Beispiel #1
static void enkf_fs_init_path_fmt( enkf_fs_type * fs) {
    Installing the path_fmt instances for the storage of arbitrary files.
  fs->case_fmt              = path_fmt_alloc_directory_fmt( DEFAULT_CASE_PATH );
  fs->case_member_fmt       = path_fmt_alloc_directory_fmt( DEFAULT_CASE_MEMBER_PATH );
  fs->case_tstep_fmt        = path_fmt_alloc_directory_fmt( DEFAULT_CASE_TSTEP_PATH );
  fs->case_tstep_member_fmt = path_fmt_alloc_directory_fmt( DEFAULT_CASE_TSTEP_MEMBER_PATH );

Beispiel #2
time_map_type * enkf_fs_alloc_readonly_time_map( const char * mount_point ) {
  path_fmt_type * path_fmt = path_fmt_alloc_directory_fmt( DEFAULT_CASE_PATH );
  char * filename = path_fmt_alloc_file( path_fmt , false , mount_point , TIME_MAP_FILE);

  time_map_type * time_map = time_map_fread_alloc_readonly( filename );

  path_fmt_free( path_fmt );
  free( filename );
  return time_map;
Beispiel #3
void model_config_add_runpath( model_config_type * model_config , const char * path_key , const char * fmt) {
  path_fmt_type * path_fmt = path_fmt_alloc_directory_fmt( fmt );
  hash_insert_hash_owned_ref( model_config->runpath_map , path_key , path_fmt , path_fmt_free__ );