bool FirebirdDriver::initialize() { if (_library != NULL) return true; FirebirdConfig config; if (!config.load()) return error("Can't read firebird.cfg file"); // Set firebird install directory #ifdef WIN32 SetEnvironmentVariable("INTERBASE", parseDir(config.installDir)); SetEnvironmentVariable("FIREBIRD", parseDir(config.installDir)); #else setenv("INTERBASE", parseDir(config.installDir), true); setenv("FIREBIRD", parseDir(config.installDir), true); #endif // Try to load the library QLibrary* library = new QLibrary(config.library); if (!library->load()) { libraryError(); delete library; return error("Can't load firebird library: " + config.library); } _library = library; _procs = new FirebirdProcs(_library); return true; }
void FileManagerAddDlg::setupUi(void) { resize(792, 420); buttonLayout.addWidget(&abortBtn); buttonLayout.addWidget(&okBtn); dlgLayout.addWidget(&dlgLabel); dlgLayout.addWidget(&listWidget); dlgLayout.addLayout(&buttonLayout); listWidget.setSelectionMode(QAbstractItemView::MultiSelection); QObject::connect(&okBtn, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotBtnOk())); QObject::connect(&abortBtn, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(reject())); const QList<QTreeWidgetItem*> items = fileViewRef->selectedItems(); QDir parseDir(globals::MUSIC_ROOT); /*QListIterator<QTreeWidgetItem*> i(items); while (i.hasNext()) { QTreeWidgetItem* QString& curItem = grepNewFiles(, &parseDir); }*/ QSqlQuery query = sqlhelper.exec("SELECT * FROM main;"); QList<QString> dbNameList; while ( { dbNameList.push_back( query.value(13).toString() ); } qSort( dbNameList ); grepNewFiles(fileViewRef->topLevelItem(0)->child(0), &parseDir, &listWidget, &dbNameList); listWidget.selectAll(); }
void NDirWatcherThread::parseDir(const QString & path, bool recursive, const QString & rootPath) { QDir d(path); if (!d.exists() || d.dirName() == "." || d.dirName() == "..") return; QString absolutePath = d.absolutePath(); if (m_notSharedDirs.contains(absolutePath)) { // Excluded dir, we don't add it in database NDir dir = m_notSharedDirs[absolutePath]; if (dir.recursive()) // Recursive exclusion return; // but we can add children in database } else { // Include dir QDir dir(rootPath); dir.cdUp(); m_dirs.addDir(absolutePath, dir.absolutePath()); } if (!recursive) return; d.setFilter(QDir::Dirs | QDir::Readable | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot | QDir::NoSymLinks); QFileInfoList list = d.entryInfoList(); for(int i = 0; i < list.count(); i++) { const QFileInfo & fi = list[i]; if (isStopping()) break; //qDebug(qPrintable(fi.absoluteFilePath())); parseDir(fi.absoluteFilePath(), recursive, rootPath); // absoluteFilePath because dir is considered has a file } }
UpdateScreen::UpdateScreen(const CompanyDefn& company) : QMainWindow(0, "UpdateScreen", WType_TopLevel | WDestructiveClose), _connection(NULL) { QFrame* frame = new QFrame(this); QLabel* fromLabel = new QLabel(tr("From Version:"), frame); _fromVersion = new LineEdit(14, frame); _fromVersion->setFocusPolicy(NoFocus); QLabel* toLabel = new QLabel(tr("To Version:"), frame); _toVersion = new ComboBox(frame); toLabel->setBuddy(_toVersion); QFrame* buttons = new QFrame(frame); _update = new QPushButton(tr("&Update"), buttons); _close = new QPushButton(tr("&Close"), buttons); connect(_update, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(slotUpdate())); connect(_close, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(slotClose())); QGridLayout* buttonGrid = new QGridLayout(buttons); buttonGrid->setSpacing(6); buttonGrid->setMargin(6); buttonGrid->setColStretch(0, 1); buttonGrid->addWidget(_update, 0, 1); buttonGrid->addWidget(_close, 0, 2); QGridLayout* grid = new QGridLayout(frame); grid->setSpacing(3); grid->setMargin(3); grid->setColStretch(2, 