void QQuickPinchArea::updatePinch() { Q_D(QQuickPinchArea); QQuickWindow *win = window(); if (d->touchPoints.count() < 2) { setKeepMouseGrab(false); QQuickWindow *c = window(); if (c && c->mouseGrabberItem() == this) ungrabMouse(); } if (d->touchPoints.count() == 0) { if (d->inPinch) { d->inPinch = false; QPointF pinchCenter = mapFromScene(d->sceneLastCenter); QQuickPinchEvent pe(pinchCenter, d->pinchLastScale, d->pinchLastAngle, d->pinchRotation); pe.setStartCenter(d->pinchStartCenter); pe.setPreviousCenter(pinchCenter); pe.setPreviousAngle(d->pinchLastAngle); pe.setPreviousScale(d->pinchLastScale); pe.setStartPoint1(mapFromScene(d->sceneStartPoint1)); pe.setStartPoint2(mapFromScene(d->sceneStartPoint2)); pe.setPoint1(mapFromScene(d->lastPoint1)); pe.setPoint2(mapFromScene(d->lastPoint2)); emit pinchFinished(&pe); d->pinchStartDist = 0; d->pinchActivated = false; if (d->pinch && d->pinch->target()) d->pinch->setActive(false); } d->initPinch = false; d->pinchRejected = false; d->stealMouse = false; return; } QTouchEvent::TouchPoint touchPoint1 = d->touchPoints.at(0); QTouchEvent::TouchPoint touchPoint2 = d->touchPoints.at(d->touchPoints. count() >= 2 ? 1 : 0); if (touchPoint1.state() == Qt::TouchPointPressed) d->sceneStartPoint1 = touchPoint1.scenePos(); if (touchPoint2.state() == Qt::TouchPointPressed) d->sceneStartPoint2 = touchPoint2.scenePos(); QRectF bounds = clipRect(); // Pinch is not started unless there are exactly two touch points // AND one or more of the points has just now been pressed (wasn't pressed already) // AND both points are inside the bounds. if (d->touchPoints.count() == 2 && (touchPoint1.state() & Qt::TouchPointPressed || touchPoint2.state() & Qt::TouchPointPressed) && bounds.contains(touchPoint1.pos()) && bounds.contains(touchPoint2.pos())) { d->id1 = touchPoint1.id(); d->pinchActivated = true; d->initPinch = true; int touchMouseId = QQuickWindowPrivate::get(win)->touchMouseId; if (touchPoint1.id() == touchMouseId || touchPoint2.id() == touchMouseId) { if (win && win->mouseGrabberItem() != this) { grabMouse(); } } } if (d->pinchActivated && !d->pinchRejected) { const int dragThreshold = qApp->styleHints()->startDragDistance(); QPointF p1 = touchPoint1.scenePos(); QPointF p2 = touchPoint2.scenePos(); qreal dx = p1.x() - p2.x(); qreal dy = p1.y() - p2.y(); qreal dist = sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy); QPointF sceneCenter = (p1 + p2)/2; qreal angle = QLineF(p1, p2).angle(); if (d->touchPoints.count() == 1) { // If we only have one point then just move the center if (d->id1 == touchPoint1.id()) sceneCenter = d->sceneLastCenter + touchPoint1.scenePos() - d->lastPoint1; else sceneCenter = d->sceneLastCenter + touchPoint2.scenePos() - d->lastPoint2; angle = d->pinchLastAngle; } d->id1 = touchPoint1.id(); if (angle > 180) angle -= 360; if (!d->inPinch || d->initPinch) { if (d->touchPoints.count() >= 2) { if (d->initPinch) { if (!d->inPinch) d->pinchStartDist = dist; d->initPinch = false; } d->sceneStartCenter = sceneCenter; d->sceneLastCenter = sceneCenter; d->pinchStartCenter = mapFromScene(sceneCenter); d->pinchStartAngle = angle; d->pinchLastScale = 1.0; d->pinchLastAngle = angle; d->pinchRotation = 0.0; d->lastPoint1 = p1; d->lastPoint2 = p2; if (qAbs(dist - d->pinchStartDist) >= dragThreshold || (pinch()->axis() != QQuickPinch::NoDrag && (qAbs(p1.x()-d->sceneStartPoint1.x()) >= dragThreshold || qAbs(p1.y()-d->sceneStartPoint1.y()) >= dragThreshold || qAbs(p2.x()-d->sceneStartPoint2.x()) >= dragThreshold || qAbs(p2.y()-d->sceneStartPoint2.y()) >= dragThreshold))) { QQuickPinchEvent pe(d->pinchStartCenter, 1.0, angle, 0.0); d->pinchStartDist = dist; pe.setStartCenter(d->pinchStartCenter); pe.setPreviousCenter(d->pinchStartCenter); pe.setPreviousAngle(d->pinchLastAngle); pe.setPreviousScale(d->pinchLastScale); pe.setStartPoint1(mapFromScene(d->sceneStartPoint1)); pe.setStartPoint2(mapFromScene(d->sceneStartPoint2)); pe.setPoint1(mapFromScene(d->lastPoint1)); pe.setPoint2(mapFromScene(d->lastPoint2)); pe.setPointCount(d->touchPoints.count()); emit