Beispiel #1
 * @brief Starts autonav.
void player_autonavStart (void)
   /* Not under manual control or disabled. */
   if (pilot_isFlag( player.p, PILOT_MANUAL_CONTROL ) ||

   if ((player.p->nav_hyperspace == -1) && (player.p->nav_planet== -1))
   else if ((player.p->nav_planet != -1) && !player_getHypPreempt()) {
      player_autonavPnt( cur_system->planets[ player.p->nav_planet ]->name );

   if (player.p->fuel < player.p->fuel_consumption) {
      player_message(_("\arNot enough fuel to jump for autonav."));

   if (pilot_isFlag( player.p, PILOT_NOJUMP)) {
      player_message(_("\arHyperspace drive is offline."));

   if (!player_autonavSetup())

   player.autonav = AUTONAV_JUMP_APPROACH;
Beispiel #2
 * @brief Aborts autonav.
 *    @param reason Human-readable string describing abort condition.
void player_autonavAbort( const char *reason )
   /* No point if player is beyond aborting. */
   if ((player.p==NULL) || pilot_isFlag(player.p, PILOT_HYPERSPACE))

   /* Cooldown (handled later) may be script-initiated and we don't
    * want to make it player-abortable while under manual control. */
   if (pilot_isFlag( player.p, PILOT_MANUAL_CONTROL ))

   if (player_isFlag(PLAYER_AUTONAV)) {
      if (reason != NULL)
         player_message(_("\arAutonav aborted: %s!"), reason);
         player_message(_("\arAutonav aborted!"));

      /* Get rid of acceleration. */

      /* Break possible hyperspacing. */
      if (pilot_isFlag(player.p, PILOT_HYP_PREP)) {
         player_message(_("\apAborting hyperspace sequence."));

      /* Reset time compression. */
Beispiel #3
Datei: comm.c Projekt: zid/naev
 * @brief Opens the communication dialogue with a pilot.
 *    @param pilot Pilot to communicate with.
 *    @return 0 on success.
int comm_openPilot( unsigned int pilot )
   const char *msg;
   unsigned int wid;

   /* Get the pilot. */
   comm_pilot = pilot_get( pilot );
   if (comm_pilot == NULL)
      return -1;
   /* Must not be disabled. */
   if (pilot_isFlag(comm_pilot, PILOT_DISABLED)) {
      player_message("%s does not respond.", comm_pilot->name);
      return 0;

   /* Check to see if pilot wants to communicate. */
   msg = comm_getString( "comm_no" );   
   if (msg != NULL) {
      player_message( msg );
      return 0;

   /* Set up for the comm_get* functions. */
   ai_setPilot( comm_pilot );

   /* Create the generic comm window. */
   wid = comm_open( ship_loadCommGFX( comm_pilot->ship ),
         pilot_isHostile(comm_pilot) ? -1 : pilot_isFriendly(comm_pilot) ? 1 : 0,
         pilot_isFlag(comm_pilot, PILOT_BRIBED),
         comm_pilot->name );

   /* Add special buttons. */
   window_addButton( wid, -20, 20 + BUTTON_HEIGHT + 20,
         BUTTON_WIDTH, BUTTON_HEIGHT, "btnGreet", "Greet", NULL );
   if (!pilot_isFlag(comm_pilot, PILOT_BRIBED) && /* Not already bribed. */
         ((faction_getPlayer( comm_pilot->faction ) < 0) || /* Hostile. */
      window_addButton( wid, -20, 20 + 2*BUTTON_HEIGHT + 40,
            BUTTON_WIDTH, BUTTON_HEIGHT, "btnBribe", "Bribe", comm_bribePilot );
      window_addButton( wid, -20, 20 + 2*BUTTON_HEIGHT + 40,
            BUTTON_WIDTH, BUTTON_HEIGHT, "btnRequest",
            "Refuel", comm_requestFuel );

   /* Run hooks if needed. */
   pilot_runHook( comm_pilot, PILOT_HOOK_HAIL );

   return 0;
Beispiel #4
 * @brief Updates the pilot stats after mass change.
 *    @param pilot Pilot to update his mass.
void pilot_updateMass( Pilot *pilot )
   double mass, factor;

   /* Set limit. */
   mass = pilot->solid->mass;
   if ((pilot->stats.engine_limit > 0.) && (mass > pilot->stats.engine_limit))
      factor = pilot->stats.engine_limit / mass;
      factor = 1.;

   pilot->thrust  = factor * pilot->thrust_base * mass;
   pilot->turn    = factor * pilot->turn_base;
   pilot->speed   = factor * pilot->speed_base;

/* limit the maximum speed if limiter is active */
   if (pilot_isFlag(pilot, PILOT_HASSPEEDLIMIT)) {
      pilot->speed = pilot->speed_limit - pilot->thrust / (mass * 3.);
      /* Sanity: speed must never go negative. */
      if (pilot->speed < 0.) {
         /* If speed DOES go negative, we have to lower thrust. */
         pilot->thrust = 3 * pilot->speed_limit * mass;
         pilot->speed = 0.;
   /* Need to recalculate electronic warfare mass change. */
   pilot_ewUpdateStatic( pilot );
Beispiel #5
 * @brief Has a pilot attempt to board another pilot.
 *    @param p Pilot doing the boarding.
 *    @return 1 if target was boarded.
int pilot_board( Pilot *p )
   Pilot *target;

   /* Make sure target is sane. */
   target = pilot_get(p->target);
   if (target == NULL) {
      return 0;

   /* Check if can board. */
   if (!pilot_isDisabled(target))
      return 0;
   else if (vect_dist(&p->solid->pos, &target->solid->pos) >
         target->ship->gfx_space->sw * PILOT_SIZE_APROX )
      return 0;
   else if ((pow2(VX(p->solid->vel)-VX(target->solid->vel)) +
            pow2(VY(p->solid->vel)-VY(target->solid->vel))) >
      return 0;
   else if (pilot_isFlag(target,PILOT_BOARDED))
      return 0;

   /* Set the boarding flag. */
   pilot_setFlag(target, PILOT_BOARDED);
   pilot_setFlag(p, PILOT_BOARDING);

   /* Set time it takes to board. */
   p->ptimer = 3.;

   return 1;
Beispiel #6
 * @brief Handles input to the map overlay.
int ovr_input( SDL_Event *event )
   int mx, my;
   double x, y;

   /* We only want mouse events. */
   if (event->type != SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN)
      return 0;

   /* Player must not be NULL. */
   if (player_isFlag(PLAYER_DESTROYED) || (player.p == NULL))
      return 0;

   /* Player must not be dead. */
   if (pilot_isFlag(player.p, PILOT_DEAD))
      return 0;

   /* Mouse targeting only uses left and right buttons. */
   if (event->button.button != SDL_BUTTON_LEFT &&
            event->button.button != SDL_BUTTON_RIGHT)
      return 0;

   /* Translate from window to screen. */
   mx = event->button.x;
   my = event->button.y;
   gl_windowToScreenPos( &mx, &my, mx, my );

   /* Translate to space coords. */
   x  = ((double)mx - SCREEN_W/2.) * ovr_res;
   y  = ((double)my - SCREEN_H/2.) * ovr_res;

   return input_clickPos( event, x, y, 1., 10. * ovr_res, 15. * ovr_res );
Beispiel #7
 * @brief Disables a given active outfit.
 * @param p Pilot whose outfit we are disabling.
 * @return Whether the outfit was actually disabled.
int pilot_outfitOff( Pilot *p, PilotOutfitSlot *o )
   double c;

