XADDoc *XADView::getDocument() const { XADApp *theApp=(XADApp *) parentWidget(); return theApp->getDocument(); }
/** Overloads default QWidget::paintEvent. Draws the actual * bandwidth graph. */ void RSPermissionMatrixWidget::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *) { //std::cerr << "In paint event!" << std::endl; /* Set current graph dimensions */ _rec = this->frameRect(); /* Start the painter */ _painter->begin(this); /* We want antialiased lines and text */ _painter->setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing); _painter->setRenderHint(QPainter::TextAntialiasing); /* Fill in the background */ _painter->fillRect(_rec, QBrush(BACK_COLOR)); _painter->drawRect(_rec); // draw one line per friend. std::list<RsPeerId> ssllist ; rsPeers->getFriendList(ssllist) ; // sort list { // RSPermissionMatrixWidgets parent is ServicePermissionsPage which holds the checkbox ServicePermissionsPage *spp = dynamic_cast<ServicePermissionsPage*>(parentWidget()); if(spp != NULL) { // sort out offline peers if(spp->isHideOfflineChecked()) { RsPeerDetails peerDetails; for(std::list<RsPeerId>::iterator it = ssllist.begin(); it != ssllist.end();) { rsPeers->getPeerDetails(*it, peerDetails); switch (peerDetails.connectState) { case RS_PEER_CONNECTSTATE_OFFLINE: case RS_PEER_CONNECTSTATE_TRYING_TCP: case RS_PEER_CONNECTSTATE_TRYING_UDP: it = ssllist.erase(it); break; default: it++; break; } } } } // sort by name ssllist.sort(sortRsPeerIdByNameLocation); } RsPeerServiceInfo ownServices; rsServiceControl->getOwnServices(ownServices); // Display friend names at the beginning of each column const QFont& font(_painter->font()) ; QFontMetrics fm(font); int peer_name_size = 0 ; float line_height = 2 + fm.height() ; std::vector<QString> names ; for(std::list<RsPeerId>::const_iterator it(ssllist.begin());it!=ssllist.end();++it) { RsPeerDetails details ; rsPeers->getPeerDetails(*it,details) ; QString name = QString::fromUtf8(details.name.c_str()) + " (" + QString::fromUtf8(details.location.c_str()) + ")"; if(name.length() > 20) name = name.left(20)+"..." ; peer_name_size = std::max(peer_name_size, fm.width(name)) ; names.push_back(name) ; } QPen pen ; pen.setWidth(2) ; pen.setBrush(Qt::black) ; _painter->setPen(pen) ; int i=0; int x=5 ; int y=MATRIX_START_Y ; for(std::list<RsPeerId>::const_iterator it(ssllist.begin());it!=ssllist.end();++it,++i) { float X = MATRIX_START_X + peer_name_size - fm.width(names[i]) ; float Y = MATRIX_START_Y + (i+0.5)*ROW_SIZE + line_height/2.0f-2 ; _painter->drawText(QPointF(X,Y),names[i]) ; if(*it == _current_peer_id) _painter->drawLine(QPointF(X,Y+3),QPointF(X+fm.width(names[i]),Y+3)) ; y += line_height ; } matrix_start_x = 5 + MATRIX_START_X + peer_name_size ; // now draw the service names i=0 ; std::vector<int> last_width(10,0) ; for(std::map<uint32_t, RsServiceInfo>::const_iterator it(ownServices.mServiceList.begin());it!=ownServices.mServiceList.end();++it,++i) { QString name = QString::fromUtf8(it->second.mServiceName.c_str()) ; int text_width = fm.width(name) ; int X = matrix_start_x + COL_SIZE/2 - 2 + i*COL_SIZE - text_width/2; int height_index = 0 ; while(last_width[height_index] > X-5 && height_index < last_width.size()-1) ++height_index ; int Y = MATRIX_START_Y - ICON_SIZE_Y - 2 - line_height * height_index; last_width[height_index] = X + text_width ; // draw a half-transparent rectangle QBrush brush ; brush.setColor(QColor::fromHsvF(0.0f,0.0f,1.0f,0.8f)); brush.setStyle(Qt::SolidPattern) ; QPen pen ; pen.setWidth(2) ; if(_current_service_id == it->second.mServiceType) pen.setBrush(Qt::black) ; else pen.setBrush(Qt::gray) ; _painter->setPen(pen) ; QRect info_pos( X-5,Y-line_height-2, text_width + 10, line_height + 5) ; //_painter->fillRect(info_pos,brush) ; //_painter->drawRect(info_pos) ; _painter->drawLine(QPointF(X,Y+3),QPointF(X+text_width,Y+3)) ; _painter->drawLine(QPointF(X+text_width/2, Y+3), QPointF(X+text_width/2,MATRIX_START_Y+peer_ids.size()*ROW_SIZE - ROW_SIZE+5)) ; pen.setBrush(Qt::black) ; _painter->setPen(pen) ; _painter->drawText(QPointF(X,Y),name); } // Now draw the global switches. peer_ids.clear() ; for(std::list<RsPeerId>::const_iterator it(ssllist.begin());it!=ssllist.end();++it) peer_ids.push_back(*it) ; service_ids.clear() ; for(std::map<uint32_t, RsServiceInfo>::const_iterator sit(ownServices.mServiceList.begin());sit!=ownServices.mServiceList.end();++sit) service_ids.push_back(sit->first) ; static const std::string global_switch[2] = { ":/images/global_switch_off.png", ":/images/global_switch_on.png" } ; for(int i=0;i<service_ids.size();++i) { RsServicePermissions serv_perm ; rsServiceControl->getServicePermissions(service_ids[i],serv_perm) ; QPixmap pix(global_switch[serv_perm.mDefaultAllowed].c_str()) ; QRect position = computeNodePosition(0,i,false) ; position.setY(position.y() - ICON_SIZE_Y + 8) ; position.setX(position.x() + 3) ; position.setHeight(30) ; position.setWidth(30) ; _painter->drawPixmap(position,pix,QRect(0,0,30,30)) ; } // We draw for each service. static const std::string pixmap_names[4] = { ":/images/switch00.png", ":/images/switch01.png", ":/images/switch10.png", ":/images/switch11.png" } ; int n_col = 0 ; int n_col_selected = -1 ; int n_row_selected = -1 ; for(std::map<uint32_t, RsServiceInfo>::const_iterator sit(ownServices.mServiceList.begin());sit!=ownServices.mServiceList.end();++sit,++n_col) { RsServicePermissions service_perms ; rsServiceControl->getServicePermissions(sit->first,service_perms) ; // draw the default switch. // draw one switch per friend. int n_row = 0 ; for(std::list<RsPeerId>::const_iterator it(ssllist.begin());it!