int DemosDataSource::GetNumRows( const String& table ) { // table name represents a relative demo path with a trailing "/": // "/" represents the root path inside the demo directory // "tutorials/" represents tutorials subdirectory, etc // if we haven't yet traversed the queried path, do it now if( demoPaths.find( table ) == demoPaths.end() ) { std::string pathStr( table.CString() ); // chop off the trailing "/" if( pathStr.find_last_of( "/" ) + 1 == pathStr.length() ) { pathStr = pathStr.substr( 0, pathStr.length() - 1 ); } // the helper will start sending updates the next frame demoPaths[table] = DemosDataSourceHelper( pathStr, demoExtension ); } if( !lastQueryTable.Empty() ) { // reset cache on directory change if( lastQueryTable != table ) { demoPaths.erase( demoPaths.find( lastQueryTable ) ); NotifyRowChange( lastQueryTable ); } } lastQueryTable = table; const DemosDataSourceHelper &demoPath = demoPaths[table]; return demoPath.GetUpdateIndex(); }
void deleteRecursive(const char* path) { string pathStr(path); if (pathStr[pathStr.size()-1] != '/') { pathStr += '/'; } DIR* dir = opendir(path); if (!dir) { PLOG(ERROR) << "opendir " << path << " failed"; return; } struct dirent* entry; while ((entry = readdir(dir))) { const char* name = entry->d_name; // ignore "." and ".." if (name[0] == '.' && (name[1] == 0 || (name[1] == '.' && name[2] == 0))) { continue; } pathStr.append(name); if (entry->d_type == DT_DIR) { deleteRecursive(pathStr.c_str()); rmdir(pathStr.c_str()); } else { unlink(pathStr.c_str()); } } closedir(dir); }
bool FileUtils::isRelative(const char* path) { #ifdef PLATFORM_UNIX return strlen(path) == 0 || path[0] != '/'; #else // on Windows, a path is relative if it does not start with: // - '\\' (a UNC name) // - '[Drive Letter]:\' // - A single backslash // // the input path is assumed to have already been converted to use // Unix-style path separators std::string pathStr(path); if ((!pathStr.empty() && == '/') || (startsWith(pathStr,"//")) || (startsWithDriveLetter(pathStr.c_str()))) { return false; } else { return true; } #endif }
LRESULT HandleDropFiles(HDROP hDrop, CefRefPtr<ClientHandler> handler, CefRefPtr<CefBrowser> browser) { UINT fileCount = DragQueryFile(hDrop, 0xFFFFFFFF, NULL, 0); for (UINT i = 0; i < fileCount; i++) { wchar_t filename[MAX_PATH]; DragQueryFile(hDrop, i, filename, MAX_PATH); std::wstring pathStr(filename); replace(pathStr.begin(), pathStr.end(), '\\', '/'); handler->SendOpenFileCommand(browser, CefString(pathStr)); } return 0; }
nsresult nsSubscribableServer::FindAndCreateNode(const nsACString &aPath, SubscribeTreeNode **aResult) { nsresult rv = NS_OK; NS_ASSERTION(aResult, "no result"); if (!aResult) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; if (!mTreeRoot) { nsCString serverUri; rv = mIncomingServer->GetServerURI(serverUri); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv,rv); // the root has no parent, and its name is server uri rv = CreateNode(nsnull, serverUri.get(), &mTreeRoot); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv,rv); } if (aPath.IsEmpty()) { *aResult = mTreeRoot; return NS_OK; } char *token = nsnull; nsCString pathStr(aPath); char *rest = pathStr.BeginWriting(); // todo do this only once char delimstr[2]; delimstr[0] = mDelimiter; delimstr[1] = '\0'; *aResult = nsnull; SubscribeTreeNode *parent = mTreeRoot; SubscribeTreeNode *child = nsnull; token = NS_strtok(delimstr, &rest); // special case paths that start with the hierarchy delimiter. // We want to include that delimiter in the first token name. if (token && pathStr[0] == mDelimiter) --token; while (token && *token) { rv = AddChildNode(parent, token, &child); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; token = NS_strtok(delimstr, &rest); parent = child; } // the last child we add is the result *aResult = child; return rv; }
wxDirTraverseResult HeaderDirTraverser::OnDir(const wxString& dirname) { // HeaderDirTraverser is used in a worker thread, so call TestDestroy() as often as it can to // quickly terminate the thread if (m_Thread->TestDestroy()) return wxDIR_STOP; AddLock(false); // false means we are adding a dir wxString path(dirname); if (path.Last() != wxFILE_SEP_PATH) path.Append(wxFILE_SEP_PATH); #ifndef _WIN32 struct stat fileStats; if (lstat(dirname.mb_str(wxConvUTF8), &fileStats) != 0) return wxDIR_IGNORE; // If the path is a symbolic link, then try to resolve it. // This is needed to prevent infinite loops, when a folder is pointing to itself or its parent folder. if (S_ISLNK(fileStats.st_mode)) { char buffer[4096]; int result = readlink(dirname.mb_str(wxConvUTF8), buffer, WXSIZEOF(buffer) - 1); if (result != -1) { buffer[result] = '\0'; // readlink() doesn't NUL-terminate the buffer wxString pathStr(buffer, wxConvUTF8); wxFileName fileName(pathStr); // If this is a relative symbolic link, we need to make it absolute. if (!fileName.IsAbsolute()) { wxFileName dirNamePath(path); dirNamePath.RemoveLastDir(); // Make the new filename absolute relative to the parent folder. fileName.MakeAbsolute(dirNamePath.GetFullPath()); } wxString fullPath = fileName.GetFullPath(); if (fullPath.Last() == wxT('.')) // this case should be handled because of a bug in wxWidgets fullPath.RemoveLast(); if (fullPath.Last() != wxFILE_SEP_PATH) fullPath.Append(wxFILE_SEP_PATH); return GetStatus(fullPath); } } #endif // _WIN32 return GetStatus(path); }