   /* Must not be disabled or cooling down. */
   if ((pilot_isDisabled(p)) || (pilot_isFlag(p, PILOT_COOLDOWN)))
      return 0;

   if (outfit_isAfterburner( o->outfit )) /* Afterburners */
      pilot_afterburnOver( p );
   else if (outfit_isBeam( o->outfit )) {
      /* Beams use stimer to represent minimum time until shutdown. */
      o->stimer = -1;
   else {
      c = outfit_cooldown( o->outfit );
      if (o->stimer != INFINITY)
         o->stimer = c - (c * o->stimer / outfit_duration( o->outfit ));
         o->stimer = c;
      o->state  = PILOT_OUTFIT_COOLDOWN;

   return 1;
Beispiel #8
Datei: menu.c Projekt: zid/naev
 * @brief Opens the small ingame menu.
void menu_small (void)
   unsigned int wid;

   /* Check if menu should be openable. */
   if ((player == NULL) || player_isFlag(PLAYER_DESTROYED) ||
         pilot_isFlag(player,PILOT_DEAD) ||
         comm_isOpen() ||
         dialogue_isOpen() || /* Shouldn't open over dialogues. */
         (menu_isOpen(MENU_MAIN) ||
            menu_isOpen(MENU_SMALL) ||
            menu_isOpen(MENU_DEATH) ))

   wid = window_create( "Menu", -1, -1, MENU_WIDTH, MENU_HEIGHT );

   window_setCancel( wid, menu_small_close );

   window_addButton( wid, 20, 20 + BUTTON_HEIGHT*2 + 20*2,
         "btnResume", "Resume", menu_small_close );
   window_addButton( wid, 20, 20 + BUTTON_HEIGHT + 20,
         "btnOptions", "Options", menu_options_button );
   window_addButton( wid, 20, 20, BUTTON_WIDTH, BUTTON_HEIGHT, 
         "btnExit", "Exit", menu_small_exit );

Beispiel #9
 * @fn void player_board (void)
 * @brief Attempt to board the player's target.
 * Creates the window on success.
void player_board (void)
   Pilot *p;
   unsigned int wdw;
   char c;
   HookParam hparam[2];

   if (player.p->target==PLAYER_ID) {
      /* We don't try to find far away targets, only nearest and see if it matches.
       * However, perhaps looking for first boardable target within a certain range
       * could be more interesting. */
      p = pilot_get(player.p->target);
      if ((!pilot_isDisabled(p) && !pilot_isFlag(p,PILOT_BOARDABLE)) ||
            pilot_isFlag(p,PILOT_NOBOARD)) {
         player_message("\erYou need a target to board first!");
Beispiel #10
 * @brief Check to see if a pilot is in sensor range of another.
 *    @param p Pilot who is trying to check to see if other is in sensor range.
 *    @param target Target of p to check to see if is in sensor range.
 *    @return 1 if they are in range, 0 if they aren't and -1 if they are detected fuzzily.
int pilot_inRangePilot( const Pilot *p, const Pilot *target )
   double d, sense;

   /* Special case player or omni-visible. */
   if ((pilot_isPlayer(p) && pilot_isFlag(target, PILOT_VISPLAYER)) ||
         pilot_isFlag(target, PILOT_VISIBLE))
      return 1;

   /* Get distance. */
   d = vect_dist2( &p->solid->pos, &target->solid->pos );

   sense = sensor_curRange * p->ew_detect;
   if (d * target->ew_evasion < sense)
      return 1;
   else if  (d * target->ew_hide < sense)
      return -1;

   return 0;
Beispiel #11
 * @brief Runs an escort command on all of a pilot's escorts.
 *    @param parent Pilot who is giving orders.
 *    @param cmd Order to give.
 *    @param param Parameter for order.
 *    @return 0 on success, 1 if no orders given.
static int escort_command( Pilot *parent, int cmd, int param )
   int i, n;
   lua_State *L;
   Pilot *e;
   char *buf;

   if (parent->nescorts == 0)
      return 1;

   n = 0;
   for (i=0; i<parent->nescorts; i++) {
      e = pilot_get( parent->escorts[i] );
      if (e == NULL) /* Most likely died. */

      /* Check if command makes sense. */
      if ((cmd == ESCORT_RETURN) && !pilot_isFlag(e, PILOT_CARRIED))

      n++; /* Amount of escorts left. */

      /* Prepare ai. */
      ai_setPilot( e );

      /* Set up stack. */
      L = e->ai->L;
      switch (cmd) {
         case ESCORT_ATTACK:
            buf = "e_attack";
         case ESCORT_HOLD:
            buf = "e_hold";
         case ESCORT_RETURN:
            buf = "e_return";
         case ESCORT_CLEAR:
            buf = "e_clear";
      lua_getglobal(L, buf);
      if (param >= 0)
         lua_pushnumber(L, param);

      /* Run command. */
      if (lua_pcall(L, (param >= 0) ? 1 : 0, 0, 0))
         WARN("Pilot '%s' ai -> '%s': %s", e->name,
               buf, lua_tostring(L,-1));

   return !n;
Beispiel #12
 * @brief Aborts regular interstellar autonav, but not in-system autonav.
 *    @param reason Human-readable string describing abort condition.
void player_autonavAbortJump( const char *reason )
   /* No point if player is beyond aborting. */
   if ((player.p==NULL) || pilot_isFlag(player.p, PILOT_HYPERSPACE))

   if (!player_isFlag(PLAYER_AUTONAV) || ((player.autonav != AUTONAV_JUMP_APPROACH) &&
         (player.autonav != AUTONAV_JUMP_BRAKE)))

   /* It's definitely not in-system autonav. */
Beispiel #13
 * @brief Starts autonav.
void player_autonavStart (void)
   /* Not under manual control. */
   if (pilot_isFlag( player.p, PILOT_MANUAL_CONTROL ))

   if (player.p->nav_hyperspace == -1)

   if (player.p->fuel < HYPERSPACE_FUEL) {
      player_message("\erNot enough fuel to jump for autonav.");
Beispiel #14
 * @brief Disables a given active outfit.
 * @param p Pilot whose outfit we are disabling.
 * @return Whether the outfit was actually disabled.
int pilot_outfitOff( Pilot *p, PilotOutfitSlot *o )
   /* Must not be disabled or cooling down. */
   if ((pilot_isDisabled(p)) || (pilot_isFlag(p, PILOT_COOLDOWN)))
      return 0;

   if (outfit_isAfterburner( o->outfit )) /* Afterburners */
      pilot_afterburnOver( p );
   else {
      o->stimer = outfit_cooldown( o->outfit );
      o->state  = PILOT_OUTFIT_COOLDOWN;

   return 1;
Beispiel #15
 * @brief Checks whether the speed should be reset due to damage or missile locks.
 *    @return 1 if the speed should be reset.
int player_autonavShouldResetSpeed (void)
   double failpc, shield, armour;
   int i, n;
   Pilot **pstk;
   int hostiles, will_reset;

   if (!player_isFlag(PLAYER_AUTONAV))
      return 0;

   hostiles   = 0;
   will_reset = 0;

   failpc = conf.autonav_reset_speed;
   shield = player.p->shield / player.p->shield_max;
   armour = player.p->armour / player.p->armour_max;

   pstk = pilot_getAll( &n );
   for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
      if ((pstk[i]->id != PLAYER_ID) && pilot_isHostile( pstk[i] ) &&
            pilot_inRangePilot( player.p, pstk[i] ) &&
            !pilot_isDisabled( pstk[i] ) &&
            !pilot_isFlag( pstk[i], PILOT_BRIBED )) {
         hostiles = 1;

   if (hostiles) {
      if (failpc > .995) {
         will_reset = 1;
         player.autonav_timer = MAX( player.autonav_timer, 0. );
      else if ((shield < lasts && shield < failpc) || armour < lasta) {
         will_reset = 1;
         player.autonav_timer = MAX( player.autonav_timer, 2. );

   lasts = shield;
   lasta = armour;