=ssllist.end();++it,++n_row) { RsPeerServiceInfo local_service_perms ; RsPeerServiceInfo remote_service_perms ; rsServiceControl->getServicesAllowed (*it, local_service_perms) ; rsServiceControl->getServicesProvided(*it,remote_service_perms) ; bool local_allowed = local_service_perms.mServiceList.find(sit->first) != local_service_perms.mServiceList.end() ; bool remote_allowed = remote_service_perms.mServiceList.find(sit->first) != remote_service_perms.mServiceList.end() ; QPixmap pix(pixmap_names[(local_allowed << 1) + remote_allowed].c_str()) ; bool selected = (sit->first == _current_service_id && *it == _current_peer_id) ; QRect position = computeNodePosition(n_row,n_col,selected) ; if(selected) { n_row_selected = n_row ; n_col_selected = n_col ; } _painter->drawPixmap(position,pix,QRect(0,0,ICON_SIZE_X,ICON_SIZE_Y)) ; } } // now display some info about current node. if(n_row_selected < peer_ids.size() && n_col_selected < service_ids.size()) { QRect position = computeNodePosition(n_row_selected,n_col_selected,false) ; // draw text info RsServicePermissions service_perms ; rsServiceControl->getServicePermissions(service_ids[n_col_selected],service_perms) ; QString service_name = tr("Service name:")+" "+QString::fromUtf8(service_perms.mServiceName.c_str()) ; QString service_default = service_perms.mDefaultAllowed?tr("Allowed by default"):tr("Denied by default"); QString peer_name = tr("Peer name:")+" " + names[n_row_selected] ; QString peer_id = tr("Peer Id:")+" "+QString::fromStdString(_current_peer_id.toStdString()) ; RsPeerServiceInfo pserv_info ; rsServiceControl->getServicesAllowed(_current_peer_id,pserv_info) ; bool locally_allowed = pserv_info.mServiceList.find(_current_service_id) != pserv_info.mServiceList.end(); bool remotely_allowed = false ; // default, if the peer is offline if(rsServiceControl->getServicesProvided(_current_peer_id,pserv_info)) remotely_allowed = pserv_info.mServiceList.find(_current_service_id) != pserv_info.mServiceList.end(); QString local_status = locally_allowed ?tr("Enabled for this peer") :tr("Disabled for this peer") ; QString remote_status = remotely_allowed?tr("Enabled by remote peer"):tr("Disabled by remote peer") ; if(!service_perms.mDefaultAllowed) local_status = tr("Switched Off") ; const QFont& font(_painter->font()) ; QFontMetrics fm(font); int text_size_x = 0 ; text_size_x = std::max(text_size_x,fm.width(service_name)); text_size_x = std::max(text_size_x,fm.width(peer_name)); text_size_x = std::max(text_size_x,fm.width(peer_id)); text_size_x = std::max(text_size_x,fm.width(local_status)); text_size_x = std::max(text_size_x,fm.width(remote_status)); // draw a half-transparent rectangle QBrush brush ; brush.setColor(QColor::fromHsvF(0.0f,0.0f,1.0f,0.8f)); brush.setStyle(Qt::SolidPattern) ; QPen pen ; pen.setWidth(2) ; pen.setBrush(Qt::black) ; _painter->setPen(pen) ; QRect info_pos( position.x() + 50, position.y() - 10, text_size_x + 10, line_height * 5 + 5) ; _painter->fillRect(info_pos,brush) ; _painter->drawRect(info_pos) ; // draw the text float x = info_pos.x() + 5 ; float y = info_pos.y() + line_height + 1 ; _painter->drawText(QPointF(x,y), service_name) ; y += line_height ; _painter->drawText(QPointF(x,y), peer_name) ; y += line_height ; _painter->drawText(QPointF(x,y), peer_id) ; y += line_height ; _painter->drawText(QPointF(x,y), remote_status) ; y += line_height ; _painter->drawText(QPointF(x,y), local_status) ; y += line_height ; } _max_height = MATRIX_START_Y + (peer_ids.size()+3) * ROW_SIZE ; _max_width = matrix_start_x + (service_ids.size()+3) * COL_SIZE ; /* Stop the painter */ _painter->end(); }
void MiniMap::updatePosition() { QGraphicsView* parent = static_cast<QGraphicsView*> (parentWidget()); move(0,parent->viewport()->height() - height() + 2*frameWidth()); }
void KoDockWidgetTitleBar::setCollapsed(bool collapsed) { QDockWidget *q = qobject_cast<QDockWidget*>(parentWidget()); if (q && q->widget() && q->widget()->isHidden() != collapsed) d->toggleCollapsed(); }
ScrollArea *ScrollBar::area() { return static_cast<ScrollArea*>(parentWidget()); }
/* Mini-toolbar constructor */ VBoxMiniToolBar::VBoxMiniToolBar(QWidget *pParent, Alignment alignment, bool fActive, bool fAutoHide) : UIToolBar(pParent) , m_pAutoHideAction(0) , m_pDisplayLabel(0) , m_pMinimizeAction(0) , m_pRestoreAction(0) , m_pCloseAction(0) , m_fActive(fActive) , m_fPolished(false) , m_fSeamless(false) , m_fAutoHide(fAutoHide) , m_fSlideToScreen(true) , m_fHideAfterSlide(false) , m_iAutoHideCounter(0) , m_iPositionX(0) , m_iPositionY(0) , m_pInsertPosition(0) , m_alignment(alignment) , m_fAnimated(true) , m_iScrollDelay(10) , m_iAutoScrollDelay(100) , m_iAutoHideTotalCounter(10) { /* Check parent widget presence: */ AssertMsg(parentWidget(), ("Parent widget must be set!\n")); /* Toolbar options: */ setIconSize(QSize(16, 16)); setVisible(false); /* Add pushpin: */ m_pAutoHideAction = new QAction(this); m_pAutoHideAction->setIcon(UIIconPool::iconSet(":/pin_16px.png")); m_pAutoHideAction->setToolTip(tr("Always show the toolbar")); m_pAutoHideAction->setCheckable(true); m_pAutoHideAction->setChecked(!m_fAutoHide); connect(m_pAutoHideAction, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(togglePushpin(bool))); addAction(m_pAutoHideAction); /* Left menu margin: */ m_Spacings << widgetForAction(addWidget(new QWidget(this))); /* Right menu margin: */ m_pInsertPosition = addWidget(new QWidget(this)); m_Spacings << widgetForAction(m_pInsertPosition); /* Left label margin: */ m_LabelMargins << widgetForAction(addWidget(new QWidget(this))); /* Insert a label for VM Name: */ m_pDisplayLabel = new QLabel(this); m_pDisplayLabel->setAlignment(Qt::AlignCenter); addWidget(m_pDisplayLabel); /* Right label margin: */ m_LabelMargins << widgetForAction(addWidget(new QWidget(this))); /* Minimize action: */ m_pMinimizeAction = new QAction(this); m_pMinimizeAction->setIcon(UIIconPool::iconSet(":/minimize_16px.png")); m_pMinimizeAction->setToolTip(tr("Minimize