const char *parseField(QString &fname, QVariant &fvalue, const char *s, int *maxLength) { return reinterpret_cast<const char *>(parseField(fname, fvalue, reinterpret_cast<const uchar *>(s), maxLength)); }
bool OBJ::parseFile(const QString &filepath) { QFile file(filepath); if (! return false; QTextStream ts(&file); int lineNumber = 0; while (!ts.atEnd()) { QString line = ts.readLine(); QStringList field = line.split(" "); if (!parseField(field)) { //qDebug() << filepath << "- Error parsing line " << lineNumber << ": " << line; } ++lineNumber; } return true; }
void parseLine(String line) { int i=0; String home=parseField(line,&i); String time=parseField(line,&i); String hour=time.substring(0,2); String min=time.substring(3,5); int minsSinceMidnight=strtol(hour, NULL, 10)*60+strtol(min, NULL, 10); String color=parseField(line,&i); String fade="300"; //parseField(line,&i); schedule[scheduleCount].home=(int)strtol(home,NULL,10); schedule[scheduleCount].timeString=time; schedule[scheduleCount].time=minsSinceMidnight; schedule[scheduleCount].color=color; schedule[scheduleCount].fade=strtol(fade, NULL, 10)*1000/MORPH_TIMER_MS; scheduleCount++; }
/* * CREATE TABLE <name> ( * <columnDefinitions> * ) * * <name> == <columnName> == identifier * <columnDefinitions> := <columnName> <columnType> [, <columnDefinitions>] * <columnType> := byte | int | uint | char(<length>) * <length> == int */ void CreateTable::Parse(Lexer& lex) { Token t; // <name> t = lex.NextToken(TokenType::Identifier, false); name = t.strData; // ( lex.NextToken("(", TokenType::Parenthesis); string tableName; // While not ) do { Field f = parseField(lex); AddField(f); // , or ) t = lex.NextToken(); } while (t.type == TokenType::Separator); if (t.type != TokenType::Parenthesis || t.strData != ")") throw InvalidTokenException(t); }
/** * Parses the class member (field or method) contained within the given token stack */ int CodeParser::parseClassMember( Scope* scope, TokenStack* stack ) { int errorCode = 0; TypeReference* type; const char* name; // the following types are parsed: // method layout: "[static] [final] type|[]| methodName(...) { ... }" // field layout: "[static] [final] type|[]| fieldName| = ....|" int step = 0; bool done = false; while( !done && stack->hasNext() ) { switch( ++step ) { // step 1: get the type of the class member (e.g. "string" or "string[]") case 1: // extract the name of the identifier if( !( type = parseType( scope, stack ) ) ) { return -1; } break; // step 2: get the class member name case 2: // get the type name if( !( name = state->getIdentifierName( stack, "class member" ) ) ) { return -2; } break; // step 3: get the class member instance (field or method) // method layout: "[static] [final] type methodName(...) { ... }" // field layout: "[static] [final] type fieldName[ = ....]" case 3: // each child should be a method (e.g. "type methodName(...)") or field (e.g. "type fieldName") // if there is a parenthesis block, it's likely to be a method errorCode = ( stack->peek()->getType() == tok::PARENTHESIS_BLOCK ) ? parseMethod( scope, name, type, stack ) : parseField( scope, name, type, stack ); // was there an error? if( errorCode ) { return errorCode; } done = true; break; } } // did it complete? if( !done ) { SYNTAX_ERROR( "unexpected end of statement", stack->last() ); return -4; } // return the error code return 0; }