   if (will_reset || (player.autonav_timer > 0)) {
      return 1;
   return 0;
Beispiel #16
 * @brief Starts autonav.
void player_autonavStart (void)
   /* Not under manual control. */
   if (pilot_isFlag( player.p, PILOT_MANUAL_CONTROL ))

   if ((player.p->nav_hyperspace == -1) && (player.p->nav_planet== -1))
   else if ((player.p->nav_planet != -1) && !player_getHypPreempt()) {
      player_autonavPnt( cur_system->planets[ player.p->nav_planet ]->name );

   if (player.p->fuel < player.p->fuel_consumption) {
      player_message("\erNot enough fuel to jump for autonav.");
Beispiel #17
 * @brief Performs an appropriate action when a pilot is clicked.
 *    @param pilot Index of the pilot.
 *    @return Whether the click was used.
int input_clickedPilot( unsigned int pilot )
   Pilot *p;

   if (pilot == PLAYER_ID)
      return 0;

   p = pilot_get(pilot);
   if (pilot == player.p->target && input_isDoubleClick( (void*)p )) {
      if (pilot_isDisabled(p) || pilot_isFlag(p, PILOT_BOARDABLE))
      player_targetSet( pilot );

   input_clicked( (void*)p );
   return 1;
Beispiel #18
 * @brief Makes the pilot shoot.
 *    @param p The pilot which is shooting.
 *    @param level Level of the shot.
 *    @return The number of shots fired.
int pilot_shoot( Pilot* p, int level )
   PilotWeaponSet *ws;
   int ret;

   /* Get active set. */
   ws = pilot_weapSet( p, p->active_set );

   /* Fire weapons. */
   if (ws->type == WEAPSET_TYPE_CHANGE) { /* Must be a change set or a weaponset. */
      ret = pilot_weapSetFire( p, ws, level );

      /* Firing weapons aborts active cooldown. */
      if (pilot_isFlag(p, PILOT_COOLDOWN) && ret)
         pilot_cooldownEnd(p, NULL);

      return ret;

   return 0;
Beispiel #19
 * @brief Updates the pilot's weapon sets.
 *    @param p Pilot to update.
void pilot_weapSetUpdate( Pilot* p )
   PilotWeaponSet *ws;
   int i;

   /* Must not be doing hyperspace procedures. */
   if (pilot_isFlag( p, PILOT_HYP_BEGIN))

   for (i=0; i<PILOT_WEAPON_SETS; i++) {
      ws = &p->weapon_sets[i];
      if (ws->slots == NULL)

      /* Weapons must get "fired" every turn. */
      if (ws->type == WEAPSET_TYPE_WEAPON) {
         if (ws->active)
            pilot_weapSetFire( p, ws, -1 );
Beispiel #20
 * @brief Prepares the player to enter autonav.
 *    @return 1 on success, 0 on failure (disabled, etc.)
static int player_autonavSetup (void)
   /* Not under manual control or disabled. */
   if (pilot_isFlag( player.p, PILOT_MANUAL_CONTROL ) ||
      return 0;

   /* Autonav is mutually-exclusive with other autopilot methods. */
   player_restoreControl( PINPUT_AUTONAV, NULL );

   player_message(_("\apAutonav initialized."));
   if (!player_isFlag(PLAYER_AUTONAV)) {

      tc_base   = player_isFlag(PLAYER_DOUBLESPEED) ? 2. : 1.;
      tc_mod    = tc_base;
      if (conf.compression_mult >= 1.)
         player.tc_max = MIN( conf.compression_velocity / solid_maxspeed(player.p->solid, player.p->speed, player.p->thrust), conf.compression_mult );
         player.tc_max = conf.compression_velocity /
               solid_maxspeed(player.p->solid, player.p->speed, player.p->thrust);

      /* Safe cap. */
      player.tc_max = MAX( 1., player.tc_max );

   /* Sane values. */
   tc_rampdown  = 0;
   tc_down      = 0.;
   lasts        = player.p->shield / player.p->shield_max;
   lasta        = player.p->armour / player.p->armour_max;

   /* Set flag and tc_mod just in case. */
   pause_setSpeed( tc_mod );

   /* Make sure time acceleration starts immediately. */
   player.autonav_timer = 0.;

   return 1;
Beispiel #21
 * @brief Activate the afterburner.
void pilot_afterburn (Pilot *p)
   double afb_mod;

   if (p == NULL)

   if (pilot_isFlag(p, PILOT_HYP_PREP) || pilot_isFlag(p, PILOT_HYPERSPACE) ||
         pilot_isFlag(p, PILOT_LANDING) || pilot_isFlag(p, PILOT_TAKEOFF) ||
         pilot_isDisabled(p) || pilot_isFlag(p, PILOT_COOLDOWN))

   /* Not under manual control if is player. */
   if (pilot_isFlag( p, PILOT_MANUAL_CONTROL ) && pilot_isFlag( p, PILOT_PLAYER ))

   /** @todo fancy effect? */
   if (p->afterburner == NULL)

   /* The afterburner only works if its efficiency is high enough. */
   if (pilot_heatEfficiencyMod( p->afterburner->heat_T,
         p->afterburner->outfit->u.afb.heat_cap ) < 0.3)

   if (p->afterburner->state == PILOT_OUTFIT_OFF) {
      p->afterburner->state  = PILOT_OUTFIT_ON;
      p->afterburner->stimer = outfit_duration( p->afterburner->outfit );
      pilot_calcStats( p );

      /* @todo Make this part of a more dynamic activated outfit sound system. */
            p->solid->pos.x, p->solid->pos.y, p->solid->vel.x, p->solid->vel.y);

   if (pilot_isPlayer(p)) {
      afb_mod = MIN( 1., player.p->afterburner->outfit->u.afb.mass_limit / player.p->solid->mass );
      spfx_shake( afb_mod * player.p->afterburner->outfit->u.afb.rumble * SHAKE_MAX );
Beispiel #22
 * @brief Opens the information menu.
void menu_info( int window )
   int w, h;

   /* Not under manual control. */
   if (pilot_isFlag( player.p, PILOT_MANUAL_CONTROL ))

   /* Open closes when previously opened. */
   if (menu_isOpen(MENU_INFO) || dialogue_isOpen()) {
      info_close( 0, NULL );

   /* Dimensions. */
   w = 600;
   h = 500;

   /* Create the window. */
   info_wid = window_create( "Info", -1, -1, w, h );
   window_setCancel( info_wid, info_close );

   /* Create tabbed window. */
   info_windows = window_addTabbedWindow( info_wid, -1, -1, -1, -1, "tabInfo",
         INFO_WINDOWS, info_names );

   /* Open the subwindows. */
   info_openMain(       info_windows[ INFO_WIN_MAIN ] );
   info_openShip(       info_windows[ INFO_WIN_SHIP ] );
   info_openWeapons(    info_windows[ INFO_WIN_WEAP ] );
   info_openCargo(      info_windows[ INFO_WIN_CARGO ] );
   info_openMissions(   info_windows[ INFO_WIN_MISN ] );
   info_openStandings(  info_windows[ INFO_WIN_STAND ] );


   /* Set active window. */
   window_tabWinSetActive( info_wid, "tabInfo", CLAMP( 0, 5, window ) );
Beispiel #23
Datei: weapon.c Projekt: zid/naev
 * @brief Renders an individual weapon.
 *    @param w Weapon to render.
 *    @param dt Current delta tick.
static void weapon_render( Weapon* w, const double dt )
   double x,y, cx,cy, gx,gy;
   glTexture *gfx;
   double z;
   glColour c = { .r=1., .g=1., .b=1. };

   switch (w->outfit->type) {
      /* Weapons that use sprites. */
      case OUTFIT_TYPE_AMMO:
      case OUTFIT_TYPE_BOLT:
         gfx = outfit_gfx(w->outfit);