1); grid->addColSpacing(2, 20); grid->addWidget(fromLabel, 0, 0); grid->addWidget(_fromVersion, 0, 1, AlignLeft | AlignVCenter); grid->addWidget(toLabel, 0, 3); grid->addWidget(_toVersion, 0, 4, AlignLeft | AlignVCenter); grid->addMultiCellWidget(buttons, 1, 1, 0, 4); ServerConfig config; config.load(); _fromVersion->setText(company.version()); QDir dir(parseDir(config.dataDir), "*.xml");"models"); QStringList entries = dir.entryList(); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < entries.size(); ++i) { QString version = QFileInfo(entries[i]).baseName(); if (version < company.version()) continue; _toVersion->insertItem(version); } _toVersion->setCurrentItem(company.version()); _company = company; setCentralWidget(frame); setCaption(tr("Version Update: %1").arg(; }
bool FirebirdDriver::create(CompanyDefn& company) { if (!initialize()) return error("Driver failed to initialize"); FirebirdConfig config; if (!config.load()) return error("Can't read firebird.cfg file"); // Decide on database filepath QString name =; name.replace(QRegExp(" "), "_"); QString database = parseDir(config.databaseDir) + "/" + name + ".fdb"; // Determine existence of db to be created if (QFileInfo(database).exists()) return error("A database of the same name already exists"); // Database connection string QString dbName = config.hostname; if (config.port != 3050) dbName += "/" + QString::number(config.port); if (!dbName.isEmpty()) dbName += ":"; dbName += database; // Create database command QString cmd = "create database '" + dbName + "' user 'sysdba' password '" + config.dbaPassword + "' page_size " + QString::number(config.blockSize) + " default character set " + config.charSet; ISC_STATUS status[20]; isc_db_handle db = 0L; isc_tr_handle trans = 0L; char* command = strdup(cmd.latin1()); _procs->isc_dsql_execute_immediate(status, &db, &trans, 0, command, SQL_DIALECT_V6, NULL); free(command); if (status[0] == 1 && status[1]) { qWarning("Error in: %s", command); _procs->isc_print_status(status); return error("Failed creating database"); } _procs->isc_detach_database(status, &db); company.setDatabase(database); company.setDBType("Firebird"); return true; }
ModelEdit::ModelEdit(ModelMainWindow* main, const QString& version) : QMainWindow(NULL, "ModelEdit", WDestructiveClose), _main(main) { createWidgets(); ServerConfig config; config.load(); QString dataDir = parseDir(config.dataDir); _orig.load(dataDir + "/models/" + version + ".xml"); _curr = _orig; setWidgets(); }
int runChangeDir(char *consoleinput) { int result =0; if(strlen(consoleinput)<=3) { printf("cd error: no path specified."); } else { char *pathname = parseDir(consoleinput); result = chdir(pathname); } return (result==0)?0:errno; }
void ImportScreen::slotOpenFile() { QString start = _filePath->text(); QString filter = "Import Files (*.xml)"; if (start.isEmpty()) { ServerConfig config; config.load(); start = parseDir(config.importDir); } QString file = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(start, filter, this); if (file.isEmpty()) return; _filePath->setText(file); }
/* Get a transliterator */ ERL_NIF_TERM get_transliterator(ErlNifEnv* env, int argc, const ERL_NIF_TERM argv[]) { ERL_NIF_TERM out; char id[LOCALE_LEN], dir[ATOM_LEN]; UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; UTransliterator* obj; cloner* res; int parsed_dir; if (argc != 2) return enif_make_badarg(env); if (!(enif_get_atom(env, argv[0], (char*) id, LOCALE_LEN, ERL_NIF_LATIN1) && enif_get_atom(env, argv[1], (char*) dir, ATOM_LEN, ERL_NIF_LATIN1) )) { return enif_make_badarg(env); } parsed_dir = parseDir(dir); if ((parsed_dir == -1)) return enif_make_badarg(env); obj = utrans_open((char *) id, (UTransDirection) parsed_dir, NULL, 0, NULL, &status); CHECK(env, status); res = (cloner*) enif_alloc_resource(trans_type, sizeof(cloner)); if (trans_open(obj, res)) { enif_release_resource(res); return enif_make_badarg(env); } out = enif_make_resource(env, res); enif_release_resource(res); /* resource now only owned by "Erlang" */ return out; }