bool mod_mimikatz_minesweeper::infos(vector<wstring> * arguments) { structHandleAndAddr * maStruct = new structHandleAndAddr(); if(giveHandleAndAddr(maStruct)) { STRUCT_MINESWEEPER_GAME monGame; if(mod_memory::readMemory(maStruct->G, &monGame, sizeof(STRUCT_MINESWEEPER_GAME), maStruct->hMineSweeper)) { #ifdef _M_IX86 if(mod_system::GLOB_Version.dwBuildNumber >= 7000) monGame.pBoard = monGame.pBoard_WIN7x86; #endif STRUCT_MINESWEEPER_BOARD monBoard; if(mod_memory::readMemory(monGame.pBoard, &monBoard, sizeof(STRUCT_MINESWEEPER_BOARD), maStruct->hMineSweeper)) { wcout << L"Mines : " << monBoard.nbMines << endl << L"Dimension : " << monBoard.nbLignes << L" lignes x " << monBoard.nbColonnes << L" colonnes" << endl << L"Champ : " << endl << endl; char ** monTableau; monTableau = new char*[monBoard.nbLignes]; for(DWORD l = 0; l < monBoard.nbLignes; l++) monTableau[l] = new char[monBoard.nbColonnes]; parseField(maStruct, monBoard.ref_visibles, monTableau, true); parseField(maStruct, monBoard.ref_mines, monTableau, false); for(DWORD l = 0; l < monBoard.nbLignes; l++) { wcout << L'\t'; for(DWORD c = 0; c < monBoard.nbColonnes; c++) wcout << monTableau[l][c] << L' '; wcout << endl; delete[] monTableau[l]; } delete[] monTableau; } else wcout << L"Impossible de lire les données du plateau" << endl; } else wcout << L"Impossible de lire les données du jeu" << endl; CloseHandle(maStruct->hMineSweeper); } delete maStruct; return true; }
int main(void){ int row = 0, col = 0; int fieldNum = 0; while(fscanf(stdin, "%d%d", &row, &col) == 2 && row > 0 && row <= 100 && col > 0 && col <= 100){ char** data = readField(row, col); parseField(data, row, col); if(fieldNum > 0) printf("\n"); printf("Field #%d:\n", ++fieldNum); display(data, row, col); destroy(data, row); } return 0; }
ValidationList ConfigSection::parse(const INIConfigSection& section) { section_name = section.getName(); preParse(section, validation); auto entries = section.getEntries(); for (auto entry_it = entries.begin(); entry_it != entries.end(); ++entry_it) { std::string key = entry_it->first; std::string value = entry_it->second; if (!parseField(key, value, validation)) validation.warning("Unknown configuration option '" + key + "'!"); } postParse(section, validation); return validation; }
int main() { void updateColor(); Display *d = XOpenDisplay( NULL ); Window w = RootWindow(d, DefaultScreen(d)); void parseField(); int ix; for(ix = 0; ix < 110; ix++){ //main loop int j; //index convention (0-63) printf("Loop %d/110. Colours updated:\n\n", ix); for(j = 63; j >= 0; j--){ //update from below to increase accuracy updateColor(j, d, w, tlx + dx*(j % 8), tly + dy*(j / 8), dx, dy); printf("%d:%x ", j + 1, colArr[j]); if(j % 8 == 0){printf("\n");} } parseField(); system("sleep 0.6"); } return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int ret; //fuer getopt funktion char player = '3'; char gameId[15]; char *confDateiName = malloc(256); strcpy(confDateiName, "client.conf"); pid_t pid; //Config-Datei einlesen und struct betanken log_printf(LOG_DEBUG,"Using config-file %s\n",confDateiName); configstruct = get_config(confDateiName); log_printf(LOG_PRINTF,"\n"); //11-stellige Game-Id aus Kommandozeile auslesen if (argc < 2) { printf("Keine Game-Id angegeben!\n"); help(); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } strcpy(gameId,argv[1]); if(strlen(gameId) != 11) { printf("Game-Id muss 11-stellig sein!\n"); help(); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } //optional gewunschte Spielernummer, config Dateiname oder log Level einlesen while ((ret=getopt(argc, argv, "p:c:l:")) != -1) { switch (ret) { case 'p': player = optarg[0]; if (player!='0' && player != '1') { printf("Es gibt nur 2 Spieler! 0 oder 1 eingeben!