         /* Alpha based on strength. */
         c.a = w->strength;

         /* Outfit spins around. */
         if (outfit_isProp(w->outfit, OUTFIT_PROP_WEAP_SPIN)) {
            /* Check timer. */
            w->anim -= dt;
            if (w->anim < 0.) {
               w->anim = outfit_spin(w->outfit);

               /* Increment sprite. */
               if (w->sprite >= gfx->sx*gfx->sy)
                  w->sprite = 0;

            /* Render. */
            if (outfit_isBolt(w->outfit) && w->outfit->u.blt.gfx_end)
               gl_blitSpriteInterpolate( gfx, w->outfit->u.blt.gfx_end,
                     w->timer / w->life,
                     w->solid->pos.x, w->solid->pos.y,
                     w->sprite % (int)gfx->sx, w->sprite / (int)gfx->sx, &c );
               gl_blitSprite( gfx, w->solid->pos.x, w->solid->pos.y,
                     w->sprite % (int)gfx->sx, w->sprite / (int)gfx->sx, &c );
         /* Outfit faces direction. */
         else {
            if (outfit_isBolt(w->outfit) && w->outfit->u.blt.gfx_end)
               gl_blitSpriteInterpolate( gfx, w->outfit->u.blt.gfx_end,
                     w->timer / w->life,
                     w->solid->pos.x, w->solid->pos.y, w->sx, w->sy, &c );
               gl_blitSprite( gfx, w->solid->pos.x, w->solid->pos.y, w->sx, w->sy, &c );

      /* Beam weapons. */
      case OUTFIT_TYPE_BEAM:
         gfx = outfit_gfx(w->outfit);

         /* Zoom. */
         gl_cameraZoomGet( &z );

         /* Position. */
         gl_cameraGet( &cx, &cy );
         gui_getOffset( &gx, &gy );
         x = (w->solid->pos.x - cx)*z + gx;
         y = (w->solid->pos.y - cy)*z + gy;

         /* Set up the matrix. */
            glTranslated( x, y, 0. );
            glRotated( 270. + w->solid->dir / M_PI * 180., 0., 0., 1. );

         /* Preparatives. */
         glBindTexture( GL_TEXTURE_2D, gfx->texture);

         /* Actual rendering. */

            /* Start faded. */
            ACOLOUR(cWhite, 0.);

            glTexCoord2d( w->anim, 0. );
            glVertex2d( -gfx->sh/2.*z, 0. );

            glTexCoord2d( w->anim, 1. );
            glVertex2d( +gfx->sh/2.*z, 0. );

            /* Full strength. */

            glTexCoord2d( w->anim + 10. / gfx->sw, 0. );
            glVertex2d( -gfx->sh/2.*z, 10.*z );

            glTexCoord2d( w->anim + 10. / gfx->sw, 1. );
            glVertex2d( +gfx->sh/2.*z, 10.*z );

            glTexCoord2d( w->anim + 0.8*w->outfit->u.bem.range / gfx->sw, 0. );
            glVertex2d( -gfx->sh/2.*z, 0.8*w->outfit->u.bem.range*z );

            glTexCoord2d( w->anim + 0.8*w->outfit->u.bem.range / gfx->sw, 1. );
            glVertex2d( +gfx->sh/2.*z, 0.8*w->outfit->u.bem.range*z );

            /* Fades out. */
            ACOLOUR(cWhite, 0.);

            glTexCoord2d( w->anim + w->outfit->u.bem.range / gfx->sw, 0. );
            glVertex2d( -gfx->sh/2.*z, w->outfit->u.bem.range*z );

            glTexCoord2d( w->anim + w->outfit->u.bem.range / gfx->sw, 1. );
            glVertex2d( +gfx->sh/2.*z, w->outfit->u.bem.range*z );
         glEnd(); /* GL_QUAD_STRIP */

         /* Do the beam movement. */
         w->anim -= 5. * dt;
         if (w->anim <= -gfx->sw)
            w->anim += gfx->sw;

         /* Clean up. */
         glPopMatrix(); /* GL_PROJECTION */

         WARN("Weapon of type '%s' has no render implemented yet!",

 * @brief Checks to see if the weapon can hit the pilot.
 *    @param w Weapon to check if hits pilot.
 *    @param p Pilot to check if is hit by weapon.
 *    @return 1 if can be hit, 0 if can't.
static int weapon_checkCanHit( Weapon* w, Pilot *p )
   Pilot *parent;

   /* Can't hit invincible stuff. */
   if (pilot_isFlag(p, PILOT_INVINCIBLE))
      return 0;

   /* Can never hit same faction. */
   if (p->faction == w->faction)
      return 0;

   /* Go "through" dead pilots. */
   if (pilot_isFlag(p, PILOT_DEAD))
      return 0;

   /* Player behaves differently. */
   if (w->faction == FACTION_PLAYER) {

      /* Always hit without safety. */
      if (!weapon_safety)
         return 1;

      /* Always hit target. */
      else if (w->target == p->id)
         return 1;

      /* Always hit hostiles. */
      else if (pilot_isFlag(p, PILOT_HOSTILE))
         return 1;

      /* Always hit unbribed enemies. */
      else if (!pilot_isFlag(p, PILOT_BRIBED) &&
            areEnemies(w->faction, p->faction))
        return 1;

      /* Miss rest - can be neutral/ally. */
         return 0;

   /* Let hostiles hit player. */
   if (p->faction == FACTION_PLAYER) {
      parent = pilot_get(w->parent);
      if (parent != NULL) {
         if (pilot_isFlag(parent, PILOT_BRIBED))
            return 0;
         if (pilot_isFlag(parent, PILOT_HOSTILE))
            return 1;

   /* Hit non-allies. */
   if (areEnemies(w->faction, p->faction))
      return 1;

   return 0;
Beispiel #24
 * @brief Handles a weapon set press.
 *    @param p Pilot the weapon set belongs to.
 *    @param id ID of the weapon set.
 *    @param type Is +1 if it's a press or -1 if it's a release.
void pilot_weapSetPress( Pilot* p, int id, int type )
   int i, l, on, n;
   PilotWeaponSet *ws;

   ws = pilot_weapSet(p,id);
   /* Case no outfits. */
   if (ws->slots == NULL)

   /* Handle fire groups. */
   switch (ws->type) {
         /* On press just change active weapon set to whatever is available. */
         if (type > 0) {
            if (id != p->active_set)
               pilot_weapSetUpdateOutfits( p, ws );
            p->active_set = id;

         /* Activation philosophy here is to turn on while pressed and off
          * when it's not held anymore. */
         if (type > 0)
            ws->active = 1;
         else if (type < 0)
            ws->active = 0;

         /* The behaviour here is more complex. What we do is consider a group
          * to be entirely off if not all outfits are either on or cooling down.
          * In the case it's deemed to be off, all outfits that are off get turned
          * on, otherwise all outfits that are on are turrned to cooling down. */
         /* Only care about presses. */
         if (type < 0)

         /* Must not be disabled or cooling down. */
         if ((pilot_isDisabled(p)) || (pilot_isFlag(p, PILOT_COOLDOWN)))

         /* Decide what to do. */
         on = 1;
         l  = array_size(ws->slots);
         for (i=0; i<l; i++) {
            if (ws->slots[i].slot->state == PILOT_OUTFIT_OFF) {
               on = 0;

         /* Turn them off. */
         n = 0;
         if (on) {
            for (i=0; i<l; i++) {
               if (ws->slots[i].slot->state != PILOT_OUTFIT_ON)

               n += pilot_outfitOff( p, ws->slots[i].slot );
         /* Turn them on. */
         else {
            for (i=0; i<l; i++) {
               if (ws->slots[i].slot->state != PILOT_OUTFIT_OFF)
               if (outfit_isAfterburner(ws->slots[i].slot->outfit))
                  pilot_afterburn( p );
               else {
                  ws->slots[i].slot->state  = PILOT_OUTFIT_ON;
                  ws->slots[i].slot->stimer = outfit_duration( ws->slots[i].slot->outfit );
         /* Must recalculate stats. */
         if (n > 0)
            pilot_calcStats( p );

Beispiel #25
 * @brief Renders the starry background.
 *    @param dt Current delta tick.
void background_renderStars( const double dt )
   (void) dt;
   unsigned int i;
   GLfloat hh, hw, h, w;
   GLfloat x, y, m, b;
   GLfloat brightness;
   double z;
   double sx, sy;
   int shade_mode;
   int j, n;

    * gprof claims it's the slowest thing in the game!

