 * main() is just a shell for routines that parse the command line,
 * do all the requested work, and then exit cleanly.  main() is pretty
 * much all there is in cpu_rate.c
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) 

  * Parse command line and set global variables

  * Note that most of my cpu_rates (except the terminally simple/stupid) 
  * have three phases after parsecl():
  * Startup: Allocate memory, initialize all derivative variables from
  * command line values.  

  * Work: Do all the work.  In a complicated cpu_rate, project_work would
  * itself be a shell for a lot of other modular routines.

  * Quit:  Done. Clean up (if necessary) and exit.

Beispiel #2
SEXP dieharder(SEXP genS, SEXP testS, SEXP seedS, SEXP psamplesS, SEXP verbS, SEXP infileS, SEXP ntupleS) {

    int verb, testarg;
    unsigned int i;
    SEXP result = NULL, vec, pv, name, desc, nkps;
    char *inputfile;

    /* Setup argv to allow call of parsecl() to let dieharder set globals */
    char *argv[] = { "dieharder" };
    optind = 0;
    parsecl(1, argv); 			

    /* Parse 'our' parameters from R */
    generator  = INTEGER_VALUE(genS);
    testarg = INTEGER_VALUE(testS);
    diehard = rgb = sts = user = 0;
    if (testarg < 100) {
	diehard = testarg;
    } else if (testarg < 200) {
	rgb = testarg - 100;
    } else if (testarg < 300) {
	sts = testarg - 200;
    } else {
	user = testarg - 300;
    Seed = (unsigned long int) INTEGER_VALUE(seedS); /* (user-select) Seed, not (save switch) seed */
    psamples = INTEGER_VALUE(psamplesS);
    verb = INTEGER_VALUE(verbS);
    inputfile = (char*) CHARACTER_VALUE(infileS);
    ntuple = INTEGER_VALUE(ntupleS);

    rdh_testptr = NULL;
    rdh_dtestptr = NULL; 	/* to be safe, explicitly flag as NULL; cf test in output.c */

    if (strcmp(inputfile, "") != 0) {
	strncpy(filename, inputfile, 128);
	fromfile = 1;			/* flag this as file input */
   if (Seed == 0) {
    	seed = random_seed();
    } else {
    	seed = (unsigned long int) Seed;

    if (verb) {
	Rprintf("Dieharder called with gen=%d test=%d seed=%lu\n", generator, diehard, seed);
	quiet = 0;
	hist_flag = 1;
    } else {
	quiet = 1; 			/* override dieharder command-line default */
	hist_flag = 0;

    /* Now do the work that dieharder.c does */

    /* And then bring our results back to R */

    /* create vector of size four: [0] is vector (!!) ks_pv, [1] is pvalues vec, [2] name, [3] nkps */
    PROTECT(result = allocVector(VECSXP, 4)); 

    /* alloc vector and scalars, and set it */
    PROTECT(pv = allocVector(REALSXP, rdh_dtestptr->nkps));
    PROTECT(name = allocVector(STRSXP, 1));
    PROTECT(nkps = allocVector(INTSXP, 1));

    if (rdh_testptr != NULL && rdh_dtestptr != NULL) {
	for (i=0; i<rdh_dtestptr->nkps; i++) { 		/* there can be nkps p-values per test */
	    REAL(pv)[i] = rdh_testptr[i]->ks_pvalue;
	PROTECT(vec = allocVector(REALSXP, rdh_testptr[0]->psamples)); /* alloc vector and set it */
	for (i = 0; i < rdh_testptr[0]->psamples; i++) {
	    REAL(vec)[i] = rdh_testptr[0]->pvalues[i];
	SET_STRING_ELT(name, 0, mkChar(rdh_dtestptr->name));
	INTEGER(nkps)[0] = rdh_dtestptr->nkps; 		/* nb of Kuiper KS p-values in pv vector */
    } else {
	PROTECT(vec = allocVector(REALSXP, 1)); 
	REAL(pv)[0] = R_NaN;
	REAL(vec)[0] = R_NaN;
	SET_STRING_ELT(name, 0, mkChar(""));
	INTEGER(nkps)[0] = R_NaN;

