// Initialise the device
static void __quadrature_init(SENSOR* sensor){
	QUADRATURE* encoder = (QUADRATURE*)sensor;
	pin_make_input(encoder->channelA, FALSE);
	pin_make_input(encoder->channelB, FALSE);
	pin_change_attach(encoder->channelA, &__encChA, encoder);
	pin_change_attach(encoder->channelB, &__encChB, encoder);
Beispiel #2
//------------- Private methods - dont call directly -----
static void __spiSWInit(SPI_ABSTRACT_BUS* _spi, boolean master){
	SPI_SW* spi = (SPI_SW*)_spi;

    	pin_make_output(spi->MOSI, TRUE); 	// make MOSI an output and set high
    	pin_make_input(spi->MISO,TRUE);  	// make MISO an input with a pullup

    	pin_make_input(spi->SCLK,FALSE);  	// make clock an input with no pullup
    	pin_make_input(spi->MOSI,FALSE);  	// make MOSI an input with no pullup
    	pin_make_output(spi->MISO,TRUE); 	// make MISO an output


Beispiel #3
// Now create any global variables such as motors, servos, sensors etc
// This routine is called once only and allows you to do set up the hardware
// Dont use any 'clock' functions here - use 'delay' functions instead
void appInitHardware(void){


	// Initialise SPI bus as master. (RF modules connected to hardware SPI)
    spiBusInit(&bus, TRUE);
	spiDeviceSelect(&cyrf_0, TRUE);
	spiDeviceSelect(&cyrf_0, FALSE);
	spiDeviceSelect(&cyrf_1, TRUE);
	spiDeviceSelect(&cyrf_1, FALSE);

	// set I/O pins for RF module(s).
	pin_make_input(D4, FALSE);		// set PACTL pin to input. (module on connector J1)
	pin_make_input(D5, FALSE);		// set PACTLn pin to input. (module on connector J1)
	pin_make_input(D6, FALSE);		// set PACTL pin to input. (module on connector J2)
	pin_make_input(D7, FALSE);		// set PACTLn pin to input. (module on connector J2)

	pin_make_output(D4, FALSE);			// set RXPA pin to output. (module on connector J1)
	pin_make_output(D5, FALSE);			// set TXPA pin to output. (module on connector J1)
	pin_make_output(D6, FALSE);			// set RXPA pin to output. (module on connector J2)
	pin_make_output(D7, FALSE);			// set TXPA pin to output. (module on connector J2)

	pin_make_input(E7, TRUE);		// set UNIGEN RF module IRQ pin to input. (module on connector J1)
	pin_make_input(E6, TRUE);		// set UNIGEN RF module IRQ pin to input. (module on connector J2)
	pin_make_output(G3, FALSE);			// set UNIGEN RF module RST pin to output. (both modules)
	//pin_low(G3);					// don't reset yet.

	// set I/O pins for status LEDs
	pin_make_output(C0, TRUE);			// set LED pin for output
	pin_make_output(C1, TRUE);			// set LED pin for output
	pin_make_output(C2, FALSE);			// set LED pin for output
	//pin_high(C0);					// LED off
	//pin_high(C1);					// LED off
	//pin_low(C2);					// LED on

	// Set UART1 to 19200 baud
    uartInit(UART1, 38400);
    // Tell rprintf to output to UART1

    // Initialise the servo controller using Hardware PWM

    // Initialise WatchDog Timer
    wdt_enable( WDTO_500MS );

// Read all the values and store into the device
static void __srf04_read(SENSOR* sensor){
	TICK_COUNT duration;

	Devantech_SRF04* device = (Devantech_SRF04*)sensor;

	// initialise the pins
	pin_make_output(device->out,FALSE);		// Set low

	// 10us high trigger pulse

	// Measure the inbound pulse
	duration = pin_pulseIn(device->in,TRUE);

	device->distance.cm = fraction32(duration, srf04_frac);
Beispiel #5
// Call back - for when the speed has been set
static void setSpeed(__ACTUATOR *actuator, DRIVE_SPEED speed){
	MOTOR* motor = (MOTOR*)actuator;
	const TimerCompare* channel = compareFromIOPin(motor->pwm);
	const Timer* timer = compareGetTimer(channel);
	uint16_t top = timerGetTOP(timer);

	// New compare threshold
	uint16_t delay=0;

	if( speed > 0 ){
		delay = interpolateU(speed, 0, DRIVE_SPEED_MAX, 0 , top);

		// Set direction1 high, direction2 low
	}else if(speed < 0){
		delay = interpolateU(speed, 0, DRIVE_SPEED_MIN,  0 , top);

		// Set direction1 low, direction2 high low
		// brake

			// There are two direction pins - so set both to same value
			// Only has one direction pin
			// Set direction1 to an input with no pullup ie disconnect

	// Change the duty cycle
Beispiel #6
// Make all databus pins into inputs with pullups
static void databus_input(const HD44780* device){
	for(uint8_t i=0; i<8; i++){
Beispiel #7
// Make the data line high
static void sda_high(const I2C_SOFTWARE_BUS* i2c){
	pin_make_input(i2c->sda,FALSE);			// Assumes external resistor (works)
Beispiel #8
// Make the clock high
static void scl_high(const I2C_SOFTWARE_BUS* i2c){
		pin_make_input(i2c->scl,FALSE);		// Assumes external resistor (works)