Beispiel #1
sort_array (ARRAY array, OBJCMPFNC cmp, VPTR param)
	struct tag_sort_array_info info;
	info.cmp = cmp;
	info.param = param;
	partition_sort((SORTEL *)&AData(array)[0], ASize(array), array_comparator, &info);
Beispiel #2
void qsort(void *base, size_t nmemb, size_t size,
           int (*compar)(const void *, const void *))
/* Sort an array (base) with nmemb items each of size bytes.             */
/* This uses a quicksort method, but one that is arranged to complete in */
/* about n*log(n) steps for sorted and inverse sorted inputs.            */
    char *b, *endp;
    if (size <= 0) return;
    if (nmemb > SUBDIVISION_LIMIT)
        partition_sort(base, nmemb, size, compar);
/* Now I do an insertion sort on the array that is left over. This makes */
/* sense because the quicksort activity above has arranged that the      */
/* array is nearly sorted - at most segments of size SUBDIVISION_LIMIT   */
/* contain locally unsorted segments. In this case insertion sort goes   */
/* as fast as anything else. Doing things this way avoids the need for   */
/* a certain amount of partitioning/recursing overhead in the main body  */
/* of the quicksort procedure.                                           */
/* Note: some sorts of bugs in the above quicksort could be compensated  */
/* for here, leaving this entire procedure as just an insertion sort.    */
/* This would yield correct results but would be somewhat slow.          */
    b = (char *) base;
    endp = b + (nmemb-1) * size;
    while (b < endp)
    {   char *b1 = b;
        b += size;
/* Find out where to insert this item.                                   */
        while (b1>=(char *)base && (*compar)(b1, b)>0) b1 -= size;
        b1 += size;
/* The fact that I do not know how large the objects that are being      */
/* sorted are is horrible - I do an exchange here copying things one     */
/* word at a time or one byte at a time depending on the value of size.  */
        if (((size | (int) b) & 0x3)==0)
        {   int j;
            for (j=0; j<size; j+=4)
            {   char *bx = b + j;
/* Even when moving word by word I use (char *) pointers so as to avoid  */
/* muddles about pointer arithmetic. I cast to (int *) pointers when I   */
/* am about to dereference something.                                    */
                int save = *(int *)bx;
                char *by = bx - size;
                while (by>=b1)
                {   *(int *)(by + size) = *(int *)by;
                    by -= size;
                *(int *)(by + size) = save;
/* If size is not a multiple of 4 I behave with great caution and copy   */
/* byte by byte. I could, of course, copy by words up to the last 1, 2   */
/* or 3 bytes - I count that as too much effort for now.                 */
        {   int j;
            for (j=0; j<size; j++)
            {   char *bx = b + j;
                char save = *bx;
                char *by = bx - size;
                while (by>=b1)
                {   *(by + size) = *by;
                    by -= size;
                *(by + size) = save;