   /* Do some scaling for now. */
   z = cam_getZoom();
   z = 1. * (1. - conf.zoom_stars) + z * conf.zoom_stars;
      gl_matrixTranslate( SCREEN_W/2., SCREEN_H/2. );
      gl_matrixScale( z, z );

   if (!paused && (player.p != NULL) && !player_isFlag(PLAYER_DESTROYED) &&
         !player_isFlag(PLAYER_CREATING)) { /* update position */

      /* Calculate some dimensions. */
      w  = (SCREEN_W + 2.*STAR_BUF);
      w += conf.zoom_stars * (w / conf.zoom_far - 1.);
      h  = (SCREEN_H + 2.*STAR_BUF);
      h += conf.zoom_stars * (h / conf.zoom_far - 1.);
      hw = w/2.;
      hh = h/2.;

      if ((star_x > SCREEN_W) || (star_y > SCREEN_H)) {
         sx = ceil( star_x / SCREEN_W );
         sy = ceil( star_y / SCREEN_H );
         n  = MAX( sx, sy );
         star_x /= (double)n;
         star_y /= (double)n;
         n = 1;

      /* Calculate new star positions. */
      for (j=0; j < n; j++) {
         for (i=0; i < nstars; i++) {

            /* calculate new position */
            b = 1./(9. - 10.*star_colour[8*i+3]);
            star_vertex[4*i+0] = star_vertex[4*i+0] + star_x*b;
            star_vertex[4*i+1] = star_vertex[4*i+1] + star_y*b;

            /* check boundaries */
            if (star_vertex[4*i+0] > hw)
               star_vertex[4*i+0] -= w;
            else if (star_vertex[4*i+0] < -hw)
               star_vertex[4*i+0] += w;
            if (star_vertex[4*i+1] > hh)
               star_vertex[4*i+1] -= h;
            else if (star_vertex[4*i+1] < -hh)
               star_vertex[4*i+1] += h;

      /* Upload the data. */
      gl_vboSubData( star_vertexVBO, 0, nstars * 4 * sizeof(GLfloat), star_vertex );

   /* Decide on shade mode. */
   shade_mode = 0;
   if ((player.p != NULL) && !player_isFlag(PLAYER_DESTROYED) &&
         !player_isFlag(PLAYER_CREATING)) {

      if (pilot_isFlag(player.p,PILOT_HYPERSPACE) && /* hyperspace fancy effects */
            (player.p->ptimer < HYPERSPACE_STARS_BLUR)) {

         shade_mode = 1;

         /* lines will be based on velocity */
         m  = HYPERSPACE_STARS_BLUR-player.p->ptimer;
         x = m*cos(VANGLE(player.p->solid->vel));
         y = m*sin(VANGLE(player.p->solid->vel));
      else if (dt_mod > 3.) {

         shade_mode = 1;

         /* lines will be based on velocity */
         m = (dt_mod-3.)*VMOD(player.p->solid->vel)/10.;
         x = m*cos(VANGLE(player.p->solid->vel));
         y = m*sin(VANGLE(player.p->solid->vel));

      if (shade_mode) {
         /* Generate lines. */
         for (i=0; i < nstars; i++) {
            brightness = star_colour[8*i+3];
            star_vertex[4*i+2] = star_vertex[4*i+0] + x*brightness;
            star_vertex[4*i+3] = star_vertex[4*i+1] + y*brightness;

         /* Upload new data. */
         gl_vboSubData( star_vertexVBO, 0, nstars * 4 * sizeof(GLfloat), star_vertex );

   /* Render. */
   gl_vboActivate( star_vertexVBO, GL_VERTEX_ARRAY, 2, GL_FLOAT, 2 * sizeof(GLfloat) );
   gl_vboActivate( star_colourVBO, GL_COLOR_ARRAY,  4, GL_FLOAT, 4 * sizeof(GLfloat) );
   if (shade_mode) {
      glDrawArrays( GL_LINES, 0, nstars );
      glDrawArrays( GL_POINTS, 0, nstars ); /* This second pass is when the lines are very short that they "lose" intensity. */
   else {
      glDrawArrays( GL_POINTS, 0, nstars );

   /* Clear star movement. */
   star_x = 0.;
   star_y = 0.;

   /* Disable vertex array. */

   /* Pop matrix. */

   /* Check for errors. */
Beispiel #26
 * @brief Updates a camera following a pilot.
static void cam_updatePilot( Pilot *follow, double dt )
   Pilot *target;
   double diag2, a, r, dir, k;
   double x,y, dx,dy, mx,my, targ_x,targ_y, bias_x,bias_y, vx,vy;

   /* Get target. */
   if (!pilot_isFlag(follow, PILOT_HYPERSPACE) && (follow->target != follow->id))
      target = pilot_get( follow->target );
      target = NULL;

   /* Real diagonal might be a bit too harsh since it can cut out the ship,
    * we'll just use the largest of the two. */
   /*diag2 = pow2(SCREEN_W) + pow2(SCREEN_H);*/
   /*diag2 = pow2( MIN(SCREEN_W, SCREEN_H) );*/
   diag2 = 100*100;
   x = follow->solid->pos.x;
   y = follow->solid->pos.y;

   /* Compensate player movement. */
   mx        = x - old_X;
   my        = y - old_Y;
   camera_X += mx;
   camera_Y += my;

   /* Set old position. */
   old_X     = x;
   old_Y     = y;

   /* No bias by default. */
   bias_x = 0.;
   bias_y = 0.;

   /* Bias towards target. */
   if (target != NULL) {
      bias_x += target->solid->pos.x - x;
      bias_y += target->solid->pos.y - y;

   /* Bias towards velocity and facing. */
   vx       = follow->solid->vel.x*1.5;
   vy       = follow->solid->vel.y*1.5;
   dir      = angle_diff( atan2(vy,vx), follow->solid->dir);
   dir      = (M_PI - fabs(dir)) /  M_PI; /* Normalize. */
   vx      *= dir;
   vy      *= dir;
   bias_x  += vx;
   bias_y  += vy;

   /* Limit bias. */
   if (pow2(bias_x)+pow2(bias_y) > diag2/2.) {
      a        = atan2( bias_y, bias_x );
      r        = sqrt(diag2)/2.;
      bias_x   = r*cos(a);
      bias_y   = r*sin(a);

   /* Compose the target. */
   targ_x   = x + bias_x;
   targ_y   = y + bias_y;

   /* Head towards target. */
   k = 0.5*dt/dt_mod;
   dx = (targ_x-camera_X)*k;
   dy = (targ_y-camera_Y)*k;
   background_moveStars( -(mx+dx), -(my+dy) );

   /* Update camera. */
   camera_X += dx;
   camera_Y += dy;

   /* DEBUG. */
#if 0
   glColor4d( 1., 1., 1., 1. );
   gl_gameToScreenCoords( &x, &y, x, y );
   glVertex2d( x, y );
   gl_gameToScreenCoords( &x, &y, camera_X, camera_Y );
   glVertex2d( x, y );
   glEnd(); /* GL_LINES */

