Beispiel #1
_papi_libpfm_ntv_name_to_code( char *name, unsigned int *event_code )
	pfmlib_event_t event;
	unsigned int i;
	int ret;

	SUBDBG( "pfm_find_full_event(%s,%p)\n", name, &event );
	ret = pfm_find_full_event( name, &event );
	if ( ret == PFMLIB_SUCCESS ) {
		SUBDBG( "Full event name found\n" );
		/* we can only capture PAPI_NATIVE_UMASK_MAX or fewer masks */
		if ( event.num_masks > PAPI_NATIVE_UMASK_MAX ) {
			SUBDBG( "num_masks (%d) > max masks (%d)\n", event.num_masks,
			return PAPI_ENOEVNT;
		} else {
			/* no mask index can exceed PAPI_NATIVE_UMASK_MAX */
			for ( i = 0; i < event.num_masks; i++ ) {
				if ( event.unit_masks[i] > PAPI_NATIVE_UMASK_MAX ) {
					SUBDBG( "mask index (%d) > max masks (%d)\n",
							event.unit_masks[i], PAPI_NATIVE_UMASK_MAX );
					return PAPI_ENOEVNT;
			*event_code =
				encode_native_event( event.event, event.num_masks,
									 event.unit_masks );
			return PAPI_OK;
	} else if ( ret == PFMLIB_ERR_UMASK ) {
		SUBDBG( "UMASK error, looking for base event only\n" );
		ret = pfm_find_event( name, &event.event );
		if ( ret == PFMLIB_SUCCESS ) {
			*event_code = encode_native_event( event.event, 0, 0 );
			return PAPI_EATTR;
main(int argc, char **argv)
	char **p;
	int i, ret;
	pid_t pid = getpid();
	pfmlib_param_t evt;
	pfarg_reg_t pd[NUM_PMDS];
	pfarg_context_t ctx[1];
	pfmlib_options_t pfmlib_options;

	 * Initialize pfm library (required before we can use it)
	if (pfm_initialize() != PFMLIB_SUCCESS) {
		printf("Can't initialize library\n");
	 * check that the user did not specify too many events
	if (argc-1 > pfm_get_num_counters()) {
		printf("Too many events specified\n");

	 * pass options to library (optional)
	memset(&pfmlib_options, 0, sizeof(pfmlib_options));
	pfmlib_options.pfm_debug = 0; /* set to 1 for debug */

	memset(pd, 0, sizeof(pd));
	memset(ctx, 0, sizeof(ctx));

	 * prepare parameters to library. we don't use any Itanium
	 * specific features here. so the pfp_model is NULL.
	memset(&evt,0, sizeof(evt));

	 * be nice to user!
	p = argc > 1 ? argv+1 : event_list;
	for (i=0; *p ; i++, p++) {
		if (pfm_find_event(*p, &evt.pfp_events[i].event) != PFMLIB_SUCCESS) {
			fatal_error("Cannot find %s event\n", *p);

	 * set the default privilege mode for all counters:
	 * 	PFM_PLM3 : user level only
	evt.pfp_dfl_plm   = PFM_PLM3; 

	 * how many counters we use
	evt.pfp_event_count = i;

	 * let the library figure out the values for the PMCS
	if ((ret=pfm_dispatch_events(&evt)) != PFMLIB_SUCCESS) {
		fatal_error("cannot configure events: %s\n", pfm_strerror(ret));
	 * for this example, we have decided not to get notified
	 * on counter overflows and the monitoring is not to be inherited
	 * in derived tasks.
	ctx[0].ctx_flags = PFM_FL_INHERIT_NONE;

	 * now create the context for self monitoring/per-task
	if (perfmonctl(pid, PFM_CREATE_CONTEXT, ctx, 1) == -1 ) {
		if (errno == ENOSYS) {
			fatal_error("Your kernel does not have performance monitoring support!\n");
		fatal_error("Can't create PFM context %s\n", strerror(errno));
	 * Must be done before any PMD/PMD calls (unfreeze PMU). Initialize
	 * PMC/PMD to safe values. psr.up is cleared.
	if (perfmonctl(pid, PFM_ENABLE, NULL, 0) == -1) {
		fatal_error("perfmonctl error PFM_ENABLE errno %d\n",errno);

	 * Now prepare the argument to initialize the PMDs.
	 * the memset(pd) initialized the entire array to zero already, so
	 * we just have to fill in the register numbers from the pc[] array.
	for (i=0; i < evt.pfp_event_count; i++) {
		pd[i].reg_num = evt.pfp_pc[i].reg_num;
	 * Now program the registers
	 * We don't use the save variable to indicate the number of elements passed to
	 * the kernel because, as we said earlier, pc may contain more elements than
	 * the number of events we specified, i.e., contains more thann coutning monitors.
	if (perfmonctl(pid, PFM_WRITE_PMCS, evt.pfp_pc, evt.pfp_pc_count) == -1) {
		fatal_error("perfmonctl error PFM_WRITE_PMCS errno %d\n",errno);
	if (perfmonctl(pid, PFM_WRITE_PMDS, pd, evt.pfp_event_count) == -1) {
		{int i; for(i=0; i < evt.pfp_event_count; i++) printf("pmd%d: 0x%x\n", i, pd[i].reg_flags);}
		fatal_error("perfmonctl error PFM_WRITE_PMDS errno %d\n",errno);

	 * Let's roll now



	 * now read the results
	if (perfmonctl(pid, PFM_READ_PMDS, pd, evt.pfp_event_count) == -1) {
		fatal_error( "perfmonctl error READ_PMDS errno %d\n",errno);
		return -1;
	 * print the results
	 * It is important to realize, that the first event we specified may not
	 * be in PMD4. Not all events can be measured by any monitor. That's why
	 * we need to use the pc[] array to figure out where event i was allocated.
	for (i=0; i < evt.pfp_event_count; i++) {
		char *name;
		pfm_get_event_name(evt.pfp_events[i].event, &name);
		printf("PMD%u %20lu %s\n", 
	 * let's stop this now
	if (perfmonctl(pid, PFM_DESTROY_CONTEXT, NULL, 0) == -1) {
		fatal_error( "child: perfmonctl error PFM_DESTROY errno %d\n",errno);

	return 0;