bool cbResolveSymLinkedDirPath(wxString& dirpath) { #ifdef _WIN32 return false; #else if (dirpath.Last() == wxFILE_SEP_PATH) dirpath.RemoveLast(); struct stat fileStats; if (lstat(dirpath.mb_str(wxConvUTF8), &fileStats) != 0) return false; // If the path is a symbolic link, then try to resolve it. // This is needed to prevent infinite loops, when a folder is pointing to itself or its parent folder. if (S_ISLNK(fileStats.st_mode)) { char buffer[4096]; int result = readlink(dirpath.mb_str(wxConvUTF8), buffer, WXSIZEOF(buffer) - 1); if (result != -1) { buffer[result] = '\0'; // readlink() doesn't NUL-terminate the buffer wxString pathStr(buffer, wxConvUTF8); wxFileName fileName = wxFileName::DirName(pathStr); // If this is a relative symbolic link, we need to make it absolute. if (!fileName.IsAbsolute()) { wxFileName dirNamePath; if (dirpath.Last() == wxFILE_SEP_PATH) dirNamePath = wxFileName::DirName(dirpath); else dirNamePath = wxFileName::DirName(dirpath + wxFILE_SEP_PATH); dirNamePath.RemoveLastDir(); // Make the new filename absolute relative to the parent folder. fileName.MakeAbsolute(dirNamePath.GetFullPath()); } wxString fullPath = fileName.GetFullPath(); if (fullPath.Last() == wxT('.')) // this case should be handled because of a bug in wxWidgets fullPath.RemoveLast(); if (fullPath.Last() == wxFILE_SEP_PATH) fullPath.RemoveLast(); dirpath = fullPath; return true; } } return false; #endif // _WIN32 }
static boost::filesystem::path convertCFUrlToPath(CFURLRef url) { CFStringRef str = CFURLCopyFileSystemPath(url, kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle); CFIndex size = CFStringGetMaximumSizeForEncoding(CFStringGetLength(str), kCFStringEncodingASCII) + 1; char* cstr = new char[size]; CFStringGetCString(str, cstr, size, kCFStringEncodingASCII); CFRelease(str); CFRelease(url); std::string pathStr(cstr); delete[] cstr; return boost::filesystem::path(pathStr); }
FileEnumerator* HDFSAccessor::getFolderContent(char* path) { bool isNewEnv = false; JNIEnv* env = JVMState::instance()->getEnv(&isNewEnv); if (m_wfxPairObj != NULL) { jstring pathStr = env->NewStringUTF(path); jobjectArray contentArray = static_cast<jobjectArray>(env->CallObjectMethod(m_wfxPairObj, s_WfxPairMetIdGetFolderContent, pathStr)); if (!JVMState::instance()->exceptionExists(env)) { env->DeleteLocalRef(pathStr); if (contentArray != NULL) { set<string> contentItems; jsize len = env->GetArrayLength(contentArray); for (jsize i = 0; i < len; i++) { jstring elem = static_cast<jstring>(env->GetObjectArrayElement(contentArray, i)); if (elem != NULL) { const char *str = env->GetStringUTFChars(elem, NULL); string item(str); contentItems.insert(item); env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(elem, str); } } string pathStr(path); jobject neObj = env->NewGlobalRef(m_wfxPairObj); if (isNewEnv) { JVMState::instance()->releaseEnv(); } return new FileEnumerator(neObj, pathStr, contentItems); } } else { env->DeleteLocalRef(pathStr); } } if (isNewEnv) { JVMState::instance()->releaseEnv(); } return NULL; }
FILE* LogDebugEnabled() { if (DebugLogOn(sServer)) { static StrPtrLen statsFileNameStr("server_debug_status"); StrPtrLenDel pathStr(sServer->GetPrefs()->GetErrorLogDir()); ResizeableStringFormatter pathBuffer(NULL,0); pathBuffer.PutFilePath(&pathStr,&statsFileNameStr); pathBuffer.PutTerminator(); char* filePath = pathBuffer.GetBufPtr(); return ::fopen(filePath, "a"); } return NULL; }
FileLocation::FileLocation(const FileLocation &file, const char *path) { if (file.IsZip()) { if (file.mBaseFile) { Init(file.mBaseFile, file.mPath.get()); } else { Init(file.mBaseZip, file.mPath.get()); } if (path) { PRInt32 i = mPath.RFindChar('/'); if (kNotFound == i) { mPath.Truncate(0); } else { mPath.Truncate(i + 1); } mPath += path; } } else { if (path) { nsCOMPtr<nsIFile> cfile; file.mBaseFile->GetParent(getter_AddRefs(cfile)); nsCOMPtr<nsILocalFile> clfile = do_QueryInterface(cfile); #if defined(XP_WIN) || defined(XP_OS2) nsCAutoString pathStr(path); char *p; PRUint32 len = pathStr.GetMutableData(&p); for (; len; ++p, --len) { if ('/' == *p) { *p = '\\'; } } clfile->AppendRelativeNativePath(pathStr); #else clfile->AppendRelativeNativePath(nsDependentCString(path)); #endif Init(clfile); } else { Init(file.mBaseFile); } } }
FileLocation::FileLocation(const FileLocation& aFile, const char* aPath) { if (aFile.IsZip()) { if (aFile.mBaseFile) { Init(aFile.mBaseFile, aFile.mPath.get()); } else { Init(aFile.mBaseZip, aFile.mPath.get()); } if (aPath) { int32_t i = mPath.RFindChar('/'); if (kNotFound == i) { mPath.Truncate(0); } else { mPath.Truncate(i + 1); } mPath += aPath; } } else { if (aPath) { nsCOMPtr<nsIFile> cfile; aFile.mBaseFile->GetParent(getter_AddRefs(cfile)); #if defined(XP_WIN) nsAutoCString pathStr(aPath); char* p; uint32_t len = pathStr.GetMutableData(&p); for (; len; ++p, --len) { if ('/' == *p) { *p = '\\'; } } cfile->AppendRelativeNativePath(pathStr); #else cfile->AppendRelativeNativePath(nsDependentCString(aPath)); #endif Init(cfile); } else { Init(aFile.mBaseFile); } } }