void NDirWatcherThread::parseSharedDirs() { //logDebug("NDirWatcherThread", "parseSharedDirs start"); for(int i = 0; i < m_sharedDirectories.count(); i++) { const NDir & dir = m_sharedDirectories[i]; if (isStopping()) break; if (!dir.shared()) continue; if (!dir.dir().exists()) continue; parseDir(dir.dir().absolutePath(), dir.recursive(), dir.dir().absolutePath()); } //logDebug("NDirWatcherThread", "parseSharedDirs stop"); }
bool ModelEdit::slotOk() { getWidgets(); if (_curr != _orig) { ServerConfig config; config.load(); QString dataDir = parseDir(config.dataDir); + "/models/" + _curr.version + ".xml"); if (_curr.version != _orig.version) QFile::remove(dataDir + "/models/" + _orig.version + ".xml"); // TODO: inform model_main_window of changes } _orig = _curr; close(); return true; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { if (argc < 1) { printf("usage: %s <item> [<item> ...]\n", argv[0]); printf("An <item> can be a file path, a directory path, or a pid.\n"); return 1; } int itemCount = argc - 1; struct kevent events[itemCount]; t_watchInfo watchInfos[itemCount]; int timeoutTime = -1; itemCount = 0; for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++) { char *item = argv[i]; if (strcmp(item, "-t") == 0) { timeoutTime = atoi(argv[++i]); } else if (isdigit(item[0])) { int pid = atoi(item); EV_SET(&events[itemCount], pid, EVFILT_PROC, EV_ADD | EV_ENABLE | EV_CLEAR, NOTE_EXIT, 0, NULL); ++itemCount; } else { struct stat sb; if (stat(item, &sb) == -1) { die("stat"); } if (S_ISDIR(sb.st_mode)) { watchInfos[itemCount].dir = parseDir(item); } else { watchInfos[itemCount].dir = NULL; } watchInfos[itemCount].path = item; int fd = open(item, O_RDONLY); if (fd == -1) { die("open"); exit(-1); } EV_SET(&events[itemCount], fd, EVFILT_VNODE, EV_ADD | EV_ENABLE | EV_CLEAR, NOTE_RENAME | NOTE_WRITE, 0, &watchInfos[itemCount]); ++itemCount; } } struct timespec timeout; memset(&timeout, 0, sizeof(struct timespec)); timeout.tv_sec = timeoutTime; int result = kevent(kqueue(), events, itemCount, events, itemCount, timeoutTime >= 0 ? &timeout : NULL); if (result > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < result; ++i) { t_watchInfo *hit = events[i].udata; if (hit == NULL) { fprintf(stdout, "proc %d\n", (int) events[i].ident); } else if (hit->dir != NULL) { t_dirContents *dirNow = parseDir(hit->path); t_dirContents *dirDiffs = diffs(hit->dir, dirNow); if (dirDiffs->count > 0) { fprintf(stdout, "%s %s%s%s\n", ((hit->dir != NULL && dirNow != NULL && hit->dir->count > dirNow->count) || (hit->dir != NULL && dirNow == NULL)) ? "-" : "+", hit->path, (hit->path[strlen(hit->path)-1] == '/') ? "" : "/", dirDiffs->entries[0]); } } else { fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", hit->path); } } return 0; } else if (result == 0) { fprintf(stdout, "timeout\n"); } else { fprintf(stderr, "result: %d\n", result); die("kevent"); } return 1; }
