Beispiel #1
ivc_connection_t *makeConnection(libIVC_t *iface,
                                 char *name,
                                 ivc_contype_t type,
                                 float per)
  char *key, *val, *rdomstr = NULL, *rrefstr = NULL, *rpstr = NULL;
  uint32_t me, other, num_refs, *grants;
  struct xs_permissions perms;
  ivc_connection_t *res;
  evtchn_port_t port;
  unsigned int len;
  void *buffer;

  /* me <- xsGetDomId */
  me = getMyDomId(iface);
  /* removePath xs targetPath */
  ASPRINTF(&key, "/rendezvous/%s", name);
  xs_rm(iface->xs, 0, key);
  /* xsMakeDirectory xs targetPath */
  xs_mkdir(iface->xs, 0, key);
  /* xsSetPermissions xs targetPath [ReadWritePerm me] */ = me;
  perms.perms = XS_PERM_READ | XS_PERM_WRITE;
  xs_set_permissions(iface->xs, 0, key, &perms, 1);
  /* xsWrite xs (targetPath ++ "/LeftDomId") (show me) */
  free(key), ASPRINTF(&key, "/rendezvous/%s/LeftDomId", name);
             ASPRINTF(&val, "dom%d", me);
  xs_write(iface->xs, 0, key, val, strlen(val));
  /* other <- read <$> waitForKey xs (targetPAth ++ "/RightDomId") */
  free(key), ASPRINTF(&key, "/rendezvous/%s/RightDomId", name);
  while(!rdomstr) { rdomstr = xs_read(iface->xs, 0, key, &len); };
  sscanf(rdomstr, "dom%d", &other);
  /* grants <- read <$> waitForKey xs (targetPAth ++ "/RightGrantRefs") */
  free(key), ASPRINTF(&key, "/rendezvous/%s/RightGrantRefs", name);
  while(!rrefstr) { rrefstr = xs_read(iface->xs, 0, key, &len); }
  grants = parseRefs(rrefstr, &num_refs);
  buffer = xc_gnttab_map_domain_grant_refs(iface->gt, num_refs, other, grants,
  /* ports  <- read <$> waitForKey xs (targetPAth ++ "/RightPorts") */
  free(key), ASPRINTF(&key, "/rendezvous/%s/RightPorts", name);
  while(!rpstr) { rpstr = xs_read(iface->xs, 0, key, &len); }
  sscanf(rpstr, "[echan:%d]", &port);
  port = xc_evtchn_bind_interdomain(iface->ec, other, port);
  assert(port >= 0);
  /* res <- acceptConnection other grants ports extra */
  res = buildChannel(iface, other, type, port, buffer, num_refs * 4096, per, 0);
  /* xsWrite xs (targetPath ++ "/LeftConnectionConfirmed") "True" */
  free(key), ASPRINTF(&key, "/rendezvous/%s/LeftConnectionConfirmed", name);
  free(val), ASPRINTF(&val, "True");
  xs_write(iface->xs, 0, key, val, strlen(val));
  /* return res */
  return res;
Beispiel #2
Function main

Purpose:  The main entry point of the program.  This function contains the
          major server accept/process cycle for the program.
    argc (IN) - number of command line arguments passed to program.
    *argv[] (IN) - array of char *'s to the arguments.
Returns:  Since this is a server it operates indefinitely and isn't expected to
          return.  It will however, exit with an error code if an unrecoverable
          error condition results.
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {

    int sd,   /* server socket */
        sd2,  /* spawned socket */
        addlen, /* length of sockaddr */
        bytesRead,  /* holds bytes read from a recv call */
        buffLeft,   /* used to keep track of space left in buffer */
        useSelection = F; /* keeps track of whether or not we use selection */

    long selection, /* the passed in selection parameter, if present */
         port;  /* port that server listens on */

    struct sockaddr_in sad; /* server sockaddr */
    struct sockaddr_in cad; /* client sockaddr */

    struct protoent *ptrp;  /* pointer to protocol table entry */

    char inBuffer[WEB_BUFF_SIZE]; /* buffer for recv calls */
    char request[WEB_BUFF_SIZE];  /* buffer to hold the request */

    char command[MAX_CMD]; /* command from request */
    char path[MAX_FILE_NAME]; /* path of requested page */
    char version[MAX_VERS]; /* version of request */

    char filename[MAX_FILE_NAME]; /* full path to requested file */
    char filepath[MAX_FILE_NAME]; /* path to requested file      */
    char *p; /* char pointer used in string processing */

    FILE *fp; /* used to open the requested file */

    char urls[MAX_REFS][MAX_REF_LEN]; /* holds the references parsed from
                                         requested page */
    char lo_url[MAX_REF_LEN];         /* used to hold a low case copy of a
                                         reference */
    int numRefs;   /* number of references parsed from the requested page */

    /* ignoring the SIGPIPE signal for this program */
    signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN);

    /* set up the sad structure */
    memset((char *)&sad,0,sizeof(sad)); /* clear the sockaddr structure */
    sad.sin_family = AF_INET;           /* family is internet           */
    sad.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;   /* set the local IP address     */

    /* check for the passed in port number */
    if (argc<2) {
        fprintf(stderr,"Proper usage is %s port [selection]\n");
    /* need to check for non integer and out of range here */
    port = strtol(argv[1],&p,0);
    if (p==argv[1]) {
        fprintf(stderr,"Port number must be numeric.\n");
    } else if (port<MIN_PORT || port>MAX_PORT) {
        fprintf(stderr,"Port out of range.\n");

    sad.sin_port = htons((u_short)port);