int OSCServer::genericHandler( const char *path, const char *types, lo_arg **argv, int argc, void *data) { UNUSED(argc); UNUSED(types); if(!contacted) { firstContact(lo_message_get_source((lo_message)data)); contacted = true; } //find out what this message is for (track bus or master) std::string pathStr(path); pathStr = pathStr.substr(1); pathStr = pathStr.substr(pathStr.find("/") + 1); std::string object = pathStr.substr(0,pathStr.find("/")); pathStr = pathStr.substr(pathStr.find("/") + 1); std::string controllable = pathStr.substr(0,pathStr.find("/")); if(object == "track") { if(controllable == "fader") { //get the track number pathStr= pathStr.substr(pathStr.find("/") + 1); //build a midi event from the fader value and track number char data[3]; if(pthread_mutex_lock(&idMutex) == 0) { data[0] = (char) CC_MASK; data[1] = trackIds[atoi(pathStr.c_str()) - 1]; data[2] = (char) ((int) argv[0]->f); pthread_mutex_unlock(&idMutex); } MidiEvent midiEvent(data,true); //Send it to the jack client to handle send to Ardour if(!((unsigned char)data[1] == 0xFF)){ jack_ringbuffer_write(controllerBuffer, (char *) &midiEvent,sizeof(MidiEvent)); } } if(controllable == "bank") { if (argv[0]->f > 0.5){ pathStr= pathStr.substr(pathStr.find("/") + 1); if(pathStr == "up"){ int tb = getTrackBank(); if((tb+1) < numTrackBanks) { sendTrackBank(tb+1); setTrackBank(tb+1); } } else if(pathStr == "down"){ int tb = getTrackBank(); if(tb > 0) { sendTrackBank(tb-1); setTrackBank(tb-1); } } } } } else if (object == "bus") { if(controllable == "fader") { //get the bus number(void *)this pathStr= pathStr.substr(pathStr.find("/") + 1); char data[3]; if(pthread_mutex_lock(&idMutex) == 0) { data[0] = (char) CC_MASK; data[1] = busIds[atoi(pathStr.c_str()) - 1]; data[2] = (char) ((int) argv[0]->f); pthread_mutex_unlock(&idMutex); } MidiEvent midiEvent(data,true); //Send it to the jack client to handle send to Ardour //Send it to the jack client to handle send to Ardour if(!((unsigned char)data[1] == 0xFF)){ jack_ringbuffer_write(controllerBuffer, (char *) &midiEvent,sizeof(MidiEvent)); } } if(controllable == "bank") { if (argv[0]->f > 0.5){ pathStr= pathStr.substr(pathStr.find("/") + 1); if(pathStr == "up"){ int bb = getBusBank(); if((bb+1) < numBusBanks) { setBusBank(bb+1); sendBusBank(bb+1); } } else if(pathStr == "down"){ int bb = getBusBank(); if(bb > 0) { setBusBank(bb-1); sendBusBank(bb-1); } } } } } else if (object == "master") { if(controllable == "fader") { //build a midi event from the fader value and track number char data[3] = {(char) CC_MASK,MASTER_CC,(char)((int) argv[0]->f)}; MidiEvent midiEvent(data,true); //Send it to the jack client to handle send to Ardour jack_ringbuffer_write(controllerBuffer, (char *) &midiEvent,sizeof(MidiEvent)); } } else if (object == "scene") { } return 0; }
JSObject* Library::Create(JSContext* cx, jsval path_, JSCTypesCallbacks* callbacks) { RootedValue path(cx, path_); RootedObject libraryObj(cx, JS_NewObject(cx, &sLibraryClass, NULL, NULL)); if (!libraryObj) return NULL; // initialize the library JS_SetReservedSlot(libraryObj, SLOT_LIBRARY, PRIVATE_TO_JSVAL(NULL)); // attach API functions if (!JS_DefineFunctions(cx, libraryObj, sLibraryFunctions)) return NULL; if (!JSVAL_IS_STRING(path)) { JS_ReportError(cx, "open takes a string argument"); return NULL; } PRLibSpec libSpec; RootedFlatString pathStr(cx, JS_FlattenString(cx, JSVAL_TO_STRING(path))); if (!pathStr) return NULL; #ifdef XP_WIN // On Windows, converting to native charset may corrupt path string. // So, we have to use Unicode path directly. const PRUnichar* pathChars = JS_GetFlatStringChars(pathStr); if (!pathChars) return NULL; libSpec.value.pathname_u = pathChars; libSpec.type = PR_LibSpec_PathnameU; #else // Convert to platform native charset if the appropriate callback has been // provided. char* pathBytes; if (callbacks && callbacks->unicodeToNative) { pathBytes = callbacks->unicodeToNative(cx, pathStr->chars(), pathStr->length()); if (!pathBytes) return NULL; } else { // Fallback: assume the platform native charset is UTF-8. This is true // for Mac OS X, Android, and probably Linux. size_t nbytes = GetDeflatedUTF8StringLength(cx, pathStr->chars(), pathStr->length()); if (nbytes == (size_t) -1) return NULL; pathBytes = static_cast<char*>(JS_malloc(cx, nbytes + 1)); if (!pathBytes) return NULL; ASSERT_OK(DeflateStringToUTF8Buffer(cx, pathStr->chars(), pathStr->length(), pathBytes, &nbytes)); pathBytes[nbytes] = 0; } libSpec.value.pathname = pathBytes; libSpec.type = PR_LibSpec_Pathname; #endif PRLibrary* library = PR_LoadLibraryWithFlags(libSpec, 0); if (!library) { #ifdef XP_WIN JS_ReportError(cx, "couldn't open library %hs", pathChars); #else JS_ReportError(cx, "couldn't open library %s", pathBytes); JS_free(cx, pathBytes); #endif return NULL; } #ifndef XP_WIN JS_free(cx, pathBytes); #endif // stash the library JS_SetReservedSlot(libraryObj, SLOT_LIBRARY, PRIVATE_TO_JSVAL(library)); return libraryObj; }