int main(int argc, char** argv){ if(2 > argc){ printf("usage: %s <file> [ <file>]+\n", argv[0]); return 1; } int filesCount = argc - 1; struct kevent ev[filesCount]; struct stat sb; namedDirInfo ndi[filesCount]; dirInfo *diBefore, *diAfter, *diDifference; for(int i = 0; i < filesCount; i++){ char *filePath = argv[i+1]; void *data; int fd = -1; if( stat( filePath, &sb) == -1 ){ perror("stat"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if( S_ISDIR( sb.st_mode) ){ diBefore = parseDir( filePath ); ndi[i].path = filePath; ndi[i].di = diBefore; data = &ndi[i]; } else data = filePath; if( -1 == fd ){ fd = open(filePath, O_RDONLY); if( -1 == fd) { perror("open"); return -1; } } EV_SET(&ev[i], fd, EVFILT_VNODE, EV_ADD | EV_ENABLE | EV_CLEAR, TARGET_EVTS, 0, data); } int kq = kqueue(); int result = kevent(kq, ev, filesCount, ev, 1, NULL); if( result > 0 ){ debug(result, ev); if( S_ISDIR( sb.st_mode ) ){ namedDirInfo *ndip; ndip = ev[0].udata; if( ev[0].fflags & NOTE_DELETE ) fprintf(stdout, "- %s\n", ndip->path); else { diAfter = parseDir( (char*) ndip->path); diDifference = symmetricDifference(ndip->di, diAfter); if( DEBUG ) { printDirInfo( ndip->di ); printDirInfo( diAfter ); printDirInfo( diDifference ); } else if( NULL != diDifference && diDifference->count > 0 ) fprintf(stdout, "%s %s%s%s\n", ( // dir was non empty before and is non empty after (NULL != ndip->di && NULL != diAfter && // some thing has gone, iff #entries decreased (ndip->di->count > diAfter->count)) || // dir was non empty before and is empty after // -> something is gone (NULL != ndip->di && NULL == diAfter) ) ? "-" : "+", ndip->path, // if path does not end with '/' insert one ('/' == ndip->path[strlen(ndip->path)-1]) ? "" : "/", diDifference->entries[0]); else fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", ndip->path); } } else fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", (char*) ev[0].udata); return 0; } else{ fprintf(stderr, "result: %d\n", result); perror("kevent"); } return 1; }
/** * @brief Arguments handling : All the parameters of the program are handled here (expect from the special arguments which are handled before) * * @param desc the Description we are about to change to handle the special args * @param argc the number of arguments passed to the program * @param argv the strings table of arguments passed to the program */ static inline void Option_handleArguments (SDescription *desc, int argc, char *argv[]) { char *configFileName = Description_getConfigFile (desc); long val; int opt; FILE *f; unsigned m_nb_args; char **m_argv; // First, we have to parse the XML config file if (configFileName != NULL) { if (Config_parseXML (desc, configFileName) == -1) { Log_output (-1, "Error: An error occured while parsing the XML config file.\n"); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } } // Then, we can now handle other arguments in the command line optind = 1; /* Then, the final values have to be those of the command line */ while ((opt = getopt_long (argc, argv, "", option_list, NULL)) != -1) { switch (opt) { case 'a': // --summary Description_enableSummary(desc); break; case 'A': // --alloclib Description_setDynAllocLib(desc, optarg); break; case 'b': // --basename Description_setBaseName (desc, optarg); break; case 'B': // --verifylib Description_setVerificationLibraryName (desc, optarg); break; case 'c': // --cpupin parseCPUPinning (desc, optarg); break; case 'd': // --sizedummy val = Option_transformArgument (optarg); Description_setDummySize (desc, val); break; case 'D': // --output-dir Description_setOutputPath (desc, optarg); break; case 'e': // --endvector val = Option_transformArgument (optarg); Description_setEndVectorSize (desc, val); break; case 'f': // --kernelfunction Description_setDynamicFunctionName (desc, optarg); break; case 'F': // --no-eval-stack Description_disableEvalStack (desc); break; case 'g': // --output-same-dir Description_setOutputPath (desc, "."); break; case 'G': Description_setExecPath (desc, optarg); break; case 'i': // --stepvector val = Option_transformArgument (optarg); Description_setVectorSizeStep (desc, val); break; case 'I': // --info Description_parseInfoDisplayedInput (desc, optarg); break; case 'k': // --kernelname if (isFile (optarg)) { Description_setKernelFileNamesTabSize (desc, 1); Description_setKernelFileNameAt (desc, optarg, 0); } else if (isDirectory (optarg)) { parseDir (optarg, desc); } else { Log_output (-1, "Error: Cannot resolve kernel name filetype.