Beispiel #1
static inline int  pb_decode_tag(pb_field_t *f)
    if (pb_decode_varint(f))
        if(f->left == 0)
            f->eom = 1; // signal end-of-message
        return -1;

    if (f->val.i64 == 0)
        f->eom = 1; // Allow 0-terminated messages.
        PB_RETURN_ERROR(f, -2, "0-terminated msg");

    f->tag = f->val.i64 >> 3;
    f->type = (pb_wire_type_t)(f->val.i32 & 7);

    DBGOUT("tag %u, type %u\n", f->tag, f->type);
    switch (f->type)
        case PB_WT_VARINT: return pb_decode_varint(f);
        case PB_WT_FIXED64: return pb_decode_fixed64(f);
        case PB_WT_STRING: return pb_decode_string(f);
        case PB_WT_FIXED32: return pb_decode_fixed32(f);
        default: PB_RETURN_ERROR(f, -3, "invalid wire_type");

    return 0;
static bool read_fixed32(pb_istream_t *stream, const pb_field_t *field, void **arg)
    uint32_t value;
    if (!pb_decode_fixed32(stream, &value))
        return false;

    TEST(value == *(uint32_t*)*arg);
    return true;
static bool read_repeated_fixed32(pb_istream_t *stream, const pb_field_t *field, void **arg)
    uint32_t** expected = (uint32_t**)arg;
    uint32_t value;
    if (!pb_decode_fixed32(stream, &value))
        return false;

    TEST(*(*expected)++ == value);
    return true;
Beispiel #4
bool print_container(pb_istream_t *stream)
    uint64_t type, msgtype;
    uint32_t length, tag;
    pb_wire_type_t wiretype;
    bool eof;

    // decode the type tag
    if (!pb_decode_tag(stream, &wiretype, &tag, &eof))  {
	printf("Parsing tag#1 failed: %s\n", PB_GET_ERROR(stream));

    if (!pb_decode_varint(stream, &type)) {
	printf("Parsing required type field#1 failed: %s\n", PB_GET_ERROR(stream));

    if (!pb_decode_tag(stream, &wiretype, &tag, &eof))  {
	printf("Parsing tag#2 failed: %s\n", PB_GET_ERROR(stream));
    assert(tag == 1);      // tag number of length field
    assert(wiretype == 5); // encoding of length field = fixed32

    if (!pb_decode_fixed32(stream, &length)) {
	printf("Parsing field#1 failed: %s\n", PB_GET_ERROR(stream));
    printf("wiretype=%d tag=%d fixed32=%d (total message length)\n",
	   wiretype, tag, length);

    if (!pb_decode_tag(stream, &wiretype, &tag, &eof))  {
	printf("Parsing tag#2 failed: %s\n", PB_GET_ERROR(stream));
    assert(tag == 2);           // tag number of type field
    assert(wiretype == 0);      // encoding of length field = varint

    if (!pb_decode_varint(stream, &msgtype)) {
	printf("Parsing field#2 failed: %s\n", PB_GET_ERROR(stream));
    printf("wiretype=%d tag=%d varint=%llu (msgtype)\n", wiretype, tag, msgtype);

    // the actual message follows.
    // It is a submessage encoded in length-delimited format
    if (!pb_decode_tag(stream, &wiretype, &tag, &eof))  {
	printf("Parsing tag#3 failed: %s\n", PB_GET_ERROR(stream));
    printf("wiretype=%d tag=%d (submessage type)\n", wiretype, tag);
    assert(wiretype == 2); // length-delimited format

    printf("submessage: %s NML; %s Motion\n",
	   is_NML_container(tag) ? "is" : "not",
	   is_Motion_container(tag) ? "is" : "not");

    // decoding the submessage left as exercise
    return true;