void LogStatus(QTSS_ServerState theServerState) { static QTSS_ServerState lastServerState = 0; static char *sPLISTHeader[] = { "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>", #if __MacOSX__ "<!DOCTYPE plist SYSTEM \"file://localhost/System/Library/DTDs/PropertyList.dtd\">", #else "<!ENTITY % plistObject \"(array | data | date | dict | real | integer | string | true | false )\">", "<!ELEMENT plist %plistObject;>", "<!ATTLIST plist version CDATA \"0.9\">", "", "<!-- Collections -->", "<!ELEMENT array (%plistObject;)*>", "<!ELEMENT dict (key, %plistObject;)*>", "<!ELEMENT key (#PCDATA)>", "", "<!--- Primitive types -->", "<!ELEMENT string (#PCDATA)>", "<!ELEMENT data (#PCDATA)> <!-- Contents interpreted as Base-64 encoded -->", "<!ELEMENT date (#PCDATA)> <!-- Contents should conform to a subset of ISO 8601 (in particular, YYYY '-' MM '-' DD 'T' HH ':' MM ':' SS 'Z'. Smaller units may be omitted with a loss of precision) -->", "", "<!-- Numerical primitives -->", "<!ELEMENT true EMPTY> <!-- Boolean constant true -->", "<!ELEMENT false EMPTY> <!-- Boolean constant false -->", "<!ELEMENT real (#PCDATA)> <!-- Contents should represent a floating point number matching (\"+\" | \"-\")? d+ (\".\"d*)? (\"E\" (\"+\" | \"-\") d+)? where d is a digit 0-9. -->", "<!ELEMENT integer (#PCDATA)> <!-- Contents should represent a (possibly signed) integer number in base 10 -->", "]>", #endif }; static int numHeaderLines = sizeof(sPLISTHeader) / sizeof(char*); static char* sPlistStart = "<plist version=\"0.9\">"; static char* sPlistEnd = "</plist>"; static char* sDictStart = "<dict>"; static char* sDictEnd = "</dict>"; static char* sKey = " <key>%s</key>\n"; static char* sValue = " <string>%s</string>\n"; static char *sAttributes[] = { "qtssSvrServerName", "qtssSvrServerVersion", "qtssSvrServerBuild", "qtssSvrServerPlatform", "qtssSvrRTSPServerComment", "qtssSvrServerBuildDate", "qtssSvrStartupTime", "qtssSvrCurrentTimeMilliseconds", "qtssSvrCPULoadPercent", "qtssSvrState", "qtssRTPSvrCurConn", "qtssRTSPCurrentSessionCount", "qtssRTSPHTTPCurrentSessionCount", "qtssRTPSvrCurBandwidth", "qtssRTPSvrCurPackets", "qtssRTPSvrTotalConn", "qtssRTPSvrTotalBytes", "qtssMP3SvrCurConn", "qtssMP3SvrTotalConn", "qtssMP3SvrCurBandwidth", "qtssMP3SvrTotalBytes" }; static int numAttributes = sizeof(sAttributes) / sizeof(char*); static StrPtrLen statsFileNameStr("server_status"); if (false == sServer->GetPrefs()->ServerStatFileEnabled()) return; UInt32 interval = sServer->GetPrefs()->GetStatFileIntervalSec(); if (interval == 0 || (OS::UnixTime_Secs() % interval) > 0 ) return; // If the total number of RTSP sessions is 0 then we // might not need to update the "server_status" file. char* thePrefStr = NULL; // We start lastRTSPSessionCount off with an impossible value so that // we force the "server_status" file to be written at least once. static int lastRTSPSessionCount = -1; // Get the RTSP session count from the server. (void)QTSS_GetValueAsString(sServer, qtssRTSPCurrentSessionCount, 0, &thePrefStr); int currentRTSPSessionCount = ::atoi(thePrefStr); delete [] thePrefStr; thePrefStr = NULL; if (currentRTSPSessionCount == 0 && currentRTSPSessionCount == lastRTSPSessionCount) { // we don't need to update the "server_status" file except the // first time we are in the idle state. if (theServerState == qtssIdleState && lastServerState == qtssIdleState) { lastRTSPSessionCount = currentRTSPSessionCount; lastServerState = theServerState; return; } } else { // save the RTSP session count for the next time we execute. lastRTSPSessionCount = currentRTSPSessionCount; } StrPtrLenDel pathStr(sServer->GetPrefs()->GetErrorLogDir()); StrPtrLenDel fileNameStr(sServer->GetPrefs()->GetStatsMonitorFileName()); ResizeableStringFormatter pathBuffer(NULL,0); pathBuffer.PutFilePath(&pathStr,&fileNameStr); pathBuffer.PutTerminator(); char* filePath = pathBuffer.GetBufPtr(); FILE* statusFile = ::fopen(filePath, "w"); char* theAttributeValue = NULL; int i; if (statusFile != NULL) { ::chmod(filePath, 0640); for ( i = 0; i < numHeaderLines; i++) { qtss_fprintf(statusFile, "%s\n",sPLISTHeader[i]); } qtss_fprintf(statusFile, "%s\n", sPlistStart); qtss_fprintf(statusFile, "%s\n", sDictStart); // show each element value for ( i = 0; i < numAttributes; i++) { (void)QTSS_GetValueAsString(sServer, QTSSModuleUtils::GetAttrID(sServer,sAttributes[i]), 0, &theAttributeValue); if (theAttributeValue != NULL) { qtss_fprintf(statusFile, sKey, sAttributes[i]); qtss_fprintf(statusFile, sValue, theAttributeValue); delete [] theAttributeValue; theAttributeValue = NULL; } } qtss_fprintf(statusFile, "%s\n", sDictEnd); qtss_fprintf(statusFile, "%s\n\n", sPlistEnd); ::fclose(statusFile); } lastServerState = theServerState; }
void CHttpCacheManager::ApplyCacheOverridesL(CRepository& aRepository, const TUint32& aSecIdInt, TBool& aCacheEnabled, TInt& aCacheSize, TBool& aOpCacheEnabled, TBool& aVssCacheEnabled, TDes& aPath, const TDesC& aDefaultDrive) { TDriveUnit drive(aDefaultDrive); // set defaults if(aSecIdInt == KUIDBROWSERNG) // for the browser, force use of Operator and VSS caches { aOpCacheEnabled = ETrue; aVssCacheEnabled = ETrue; } // read override string from centrep HBufC16 *overrideBuf = HBufC16::NewLC(64); TPtr overrideStr(overrideBuf->Des()); TInt strLen; TInt err = aRepository.Get(KCacheManagerHttpCacheProcessOverride, overrideStr, strLen); if(strLen > overrideBuf->Length()) { overrideBuf = overrideBuf->ReAllocL(strLen); // make sure cleanup stack contains correct pointer since ReAllocL always allocates a new des for larger space. CleanupStack::Pop(); CleanupStack::PushL(overrideBuf); // reassign the TPtr overrideStr.Set(overrideBuf->Des()); // pull in the whole string aRepository.Get(KCacheManagerHttpCacheProcessOverride, overrideStr, strLen); } // if we failed to load an override string, use the default. if( overrideStr.Length() == 0 ) { CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( overrideBuf ); overrideBuf = KDefaultOverrideString().AllocLC(); overrideStr.Set( overrideBuf->Des() ); } // Built in Lex likes white space to separate strings, but easier to