + padding * 2;
	button->height = text_height + padding * 2;

	cairo_set_source_u32(cairo, swaynag->type->border);
	cairo_rectangle(cairo, button->x - border, button->y - border,
			button->width + border * 2, button->height + border * 2);

	cairo_set_source_u32(cairo, swaynag->type->button_background);
	cairo_rectangle(cairo, button->x, button->y,
			button->width, button->height);

	cairo_set_source_u32(cairo, swaynag->type->text);
	cairo_move_to(cairo, button->x + padding, button->y + padding);
	pango_printf(cairo, swaynag->type->font, swaynag->scale, true,
			"%s", button->text);

	*x = button->x - border;

	return ideal_surface_height;
Beispiel #5
static void render_binding_mode_indicator(struct window *window, struct config *config, double pos) {
	int width, height;
	get_text_size(window->cairo, window->font, &width, &height, "%s", config->mode);

	// background
	cairo_set_source_u32(window->cairo, config->colors.binding_mode.background);
	cairo_rectangle(window->cairo, pos, 1.5, width + ws_horizontal_padding * 2 - 1,
			height + ws_vertical_padding * 2);

	// border
	cairo_set_source_u32(window->cairo, config->colors.binding_mode.border);
	cairo_rectangle(window->cairo, pos, 1.5, width + ws_horizontal_padding * 2 - 1,
			height + ws_vertical_padding * 2);

	// text
	cairo_set_source_u32(window->cairo, config->colors.binding_mode.text);
	cairo_move_to(window->cairo, (int)pos + ws_horizontal_padding, margin);
	pango_printf(window->cairo, window->font, "%s", config->mode);
Beispiel #6
static int draw_node(cairo_t *cairo, struct sway_node *node,
		struct sway_node *focus, int x, int y) {
	int text_width, text_height;
	char *buffer = get_string(node);
	get_text_size(cairo, "monospace", &text_width, &text_height, NULL,
		1, false, buffer);
	cairo_rectangle(cairo, x + 2, y, text_width - 2, text_height);
	cairo_set_source_u32(cairo, 0xFFFFFFE0);
	int height = text_height;
	list_t *children = get_children(node);
	if (children) {
		for (int i = 0; i < children->length; ++i) {
			// This is really dirty - the list contains specific structs but
			// we're casting them as nodes. This works because node is the first
			// item in each specific struct. This is acceptable because this is
			// debug code.
			struct sway_node *child = children->items[i];
			if (node_get_parent(child) == node) {
				cairo_set_source_u32(cairo, 0x000000FF);
			} else {
				cairo_set_source_u32(cairo, 0xFF0000FF);
			height += draw_node(cairo, child, focus, x + 10, y + height);
	cairo_set_source_u32(cairo, 0xFFFFFFE0);
	cairo_rectangle(cairo, x, y, 2, height);
	cairo_move_to(cairo, x, y);
	if (focus == node) {
		cairo_set_source_u32(cairo, 0x0000FFFF);
	pango_printf(cairo, "monospace", 1, false, buffer);
	return height;
Beispiel #7
static void render_workspace_button(struct window *window, struct config *config, struct workspace *ws, double *x) {
	// strip workspace numbers if required
	char *name = handle_workspace_number(config->strip_workspace_numbers, ws->name);

	int width, height;
	get_text_size(window->cairo, window->font, &width, &height, "%s", name);
	struct box_colors box_colors;
	if (ws->urgent) {
		box_colors = config->colors.urgent_workspace;
	} else if (ws->focused) {
		box_colors = config->colors.focused_workspace;
	} else if (ws->visible) {
		box_colors = config->colors.active_workspace;
	} else {
		box_colors = config->colors.inactive_workspace;

	// background
	cairo_set_source_u32(window->cairo, box_colors.background);
	cairo_rectangle(window->cairo, *x, 1.5, width + ws_horizontal_padding * 2 - 1,
			height + ws_vertical_padding * 2);

	// border
	cairo_set_source_u32(window->cairo, box_colors.border);
	cairo_rectangle(window->cairo, *x, 1.5, width + ws_horizontal_padding * 2 - 1,
			height + ws_vertical_padding * 2);

	// text
	cairo_set_source_u32(window->cairo, box_colors.text);
	cairo_move_to(window->cairo, (int)*x + ws_horizontal_padding, margin);
	pango_printf(window->cairo, window->font, "%s", name);

	*x += width + ws_horizontal_padding * 2 + ws_spacing;

Beispiel #8
static void render_block(struct window *window, struct config *config, struct status_block *block, double *x, bool edge) {
	int width, height, sep_width;
	get_text_size(window->cairo, window->font, &width, &height, "%s", block->full_text);

	int textwidth = width;
	double block_width = width;

	if (width < block->min_width) {
		width = block->min_width;

	*x -= width;

	if (block->border != 0 && block->border_left > 0) {
		*x -= (block->border_left + margin);
		block_width += block->border_left + margin;

	if (block->border != 0 && block->border_right > 0) {
		*x -= (block->border_right + margin);
		block_width += block->border_right + margin;

	// Add separator
	if (!edge) {
		if (config->sep_symbol) {
			get_text_size(window->cairo, window->font, &sep_width, &height, "%s", config->sep_symbol);
			if (sep_width > block->separator_block_width) {
				block->separator_block_width = sep_width + margin * 2;

		*x -= block->separator_block_width;
	} else {
		*x -= margin;

	double pos = *x;

	// render background
	if (block->background != 0x0) {
		cairo_set_source_u32(window->cairo, block->background);
		cairo_rectangle(window->cairo, pos - 0.5, 1, block_width, window->height - 2);

	// render top border
	if (block->border != 0 && block->border_top > 0) {
		render_sharp_line(window->cairo, block->border,
				pos - 0.5,

	// render bottom border
	if (block->border != 0 && block->border_bottom > 0) {
		render_sharp_line(window->cairo, block->border,
				pos - 0.5,
				window->height - 1 - block->border_bottom,

	// render left border
	if (block->border != 0 && block->border_left > 0) {
		render_sharp_line(window->cairo, block->border,
				pos - 0.5,
				window->height - 2);

		pos += block->border_left + margin;

	// render text
	double offset = 0;

	if (strncmp(block->align, "left", 5) == 0) {
		offset = pos;
	} else if (strncmp(block->align, "right", 5) == 0) {
		offset = pos + width - textwidth;
	} else if (strncmp(block->align, "center", 6) == 0) {
		offset = pos + (width - textwidth) / 2;

	cairo_move_to(window->cairo, offset, margin);
	cairo_set_source_u32(window->cairo, block->color);
	pango_printf(window->cairo, window->font, "%s", block->full_text);

	pos += width;

	// render right border
	if (block->border != 0 && block->border_right > 0) {
		pos += margin;

		render_sharp_line(window->cairo, block->border,
				pos - 0.5,
				window->height - 2);

		pos += block->border_right;

	// render separator
	if (!edge && block->separator) {
		cairo_set_source_u32(window->cairo, config->colors.separator);
		if (config->sep_symbol) {
			offset = pos + (block->separator_block_width - sep_width) / 2;
			cairo_move_to(window->cairo, offset, margin);
			pango_printf(window->cairo, window->font, "%s", config->sep_symbol);
		} else {
			cairo_set_line_width(window->cairo, 1);
			cairo_move_to(window->cairo, pos + block->separator_block_width/2,
			cairo_line_to(window->cairo, pos + block->separator_block_width/2,
					window->height - margin);