Window")); connect(m_pMinimizeAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SIGNAL(minimizeAction())); addAction(m_pMinimizeAction); /* Exit action: */ m_pRestoreAction = new QAction(this); m_pRestoreAction->setIcon(UIIconPool::iconSet(":/restore_16px.png")); m_pRestoreAction->setToolTip(tr("Exit Full Screen or Seamless Mode")); connect(m_pRestoreAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SIGNAL(exitAction())); addAction(m_pRestoreAction); /* Close action: */ m_pCloseAction = new QAction(this); m_pCloseAction->setIcon(UIIconPool::iconSet(":/close_16px.png")); m_pCloseAction->setToolTip(tr("Close VM")); connect(m_pCloseAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SIGNAL(closeAction())); addAction(m_pCloseAction); /* Event-filter for parent widget to control resize: */ pParent->installEventFilter(this); /* Enable mouse-tracking for this & children allowing to get mouse-move events: */ setMouseTrackingEnabled(m_fAutoHide); }
void ShutterFunctionDialog::closeEvent(QCloseEvent *e) { m_project->nodes()->segments()->unselectAll(); parentWidget()->repaint(); QDialog::closeEvent(e); }
bool QDockWidgetLayout::nativeWindowDeco() const { return nativeWindowDeco(parentWidget()->isWindow()); }
QSize QDockWidgetLayout::sizeFromContent(const QSize &content, bool floating) const { QSize result = content; if (verticalTitleBar) { result.setHeight(qMax(result.height(), minimumTitleWidth())); result.setWidth(qMax(content.width(), 0)); } else { result.setHeight(qMax(result.height(), 0)); result.setWidth(qMax(content.width(), minimumTitleWidth())); } QDockWidget *w = qobject_cast<QDockWidget*>(parentWidget()); const bool nativeDeco = nativeWindowDeco(floating); int fw = floating && !nativeDeco ? w->style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_DockWidgetFrameWidth, 0, w) : 0; const int th = titleHeight(); if (!nativeDeco) { if (verticalTitleBar) result += QSize(th + 2*fw, 2*fw); else result += QSize(2*fw, th + 2*fw); } result.setHeight(qMin(result.height(), (int) QWIDGETSIZE_MAX)); result.setWidth(qMin(result.width(), (int) QWIDGETSIZE_MAX)); if (content.width() < 0) result.setWidth(-1); if (content.height() < 0) result.setHeight(-1); int left, top, right, bottom; w->getContentsMargins(&left, &top, &right, &bottom); //we need to substract the contents margin (it will be added by the caller) QSize min = w->minimumSize() - QSize(left + right, top + bottom); QSize max = w->maximumSize() - QSize(left + right, top + bottom); /* A floating dockwidget will automatically get its minimumSize set to the layout's minimum size + deco. We're *not* interested in this, we only take minimumSize() into account if the user set it herself. Otherwise we end up expanding the result of a calculation for a non-floating dock widget to a floating dock widget's minimum size + window decorations. */ uint explicitMin = 0; uint explicitMax = 0; if (w->d_func()->extra != 0) { explicitMin = w->d_func()->extra->explicitMinSize; explicitMax = w->d_func()->extra->explicitMaxSize; } if (!(explicitMin & Qt::Horizontal) || min.width() == 0) min.setWidth(-1); if (!(explicitMin & Qt::Vertical) || min.height() == 0) min.setHeight(-1); if (!(explicitMax & Qt::Horizontal)) max.setWidth(QWIDGETSIZE_MAX); if (!(explicitMax & Qt::Vertical)) max.setHeight(QWIDGETSIZE_MAX); return result.boundedTo(max).expandedTo(min); }
/** \return **/ void Q19Writer::genera ( BlDbRecordSet *curcobro, QString fileName , QStringList *idsGenerats) { BL_FUNC_DEBUG QString refActual ( "cap rebut" ); if (fileName.length()==0) { fileName = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName ( parentWidget(), _ ( "Fichero de remesa bancaria (Cuaderno 19)" ), "", _ ( "*.q19;;*" ) ); } BlDebug::blDebug ( Q_FUNC_INFO, 0, QString(_("Nombre del fichero: '%1'")).arg(fileName) ); if (fileName.length()>0) { // else ha apretat cancel?lar try { int cobraments=curcobro->numregistros(); BlDbRecordSet *curbanc; /* http://www.cam.es/1/empresas/servicios/pdf/c19.pdf " Dentro de cada Cliente Ordenante, todos los registros individuales debera'n figurar en el soporte clasificados ascendentemente por el nu'mero de Entidad- Oficina de adeudo, Referencia y Co'digo de dato, terminando con un registro de <<Total Ordenante>>. Al final llevara' un registro de <<Total General>>. " Per'o cada idbanco (de fet cada entitat, per'o no filem tan prim) requereix un fitxer, perqu'e no portar'as a un banc els rebuts que vols cobrar per un altre. I la data de c'arrec va a la capc,alera d'ordenant, per tant hem d'ordenar primer per banc i data i despre's pel que demana als rebuts d'un ordenant. Farem tantes capc,aleres d'ordenant com dates encara que sempre sigui el mateix ordenant. */ bool bancUnic = ( curcobro->value( "idbanco",0 ) == curcobro->value( "idbanco",curcobro->numregistros()-1 ) ); BlDebug::blDebug ( "bancUnic=",0,bancUnic?"si":"no" ); QString idbanc ( "" ); QFile file; QTextStream out ( &file ); /* http://www.cam.es/1/empresas/servicios/pdf/c19.pdf - Codigo ASCII ( en mayusculas) (caracter 165= enye). - Registros de longitud fija (162 bytes). - Formato MS-DOS secuencial tipo texto. En canvi un fitxer de mostra generat amb un programa que do'na el banc te' 162 car'acters + \x0a , que no e's un salt de li'nia MSDOS. Ni se' si un fitxer de registres de longitud fixa necessita salts de li'nia per a res. */ out.setCodec ( "Q19" ); QString sufijo; QDate fechaCargo = ( curcobro->eof() ? QDate() : QDate::fromString ( curcobro->value( "fechavenccobro" ),"dd/MM/yyyy" ) ) ; BlFixed impOrdenante ( 0,2 ); BlFixed impPresentador ( 0,2 ); QString resultats ( "" ); int registrosOrdenante=0; int registrosPresentador=0; int cobramentsOrdenante=0; int cobramentsPresentador=0; int ordenants=0; int sensebanc=0; int sensevenc=0; while ( !curcobro->eof() ) { if ( QDate::fromString ( curcobro->value( "fechavenccobro" ),"dd/MM/yyyy" ).isValid() ) { if ( ( !curcobro->value( "idbanco" ).isNull() ) && ( curcobro->value( "idbanco" ).length() >0 ) ) { if ( QDate::fromString ( curcobro->value( "fechavenccobro" ),"dd/MM/yyyy" ) != fechaCargo ) { registrosPresentador++; registrosOrdenante++; totalOrdenante ( out, sufijo , curbanc, impOrdenante, cobramentsOrdenante, registrosOrdenante ); ordenants++; } if ( curcobro->value( "idbanco" ) != idbanc ) { // canvi de banc on cobrem els rebuts, canvi de fitxer idbanc=curcobro->value( "idbanco" ); if ( file.handle() !