\n"); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } Description_setKernelFileName (desc, optarg); break; case 'l': // --logverbosity val = Option_transformArgument (optarg); Log_setVerbosity (val); break; case 'm': // --metarepetition val = Option_transformArgument (optarg); Description_setMetaRepetition (desc, val); break; case 'M': // --vectorspacing val = Option_transformArgument (optarg); Description_setVectorSpacing (desc, val); break; case 'N': // --no-output Description_setPromptOutputCsv (desc, 0); break; case 'o': // --log-output f = fopen (optarg, "w"); Log_setOutput (f); break; case 'O': // --nbprocess val = Option_transformArgument (optarg); if (Description_getNbProcess (desc) > 0 && Description_getNbProcess (desc) != val) { Log_output (-1, "Error: Number of processes already defined and not the same value\n"); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } else { if (Description_getNbProcess (desc) < 0) { Description_setNbProcess (desc, val); } } break; case 'p': // --pagecollide val = Option_transformArgument (optarg); Description_setNbPagesForCollision (desc, val); break; case 'P': // --pagesize val = Option_transformArgument (optarg); Description_setPageSize (desc, val); break; case 'q': // --vectsurveyor parse_vect_surveyor (desc,optarg); break; case 'Q': // --executerepetition val = Option_transformArgument (optarg); Description_setExecuteRepets (desc, val); break; case 'r': // --repetition val = Option_transformArgument (optarg); Description_setRepetition (desc, val); break; case 's': // --startvector val = Option_transformArgument (optarg); Description_setStartVectorSize (desc, val); break; case 'S': // --maxstride val = Option_transformArgument (optarg); Description_setMaxStride (desc, val); break; case 't': // --omppath Description_setOmpPath (desc, optarg); break; case 'T': // --execname Description_setExecFileName (desc, optarg); break; case 'u': // --execargs m_argv = getArgs (desc, optarg, &m_nb_args); Description_setExecArgc (desc, m_nb_args); Description_setExecArgv (desc, m_argv); break; case 'U': // --suppress-output Description_setSuppressOutput (desc, 1); break; case 'v': // --iteration-count val = Option_transformArgument (optarg); Description_setIterationCount (desc, val); Description_iterationCountEnable (desc); break; case 'V': // --execoutput Description_setOutputFileStream (desc, optarg); break; case 'w': // --initfunction Description_setKernelInitFunctionName (desc, optarg); break; case 'W': // --data-size /* If user specifies "float", let's allocate sizeof(float) */ if (strncmp ("float", optarg, STRBUF_MAXLEN) == 0) { Description_setVectorElementSize (desc, sizeof (float)); } /* If he specifies "double", let's allocate sizeof(double) */ else if (strncmp ("double", optarg, STRBUF_MAXLEN) == 0) { Description_setVectorElementSize (desc, sizeof (double)); } /* Else, he must have specified a numeric constant */ else { val = Option_transformArgument (optarg); Description_setVectorElementSize (desc, val); } break; case 'x': // --nbsizes Description_nbSizesEnable (desc); parseVectorSizes (desc, optarg); break; case 'X': // --no-thread-pin Description_pinThreadDisable (desc); break; case 'y': // --all-print-out Description_setAllPrintOut (desc, 1); break; case 'Y': // --all-metric-output Description_allProcessOutputEnable (desc); break; case 'z': // --resumeid val = Option_transformArgument (optarg); Description_setResumeId (desc, val); break; default: assert (argv != NULL && argv[0] != 0); break; } } }