    /* check for the passed in selection */
    if (argc>2) {
        /* checking for non integer and out of range       */
        selection = strtol(argv[2],&p,0);
        if (p==argv[2]) {
            fprintf(stderr,"Selection must be numeric.\n");
        } else if (errno==ERANGE) {
            fprintf(stderr,"Selection is an invalid value.\n");
        } else {
            useSelection = T;
            selection-=1; /* our array is 0 based */

    /* map the tcp transport protocol name to protocol number */
    if (((int)(ptrp = getprotobyname("tcp"))) == 0) {
        /* unable to map tcp to protocol number report Internal server error */
        fprintf(stderr,"Unable to map tcp to protocol number.\n");

    /* attempt to create the socket */
    if ((sd = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, ptrp->p_proto)) < 0) {
        fprintf(stderr,"An error occured creating the socket.\n");
    /* try to bind to a chosen port */
    if (bind(sd, (struct sockaddr *)&sad, sizeof(sad)) < 0) {
        fprintf(stderr,"An error occured binding to a port.\n");

    /* sets the size of the queue */
    if (listen(sd, QUEUE_SIZE) < 0) {
        fprintf(stderr,"An error occured on listen.\n");

    /* main loop */
    while (1) {
        addlen = sizeof(cad);
        if ((sd2=accept(sd, (struct sockaddr *)&cad, &addlen)) < 0) {
            /* check for Solaris interrupted by signal failure */
            /* or connection aborted,if this is the case continue loop */
            if (sd2==-1 && (errno==EINTR || errno==ECONNABORTED)) continue;
            fprintf(stderr,"An error occured on accept:  %d.\n",errno);

        /* blank out the request buffer */
        request[0] = 0;
        /* a while loop to read the request header of a size up to           */
        /* WEB_BUFF_SIZE                                                     */
        while ((strstr(request,"\r\n\r\n")==NULL)
               && (strlen(request)<WEB_BUFF_SIZE-1)
               && (bytesRead=recv(sd2,inBuffer,sizeof(inBuffer),0))>0) {
            /* null terminate if room, makes the strncat below do less work */
            if (bytesRead<WEB_BUFF_SIZE) inBuffer[bytesRead] = 0;
            /* leave one space for the null character */
            buffLeft = WEB_BUFF_SIZE - strlen(request) - 1;

        #ifdef DEBUG
            /* print the request header that has been received */
            printf("request received:\n%s\n",request);

        /* parse the command, filename, and version out of the request */
        if ((sscanf(request, "%s %s %s", command, path, version))<3) {
            send(sd2,STATUS_400,strlen(STATUS_400),0); /* bad request */

        #ifdef DEBUG
            printf("command:  %s\n",command);
            printf("path:     %s\n",path);
            printf("version:  %s\n",version);        

        if (strcmp(command,"GET")!=0) {
            send(sd2,STATUS_501,strlen(STATUS_501),0); /* not implemented */
        /* set up the filename with full path to file to load for parsing */
        /* set up the filepath with the path to file to load for parsing */
        p = strrchr(filepath,'/');
        if (p==NULL) { /* this actually should never happen */
            send(sd2,STATUS_400,strlen(STATUS_400),0); /* bad request */
        *p = 0; /* chop off the string at that point */

        #ifdef DEBUG
            /* print out the name of the file/path used on the inital read */
            printf("requested file:  %s\n",filename);
            printf("requested path:  %s\n",filepath);

        if (!extMatch(filename,".html") && !extMatch(filename,".htm")) {
            /* this is a fix to keep Netscape 4.7 happy by sending a "fake" */
            /* .css or .js file */
            if (extMatch(filename,".css"))
            else if (extMatch(filename,".js"))
                send(sd2,STATUS_400,strlen(STATUS_400),0); /* bad request*/
        } else {
            /* now try to open the requested file */
            if ((fp = fopen(filename,"r"))==NULL) {
                if (errno==EACCES)
                    send(sd2,STATUS_403,strlen(STATUS_403),0); /* forbidden */
                    send(sd2,STATUS_404,strlen(STATUS_404),0); /* not found */
            } else {
                /* parse the refs out of the file and return them in urls */
                numRefs = parseRefs(fp,urls,MAX_REFS);
                if (numRefs==0)
                    send(sd2,STATUS_404,strlen(STATUS_404),0); /* not found */
                else {
                    if (useSelection)
                        useSelection = F; /* only use select once! */
                        selection = random() % numRefs;
                    if (selection<0 || selection>numRefs-1) {
                        /* select out of range */
                        send(sd2,STATUS_404,strlen(STATUS_404),0); /* ~ found*/
                        #ifdef DEBUG
                            printf("Closing - selection out of range.\n");
                        exit(0); /* and then shutdown if out of range */
                    } else {
                        /* make a lower case copy of the url so that we can */
                        /* do all lower case string comparisons             */
                        if (strncmp(lo_url,"http://",7)==0) {
                            proxySend(sd2, urls[selection]);
                        } else {
                            /* if not http://, must be a path on the server */
                            /* find out if absolute or relative reference */
                            /* and then set up filename with the proper name */
                            if (urls[selection][0]=='/')
                                strcpy(filename,urls[selection]); /* absolute*/
                            else {
                                strcpy(filename,filepath); /* relative */
                                /* making sure not to overflow on these */
                            localSend(sd2, filename);
        /* close the spawned socket */
        #ifdef DEBUG
            printf("closing spawned socket.\n");