   /* Update zoom. */
   cam_updatePilotZoom( follow, target, dt );
Beispiel #27
 * @brief Handles a click event.
static void input_clickevent( SDL_Event* event )
   unsigned int pid;
   int mx, my, mxr, myr, pntid, jpid;
   int rx, ry, rh, rw, res;
   int autonav;
   double x, y, zoom, px, py;
   double ang, angp, mouseang;
   HookParam hparam[2];

   /* Generate hook. */
   hparam[0].type    = HOOK_PARAM_NUMBER;
   hparam[0].u.num   = event->button.button;
   hparam[1].type    = HOOK_PARAM_SENTINEL;
   hooks_runParam( "mouse", hparam );

   /* Handle zoom. */
   if (event->button.button == SDL_BUTTON_WHEELUP) {
      input_clickZoom( 1.1 );
   else if (event->button.button == SDL_BUTTON_WHEELDOWN) {
      input_clickZoom( 0.9 );
#endif /* !SDL_VERSION_ATLEAST(2,0,0) */

   /* Player must not be NULL. */
   if ((player.p == NULL) || player_isFlag(PLAYER_DESTROYED))

   /* Player must not be dead. */
   if (pilot_isFlag(player.p, PILOT_DEAD))

   /* Middle mouse enables mouse flying. */
   if (event->button.button == SDL_BUTTON_MIDDLE) {

   /* Mouse targeting only uses left and right buttons. */
   if (event->button.button != SDL_BUTTON_LEFT &&
            event->button.button != SDL_BUTTON_RIGHT)

   autonav = (event->button.button == SDL_BUTTON_RIGHT) ? 1 : 0;

   px = player.p->solid->pos.x;
   py = player.p->solid->pos.y;
   gl_windowToScreenPos( &mx, &my, event->button.x, event->button.y );
   if ((mx <= 15 || my <= 15 ) || (my >= gl_screen.h - 15 || mx >= gl_screen.w - 15)) {
      /* Border targeting is handled as a special case, as it uses angles,
       * not coordinates.
      x = (mx - (gl_screen.w / 2.)) + px;
      y = (my - (gl_screen.h / 2.)) + py;
      mouseang = atan2(py - y, px -  x);
      angp = pilot_getNearestAng( player.p, &pid, mouseang, 1 );
      ang  = system_getClosestAng( cur_system, &pntid, &jpid, x, y, mouseang );

      if  ((ABS(angle_diff(mouseang, angp)) > M_PI / 64) ||
            ABS(angle_diff(mouseang, ang)) < ABS(angle_diff(mouseang, angp)))
         pid = PLAYER_ID; /* Pilot angle is too great, or planet/jump is closer. */
      if  (ABS(angle_diff(mouseang, ang)) > M_PI / 64 )
         jpid = pntid = -1; /* Asset angle difference is too great. */

      if (!autonav && pid != PLAYER_ID) {
         if (input_clickedPilot(pid))
      else if (pntid >= 0) { /* Planet is closest. */
         if (input_clickedPlanet(pntid, autonav))
      else if (jpid >= 0) { /* Jump point is closest. */
         if (input_clickedJump(jpid, autonav))

      /* Fall-through and handle as a normal click. */

   /* Radar targeting requires raw coordinates. */
   mxr = event->button.x;
   myr  = gl_screen.rh - event->button.y;
   gui_radarGetPos( &rx, &ry );
   gui_radarGetDim( &rw, &rh );
   if ((mxr > rx && mxr <= rx + rw ) && (myr > ry && myr <= ry + rh )) { /* Radar */
      zoom = 1.;
      gui_radarGetRes( &res );
      x = (mxr - (rx + rw / 2.)) * res + px;
      y = (myr - (ry + rh / 2.)) * res + py;

      if (input_clickPos( event, x, y, zoom, 10. * res, 15. * res ))

   /* Visual (on-screen) */
   gl_screenToGameCoords( &x, &y, (double)mx, (double)my );
   zoom = res = 1. / cam_getZoom();

   input_clickPos( event, x, y, zoom, 10. * res, 15. * res );
Beispiel #28
 * @brief Handles a click event.
static void input_clickevent( SDL_Event* event )
   unsigned int pid;
   Pilot *p;
   int mx, my, mxr, myr, pntid, jpid;
   int rx, ry, rh, rw, res;
   double x, y, m, r, rp, d, dp, px, py;
   double ang, angp, mouseang;
   Planet *pnt;
   JumpPoint *jp;
   HookParam hparam[2];

   /* Generate hook. */
   hparam[0].type    = HOOK_PARAM_NUMBER;
   hparam[0].u.num   = event->button.button;
   hparam[1].type    = HOOK_PARAM_SENTINAL;
   hooks_runParam( "mouse", hparam );

   /* Handle zoom. */
   if (event->button.button == SDL_BUTTON_WHEELUP) {
      input_clickZoom( 1.1 );
   else if (event->button.button == SDL_BUTTON_WHEELDOWN) {
      input_clickZoom( 0.9 );

   /* Middle mouse enables mouse flying. */
   if (event->button.button == SDL_BUTTON_MIDDLE) {

   /* Mouse targetting is left only. */
   if (event->button.button != SDL_BUTTON_LEFT)

   /* Player must not be NULL. */
   if (player_isFlag(PLAYER_DESTROYED) || (player.p == NULL))

   px = player.p->solid->pos.x;
   py = player.p->solid->pos.y;
   gl_windowToScreenPos( &mx, &my, event->button.x, event->button.y );
   gl_screenToGameCoords( &x, &y, (double)mx, (double)my );
   if ((mx <= 15 || my <= 15 ) || (my >= gl_screen.h - 15 || mx >= gl_screen.w - 15)) { /* Border */
      x = (mx - (gl_screen.w / 2.)) + px;
      y = (my - (gl_screen.h / 2.)) + py;
      mouseang = atan2(py - y, px -  x);
      angp = pilot_getNearestAng( player.p, &pid, mouseang, 1 );
      ang  = system_getClosestAng( cur_system, &pntid, &jpid, x, y, mouseang );

      if  ((ABS(angle_diff(mouseang, angp)) > M_PI / 64) ||
            ABS(angle_diff(mouseang, ang)) < ABS(angle_diff(mouseang, angp)))
         pid = PLAYER_ID; /* Pilot angle is too great, or planet/jump is closer. */
      if  (ABS(angle_diff(mouseang, ang)) > M_PI / 64 )
         jpid = pntid = -1; /* Asset angle difference is too great. */
   else { /* Radar targeting requires raw coordinates. */
      mxr = event->button.x;
      myr  = gl_screen.rh - event->button.y;
      gui_radarGetPos( &rx, &ry );
      gui_radarGetDim( &rw, &rh );
      if ((mxr > rx && mxr <= rx + rw ) && (myr > ry && myr <= ry + rh )) { /* Radar */
         m = 1;
         gui_radarGetRes( &res );
         x = (mxr - (rx + rw / 2.)) * res + px;
         y = (myr - (ry + rh / 2.)) * res + py;
      else /* Visual (on-screen) */
         m = res = 1. / cam_getZoom();
      dp = pilot_getNearestPos( player.p, &pid, x, y, 1 );
      d  = system_getClosest( cur_system, &pntid, &jpid, x, y );
      rp = MAX( 1.5 * PILOT_SIZE_APROX * pilot_get(pid)->ship->gfx_space->sw / 2 * m,  10. * res);