=-1 ) { registrosPresentador++; totalPresentador ( out, sufijo, curbanc, impPresentador, cobramentsPresentador, registrosPresentador , ordenants ); resultats += _ ( "\n%3 : %1 recibos, %2 EUR. " ).arg ( cobramentsPresentador ).arg ( impPresentador.toQString() ).arg ( file.fileName() ); file.close(); delete curbanc; } curbanc = m_empresa->loadQuery ( "SELECT * FROM banco WHERE idbanco = $1",1,&idbanc ); sufijo = curbanc->value("sufijobanco"); if ( bancUnic ) { file.setFileName ( fileName ); BlDebug::blDebug ( "creare' ",0,fileName ); } else { QString nomNou = fileName; QRegExp ext ( "(\\..*)$" ); QString extensio ( "" ); if ( ext.indexIn ( nomNou ) >=0 ) { extensio = ext.cap ( 1 ); } nomNou.replace ( ext,"" ); nomNou+="_"+curbanc->value( "nombanco" ).replace ( QRegExp ( "[^a-zA-Z0-9_]" ),"-" ) +extensio; file.setFileName ( nomNou ); BlDebug::blDebug ( "creare' el nom que m'he muntat: ",0,fileName ); } if ( !file.open ( QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text ) ) return; cabeceraPresentador ( out, sufijo , curbanc ); cobramentsPresentador=0; registrosPresentador=1; impPresentador=0; ordenants=0; fechaCargo=QDate::fromString ( curcobro->value( "fechavenccobro" ),"dd/MM/yyyy" ) ; } if ( ( QDate::fromString ( curcobro->value( "fechavenccobro" ),"dd/MM/yyyy" ) != fechaCargo ) || ( registrosPresentador==1 ) ) { fechaCargo = QDate::fromString ( curcobro->value( "fechavenccobro" ),"dd/MM/yyyy" ); registrosPresentador++; cabeceraOrdenante ( out, sufijo , curbanc, fechaCargo ); cobramentsOrdenante=0; registrosOrdenante=1; impOrdenante=0; } refActual=curcobro->value( "refcobro" ); int registres = cobroQ19 ( out, sufijo, curcobro ); if (idsGenerats) { idsGenerats->append(curcobro->value("idcobro")); } registrosOrdenante+=registres; registrosPresentador+=registres; cobramentsOrdenante++; cobramentsPresentador++; impOrdenante=impOrdenante+BlFixed ( curcobro->value( "cantcobro" ) ); impPresentador=impPresentador+BlFixed ( curcobro->value( "cantcobro" ) ); } else { sensebanc++; } } else { sensevenc++; } curcobro->nextRecord(); } if ( file.handle() !=-1 ) { registrosPresentador++; registrosOrdenante++; totalOrdenante ( out, sufijo , curbanc, impOrdenante, cobramentsOrdenante, registrosOrdenante ); ordenants++; registrosPresentador++; totalPresentador ( out, sufijo, curbanc, impPresentador, cobramentsPresentador, registrosPresentador , ordenants ); resultats += _ ( "\n%3 : %1 recibos, %2 EUR. " ).arg ( cobramentsPresentador ).arg ( impPresentador.toQString() ).arg ( file.fileName() ); file.close(); delete curbanc; } if ( ( sensevenc>0 ) || ( sensebanc>0 ) ) { QMessageBox::warning ( parentWidget(),_ ( "Remesa parcialmente generada" ), _ ( "Excluidos %3 de %2 recibos por falta de fecha de vencimiento y otros %1 por falta de banco" ).arg ( sensebanc ).arg ( cobraments ).arg ( sensevenc ) ); } QMessageBox::information ( parentWidget(),_ ( "Fichero(s) generado(s)" ),_ ( "Tiene los siguientes ficheros de recibos para los bancos:\n%1" ).arg ( resultats ) ); } catch ( QString e ) { BlDebug::blDebug ( "Error ",0,refActual+":"+e ); QMessageBox::critical ( parentWidget(),_ ( "Remesa mal generada" ),_( "%2\n.El fichero de remesa bancaria generado no es aprovechable. Ha fallado la generacion en el recibo con referencia %1" ).arg ( refActual ).arg ( e ) ); if (idsGenerats) { idsGenerats->clear(); } } } }
/*! \reimp */ bool QDockWidget::event(QEvent *event) { Q_D(QDockWidget); QMainWindow *win = qobject_cast<QMainWindow*>(parentWidget()); QMainWindowLayout *layout = 0; if (win != 0) layout = qobject_cast<QMainWindowLayout*>(win->layout()); switch (event->type()) { #ifndef QT_NO_ACTION case QEvent::Hide: if (layout != 0) layout->keepSize(this); d->toggleViewAction->setChecked(false); emit visibilityChanged(false); break; case QEvent::Show: d->toggleViewAction->setChecked(true); emit visibilityChanged(geometry().right() >= 0 && geometry().bottom() >= 0); break; #endif case QEvent::ApplicationLayoutDirectionChange: case QEvent::LayoutDirectionChange: case QEvent::StyleChange: case QEvent::ParentChange: d->updateButtons(); break; case QEvent::ZOrderChange: { bool onTop = false; if (win != 0) { const QObjectList &siblings = win->children(); onTop = siblings.count() > 0 && siblings.last() == (QObject*)this; } if (!isFloating() && layout != 0 && onTop) layout->raise(this); break; } case QEvent::WindowActivate: case QEvent::WindowDeactivate: update(qobject_cast<QDockWidgetLayout *>(this->layout())->titleArea()); break; case QEvent::ContextMenu: if (d->state) { event->accept(); return true; } break; // return true after calling the handler since we don't want // them to be passed onto the default handlers case QEvent::MouseButtonPress: if (d->mousePressEvent(static_cast<QMouseEvent *>(event))) return true; break; case QEvent::MouseButtonDblClick: if (d->mouseDoubleClickEvent(static_cast<QMouseEvent *>(event))) return true; break; case QEvent::MouseMove: if (d->mouseMoveEvent(static_cast<QMouseEvent *>(event))) return true; break; #ifdef Q_OS_WIN case QEvent::Leave: if (d->state != 0 && d->state->dragging && !d->state->nca) { // This is a workaround for loosing the mouse on Vista. QPoint pos = QCursor::pos(); QMouseEvent fake(QEvent::MouseMove, mapFromGlobal(pos), pos, Qt::NoButton, QApplication::mouseButtons(), QApplication::keyboardModifiers()); d->mouseMoveEvent(&fake); } break; #endif case QEvent::MouseButtonRelease: if (d->mouseReleaseEvent(static_cast<QMouseEvent *>(event))) return true; break; case QEvent::NonClientAreaMouseMove: case QEvent::NonClientAreaMouseButtonPress: case QEvent::NonClientAreaMouseButtonRelease: case QEvent::NonClientAreaMouseButtonDblClick: d->nonClientAreaMouseEvent(static_cast<QMouseEvent*>(event)); return true; case QEvent::Move: d->moveEvent(static_cast<QMoveEvent*>(event)); break; case QEvent::Resize: // if the mainwindow is plugging us, we don't want to update undocked geometry if (isFloating() && layout != 0 && layout->pluggingWidget != this) d->undockedGeometry = geometry(); break; default: break; } return QWidget::event(event); }
