int extractToFile(const std::string& filename, ZipEntry& info)
      int err = UNZ_ERRNO;

      /* If zip entry is a directory then create it on disk */

      /* Create the file on disk so we can unzip to it */
      std::ofstream output_file(filename.c_str(), std::ofstream::binary);

      if (output_file.good())
        if (extractToStream(output_file, info))
          err = UNZ_OK;


        /* Set the time of the file that has been unzipped */
        tm_unz timeaux;
        memcpy(&timeaux, &info.unixdate, sizeof(timeaux));

        changeFileDate(filename, info.dosdate, timeaux);

      return err;
Beispiel #2
int encfs_mkdir(const char *path, mode_t mode) {
  fuse_context *fctx = fuse_get_context();
  EncFS_Context *ctx = context();

  if (isReadOnly(ctx)) return -EROFS;

  int res = -EIO;
  std::shared_ptr<DirNode> FSRoot = ctx->getRoot(&res);
  if (!FSRoot) return res;

  try {
    uid_t uid = 0;
    gid_t gid = 0;
    if (ctx->publicFilesystem) {
      uid = fctx->uid;
      gid = fctx->gid;
    res = FSRoot->mkdir(path, mode, uid, gid);
    // Is this error due to access problems?
    if (ctx->publicFilesystem && -res == EACCES) {
      // try again using the parent dir's group
      string parent = parentDirectory(path);
      std::shared_ptr<FileNode> dnode =
          FSRoot->lookupNode(parent.c_str(), "mkdir");

      struct stat st;
      if (dnode->getAttr(&st) == 0)
        res = FSRoot->mkdir(path, mode, uid, st.st_gid);
  } catch (encfs::Error &err) {
    RLOG(ERROR) << "error caught in mkdir: " << err.what();
  return res;
Beispiel #3
void recTree(std::string currentPath, std::set<std::string>& fullList, const std::string& exportroot) {

    if (fileExists(currentPath.c_str())) {

        // fs::path bRoot(exportroot);
        // fs::path bPath(currentPath);
        std::string stripstr = currentPath.substr(exportroot.length());
        // LOGI((std::string("recTree: ") + stripstr).c_str());
        if (isDirectory(currentPath.c_str())) {
            // fs::is_directory(bPath.string())) {

            DIR* d;
            if ( - 1) != '/') currentPath += "/";
            // LOGI((std::string("currentPath: ") + currentPath).c_str());
            if ((d = opendir(currentPath.c_str())) == NULL) return;

            struct dirent* de;

            while ((de = readdir(d)) != NULL) {
                std::string path = currentPath;

                if (std::string(de->d_name) != "." && std::string(de->d_name) != "..") {
                    path += std::string(de->d_name);
                    // LOGI((std::string("path: ") + path).c_str());
                    recTree(path, fullList, exportroot);
        } else {
            // currentPath ends with "/"
            std::string parent = parentDirectory(currentPath);
            if (parent == "") {
                // Add parent dirs of current file down to root
                while (parent != exportroot) {
                    std::string strippar = parent.substr(exportroot.length());
                    // LOGI((std::string("Adding parent ") + parent.string()).c_str());
                    parent = parentDirectory(parent);
Beispiel #4
  void OutputDirectory::createTag (UNUSED const std::string& tag) const {
    ASSERT (tag != "");
    ASSERT (tag.find ('/') == std::string::npos);
    ASSERT (tag[0] != '.');
    ASSERT (tag.substr (0, 7) != "output_");

    boost::filesystem::path link = parentDirectory () / tag;
    Core::Error::checkIgnore ("unlink", unlink (link.BOOST_FILE_STRING.c_str ()), ENOENT);
    Core::Error::check ("symlink", symlink (name ().c_str (), link.BOOST_FILE_STRING.c_str ()));
Beispiel #5
int PluginPackage::compare(const PluginPackage& compareTo) const
    // Sort plug-ins that allow multiple instances first.
    bool AallowsMultipleInstances = !quirks().contains(PluginQuirkDontAllowMultipleInstances);
    bool BallowsMultipleInstances = !compareTo.quirks().contains(PluginQuirkDontAllowMultipleInstances);
    if (AallowsMultipleInstances != BallowsMultipleInstances)
        return AallowsMultipleInstances ? -1 : 1;

    // Sort plug-ins in a preferred path first.
    bool AisInPreferredDirectory = PluginDatabase::isPreferredPluginDirectory(parentDirectory());
    bool BisInPreferredDirectory = PluginDatabase::isPreferredPluginDirectory(compareTo.parentDirectory());
    if (AisInPreferredDirectory != BisInPreferredDirectory)
        return AisInPreferredDirectory ? -1 : 1;

    int diff = strcmp(name().utf8().data(),;
    if (diff)
        return diff;

    if (diff = compareFileVersion(compareTo.version()))
        return diff;

    return strcmp(parentDirectory().utf8().data(), compareTo.parentDirectory().utf8().data());
Beispiel #6
 * @brief Retrieves the absolute path of a given directory
 * @param directoryEntry
 * @param buf is a buffer big enough to hold the absolute path
void absoluteDirectoryPath(DIRENTRY* directoryEntry, char* buf) {
    // if there is no parent directory, we are at root level
    DIRENTRY* parent = parentDirectory(directoryEntry);
    if(parent == 0) {
        sprintf(buf, "\\");

    // if we are not at root level, fire up the recursion
    absoluteDirectoryPath(parent, buf);

    // concatenate the path until here and this directory's name
    unsigned short stringLength = strlen(buf);
    char dirname[512];
    currentFolderName(directoryEntry, dirname);
    sprintf(&buf[stringLength], "\\%s", dirname);
Beispiel #7
 * @brief Retrieves the current folder's name (handy if you only have a '.' entry at hand)
 * @param currentDirectoryEntry
 * @param buf is a buffer big enough to hold the folder name
void currentFolderName(DIRENTRY* currentDirectoryEntry, char* buf) {

    DIRENTRY* directoryEntry;
    DIRENTRY* parentDirectoryEntry = 0;

    parentDirectoryEntry = parentDirectory(currentDirectoryEntry);

    // read parent directory, find entry that matches current (original) folder's first cluster
    lseek(handle, getclusteroffset(parentDirectoryEntry->firstcluser), SEEK_SET);

    while(directoryEntry = readDirectoryEntry()) {
        if(directoryEntry->firstcluser == currentDirectoryEntry->firstcluser) {
            formatDirectoryEntryName(directoryEntry, buf);
Beispiel #8
string FileNode::plaintextParent() const { return parentDirectory(_pname); }