\n"); help(); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } break; case 'c': strcpy(confDateiName, optarg); break; case 'l': configstruct.loglevel = atoi(optarg); break; default: help(); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } //Shared-Memory erstellen //shmSegment() um die ID zu erstellen -> vor fork() int shmid = shmSegment(sizeof(struct shmInfos)); //shmAnbinden(shmid); um es an den Prozess zu binden shmPtr = shmAnbinden(shmid); //shm automatisch entfernen, wenn alle prozesse detached sind shmDelete(shmid); //Pipe anlegen int pipe_fd[2]; if(pipe(pipe_fd)<0){ log_printf(LOG_ERROR,"Fehler bei Pipe anlegen"); }; // zweiten Prozess erstellen. // Connector ist der Kindprozess // Thinker der Elternprozess switch (pid = fork ()) { case -1: log_printf (LOG_ERROR,"Fehler bei fork()\n"); break; case 0: // Connector shmPtr->pid1=pid; char *getText; //Verbindung mit Server herstellen netConnect(configstruct.port, configstruct.hostname); while (1) { getText = netReadLine(); if (strncmp(getText, "+ MNM ",6) == 0) { //+ MNM Gameserver v1.0 accepting connections sendVersion(); } else if (strncmp(getText, "+ Clie",6) == 0) { //+ Client version accepted - please send Game-ID to join sendGameId(gameId); } else if (strncmp(getText, "+ PLAY",6) == 0) { //+ PLAYING Quarto parseGamekind(getText, shmPtr); sendPlayer(player, shmPtr); } else if (strncmp(getText, "+ ENDP",6) == 0) { //+ ENDPLAYERS //noop } else if (strncmp(getText, "+ MOVE",6) == 0) { //+ MOVE 3000 parseMovetimeout(getText, shmPtr); } else if (strncmp(getText, "+ NEXT",6) == 0) { //+ NEXT 7 parseNext(getText, shmPtr); } else if (strncmp(getText, "+ FIEL",6) == 0) { //+ FIELD 4,4 parseField(getText); } else if (strncmp(getText, "+ ENDF",6) == 0) { //+ ENDFIELD if (shmPtr->gameover != 1) { sendThinking(); } } else if (strncmp(getText, "+ OKTH",6) == 0) { //Hier Zug erhalten und per sendMove(stein, naechsterstein) senden if(ueberwacheFd(pipe_fd,getText)==1){ log_printf(LOG_DEBUG,"Gandalf hat gesprochen und wurde vor dem ertrinken gerettet!\n"); sendMove(getText); } else{ log_printf(LOG_PRINTF,"Gandalf ist ersoffen\n"); } } else if (strncmp(getText, "+ WAIT",6) == 0) { //+ WAIT sendOkwait(); } else if (strncmp(getText, "+ GAME",6) == 0) { //+ GAMEOVER [[ hh Spielernummer des Gewinners ii hh Spielername des Gewinners ii ]] shmPtr->gameover = 1; parseGameover(getText); } else if (strncmp(getText, "+ QUIT",6) == 0) { //+ QUIT netDisconnect(); break; } else if (strncmp(getText, "-",1) == 0) { //Well, f**k. //aufraeumen + signal an parent schicken, damit der sich beendet netDisconnect(); free(confDateiName); kill(getppid(),SIGCHLD); break; } } break; default: // Thinker shmPtr->pid0=pid; //wenn das Signal kommt, dass er denken soll signal(SIGUSR1, signalHandler); //wenn das Signal vom Kind kommt, dass er sich beenden soll (wegen Fehler) signal(SIGCHLD, endHandler); while (1){ // Auf Signal warten pause(); log_printf(LOG_DEBUG,"thinker hat fertig gedacht\n"); // In die Pipe schreiben pipe_write(pipe_fd); } if (wait (NULL) != pid) { log_printf(LOG_ERROR,"Fehler beim Warten auf den Kindprozess\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } break; } return 0; }
// // Reloads all cookies from the file '_filename'. // On succes 'true' is returned. // On failure 'false' is returned. bool KCookieJar::loadCookies(const QString &_filename) { FILE *fStream = fopen( QFile::encodeName(_filename), "r"); if (fStream == 0) { return false; } time_t curTime = time(0); char *buffer = new char[READ_BUFFER_SIZE]; bool err = false; err = (fgets(buffer, READ_BUFFER_SIZE, fStream) == 0); int version = 1; if (!err) { if (strcmp(buffer, "# KDE Cookie File\n") == 0) { // version 1 } else if (sscanf(buffer, "# KDE Cookie File v%d\n", &version) != 1) { err = true; } } if (!err) { while(fgets(buffer, READ_BUFFER_SIZE, fStream) != 0) { char *line = buffer; // Skip lines which begin with '#' or '[' if ((line[0] == '#') || (line[0] == '[')) continue; const char *host( parseField(line) ); const char *domain( parseField(line) ); const char *path( parseField(line) ); const char *expStr( parseField(line) ); if (!expStr) continue; int expDate = (time_t) strtoul(expStr, 0, 10); const char *verStr( parseField(line) ); if (!verStr) continue; int protVer = (time_t) strtoul(verStr, 0, 10); const char *name( parseField(line) ); bool keepQuotes = false; bool secure = false; bool httpOnly = false; bool explicitPath = false; const char *value = 0; if ((version == 2) || (protVer >= 200)) { if (protVer >= 200) protVer -= 200; int i = atoi( parseField(line) ); secure = i & 1; httpOnly = i & 2; explicitPath = i & 4; if (i & 8) name = ""; line[strlen(line)-1] = '\0'; // Strip LF. value = line; } else { if (protVer >= 100) { protVer -= 100; keepQuotes = true; } value = parseField(line, keepQuotes); secure = atoi( parseField(line) ); } // Parse error if (!value) continue; // Expired or parse error if ((expDate == 0) || (expDate < curTime)) continue; KHttpCookie *cookie = new KHttpCookie(QString::fromLatin1(host), QString::fromLatin1(domain), QString::fromLatin1(path), QString::fromLatin1(name), QString::fromLatin1(value), expDate, protVer, secure, httpOnly, explicitPath); addCookie(cookie); } } delete [] buffer; m_cookiesChanged = false; fclose( fStream); return err; }
Structure* PDBReader::readStructure(Alphabet* alphabet, char* filename, const char* backboneAtomName) { FILE* infile = fopen(filename, "r"); if (infile == NULL) { return 0; } Structure* structure = new Structure(alphabet, filename); // Create the entries from the PDB file. char recordType[7]; char serialNumber[6]; char atomName[5]; char altLoc[2]; char residueName[4]; char chain[2]; char resID[5]; char insertion[2]; char x[9]; char y[9]; char z[9]; // Go through the file and parse out the records. char line[1024]; Coordinate3D backboneCoord; Residue* currentResidue = NULL; while (!feof(infile)) { // Get the next line. if (fgets(line, 1023, infile) == NULL) break; // Make sure this is an atom or hetatom record. parseField(recordType, line, 0, 6); if (strcmp(recordType, "ATOM") == 0 || strcmp(recordType, "HETATOM") == 0) { // Parse the fields. parseField(serialNumber, line, 6, 5); parseField(atomName, line, 12, 4); parseField(altLoc, line, 16, 1); parseField(residueName, line, 17, 3); parseField(chain, line, 21, 1); parseField(resID, line, 22, 4); parseField(insertion, line, 26, 1); parseField(x, line, 30, 8); parseField(y, line, 38, 8); parseField(z, line, 46, 8); // If this is a new residue, save the old one (if we have one) and start over. if (currentResidue == NULL || (strcmp(resID, currentResidue->getResID()) != 0 || strcmp(insertion, currentResidue->getInsertionName()) != 0)) { if (currentResidue != NULL) { structure->addResidue(currentResidue->getName(), backboneCoord, currentResidue); } // Start the new residue. backboneCoord.unset(); currentResidue = new Residue(residueName, resID, insertion); } // If this is a backbone atom, save it. if (strcmp(atomName, backboneAtomName) == 0) { backboneCoord.set(charToFloat(x), charToFloat(y), charToFloat(z)); } // Add the atom to the list. currentResidue->addAtom(new Atom(atomName, charToFloat(x),charToFloat(y),charToFloat(z))); } else if (strcmp(recordType, "TER") == 0) { break; } } // If we have one last residue, save it. if (currentResidue != NULL) { structure->addResidue(currentResidue->getName(), backboneCoord, currentResidue); } fclose(infile); return structure; }