void Adding::OnCancel() { this->close(); parentWidget()->close(); }
void StatusBar::updateStyleSheet() { #if defined(Q_OS_MAC) setStyleSheet(LS("QStatusBar { background: qlineargradient(x1: 1, y1: 0, x2: 1, y2: 1, stop: 0 #ededed, stop: 1 #c8c8c8); } QStatusBar::item { border-width: 0; }")); #else #if defined(Q_OS_WIN32) setStyleSheet(QString(LS("QStatusBar { background-color: %1; } QStatusBar::item { border-width: 0; }")).arg(parentWidget()->palette().color(QPalette::Window).name())); #else setStyleSheet(LS("QStatusBar::item { border-width: 0; }")); #endif #endif }
void Overlay::relayout() { resize(parentWidget()->size()); if (d.button) d.button->move(rect().center() - d.button->rect().center()); }
QWidget* GroupIndicatorOverlay::createWidget() { QAbstractButton* const button = new GroupIndicatorOverlayWidget(parentWidget()); button->setCursor(Qt::PointingHandCursor); return button; }
void QDockWidgetLayout::setGeometry(const QRect &geometry) { QDockWidget *q = qobject_cast<QDockWidget*>(parentWidget()); bool nativeDeco = nativeWindowDeco(); int fw = q->isFloating() && !nativeDeco ? q->style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_DockWidgetFrameWidth, 0, q) : 0; if (nativeDeco) { if (QLayoutItem *item = item_list[Content]) item->setGeometry(geometry); } else { int titleHeight = this->titleHeight(); if (verticalTitleBar) { _titleArea = QRect(QPoint(fw, fw), QSize(titleHeight, geometry.height() - (fw * 2))); } else { _titleArea = QRect(QPoint(fw, fw), QSize(geometry.width() - (fw * 2), titleHeight)); } if (QLayoutItem *item = item_list[TitleBar]) { item->setGeometry(_titleArea); } else { QStyleOptionDockWidgetV2 opt; q->initStyleOption(&opt); if (QLayoutItem *item = item_list[CloseButton]) { if (!item->isEmpty()) { QRect r = q->style() ->subElementRect(QStyle::SE_DockWidgetCloseButton, &opt, q); if (!r.isNull()) item->setGeometry(r); } } if (QLayoutItem *item = item_list[FloatButton]) { if (!item->isEmpty()) { QRect r = q->style() ->subElementRect(QStyle::SE_DockWidgetFloatButton, &opt, q); if (!r.isNull()) item->setGeometry(r); } } } if (QLayoutItem *item = item_list[Content]) { QRect r = geometry; if (verticalTitleBar) { r.setLeft(_titleArea.right() + 1); r.adjust(0, fw, -fw, -fw); } else { r.setTop(_titleArea.bottom() + 1); r.adjust(fw, 0, -fw, -fw); } item->setGeometry(r); } } }
/* Timer event processor * Handles auto hide feature of the toolbar */ void VBoxMiniToolBar::timerEvent(QTimerEvent *pEvent) { if (pEvent->timerId() == m_scrollTimer.timerId()) { /* Due to X11 async nature, this timer-event could come before parent * VM window become visible, we should ignore those timer-events: */ if (QApplication::desktop()->screenNumber(window()) == -1) return; /* Update tool-bar position: */ QRect screen = m_fSeamless ? vboxGlobal().availableGeometry(QApplication::desktop()->screenNumber(window())) : QApplication::desktop()->screenGeometry(window()); switch (m_alignment) { case AlignTop: { if (((m_iPositionY == screen.y()) && m_fSlideToScreen) || ((m_iPositionY == screen.y() - height() + 1) && !m_fSlideToScreen)) { m_scrollTimer.stop(); if (m_fHideAfterSlide) { m_fHideAfterSlide = false; hide(); } return; } m_fSlideToScreen ? ++m_iPositionY : --m_iPositionY; break; } case AlignBottom: { if (((m_iPositionY == screen.y() + screen.height() - height()) && m_fSlideToScreen) || ((m_iPositionY == screen.y() + screen.height() - 1) && !m_fSlideToScreen)) { m_scrollTimer.stop(); if (m_fHideAfterSlide) { m_fHideAfterSlide = false; hide(); } return; } m_fSlideToScreen ? --m_iPositionY : ++m_iPositionY; break; } default: break; } move(parentWidget()->mapFromGlobal(QPoint(m_iPositionX, m_iPositionY))); emit geometryUpdated(); } else if (pEvent->timerId() == m_autoScrollTimer.timerId()) { QRect rect = this->rect(); QPoint p = mapFromGlobal(QCursor::pos()); if (!rect.contains(p)) { ++m_iAutoHideCounter; if (m_iAutoHideCounter == m_iAutoHideTotalCounter) { m_fSlideToScreen = false; m_scrollTimer.start(m_iScrollDelay, this); } } else m_iAutoHideCounter = 0; } else QWidget::timerEvent(pEvent); }
void QToolBoxButton::drawButton( QPainter *p ) { QStyle::SFlags flags = QStyle::Style_Default; const QColorGroup &cg = colorGroup(); if ( isEnabled() ) flags |= QStyle::Style_Enabled; if ( selected ) flags |= QStyle::Style_Selected; if ( hasFocus() ) flags |= QStyle::Style_HasFocus; if (isDown()) flags |= QStyle::Style_Down; style().drawControl( QStyle::CE_ToolBoxTab, p, parentWidget(), rect(), cg, flags ); QPixmap pm = icon.pixmap( QIconSet::Small, isEnabled() ? QIconSet::Normal : QIconSet::Disabled ); QRect cr = style().subRect( QStyle::SR_ToolBoxTabContents, this ); QRect tr, ir; int ih = 0; if ( pm.isNull() ) { tr = cr; tr.addCoords( 4, 0, -8, 0 ); } else { int iw = pm.width() + 4; ih = pm.height(); ir = QRect( cr.left() + 4, cr.top(), iw + 2, ih ); tr = QRect( ir.right(), cr.top(), cr.width() - ir.right() - 4, cr.height() ); } if ( selected && style().styleHint( QStyle::SH_ToolBox_SelectedPageTitleBold ) ) { QFont f( p->font() ); f.setBold( TRUE ); p->setFont( f ); } QString txt; if ( p->fontMetrics().width(label) < tr.width() ) { txt = label; } else { txt = label.left( 1 ); int ew = p->fontMetrics().width( "..." ); int i = 1; while ( p->fontMetrics().width( txt ) + ew + p->fontMetrics().width( label[i] ) < tr.width() ) txt += label[i++]; txt += "..."; } if ( ih ) p->drawPixmap( ir.left(), (height() - ih) / 2, pm ); QToolBox *tb = (QToolBox*)parentWidget(); const QColor* fill = 0; if ( selected && style().styleHint( QStyle::SH_ToolBox_SelectedPageTitleBold ) && tb->backgroundMode() != NoBackground ) fill = &cg.color( QPalette::foregroundRoleFromMode( tb->backgroundMode() ) ); int alignment = AlignLeft | AlignVCenter | ShowPrefix; if (!style().styleHint(QStyle::SH_UnderlineAccelerator, this)) alignment |= NoAccel; style().drawItem( p, tr, alignment, cg, isEnabled(), 0, txt, -1, fill ); if ( !txt.isEmpty() && hasFocus() ) style().drawPrimitive( QStyle::PE_FocusRect, p, tr, cg ); }
void KfindWindow::saveResults() { TQListViewItem *item; KFileDialog *dlg = new KFileDialog(TQString::null, TQString::null, this, "filedialog", true); dlg->setOperationMode (KFileDialog::Saving); dlg->setCaption(i18n("Save Results As")); TQStringList list; list << "text/plain" << "text/html"; dlg->setOperationMode(KFileDialog::Saving); dlg->setMimeFilter(list, TQString("text/plain")); dlg->exec(); KURL u = dlg->selectedURL(); KMimeType::Ptr mimeType = dlg->currentFilterMimeType(); delete dlg; if (!u.isValid() || !u.isLocalFile()) return; TQString filename = u.path(); TQFile file(filename); if ( !file.open(IO_WriteOnly) ) KMessageBox::error(parentWidget(), i18n("Unable to save results.")); else { TQTextStream stream( &file ); stream.setEncoding( TQTextStream::Locale ); if ( mimeType->name() == "text/html") { stream << TQString::fromLatin1("<HTML><HEAD>\n" "<!DOCTYPE %1>\n" "<TITLE>%2</TITLE></HEAD>\n" "<BODY><H1>%3</H1>" "<DL><p>\n") .arg(i18n("KFind Results File")) .arg(i18n("KFind Results File")) .arg(i18n("KFind Results File")); item = firstChild(); while(item != NULL) { TQString path=((KfFileLVI*)item)->fileitem.url().url(); TQString pretty=((KfFileLVI*)item)->fileitem.url().htmlURL(); stream << TQString::fromLatin1("<DT><A HREF=\"") << path << TQString::fromLatin1("\">") << pretty << TQString::fromLatin1("</A>\n"); item = item->nextSibling(); } stream << TQString::fromLatin1("</DL><P></BODY></HTML>\n"); } else { item = firstChild(); while(item != NULL) { TQString path=((KfFileLVI*)item)->fileitem.url().url(); stream << path << endl; item = item->nextSibling(); } } file.close(); KMessageBox::information(parentWidget(), i18n("Results were saved to file\n")+ filename); } }
MainWindow* NetworkAnalyzerPanel::mainWindow() { return qobject_cast<MainWindow *>(parentWidget()); }
void ApplicationWindow::addTpgTab(int m_winWidth) { QWidget *t = new QWidget(m_tabs); QVBoxLayout *vbox = new QVBoxLayout(t); QWidget *w = new QWidget(t); QCheckBox *check; QComboBox *combo; QSpinBox *spin; m_col = m_row = 0; m_cols = 4; for (int j = 0; j < m_cols; j++) { m_maxw[j] = 0; } vbox->addWidget(w); QGridLayout *grid = new QGridLayout(w); QLabel *title_tab = new QLabel("Test Pattern Generator", parentWidget()); QFont f = title_tab->font(); f.setBold(true); title_tab->setFont(f); grid->addWidget(title_tab, m_row, m_col, 1, m_cols, Qt::AlignLeft); grid->setRowMinimumHeight(m_row, 25); m_row++; QFrame *m_line = new QFrame(grid->parentWidget()); m_line->setFrameShape(QFrame::HLine); m_line->setFrameShadow(QFrame::Sunken); grid->addWidget(m_line, m_row, m_col, 1, m_cols, Qt::AlignVCenter); m_row++; m_tabs->addTab(t, "Test Pattern Generator"); grid->addWidget(new QWidget(w), grid->rowCount(), 0, 1, m_cols); addLabel(grid, "Test Pattern"); combo = new QComboBox(w); for (int i = 0; tpg_pattern_strings[i]; i++) combo->addItem(tpg_pattern_strings[i]); addWidget(grid, combo); connect(combo, SIGNAL(activated(int)), SLOT(testPatternChanged(int))); m_row++; m_col = 0; addLabel(grid, "Horizontal Movement"); combo = new QComboBox(w); combo->addItem("Move Left Fast"); combo->addItem("Move Left"); combo->addItem("Move Left Slow"); combo->addItem("No Movement"); combo->addItem("Move Right Slow"); combo->addItem("Move Right"); combo->addItem("Move Right Fast"); combo->setCurrentIndex(3); addWidget(grid, combo); connect(combo, SIGNAL(activated(int)), SLOT(horMovementChanged(int))); addLabel(grid, "Video Aspect Ratio"); combo = new QComboBox(w); combo->addItem("Source Width x Height"); combo->addItem("4x3"); combo->addItem("14x9"); combo->addItem("16x9"); combo->addItem("16x9 Anamorphic"); addWidget(grid, combo); connect(combo, SIGNAL(activated(int)), SLOT(videoAspectRatioChanged(int))); addLabel(grid, "Vertical Movement"); combo = new QComboBox(w); combo->addItem("Move Up Fast"); combo->addItem("Move Up"); combo->addItem("Move Up Slow"); combo->addItem("No Movement"); combo->addItem("Move Down Slow"); combo->addItem("Move Down"); combo->addItem("Move Down Fast"); combo->setCurrentIndex(3); addWidget(grid, combo); connect(combo, SIGNAL(activated(int)), SLOT(vertMovementChanged(int))); addLabel(grid, "Show Border"); check = new QCheckBox(w); addWidget(grid, check); connect(check, SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)), SLOT(showBorderChanged(int))); addLabel(grid, "Insert SAV Code in Image"); check = new QCheckBox(w); addWidget(grid, check); connect(check, SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)), SLOT(insSAVChanged(int))); addLabel(grid, "Show Square"); check = new QCheckBox(w); addWidget(grid, check); connect(check, SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)), SLOT(showSquareChanged(int))); addLabel(grid, "Insert EAV Code in Image"); check = new QCheckBox(w); addWidget(grid, check); connect(check, SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)), SLOT(insEAVChanged(int))); addLabel(grid, "Fill Percentage of Frame"); spin = new