Beispiel #1
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    me.ev = mowgli_eventloop_create();


    parse_commandline_options(argc, argv);

    me.config = mowgli_config_file_load(config_file);

    if(me.config == NULL)
        sigyn_fatal("Cannot load configuration file.");

    me.uplink.line = new_conn(me.uplink.hostname, me.uplink.port, me.uplink.ssl, read_irc, NULL);
    if (me.uplink.line == NULL)
        sigyn_fatal("Connection to uplink failed.");
    me.uplink.connected = true;


    sigyn_introduce_client(me.client->nick, me.client->user, NULL);
    if (should_fork)
        daemonise(SYSCONFDIR "/");

    return EXIT_SUCCESS;
Beispiel #2
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {

    int my_rank; /* rank of process */
    int num_process;       /* number of processes */
    int i, j, k; //for loop

    // MPI Initialization
    MPI_Status status ;   /* return status for receive */
    MPI_Status probe_status;    /* return status for probe */
    MPI_Request request;

    /* start up MPI */
    MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);

    /* find out process rank */
    MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &my_rank);

    /* find out number of processes */
    MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &num_process);

    // Gensort generate input files named partition.ranknumber
    char gensort_fname[50];
    char arg_bN[10];
    char arg_NUMRECS[10];
    char system_call[100];

    sprintf(gensort_fname, "partition.%d", my_rank);
    sprintf(arg_bN, " -b%d", (my_rank*1000));
    sprintf(arg_NUMRECS, " %d ", (1000));

    // CAUTION!!!
    // CAUTION!!!
    // CAUTION!!!

    strcpy(system_call, "/Users/hawkwoodye/NetBeansProjects/gensort-1.4/gensort ");
    strcat(system_call, arg_bN);
    strcat(system_call, arg_NUMRECS);
    strcat(system_call, gensort_fname);


    // Parameters Set Up
    struct program_information prog_info;
    parse_commandline_options(argc, argv, &prog_info);

    // Process Input File Information
    struct stat stat_info;

    char file_path[52] = "./";
    strcat(file_path, gensort_fname);
    strcpy(prog_info.input_file_name, file_path);

    if (stat(prog_info.input_file_name, &stat_info))
        printf("Rank %d %s ", my_rank, prog_info.input_file_name);
        print_usage_error_exit("Unable to stat input file!\n");
    prog_info.input_file_size = (size_t) stat_info.st_size;
    prog_info.number_of_process = num_process;

    prog_info.element_byte_size = 100;
    prog_info.element_key_size = 10;

    prog_info.element_count = (long) prog_info.input_file_size / prog_info.element_byte_size;

    printf("Rank %d Input File Name : %s\n", my_rank, prog_info.input_file_name);
    printf("Element Count   : %ld\n", prog_info.element_count);

    //                                        //
    //            Our Sort Start              //
    //                                        //

    // !!! Pipeline First
    // !!! Pipeline First
    // !!! Pipeline First

    //                                        //
    //    STEP 1: Reading Disk -> Memory      //
    //                                        //

    FILE * file_ptr;
    struct element * records_per_buffer;
    long readbuffer_size;                   // in bytes

    // temporary set to the whole file will be changed to buffer size...
    // ...
    readbuffer_size = prog_info.input_file_size;

    // read buffer malloc
    records_per_buffer = (struct element *)malloc(readbuffer_size);

    file_ptr = fopen(prog_info.input_file_name, "rb");

    // will add for loop for read one buffer each time
    // ...

    if(file_ptr == NULL)
        print_usage_error_exit("File open error!\n");

    if(fseek(file_ptr, 0, SEEK_SET) != 0)
        print_usage_error_exit("Unable to seek input file!");

    if(fread(records_per_buffer, 1, readbuffer_size, file_ptr) != readbuffer_size)
        print_usage_error_exit("File reading error!\n");


    //                                        //
    //    STEP 2: Distribute (Communication)  //
    //                                        //

    // Each node count the first byte of each element and
    //      decide which target node this element should be sent to

    // Double Buffering will be added in
    // ...

    // buffers for sending
    struct element *    sending_buckets[num_process];
    long                buckets_index[num_process];
    // buffer for receiving
    struct element *    final_distributed_records;
    final_distributed_records = (struct element *)malloc(2 * prog_info.input_file_size);

    // bucket size in count of element, will be changed later, right now it is the total element count, which will not be reached
    long                bucket_element_count;

    // Start Receiving Thread keep running until receive all~
    long * final_index;
    final_index = (long*)malloc(sizeof(long));
    *final_index = 0;
    struct parm_recv thread_recv_parm;

    thread_recv_parm._status = probe_status;
    thread_recv_parm._recv_buffer = final_distributed_records;
    thread_recv_parm._prog_info = prog_info;
    thread_recv_parm._final_index = final_index;
    thread_recv_parm._my_process = my_rank;

    pthread_t   recv_thread;
    pthread_create(&recv_thread, NULL, background_probe_recv, (void*)&thread_recv_parm);

    bucket_element_count = prog_info.element_count ;

    for(i = 0; i < num_process; i++)
        sending_buckets[i] = (struct element *)malloc(bucket_element_count * prog_info.element_byte_size );
        buckets_index[i]   = 0;

    long count_of_dist_records = prog_info.element_count;

    struct element  temp_record;
    char            temp_key;
    int             target_node;
    int             probe_flag = 0;

    for(i = 0; i < prog_info.element_count; i++)
        temp_record = records_per_buffer[i];
        temp_key = temp_record.e[0];
        target_node = (int)temp_key + 128;
        target_node = target_node / (256 / num_process);
        printf("Rank %d: key is %c or %d\n", my_rank, temp_key, target_node);
        if(target_node == num_process)
            printf("!ERROR !\n");

        sending_buckets[target_node][buckets_index[target_node]] = temp_record;

        // when one bucket is full send it and memset to zero
        if(buckets_index[target_node] == bucket_element_count)
            printf("Init start sending: %ld -> %d!!\n", buckets_index[target_node]*100, target_node);
            // MPI SEND
            MPI_Send(sending_buckets[target_node], (buckets_index[target_node] * 100), MPI_BYTE, target_node, target_node, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
            buckets_index[target_node] = 0;

    // last time send those unfilled buckects
    for(i = 0; i < num_process; i++)
        if(buckets_index[i] != 0)
            printf("Start sending: %ld -> %d!!\n", buckets_index[i]*100, i);
            //MPI SEND !!CAUTION!! only send (buckets_index[i] + 1) elements
            MPI_Send(sending_buckets[i], (buckets_index[i]) * 100, MPI_BYTE, i, i, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
    // call all process end
    for(i = 0; i < num_process; i++)
        printf("%d send tag to %d!\n", my_rank, i);
        MPI_Send(&i, 0, MPI_BYTE, i, 255, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

    //                                        //
    //    STEP 3: Sort and Write to file      //
    //                                        //


    // sort final_distributed_records
    quickSort(final_distributed_records, 0, (prog_info.element_count - 1) );

    // write to disk
    FILE *outFile;

    char output_file_name[57]="./sorted_";
    strcat(output_file_name, gensort_fname);

    // open the file we are writing to
    if(!(outFile = fopen(output_file_name, "wb")))
        print_usage_error_exit("File writing error!\n");

    // use fwrite to write binary data to the file
    fwrite(final_distributed_records, prog_info.input_file_size , 1, outFile);


    //                                        //
    //    STEP 4: Garbage Collection          //
    //                                        //
    pthread_join(recv_thread, NULL);

    for(i = 0; i < num_process; i++)

    // shut down MPI
    return (EXIT_SUCCESS);