void UpdateScreen::slotUpdate() { QString from = _fromVersion->text(); QString to = _toVersion->currentText(); if (from == to) { qApp->beep(); QString message = tr("Versions must be different"); QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Error"), message); return; } // Connect to company database Driver* driver = Driver::getDriver(_company.dbType()); if (driver == NULL) { qApp->beep(); QString message = tr("Get driver failed: %1").arg(driver->lastError()); QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Error"), message); return; } _connection = driver->allocConnection(); if (!_connection->dbaConnect(_company.database())) { qApp->beep(); QString message = tr("Open company failed: %1") .arg(_connection->lastError()); QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Error"), message); return; } ServerConfig config; config.load(); QString dataDir = parseDir(config.dataDir); QString version = to; QValueVector<DataModel> models; while (true) { QString filePath = dataDir + "/models/" + version + ".xml"; DataModel model; if (!model.load(filePath)) { qApp->beep(); QString message = tr("Failed loading model: %1").arg(filePath); QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Error"), message); return; } if (model.fromVersion.isEmpty()) { qApp->beep(); QString message = tr("Didn't find version: " + from); QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Error"), message); return; } models.push_back(model); version = model.fromVersion; if (version == from) break; } if (models.size() == 0) { qApp->beep(); QString message = tr("No models found for update use"); QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Error"), message); return; } QString dbType = _company.dbType(); for (int i = models.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { DataModel& model = models[i]; bool good = true; QValueVector<UpdateDefn> completed; for (unsigned int j = 0; j < model.updates.size(); ++j) { UpdateDefn& update = model.updates[j]; // Only run update if its for All or the right type if (!update.databases.contains("All")) if (!update.databases.contains(dbType)) continue; // Run update commands catching errors for (unsigned int k = 0; k < update.updateCmds.size(); ++k) { QString cmd = update.updateCmds[k]; Stmt stmt(_connection, cmd); if (!stmt.execute()) { qWarning(stmt.lastError()); good = false; break; } } completed.push_back(update); } // If good then try to run cleanup commands if (good) { for (unsigned int j = 0; j < completed.size(); ++j) { UpdateDefn& update = completed[j]; for (unsigned int k = 0; k < update.cleanupCmds.size(); ++k) { QString cmd = update.cleanupCmds[k]; Stmt stmt(_connection, cmd); if (!stmt.execute()) { qWarning(stmt.lastError()); good = false; break; } } } } // If still good then update version in database if (good) { QString cmd = "update db_config set config_value='" + model.version + "' where config_key='version'"; Stmt stmt(_connection, cmd); if (!stmt.execute()) { qWarning(stmt.lastError()); good = false; } _connection->commit(); } // If failed then run restore commands and inform user if (!good) { for (unsigned int j = 0; j < completed.size(); ++j) { UpdateDefn& update = completed[j]; for (unsigned int k = 0; k < update.restoreCmds.size(); ++k) { QString cmd = update.restoreCmds[k]; Stmt stmt(_connection, cmd); if (!stmt.execute()) { qWarning(stmt.lastError()); } } } qApp->beep(); QString message = tr("Update failed on version: " + model.version); QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Error"), message); close(); return; } // Set new version in CompanyDefn CompanyDefn company = _company; company.setVersion(model.version);, true); _company = company; } QMessageBox::information(this, tr("Finished"), tr("Update successful")); close(); }