enter with ; separators. Replace all ; with spaces. TInt pos=0; do{ if(overrideStr[pos] == ';') { overrideStr[pos] = ' '; } pos++; }while(pos < overrideStr.Length()); TLex overrideLex(overrideStr); do{ TUint32 tempId; User::LeaveIfError(overrideLex.BoundedVal(tempId,EHex,KMaxTUint32)); if(overrideLex.TokenLength() != 8) // if we're not pointing at an SID in the string, we are incorrect and the override is broken. User::Leave(KErrCorrupt); overrideLex.SkipSpace(); TInt32 tempCacheEnabled; User::LeaveIfError(overrideLex.BoundedVal(tempCacheEnabled,KMaxTInt32)); overrideLex.SkipSpace(); TInt32 tempCacheSize; User::LeaveIfError(overrideLex.BoundedVal(tempCacheSize,KMaxTInt32)); overrideLex.SkipSpace(); TDriveUnit tempDrive(overrideLex.NextToken()); overrideLex.SkipSpaceAndMark(); // found a hex SID matching ours, use the parameters. if(tempId == aSecIdInt) { aCacheEnabled = tempCacheEnabled; aCacheSize = tempCacheSize * 1024; // conf is in KB drive = tempDrive; break; } }while(!overrideLex.Eos()); // Modify drive letter on aPath to match TParsePtr parsePath(aPath); TPtrC pathStr(parsePath.Path()); TPath tempPath; tempPath.Format(_L("%c:%S"), TInt(drive)+'A', &pathStr); aPath.Copy(tempPath); HttpCacheUtil::EnsureTrailingSlash( aPath ); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(overrideBuf); }
bool ShinyFilesystemMediator::handleMessage( zmq::socket_t * sock, std::vector<zmq::message_t *> & msgList ) { zmq::message_t * fuseRoute = msgList[0]; zmq::message_t * blankMsg = msgList[1]; // Following the protocol (briefly) laid out in ShinyFuse.h; uint8_t type = parseTypeMsg(msgList[2]); switch( type ) { case ShinyFilesystemMediator::DESTROY: { // No actual response data, just sending response just to be polite sendACK( sock, fuseRoute ); // return false as we're signaling to mediator that it's time to die. >:} return false; } case ShinyFilesystemMediator::GETATTR: { // Let's actually get the data fuse wants! char * path = parseStringMsg( msgList[3] ); // If the node even exists; ShinyMetaNode * node = fs->findNode( path ); if( node ) { // we're just going to serialize it and send it on it's way! // Opportunity for zero-copy here! uint64_t len = node->serializedLen(); char * buff = new char[len]; node->serialize(buff); zmq::message_t ackMsg; buildTypeMsg( ShinyFilesystemMediator::ACK, &ackMsg ); zmq::message_t nodeTypeMsg; buildTypeMsg( node->getNodeType(), &nodeTypeMsg ); zmq::message_t nodeMsg; buildDataMsg( buff, len, &nodeMsg ); sendMessages( sock, 5, fuseRoute, blankMsg, &ackMsg, &nodeTypeMsg, &nodeMsg ); delete( buff ); } else sendNACK( sock, fuseRoute ); // cleanup after the parseStringMsg() delete( path ); break; } case ShinyFilesystemMediator::SETATTR: { char * path = parseStringMsg( msgList[3] ); ShinyMetaNode * node = fs->findNode( path ); if( node ) { const char * data = (const char *) msgList[4]->data(); // Apply the data to the node node->unserialize( &data ); // Send back ACK sendACK( sock, fuseRoute ); } else sendNACK( sock, fuseRoute ); delete( path ); break; } case ShinyFilesystemMediator::READDIR: { char * path = parseStringMsg( msgList[3] ); // If the node even exists; ShinyMetaNode * node = fs->findNode( path ); if( node && (node->getNodeType() == ShinyMetaNode::TYPE_DIR || node->getNodeType() == ShinyMetaNode::TYPE_ROOTDIR) ) { const std::vector<ShinyMetaNode *> * children = ((ShinyMetaDir *) node)->getNodes(); // Here is my crucible, to hold data to be pummeled out of the networking autocannon, ZMQ std::vector<zmq::message_t *> list( 1 + 1 + 1 + children->size() ); list[0] = fuseRoute; list[1] = blankMsg; zmq::message_t ackMsg; buildTypeMsg( ShinyFilesystemMediator::ACK, &ackMsg ); list[2] = &ackMsg; for( uint64_t i=0; i<children->size(); ++i ) { zmq::message_t * childMsg = new zmq::message_t(); buildStringMsg( (*children)[i]->getName(), childMsg ); list[3+i] = childMsg; } sendMessages( sock, list ); // Free up those childMsg structures and ackMsg while we're at it (ackMsg is list[1]) for( uint64_t i=3; i<list.size(); ++i ) { delete( list[i] ); } } else sendNACK( sock, fuseRoute ); // cleanup, cleanup everybody everywhere! delete( path ); break; } case ShinyFilesystemMediator::OPEN: { // Grab the path, shove it into an std::string for searching openFiles char * path = parseStringMsg( msgList[3] ); std::string pathStr( path ); // This is our file that we'll eventually send back, or not, if we can't find the file ShinyMetaNode * node = NULL; // First, make sure that there is not already an OpenFileInfo corresponding to this path: std::map<std::string, OpenFileInfo *>::iterator itty = this->openFiles.find( pathStr ); // If there isn't, let's get one! (if it exists) if( itty == this->openFiles.end() ) { node = fs->findNode( path ); if( node && node->getNodeType() == ShinyMetaNode::TYPE_FILE ) { // Create the new OpenFileInfo, initialize it to 1 opens, so only 1 close required to // flush this data out of the map OpenFileInfo * ofi = new OpenFileInfo(); ofi->file = (ShinyMetaFile *) node; ofi->opens = 1; // Aaaand, put it into the list! this->openFiles[pathStr] = ofi; } } else { // Check to make sure this guy isn't on death row 'cause of an unlink() if( !