      if (pntid >=0) { /* Planet is closer. */
         pnt = cur_system->planets[ pntid ];
         r  = MAX( 1.5 * pnt->radius, 100. );
      else if (jpid >= 0) {
         jp = &cur_system->jumps[ jpid ];
         r  = MAX( 1.5 * jp->radius, 100. );
      else {
         r  = 0.;
      /* Reject pilot if it's too far or a valid asset is closer. */
      if (dp > pow2(rp) || (d < pow2(r) && dp < pow2(rp) && dp >  d))
         pid = PLAYER_ID;
      if (d > pow2(r)) /* Planet or jump point is too far. */
         jpid = pntid = -1;

   if (pid != PLAYER_ID) {
      /* Apply an action if already selected. */
      if (!pilot_isFlag(player.p, PILOT_DEAD) && (pid == player.p->target)) {
         p = pilot_get(pid);
         if (pilot_isDisabled(p) || pilot_isFlag(p, PILOT_BOARDABLE))
         player_targetSet( pid );
   else if (pntid >= 0) { /* Planet is closest. */
      if (pntid == player.p->nav_planet) {
         pnt = cur_system->planets[ pntid ];
         if (planet_hasService(pnt, PLANET_SERVICE_LAND) &&
               (!areEnemies( player.p->faction, pnt->faction ) || pnt->bribed ))
         player_targetPlanetSet( pntid );
   else if (jpid >= 0) { /* Jump point is closest. */
      jp = &cur_system->jumps[ jpid ];
      if (jpid == player.p->nav_hyperspace) {
         if (space_canHyperspace(player.p)) {
            if (!paused) player_autonavAbort(NULL);
         player_targetHyperspaceSet( jpid );
Beispiel #29
 * @brief Recalculates the pilot's stats based on his outfits.
 *    @param pilot Pilot to recalculate his stats.
void pilot_calcStats( Pilot* pilot )
   int i;
   Outfit* o;
   PilotOutfitSlot *slot;
   double ac, sc, ec, fc; /* temporary health coefficients to set */
   ShipStats amount, *s, *default_s;

    * set up the basic stuff
   /* mass */
   pilot->solid->mass   = pilot->ship->mass;
   pilot->base_mass     = pilot->solid->mass;
   /* cpu */
   pilot->cpu           = 0.;
   /* movement */
   pilot->thrust_base   = pilot->ship->thrust;
   pilot->turn_base     = pilot->ship->turn;
   pilot->speed_base    = pilot->ship->speed;
   /* crew */
   pilot->crew          = pilot->ship->crew;
   /* cargo */
   pilot->cap_cargo     = pilot->ship->cap_cargo;
   /* fuel_consumption. */
   pilot->fuel_consumption = pilot->ship->fuel_consumption;
   /* health */
   ac = (pilot->armour_max > 0.) ? pilot->armour / pilot->armour_max : 0.;
   sc = (pilot->shield_max > 0.) ? pilot->shield / pilot->shield_max : 0.;
   ec = (pilot->energy_max > 0.) ? pilot->energy / pilot->energy_max : 0.;
   fc = (pilot->fuel_max   > 0.) ? pilot->fuel   / pilot->fuel_max   : 0.;
   pilot->armour_max    = pilot->ship->armour;
   pilot->shield_max    = pilot->ship->shield;
   pilot->fuel_max      = pilot->ship->fuel;
   pilot->armour_regen  = pilot->ship->armour_regen;
   pilot->shield_regen  = pilot->ship->shield_regen;
   /* Absorption. */
   pilot->dmg_absorb    = pilot->ship->dmg_absorb;
   /* Energy. */
   pilot->energy_max    = pilot->ship->energy;
   pilot->energy_regen  = pilot->ship->energy_regen;
   pilot->energy_loss   = 0.; /* Initially no net loss. */
   /* Stats. */
   s = &pilot->stats;
   memcpy( s, &pilot->ship->stats_array, sizeof(ShipStats) );
   memset( &amount, 0, sizeof(ShipStats) );

    * Now add outfit changes
   pilot->mass_outfit   = 0.;
   pilot->jamming       = 0;
   for (i=0; i<pilot->noutfits; i++) {
      slot = pilot->outfits[i];
      o    = slot->outfit;

      /* Outfit must exist. */
      if (o==NULL)

      /* Modify CPU. */
      pilot->cpu           += outfit_cpu(o);

      /* Add mass. */
      pilot->mass_outfit   += o->mass;

      /* Keep a separate counter for required (core) outfits. */
      if (sp_required( o->slot.spid ))
         pilot->base_mass += o->mass;

      /* Add ammo mass. */
      if (outfit_ammo(o) != NULL)
         if (slot->u.ammo.outfit != NULL)
            pilot->mass_outfit += slot->u.ammo.quantity * slot->u.ammo.outfit->mass;

      if (outfit_isAfterburner(o)) /* Afterburner */
         pilot->afterburner = pilot->outfits[i]; /* Set afterburner */

      /* Active outfits must be on to affect stuff. */
      if (slot->active && !(slot->state==PILOT_OUTFIT_ON))

      if (outfit_isMod(o)) { /* Modification */
         /* Movement. */
         pilot->thrust_base   += o->u.mod.thrust;
         pilot->turn_base     += o->u.mod.turn;
         pilot->speed_base    += o->u.mod.speed;
         /* Health. */
         pilot->dmg_absorb    += o->u.mod.absorb;
         pilot->armour_max    += o->u.mod.armour;
         pilot->armour_regen  += o->u.mod.armour_regen;
         pilot->shield_max    += o->u.mod.shield;
         pilot->shield_regen  += o->u.mod.shield_regen;
         pilot->energy_max    += o->;
         pilot->energy_regen  += o->u.mod.energy_regen;
         pilot->energy_loss   += o->u.mod.energy_loss;
         /* Fuel. */
         pilot->fuel_max      += o->u.mod.fuel;
         /* Misc. */
         pilot->cap_cargo     += o->u.mod.cargo;
         pilot->mass_outfit   += o->u.mod.mass_rel * pilot->ship->mass;
         pilot->crew          += o->u.mod.crew_rel * pilot->ship->crew;
          * Stats.
         ss_statsModFromList( s, o->u.mod.stats, &amount );

      else if (outfit_isAfterburner(o)) { /* Afterburner */
         pilot_setFlag( pilot, PILOT_AFTERBURNER ); /* We use old school flags for this still... */
         pilot->energy_loss += pilot->afterburner->outfit->; /* energy loss */
      else if (outfit_isJammer(o)) { /* Jammer */
         pilot->jamming        = 1;
         pilot->energy_loss   += o->;

   if (!pilot_isFlag( pilot, PILOT_AFTERBURNER ))
      pilot->solid->speed_max = pilot->speed;

   /* Slot voodoo. */
   s = &pilot->stats;
   default_s = &pilot->ship->stats_array;

   /* Fire rate:
    *  amount = p * exp( -0.15 * (n-1) )
    *  1x 15% -> 15%
    *  2x 15% -> 25.82%
    *  3x 15% -> 33.33%
    *  6x 15% -> 42.51%
   if (amount.fwd_firerate > 0) {
      s->fwd_firerate = default_s->fwd_firerate + (s->fwd_firerate-default_s->fwd_firerate) * exp( -0.15 * (double)(MAX(amount.fwd_firerate-1.,0)) );
   /* Cruiser. */
   if (amount.tur_firerate > 0) {
      s->tur_firerate = default_s->tur_firerate + (s->tur_firerate-default_s->tur_firerate) * exp( -0.15 * (double)(MAX(amount.tur_firerate-1.,0)) );
    * Electronic warfare setting base parameters.
   s->ew_hide           = default_s->ew_hide + (s->ew_hide-default_s->ew_hide)                      * exp( -0.2 * (double)(MAX(amount.ew_hide-1.,0)) );
   s->ew_detect         = default_s->ew_detect + (s->ew_detect-default_s->ew_detect)                * exp( -0.2 * (double)(MAX(amount.ew_detect-1.,0)) );
   s->ew_jump_detect    = default_s->ew_jump_detect + (s->ew_jump_detect-default_s->ew_jump_detect) * exp( -0.2 * (double)(MAX(amount.ew_jump_detect-1.,0)) );

