Beispiel #1
bool Qaul::QaulCopyDir(const QString &srcPath, const QString &dstPath)
    QDir parentDstDir(QFileInfo(dstPath).path());
    if (!parentDstDir.mkdir(QFileInfo(dstPath).fileName()))
        return false;

    QDir srcDir(srcPath);
    foreach(const QFileInfo &info, srcDir.entryInfoList(QDir::Dirs | QDir::Files | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot))
        QString srcItemPath = srcPath + "/" + info.fileName();
        QString dstItemPath = dstPath + "/" + info.fileName();
        if (info.isDir())
            if (!this->QaulCopyDir(srcItemPath, dstItemPath))
                return false;
        else if (info.isFile())
            if (!QFile::copy(srcItemPath, dstItemPath))
                return false;
            qDebug() << "Unhandled item" << info.filePath() << "in cpDir";
    return true;
Beispiel #2
  bool copyDir(const QString &srcPath, const QString &dstPath)
    bool result = true;
    bool test = true;

    LOG_FREE(Info, "copyDir", "copyDir '" << toString(srcPath) << "' to '" << toString(dstPath) << "'");

    // ensure directory exists
    QFileInfo dstInfo(dstPath);
    QString fileName = dstInfo.fileName();
    if (!dstInfo.exists() || !dstInfo.isDir()){
      QDir parentDstDir(QFileInfo(dstPath).path());
      LOG_FREE(Info, "copyDir", "Creating directory named = '" << toString(fileName) << "' in parentDstDir = '" << toString(parentDstDir.path()) << "'");
      if (!parentDstDir.mkpath(fileName)){
        LOG_FREE(Error, "copyDir", "Failed to create directory = '" << toString(fileName) << "' in parentDstDir = '" << toString(parentDstDir.path()) << "'");
        return false;

    QDir srcDir(srcPath);

    // remove all files in dst as well as any directories in dst that are not in src
    test = synchDirStructures(srcPath, dstPath);
    if (!test){
      LOG_FREE(Error, "copyDir", "Failed to synch destination '" << toString(dstPath) << "' with source '" << toString(srcPath) << "'");
      result = false;
    // copy all files in src to dst
    for (const QFileInfo &srcItemInfo : srcDir.entryInfoList(QDir::Dirs | QDir::Files | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot))
      QString srcItemPath = srcPath + "/" + srcItemInfo.fileName();
      QString dstItemPath = dstPath + "/" + srcItemInfo.fileName();

      QFileInfo dstItemInfo = QFileInfo(dstItemPath);

      if (srcItemInfo.isDir()) {
        test = copyDir(srcItemPath, dstItemPath);
        if (!test){
          LOG_FREE(Error, "copyDir", "Failed to copy directory '" << toString(srcItemPath) << "' to '" << toString(dstItemPath) << "'");
          result = false;

          // DLM: do we really want to give up here?
          //return false;
      } else if (srcItemInfo.isFile()) {
        test = QFile::copy(srcItemPath, dstItemPath);
        if (!test){
          LOG_FREE(Error, "copyDir", "Failed to copy file '" << toString(srcItemPath) << "' to '" << toString(dstItemPath) << "'");
          result = false;

          // DLM: do we really want to give up here?
          //return false;

    return result;
Beispiel #3
Util::copyDir(const QString &srcPath, const QString &dstPath, bool overwrite)

  QDir parentDstDir(QFileInfo(dstPath).path());

  QFileInfo srcInfo(srcPath);
  if (srcInfo.isFile())
    QString dstItemPath = dstPath + "/" + srcInfo.fileName();
    if (QFile::exists(dstItemPath) && overwrite)
    return  QFile::copy(srcPath, dstItemPath);

  QDir srcDir(srcPath);
  foreach(const QFileInfo &info, srcDir.entryInfoList(QDir::Dirs | QDir::Files | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot))
    QString srcItemPath = srcPath + "/" + info.fileName();
    QString dstItemPath = dstPath + "/" + info.fileName();
    if (info.isDir())
      if (!copyDir(srcItemPath, dstItemPath, overwrite))
        return false;
    else if (info.isFile())
      if (QFile::exists(dstItemPath) && overwrite)
      if (!QFile::copy(srcItemPath, dstItemPath))
        return false;
  return true;