(*itty).second->shouldDelete ) { // Otherwise, it's in the list, so let's return the cached copy! node = (ShinyMetaNode *) (*itty).second->file; // Increment the number of times this file has been opened... (*itty).second->opens++; // If it was going to be closed, let's stop that from happening now (*itty).second->shouldClose = false; } } // If we were indeed able to find the file; write back an ACK, otherwise, NACK it up! if( node ) sendACK( sock, fuseRoute ); else sendNACK( sock, fuseRoute ); // Don't forget this too! delete( path ); break; } case ShinyFilesystemMediator::CLOSE: { // Grab the path, just like in open char * path = parseStringMsg( msgList[3] ); std::string pathStr( path ); // This time, we _only_ check openFiles std::map<std::string, OpenFileInfo *>::iterator itty = this->openFiles.find( pathStr ); // If it's there, if( itty != this->openFiles.end() ) { OpenFileInfo * ofi = (*itty).second; // decrement the opens! ofi->opens--; // Should we purge this ofi from the cache? if( ofi->opens == 0 ) { // If we are currently write locked, or we have reads ongoing, we must // wait 'till those are exuahsted, and so we will just mark ourselves as suicidal if( ofi->writeLocked || ofi->reads > 0 ) { // This will cause it to be closed once all READs and WRITEs are finished ofi->shouldClose = true; } else this->closeOFI( itty ); } // Aaaand, send an ACK, just for fun sendACK( sock, fuseRoute ); } else { // NACK! NACK I SAY! sendNACK( sock, fuseRoute ); } // You just gotta free it up, fre-fre-free it all up now, 'come on! delete( path ); break; } case ShinyFilesystemMediator::READREQ: case ShinyFilesystemMediator::WRITEREQ: case ShinyFilesystemMediator::TRUNCREQ: { // Grab the path, and the itty char * path = parseStringMsg( msgList[3] ); std::string pathStr( path ); std::map<std::string, OpenFileInfo *>::iterator itty = this->openFiles.find( pathStr ); // If it is in openFiles, if( itty != this->openFiles.end() ) { OpenFileInfo * ofi = (*itty).second; // first, we put it into our queue of file operations, zmq::message_t * savedRoute = new zmq::message_t(); savedRoute->copy( fuseRoute ); // Queue this request for later ofi->queuedFileOperations.push_back( QueuedFO( savedRoute, type ) ); // Then, we try to start up more file operations. the subroutine will check to see // if we actually can or not. It's amazing! Magical, even. this->startQueuedFO( sock, ofi ); } else sendNACK( sock, fuseRoute ); // darn all these paths. :P delete( path ); break; } case ShinyFilesystemMediator::READDONE: case ShinyFilesystemMediator::WRITEDONE: case ShinyFilesystemMediator::TRUNCDONE: { // Grab the path, and the itty char * path = parseStringMsg( msgList[3] ); std::string pathStr( path ); std::map<std::string, OpenFileInfo *>::iterator itty = this->openFiles.find( pathStr ); // If it is in openFiles, if( itty != this->openFiles.end() ) { OpenFileInfo * ofi = (*itty).second; if( type == ShinyFilesystemMediator::WRITEDONE || type == ShinyFilesystemMediator::TRUNCDONE ) { // We're not writelocked! (at least, util we start writing again. XD) ofi->writeLocked = false; } else if( type == ShinyFilesystemMediator::READDONE ) { // Decrease the number of concurrently running READS! ofi->reads--; } // Update the file with the serialized version sent back //LOG( "Updating %s due to a %s", path, (type == READDONE ? "READDONE" : (type == WRITEDONE ? "WRITEDONE" : "TRUNCDONE")) ); const char * data = (const char *) msgList[4]->data(); ofi->file->unserialize(&data); //delete( fs ); if( !ofi->writeLocked || ofi->reads == 0 ) { // Check to see if there's stuff queued, and if the conditions are right, start that queued stuff! if( !ofi->queuedFileOperations.empty() ) this->startQueuedFO( sock, ofi ); else { // If there is nothing queued, and we should close this file, CLOSE IT! if( ofi->shouldClose ) this->closeOFI( itty ); } } } delete( path ); break; } case ShinyFilesystemMediator::CREATEFILE: case ShinyFilesystemMediator::CREATEDIR: { // Grab the path, char * path = parseStringMsg( msgList[3] ); // See if the file already exists ShinyMetaNode * node = fs->findNode( path ); if( node ) { // If it does, I can't very well create a file here, now can I? sendNACK( sock, fuseRoute ); } else { // If not, check that the parent exists; ShinyMetaDir * parent = fs->findParentNode(path); if( !parent ) { // If it doesn't, send a NACK! sendNACK( sock, fuseRoute ); } else { // Otherwise, let's create the dir/file if( type == ShinyFilesystemMediator::CREATEFILE ) node = new ShinyMetaFile( ShinyMetaNode::basename( path ), parent ); else node = new ShinyMetaDir( ShinyMetaNode::basename( path), parent ); // If they have included it, set the permissions away from the defaults if( msgList.size() > 4 ) { uint16_t mode = *((uint16_t *) parseDataMsg( msgList[4] )); node->setPermissions( mode ); } // And send back an ACK sendACK( sock, fuseRoute ); } } delete( path ); break; } case ShinyFilesystemMediator::DELETE: { // Grab the path, char * path = parseStringMsg( msgList[3] ); // Check to make sure the file exists ShinyMetaNode * node = fs->findNode( path ); if( !node ) { // If it doesn'y, I can't very well delete it, can I? sendNACK( sock, fuseRoute ); } else { // Since it exists, let's make sure it's not open right now std::string pathStr( path ); std::map<std::string, OpenFileInfo *>::iterator itty = this->openFiles.find( pathStr ); // If it is open, queue the deletion for later if( itty != this->openFiles.end() ) { OpenFileInfo * ofi = (*itty).second; ofi->shouldDelete = true; } else { // Tell the db to delete him, if it's a file