QSpinBox(w); spin->setRange(0, 100); spin->setValue(100); addWidget(grid, spin); connect(spin, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), SLOT(fillPercentageChanged(int))); addLabel(grid, "Colorspace"); m_tpgColorspace = new QComboBox(w); m_tpgColorspace->addItem("Use Format", QVariant(0)); m_tpgColorspace->addItem("SMPTE 170M", QVariant(V4L2_COLORSPACE_SMPTE170M)); m_tpgColorspace->addItem("Rec. 709", QVariant(V4L2_COLORSPACE_REC709)); m_tpgColorspace->addItem("sRGB", QVariant(V4L2_COLORSPACE_SRGB)); m_tpgColorspace->addItem("Adobe RGB", QVariant(V4L2_COLORSPACE_ADOBERGB)); m_tpgColorspace->addItem("BT.2020", QVariant(V4L2_COLORSPACE_BT2020)); m_tpgColorspace->addItem("DCI-P3", QVariant(V4L2_COLORSPACE_DCI_P3)); m_tpgColorspace->addItem("SMPTE 240M", QVariant(V4L2_COLORSPACE_SMPTE240M)); m_tpgColorspace->addItem("470 System M", QVariant(V4L2_COLORSPACE_470_SYSTEM_M)); m_tpgColorspace->addItem("470 System BG", QVariant(V4L2_COLORSPACE_470_SYSTEM_BG)); addWidget(grid, m_tpgColorspace); connect(m_tpgColorspace, SIGNAL(activated(int)), SLOT(tpgColorspaceChanged())); addLabel(grid, "Transfer Function"); m_tpgXferFunc = new QComboBox(w); m_tpgXferFunc->addItem("Use Format", QVariant(V4L2_XFER_FUNC_DEFAULT)); m_tpgXferFunc->addItem("Rec. 709", QVariant(V4L2_XFER_FUNC_709)); m_tpgXferFunc->addItem("sRGB", QVariant(V4L2_XFER_FUNC_SRGB)); m_tpgXferFunc->addItem("Adobe RGB", QVariant(V4L2_XFER_FUNC_ADOBERGB)); m_tpgXferFunc->addItem("DCI-P3", QVariant(V4L2_XFER_FUNC_DCI_P3)); m_tpgXferFunc->addItem("SMPTE 2084", QVariant(V4L2_XFER_FUNC_SMPTE2084)); m_tpgXferFunc->addItem("SMPTE 240M", QVariant(V4L2_XFER_FUNC_SMPTE240M)); m_tpgXferFunc->addItem("None", QVariant(V4L2_XFER_FUNC_NONE)); addWidget(grid, m_tpgXferFunc); connect(m_tpgXferFunc, SIGNAL(activated(int)), SLOT(tpgXferFuncChanged())); addLabel(grid, "Y'CbCr Encoding"); m_tpgYCbCrEnc = new QComboBox(w); m_tpgYCbCrEnc->addItem("Use Format", QVariant(V4L2_YCBCR_ENC_DEFAULT)); m_tpgYCbCrEnc->addItem("ITU-R 601", QVariant(V4L2_YCBCR_ENC_601)); m_tpgYCbCrEnc->addItem("Rec. 709", QVariant(V4L2_YCBCR_ENC_709)); m_tpgYCbCrEnc->addItem("xvYCC 601", QVariant(V4L2_YCBCR_ENC_XV601)); m_tpgYCbCrEnc->addItem("xvYCC 709", QVariant(V4L2_YCBCR_ENC_XV709)); m_tpgYCbCrEnc->addItem("sYCC", QVariant(V4L2_YCBCR_ENC_SYCC)); m_tpgYCbCrEnc->addItem("BT.2020", QVariant(V4L2_YCBCR_ENC_BT2020)); m_tpgYCbCrEnc->addItem("BT.2020 Constant Luminance", QVariant(V4L2_YCBCR_ENC_BT2020_CONST_LUM)); m_tpgYCbCrEnc->addItem("SMPTE 240M", QVariant(V4L2_YCBCR_ENC_SMPTE240M)); addWidget(grid, m_tpgYCbCrEnc); connect(m_tpgYCbCrEnc, SIGNAL(activated(int)), SLOT(tpgColorspaceChanged())); addLabel(grid, "Quantization"); m_tpgQuantRange = new QComboBox(w); m_tpgQuantRange->addItem("Use Format", QVariant(V4L2_QUANTIZATION_DEFAULT)); m_tpgQuantRange->addItem("Full Range", QVariant(V4L2_QUANTIZATION_FULL_RANGE)); m_tpgQuantRange->addItem("Limited Range", QVariant(V4L2_QUANTIZATION_LIM_RANGE)); addWidget(grid, m_tpgQuantRange); connect(m_tpgQuantRange, SIGNAL(activated(int)), SLOT(tpgColorspaceChanged())); addLabel(grid, "Limited RGB Range (16-235)"); m_tpgLimRGBRange = new QCheckBox(w); addWidget(grid, m_tpgLimRGBRange); connect(m_tpgLimRGBRange, SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)), SLOT(limRGBRangeChanged(int))); addLabel(grid, "Alpha Component"); spin = new QSpinBox(w); spin->setRange(0, 255); spin->setValue(0); addWidget(grid, spin); connect(spin, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), SLOT(alphaComponentChanged(int))); addLabel(grid, "Apply Alpha To Red Only"); check = new QCheckBox(w); addWidget(grid, check); connect(check, SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)), SLOT(applyToRedChanged(int))); m_row++; m_col = 0; addWidget(grid, new QWidget(w)); grid->setRowStretch(grid->rowCount() - 1, 1); w = new QWidget(t); vbox->addWidget(w); fixWidth(grid); int totalw = 0; int diff = 0; for (int i = 0; i < m_cols; i++) { totalw += m_maxw[i] + m_pxw; } if (totalw > m_winWidth) m_winWidth = totalw; else { diff = m_winWidth - totalw; grid->setHorizontalSpacing(diff/5); } }
void TitleBar::showSmall() { parentWidget()->parentWidget()->showMinimized(); }
void QIMainDialog::polishEvent(QShowEvent*) { /* Explicit centering according to our parent: */ if (m_fIsAutoCentering) VBoxGlobal::centerWidget(this, parentWidget(), false); }
void TitleBar::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *me) { if (maxNormal) return; parentWidget()->parentWidget()->move(me->globalPos() - clickPos); }
void TitleHider::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { if (e->button() == Qt::LeftButton) { emit static_cast<TitleWidget*>(parentWidget())->hiderClicked(); } }
ThumbnailsPanel::ThumbnailsPanel(QWidget* parent) : QWidget(parent) { m_thumbnailsList.clear(); m_scrollArea = dynamic_cast<QScrollArea*>(parentWidget()); m_attachedCB = 0; }
void Q3TitleBar::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { Q_D(Q3TitleBar); e->accept(); switch (d->buttonDown) { case QStyle::SC_None: if(autoRaise()) repaint(); break; case QStyle::SC_TitleBarSysMenu: break; case QStyle::SC_TitleBarShadeButton: case QStyle::SC_TitleBarUnshadeButton: case QStyle::SC_TitleBarNormalButton: case QStyle::SC_TitleBarMinButton: case QStyle::SC_TitleBarMaxButton: case QStyle::SC_TitleBarCloseButton: { QStyle::SubControl last_ctrl = d->buttonDown; QStyleOptionTitleBar opt = d->getStyleOption(); d->buttonDown = style()->hitTestComplexControl(QStyle::CC_TitleBar, &opt, e->pos(), this); if (d->buttonDown != last_ctrl) d->buttonDown = QStyle::SC_None; repaint(); d->buttonDown = last_ctrl; } break; case QStyle::SC_TitleBarLabel: if (d->buttonDown == QStyle::SC_TitleBarLabel && d->movable && d->pressed) { if ((d->moveOffset - mapToParent(e->pos())).manhattanLength() >= 4) { QPoint p = mapFromGlobal(e->globalPos()); QWidget *parent = d->window ? d->window->parentWidget() : 0; if(parent && parent->inherits("Q3WorkspaceChild")) { QWidget *workspace = parent->parentWidget(); p = workspace->mapFromGlobal(e->globalPos()); if (!workspace->rect().contains(p)) { if (p.x() < 0) p.rx() = 0; if (p.y() < 0) p.ry() = 0; if (p.x() > workspace->width()) p.rx() = workspace->width(); if (p.y() > workspace->height()) p.ry() = workspace->height(); } } QPoint pp = p - d->moveOffset; if (!parentWidget()->isMaximized()) parentWidget()->move(pp); } } else { QStyle::SubControl last_ctrl = d->buttonDown; d->buttonDown = QStyle::SC_None; if(d->buttonDown != last_ctrl) repaint(); } break; default: break; } }