    /* insert vectors and scalars into result vector */
    SET_VECTOR_ELT(result, 0, pv);
    SET_VECTOR_ELT(result, 1, vec);
    SET_VECTOR_ELT(result, 2, name);
    SET_VECTOR_ELT(result, 3, nkps);

    return result;
Beispiel #3
SEXP dieharder(SEXP genS, SEXP testS, SEXP seedS, SEXP psamplesS, SEXP verbS, SEXP infileS, SEXP ntupleS) {

    /* In the RDieHarder/R/zzz.R startup code, dieharderGenerators()
     * has already called dieharder_rng_types(), and dieharderTests()
     * has already called dieharder_rng_tests().  The results are
     * stored in RDieHarder:::.dieharderGenerators and
     * RDieHarder:::.dieharderTests, as well as C static variables
     * used by libdieharder.  Since user defined generators and tests
     * may have been added, we do not call these routines again. 

    int verb;
    char *inputfile;

    char *argv[] = { "dieharder" };	/* Setup argv to allow call of parsecl() to let dieharder set globals */
    optind = 0;
    parsecl(1, argv);			/* also covers part of setup_globals() */

    generator  = INTEGER_VALUE(genS);	/* 'our' parameters from R; used below by choose_rng() and run_test() */
    dtest_num = INTEGER_VALUE(testS);

    Seed = (unsigned long int) INTEGER_VALUE(seedS); /* (user-select) Seed, not (save switch) seed */
    psamples = INTEGER_VALUE(psamplesS);
    verb = INTEGER_VALUE(verbS);
    inputfile = (char*) CHARACTER_VALUE(infileS);
    ntuple = INTEGER_VALUE(ntupleS);

    result = NULL;

    if (strcmp(inputfile, "") != 0) {
	strncpy(filename, inputfile, 128);
	fromfile = 1;			/* flag this as file input */
   if (Seed == 0) {
    	seed = random_seed();
    } else {
    	seed = (unsigned long int) Seed;

    if (verb) {
	Rprintf("Dieharder called with gen=%d test=%d seed=%lu\n", generator, dtest_num, seed);
	quiet = 0;
	hist_flag = 1;
    } else {
	quiet = 1; 			/* override dieharder command-line default */
	hist_flag = 0;

     * Pick a rng, establish a seed based on how things were initialized
     * in parsecl() or elsewhere.  Note that choose_rng() times the selected
     * rng as a matter of course now.

     * At this point, a valid rng should be selected, allocated, and
     * provisionally seeded.  It -a(ll) is set (CLI only) run all the
     * available tests on the selected rng, reseeding at the beginning of
     * each test if Seed is nonzero.  Otherwise, run the single selected
     * test (which may still return a vector of pvalues) on the single
     * selected rng.  The CLI then goes on to exit; an interactive UI would
     * presumably loop back to permit the user to run another test on the
     * selected rng or select a new rng (and run more tests on it) until the
     * user elects to exit.
     * It is the UI's responsibility to ensure that run_test() is not called
     * without choosing a valid rng first!
    /* if(all){ */
    /* 	run_all_tests(); */
    /* } else { */
    /* } */

     * This ends the core loop for a non-CLI interactive UI.  GUIs will
     * typically exit directly from the event loop.  Tool UIs may well fall
     * through, and the CLI simply proceeds sequentially to exit.  It isn't
     * strictly necessary to execute an exit() command at the end, but it
     * does make the code a bit clearer (and let's one choose an exit code,
     * if that might ever matter.  Exit code 0 clearly means "completed
     * normally".
    if (rng != NULL) {
	rng = NULL;

    return result;    			/* And then bring our results back to R */