   /* Square the internal values to speed up comparisons. */
   pilot->ew_base_hide   = pow2( s->ew_hide );
   pilot->ew_detect      = pow2( s->ew_detect );
   pilot->ew_jump_detect = pow2( s->ew_jump_detect );

    * Relative increases.
   /* Movement. */
   pilot->thrust_base  *= s->thrust_mod;
   pilot->turn_base    *= s->turn_mod;
   pilot->speed_base   *= s->speed_mod;
   /* Health. */
   pilot->armour_max   *= s->armour_mod;
   pilot->armour_regen *= s->armour_regen_mod;
   pilot->shield_max   *= s->shield_mod;
   pilot->shield_regen *= s->shield_regen_mod;
   pilot->energy_max   *= s->energy_mod;
   pilot->energy_regen *= s->energy_regen_mod;
   /* cpu */
   pilot->cpu_max       = (int)floor((float)(pilot->ship->cpu + s->cpu_max)*s->cpu_mod);
   pilot->cpu          += pilot->cpu_max; /* CPU is negative, this just sets it so it's based off of cpu_max. */
   /* Misc. */
   pilot->dmg_absorb    = MAX( 0., pilot->dmg_absorb );
   pilot->crew         *= s->crew_mod;
   pilot->cap_cargo    *= s->cargo_mod;
   s->engine_limit     *= s->engine_limit_rel;

    * Flat increases.
   pilot->energy_max   += s->energy_flat;
   pilot->energy       += s->energy_flat;
   pilot->energy_regen -= s->energy_usage;

   /* Give the pilot his health proportion back */
   pilot->armour = ac * pilot->armour_max;
   pilot->shield = sc * pilot->shield_max;
   pilot->energy = ec * pilot->energy_max;
   pilot->fuel   = fc * pilot->fuel_max;

   /* Set final energy tau. */
   pilot->energy_tau = pilot->energy_max / pilot->energy_regen;

   /* Cargo has to be reset. */

   /* Calculate mass. */
   pilot->solid->mass = s->mass_mod*pilot->ship->mass + pilot->stats.cargo_inertia*pilot->mass_cargo + pilot->mass_outfit;

   /* Calculate the heat. */
   pilot_heatCalc( pilot );

   /* Modulate by mass. */
   pilot_updateMass( pilot );

   /* Update GUI as necessary. */
   gui_setGeneric( pilot );
Beispiel #30
 * @brief Opens the map window.
void map_open (void)
   unsigned int wid;
   StarSystem *cur;
   int w, h, x, y, rw;

   /* Not under manual control. */
   if (pilot_isFlag( player.p, PILOT_MANUAL_CONTROL ))

   /* Destroy window if exists. */
   wid = window_get(MAP_WDWNAME);
   if (wid > 0) {
      window_destroy( wid );

   /* set position to focus on current system */
   map_xpos = cur_system->pos.x;
   map_ypos = cur_system->pos.y;

   /* mark systems as needed */

   /* Attempt to select current map if none is selected */
   if (map_selected == -1)

   /* get the selected system. */
   cur = system_getIndex( map_selected );

   /* Set up window size. */
   w = MAX(600, SCREEN_W - 100);
   h = MAX(540, SCREEN_H - 100);

   /* create the window. */
   wid = window_create( MAP_WDWNAME, -1, -1, w, h );
   window_setCancel( wid, window_close );
   window_handleKeys( wid, map_keyHandler );

    * $System
    * Faction:
    *   $Faction (or Multiple)
    * Status:
    *   $Status
    * Planets:
    *   $Planet1, $Planet2, ...
    * Services:
    *   $Services
    * ...
    * [Autonav]
    * [ Find ]
    * [ Close ]

   x  = -70; /* Right column X offset. */
   y  = -20;
   rw = ABS(x) + 60; /* Right column indented width maximum. */

   /* System Name */
   window_addText( wid, -90 + 80, y, 160, 20, 1, "txtSysname",
         &gl_defFont, &cDConsole, cur->name );
   y -= 10;

   /* Faction image */
   window_addImage( wid, -90 + 32, y - 32, 0, 0, "imgFaction", NULL, 0 );
   y -= 64 + 10;

   /* Faction */
   window_addText( wid, x, y, 90, 20, 0, "txtSFaction",
         &gl_smallFont, &cDConsole, "Faction:" );
   window_addText( wid, x + 50, y-gl_smallFont.h-5, rw, 100, 0, "txtFaction",
         &gl_smallFont, &cBlack, NULL );
   y -= 2 * gl_smallFont.h + 5 + 15;

   /* Standing */
   window_addText( wid, x, y, 90, 20, 0, "txtSStanding",
         &gl_smallFont, &cDConsole, "Standing:" );
   window_addText( wid, x + 50, y-gl_smallFont.h-5, rw, 100, 0, "txtStanding",
         &gl_smallFont, &cBlack, NULL );
   y -= 2 * gl_smallFont.h + 5 + 15;

   /* Presence. */
   window_addText( wid, x, y, 90, 20, 0, "txtSPresence",
         &gl_smallFont, &cDConsole, "Presence:" );
   window_addText( wid, x + 50, y-gl_smallFont.h-5, rw, 100, 0, "txtPresence",
         &gl_smallFont, &cBlack, NULL );
   y -= 2 * gl_smallFont.h + 5 + 15;

   /* Planets */
   window_addText( wid, x, y, 90, 20, 0, "txtSPlanets",
         &gl_smallFont, &cDConsole, "Planets:" );
   window_addText( wid, x + 50, y-gl_smallFont.h-5, rw, 150, 0, "txtPlanets",
         &gl_smallFont, &cBlack, NULL );
   y -= 2 * gl_smallFont.h + 5 + 15;

   /* Services */
   window_addText( wid, x, y, 90, 20, 0, "txtSServices",
         &gl_smallFont, &cDConsole, "Services:" );
   window_addText( wid, x + 50, y-gl_smallFont.h-5, rw, 100, 0, "txtServices",
         &gl_smallFont, &cBlack, NULL );
   y -= 2 * gl_smallFont.h + 5 + 15;

   /* Close button */
   window_addButton( wid, -20, 20, BUTTON_WIDTH, BUTTON_HEIGHT,
            "btnClose", "Close", window_close );
   /* Find button */
   window_addButton( wid, -20 - (BUTTON_WIDTH+20), 20, BUTTON_WIDTH, BUTTON_HEIGHT,
            "btnFind", "Find", map_inputFind );
   /* Autonav button */
   window_addButton( wid, -20 - 2*(BUTTON_WIDTH+20), 20, BUTTON_WIDTH, BUTTON_HEIGHT,
            "btnAutonav", "Autonav", player_autonavStartWindow );

    * Bottom stuff
    * [+] [-]  Nebula, Interference
   /* Zoom buttons */
   window_addButton( wid, 40, 20, 30, 30, "btnZoomIn", "+", map_buttonZoom );
   window_addButton( wid, 80, 20, 30, 30, "btnZoomOut", "-", map_buttonZoom );
   /* Situation text */
   window_addText( wid, 140, 10, w - 80 - 30 - 30, 30, 0,
         "txtSystemStatus", &gl_smallFont, &cBlack, NULL );

    * The map itself.
   map_show( wid, 20, -40, w-200, h-100, 1. ); /* Reset zoom. */

   map_update( wid );

    * Disable Autonav button if player lacks fuel.
   if ((player.p->fuel < HYPERSPACE_FUEL) || pilot_isFlag( player.p, PILOT_NOJUMP))
      window_disableButton( wid, "btnAutonav" );