if( node->getNodeType() == ShinyMetaNode::TYPE_FILE ) ((ShinyMetaFile *)node)->setLen( 0 ); // actually delete the sucker delete( node ); } // AFFLACK. AFFFFFLAACK. sendACK( sock, fuseRoute ); } delete( path ); break; } case ShinyFilesystemMediator::RENAME: { // Grab the path, and the new path char * path = parseStringMsg( msgList[3] ); char * newPath = parseStringMsg( msgList[4] ); // Check that their parents actually exist ShinyMetaDir * oldParent = fs->findParentNode( path ); ShinyMetaDir * newParent = fs->findParentNode( newPath ); if( oldParent && newParent ) { // Now that we know the parents are real, find the child const char * oldName = ShinyMetaNode::basename( path ); const char * newName = ShinyMetaNode::basename( newPath ); ShinyMetaNode * node = oldParent->findNode( oldName ); if( node ) { // Check to make sure we need to move it at all if( oldParent != newParent ) { oldParent->delNode( node ); newParent->addNode( node ); } // Don't setName to the same thing we had before, lol if( strcmp( oldName, newName) != 0 ) node->setName( newName ); // Send an ACK, for a job well done sendACK( sock, fuseRoute ); } else { // We cannae faind tha node cap'n! sendNACK( sock, fuseRoute ); } } else { // Oh noes, we couldn't find oldParent or we couldn't find newParent! sendNACK( sock, fuseRoute ); } delete( path ); delete( newPath ); break; } case ShinyFilesystemMediator::CHMOD: { // Grab the path, and the new path char * path = parseStringMsg( msgList[3] ); uint16_t mode = *((uint16_t *) parseDataMsg( msgList[4] )); // Find node ShinyMetaNode * node = fs->findNode( path ); if( node ) { // Set the permissionse node->setPermissions( mode ); // ACK sendACK( sock, fuseRoute ); } else sendNACK( sock, fuseRoute ); delete( path ); break; } default: { WARN( "Unknown ShinyFuse message type! (%d) Sending NACK:", type ); sendNACK( sock, fuseRoute ); break; } } return true; }
static jlong loadNativeCode_native(JNIEnv* env, jobject clazz, jstring path, jstring funcName, jobject messageQueue, jstring internalDataDir, jstring obbDir, jstring externalDataDir, jint sdkVersion, jobject jAssetMgr, jbyteArray savedState, jobject classLoader, jstring libraryPath) { if (kLogTrace) { ALOGD("loadNativeCode_native"); } ScopedUtfChars pathStr(env, path); std::unique_ptr<NativeCode> code; bool needs_native_bridge = false; void* handle = OpenNativeLibrary(env, sdkVersion, pathStr.c_str(), classLoader, libraryPath, &needs_native_bridge, &g_error_msg); if (handle == nullptr) { ALOGW("NativeActivity LoadNativeLibrary(\"%s\") failed: %s", pathStr.c_str(), g_error_msg.c_str()); return 0; } void* funcPtr = NULL; const char* funcStr = env->GetStringUTFChars(funcName, NULL); if (needs_native_bridge) { funcPtr = NativeBridgeGetTrampoline(handle, funcStr, NULL, 0); } else { funcPtr = dlsym(handle, funcStr); } code.reset(new NativeCode(handle, (ANativeActivity_createFunc*)funcPtr)); env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(funcName, funcStr); if (code->createActivityFunc == NULL) { g_error_msg = needs_native_bridge ? NativeBridgeGetError() : dlerror(); ALOGW("ANativeActivity_onCreate not found: %s", g_error_msg.c_str()); return 0; } code->messageQueue = android_os_MessageQueue_getMessageQueue(env, messageQueue); if (code->messageQueue == NULL) { g_error_msg = "Unable to retrieve native MessageQueue"; ALOGW("%s", g_error_msg.c_str()); return 0; } int msgpipe[2]; if (pipe(msgpipe)) { g_error_msg = android::base::StringPrintf("could not create pipe: %s", strerror(errno)); ALOGW("%s", g_error_msg.c_str()); return 0; } code->mainWorkRead = msgpipe[0]; code->mainWorkWrite = msgpipe[1]; int result = fcntl(code->mainWorkRead, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK); SLOGW_IF(result != 0, "Could not make main work read pipe " "non-blocking: %s", strerror(errno)); result = fcntl(code->mainWorkWrite, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK); SLOGW_IF(result != 0, "Could not make main work write pipe " "non-blocking: %s", strerror(errno)); code->messageQueue->getLooper()->addFd( code->mainWorkRead, 0, ALOOPER_EVENT_INPUT, mainWorkCallback, code.get()); code->ANativeActivity::callbacks = &code->callbacks; if (env->GetJavaVM(&code->vm) < 0) { g_error_msg = "NativeActivity GetJavaVM failed"; ALOGW("%s", g_error_msg.c_str()); return 0; } code->env = env; code->clazz = env->NewGlobalRef(clazz); const char* dirStr = env->GetStringUTFChars(internalDataDir, NULL); code->internalDataPathObj = dirStr; code->internalDataPath = code->internalDataPathObj.string(); env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(internalDataDir, dirStr); if (externalDataDir != NULL) { dirStr = env->GetStringUTFChars(externalDataDir, NULL); code->externalDataPathObj = dirStr; env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(externalDataDir, dirStr); } code->externalDataPath = code->externalDataPathObj.string(); code->sdkVersion = sdkVersion; code->javaAssetManager = env->NewGlobalRef(jAssetMgr); code->assetManager = NdkAssetManagerForJavaObject(env, jAssetMgr); if (obbDir != NULL) { dirStr = env->GetStringUTFChars(obbDir, NULL); code->obbPathObj = dirStr; env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(obbDir, dirStr); } code->obbPath = code->obbPathObj.string(); jbyte* rawSavedState = NULL; jsize rawSavedSize = 0; if (savedState != NULL) { rawSavedState = env->GetByteArrayElements(savedState, NULL); rawSavedSize = env->GetArrayLength(savedState); } code->createActivityFunc(code.get(), rawSavedState, rawSavedSize); if (rawSavedState != NULL) { env->ReleaseByteArrayElements(savedState, rawSavedState, 0); } return (jlong)code.release(); }