/* public slots */ QDomDocument Spice_Graphics::getDataDocument() const { QDomDocument doc; QDomElement _listen, _device, _devDesc; _device = doc.createElement("device"); _devDesc = doc.createElement("graphics"); _devDesc.setAttribute("type", "spice"); if ( tlsPortLabel->isChecked() ) _devDesc.setAttribute("tlsPort", tlsPort->text()); _devDesc.setAttribute("defaultPolicy", defaultPolicy->currentText()); if ( autoPort->isChecked() ) { _devDesc.setAttribute("autoport", "yes"); } else { _devDesc.setAttribute("port", port->text()); }; if ( usePassw->isChecked() ) { _devDesc.setAttribute("passwd", passw->text()); _devDesc.setAttribute("keymap", keymap->currentText()); }; if ( policyElements->isVisibleTo(parentWidget()) ) { if ( mainLabel->isChecked() ) { QDomElement _main = doc.createElement("channel"); _main.setAttribute("name", "main"); _main.setAttribute("mode", main->currentText()); _devDesc.appendChild(_main); }; if ( displayLabel->isChecked() ) { QDomElement _display = doc.createElement("channel"); _display.setAttribute("name", "display"); _display.setAttribute("mode", display->currentText()); _devDesc.appendChild(_display); }; if ( inputsLabel->isChecked() ) { QDomElement _inputs = doc.createElement("channel"); _inputs.setAttribute("name", "inputs"); _inputs.setAttribute("mode", inputs->currentText()); _devDesc.appendChild(_inputs); }; if ( cursorLabel->isChecked() ) { QDomElement _cursor = doc.createElement("channel"); _cursor.setAttribute("name", "cursor"); _cursor.setAttribute("mode", cursor->currentText()); _devDesc.appendChild(_cursor); }; if ( playbackLabel->isChecked() ) { QDomElement _playback = doc.createElement("channel"); _playback.setAttribute("name", "playback"); _playback.setAttribute("mode", playback->currentText()); _devDesc.appendChild(_playback); }; if ( recordLabel->isChecked() ) { QDomElement _record = doc.createElement("channel"); _record.setAttribute("name", "record"); _record.setAttribute("mode", record->currentText()); _devDesc.appendChild(_record); }; if ( smartcardLabel->isChecked() ) { QDomElement _smartcard = doc.createElement("channel"); _smartcard.setAttribute("name", "smartcard"); _smartcard.setAttribute("mode", smartcard->currentText()); _devDesc.appendChild(_smartcard); }; if ( usbredirLabel->isChecked() ) { QDomElement _usbredir = doc.createElement("channel"); _usbredir.setAttribute("name", "usbredir"); _usbredir.setAttribute("mode", usbredir->currentText()); _devDesc.appendChild(_usbredir); }; }; QString _address = address->itemData( address->currentIndex(), Qt::UserRole).toString(); if ( !_address.isEmpty() && _address!="network" ) { _listen = doc.createElement("listen"); _listen.setAttribute("type", "address"); if ( _address!="custom" ) { _listen.setAttribute("address", _address); _devDesc.setAttribute("listen", _address); } else { _listen.setAttribute( "address", address->currentText()); _devDesc.setAttribute( "listen", address->currentText()); }; _devDesc.appendChild(_listen); } else if ( _address=="network" && networks->count()>0 ) { _listen = doc.createElement("listen"); _listen.setAttribute("type", "network"); _listen.setAttribute("network", networks->currentText()); _devDesc.appendChild(_listen); }; if ( compress->isChecked() ) { if ( compressImage->isChecked() ) { QDomElement _image = doc.createElement("image"); _image.setAttribute("compression", imageElement->currentText()); _devDesc.appendChild(_image); }; if ( compressJpeg->isChecked() ) { QDomElement _jpeg = doc.createElement("jpeg"); _jpeg.setAttribute("compression", jpegElement->currentText()); _devDesc.appendChild(_jpeg); }; if ( compressZlib->isChecked() ) { QDomElement _zlib = doc.createElement("zlib"); _zlib.setAttribute("compression", zlibElement->currentText()); _devDesc.appendChild(_zlib); }; if ( compressPlayback->isChecked() ) { QDomElement _playback = doc.createElement("playback"); _playback.setAttribute("compression", playbackElement->currentText()); _devDesc.appendChild(_playback); }; }; if ( addition->isChecked() ) { if ( streaming->isChecked() ) { QDomElement _streaming = doc.createElement("streaming"); _streaming.setAttribute("mode", streamingElement->currentText()); _devDesc.appendChild(_streaming); }; if ( clipboard->isChecked() ) { QDomElement _clipboard = doc.createElement("clipboard"); _clipboard.setAttribute("copypaste", clipboardElement->currentText()); _devDesc.appendChild(_clipboard); }; if ( mouse->isChecked() ) { QDomElement _mouse = doc.createElement("mouse"); _mouse.setAttribute("mode", mouseElement->currentText()); _devDesc.appendChild(_mouse); }; if ( filetransfer->isChecked() ) { QDomElement _filetransfer = doc.createElement("filetransfer"); _filetransfer.setAttribute("enable", filetransferElement->currentText()); _devDesc.appendChild(_filetransfer); }; }; _device.appendChild(_devDesc); doc.appendChild(_device); return doc; }
void PopupWebView::closeView() { parentWidget()->close(); }
/** * \brief Update the maximum width */ void UBRightPalette::updateMaxWidth() { setMaximumWidth((int)(parentWidget()->width() * 0.45)); setMaximumHeight(parentWidget()->height()); setMinimumHeight(parentWidget()->height()); }