void FSGetSplitPath(const char *path, UniString *pDrive, UniString *pDir, UniString *fileTitle, UniString *exeName) { UniString pathStr(path); FSGetSplitPath(pathStr, pDrive, pDir, fileTitle, exeName); }
JSObject* Library::Create(JSContext* cx, HandleValue path, const JSCTypesCallbacks* callbacks) { RootedObject libraryObj(cx, JS_NewObject(cx, &sLibraryClass)); if (!libraryObj) return nullptr; // initialize the library JS_SetReservedSlot(libraryObj, SLOT_LIBRARY, PrivateValue(nullptr)); // attach API functions if (!JS_DefineFunctions(cx, libraryObj, sLibraryFunctions)) return nullptr; if (!path.isString()) { JS_ReportErrorASCII(cx, "open takes a string argument"); return nullptr; } PRLibSpec libSpec; RootedFlatString pathStr(cx, JS_FlattenString(cx, path.toString())); if (!pathStr) return nullptr; AutoStableStringChars pathStrChars(cx); if (!pathStrChars.initTwoByte(cx, pathStr)) return nullptr; #ifdef XP_WIN // On Windows, converting to native charset may corrupt path string. // So, we have to use Unicode path directly. char16ptr_t pathChars = pathStrChars.twoByteChars(); libSpec.value.pathname_u = pathChars; libSpec.type = PR_LibSpec_PathnameU; #else // Convert to platform native charset if the appropriate callback has been // provided. char* pathBytes; if (callbacks && callbacks->unicodeToNative) { pathBytes = callbacks->unicodeToNative(cx, pathStrChars.twoByteChars(), pathStr->length()); if (!pathBytes) return nullptr; } else { // Fallback: assume the platform native charset is UTF-8. This is true // for Mac OS X, Android, and probably Linux. size_t nbytes = GetDeflatedUTF8StringLength(cx, pathStrChars.twoByteChars(), pathStr->length()); if (nbytes == (size_t) -1) return nullptr; pathBytes = static_cast<char*>(JS_malloc(cx, nbytes + 1)); if (!pathBytes) return nullptr; ASSERT_OK(DeflateStringToUTF8Buffer(cx, pathStrChars.twoByteChars(), pathStr->length(), pathBytes, &nbytes)); pathBytes[nbytes] = 0; } libSpec.value.pathname = pathBytes; libSpec.type = PR_LibSpec_Pathname; #endif PRLibrary* library = PR_LoadLibraryWithFlags(libSpec, PR_LD_NOW); #ifndef XP_WIN JS_free(cx, pathBytes); #endif if (!library) { #define MAX_ERROR_LEN 1024 char error[MAX_ERROR_LEN] = "Cannot get error from NSPR."; uint32_t errorLen = PR_GetErrorTextLength(); if (errorLen && errorLen < MAX_ERROR_LEN) PR_GetErrorText(error); #undef MAX_ERROR_LEN if (JS::StringIsASCII(error)) { JSAutoByteString pathCharsUTF8; if (pathCharsUTF8.encodeUtf8(cx, pathStr)) JS_ReportErrorUTF8(cx, "couldn't open library %s: %s", pathCharsUTF8.ptr(), error); } else { JSAutoByteString pathCharsLatin1; if (pathCharsLatin1.encodeLatin1(cx, pathStr)) JS_ReportErrorLatin1(cx, "couldn't open library %s: %s", pathCharsLatin1.ptr(), error); } return nullptr; } // stash the library JS_SetReservedSlot(libraryObj, SLOT_LIBRARY, PrivateValue(library)); return libraryObj; }
wxArrayString FSOExecutable::GetBinariesFromRootFolder(const wxFileName& path, const wxString& globPattern, bool quiet) { wxArrayString files; // Check args because this function gets crap tossed at it to validate wxString pathStr(path.GetPath()); if (pathStr.IsEmpty()) { wxLogInfo(wxT("GetBinaries called with empty root folder")); return files; } wxDir folder(pathStr); if (!folder.IsOpened()) { wxLogInfo(wxT("GetBinaries called on '%s' which cannot be opened"), pathStr.c_str()); return files; } wxString filename; #if IS_APPLE // Binaries are directories on OSX. bool cont = folder.GetFirst(&filename, globPattern, wxDIR_DIRS); #else bool cont = folder.GetFirst(&filename, globPattern, wxDIR_FILES); #endif while (cont) { #if IS_LINUX if ( !IsFileToIgnore(filename) ) { #endif files.Add(filename); #if IS_LINUX } #endif cont = folder.GetNext(&filename); } // filter out launcher binaries (at least on OSX) for (int i = files.GetCount() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { if (files[i].Lower().Find(_T("launcher")) != wxNOT_FOUND) { files.RemoveAt(i); } } #if IS_APPLE // find actual (Unix) executable inside .app bundle and call the path to it the "executable" for (wxArrayString::iterator it = files.begin(), end = files.end(); it != end; ++it) { wxString pathToBin = wxDir::FindFirst(path.GetPath(wxPATH_GET_SEPARATOR) + *it + _T("/Contents/MacOS"), _T("*"), wxDIR_FILES); pathToBin.Replace(path.GetPath(wxPATH_GET_SEPARATOR), _T("")); *it = pathToBin; } #endif if (!quiet) { wxString execType = globPattern.Lower().Find(_T("fred")) == wxNOT_FOUND ? _T("FS2") : _T("FRED2"); wxLogInfo(_T(" Found %d %s Open executables in '%s'"), files.GetCount(), execType.c_str(), path.GetPath().c_str()); for (size_t i = 0, n = files.GetCount(); i < n; ++i) { wxLogDebug(_T("Found executable: %s"), files.Item(i).c_str()); } } return files; }
DirPath get_data_dir(){ wxString pathStr(get_faint_dir_wx().GetFullPath()); pathStr.Replace("\\", "/"); return DirPath(pathStr); }
/* ============= MD5Model::ValidMD5MeshExtension Checks if the path ends with md5mesh ============= */ bool MD5Model::ValidMD5MeshExtension( const char* path ) { std::string pathStr( path ); return ( pathStr.length() > 7 && pathStr.substr( pathStr.length() - 7, 7 ).compare( "md5mesh" ) == 0 ); }