pinchStarted(&pe); if (pe.accepted()) { d->inPinch = true; d->stealMouse = true; if (win && win->mouseGrabberItem() != this) grabMouse(); setKeepMouseGrab(true); grabTouchPoints(QVector<int>() << touchPoint1.id() << touchPoint2.id()); d->inPinch = true; d->stealMouse = true; if (d->pinch && d->pinch->target()) { d->pinchStartPos = pinch()->target()->position(); d->pinchStartScale = d->pinch->target()->scale(); d->pinchStartRotation = d->pinch->target()->rotation(); d->pinch->setActive(true); } } else { d->pinchRejected = true; } } } } else if (d->pinchStartDist > 0) { qreal scale = dist ? dist / d->pinchStartDist : d->pinchLastScale; qreal da = d->pinchLastAngle - angle; if (da > 180) da -= 360; else if (da < -180) da += 360; d->pinchRotation += da; QPointF pinchCenter = mapFromScene(sceneCenter); QQuickPinchEvent pe(pinchCenter, scale, angle, d->pinchRotation); pe.setStartCenter(d->pinchStartCenter); pe.setPreviousCenter(mapFromScene(d->sceneLastCenter)); pe.setPreviousAngle(d->pinchLastAngle); pe.setPreviousScale(d->pinchLastScale); pe.setStartPoint1(mapFromScene(d->sceneStartPoint1)); pe.setStartPoint2(mapFromScene(d->sceneStartPoint2)); pe.setPoint1(touchPoint1.pos()); pe.setPoint2(touchPoint2.pos()); pe.setPointCount(d->touchPoints.count()); d->pinchLastScale = scale; d->sceneLastCenter = sceneCenter; d->pinchLastAngle = angle; d->lastPoint1 = touchPoint1.scenePos(); d->lastPoint2 = touchPoint2.scenePos(); emit pinchUpdated(&pe); if (d->pinch && d->pinch->target()) { qreal s = d->pinchStartScale * scale; s = qMin(qMax(pinch()->minimumScale(),s), pinch()->maximumScale()); pinch()->target()->setScale(s); QPointF pos = sceneCenter - d->sceneStartCenter + d->pinchStartPos; if (pinch()->axis() & QQuickPinch::XAxis) { qreal x = pos.x(); if (x < pinch()->xmin()) x = pinch()->xmin(); else if (x > pinch()->xmax()) x = pinch()->xmax(); pinch()->target()->setX(x); } if (pinch()->axis() & QQuickPinch::YAxis) { qreal y = pos.y(); if (y < pinch()->ymin()) y = pinch()->ymin(); else if (y > pinch()->ymax()) y = pinch()->ymax(); pinch()->target()->setY(y); } if (d->pinchStartRotation >= pinch()->minimumRotation() && d->pinchStartRotation <= pinch()->maximumRotation()) { qreal r = d->pinchRotation + d->pinchStartRotation; r = qMin(qMax(pinch()->minimumRotation(),r), pinch()->maximumRotation()); pinch()->target()->setRotation(r); } } } } }
void QSGPinchArea::updatePinch() { Q_D(QSGPinchArea); if (d->touchPoints.count() == 0) { if (d->inPinch) { d->inPinch = false; QPointF pinchCenter = mapFromScene(d->sceneLastCenter); QSGPinchEvent pe(pinchCenter, d->pinchLastScale, d->pinchLastAngle, d->pinchRotation); pe.setStartCenter(d->pinchStartCenter); pe.setPreviousCenter(pinchCenter); pe.setPreviousAngle(d->pinchLastAngle); pe.setPreviousScale(d->pinchLastScale); pe.setStartPoint1(mapFromScene(d->sceneStartPoint1)); pe.setStartPoint2(mapFromScene(d->sceneStartPoint2)); pe.setPoint1(mapFromScene(d->lastPoint1)); pe.setPoint2(mapFromScene(d->lastPoint2)); emit pinchFinished(&pe); d->pinchStartDist = 0; d->pinchActivated = false; if (d->pinch && d->pinch->target()) d->pinch->setActive(false); } d->initPinch = false; d->pinchRejected = false; d->stealMouse = false; setKeepMouseGrab(false); QSGCanvas *c = canvas(); if (c && c->mouseGrabberItem() == this) ungrabMouse(); return; } QTouchEvent::TouchPoint touchPoint1 = d->touchPoints.at(0); QTouchEvent::TouchPoint touchPoint2 = d->touchPoints.at(d->touchPoints. count() >= 2 ? 1 : 0); if (d->touchPoints.count() == 2 && (touchPoint1.state() & Qt::TouchPointPressed || touchPoint2.state() & Qt::TouchPointPressed)) { d->id1 = touchPoint1.id(); d->sceneStartPoint1 = touchPoint1.scenePos(); d->sceneStartPoint2 = touchPoint2.scenePos(); d->pinchActivated = true; d->initPinch = true; } if (d->pinchActivated && !d->pinchRejected){ const int dragThreshold = QApplication::startDragDistance(); QPointF p1 = touchPoint1.scenePos(); QPointF p2 = touchPoint2.scenePos(); qreal dx = p1.x() - p2.x(); qreal dy = p1.y() - p2.y(); qreal dist = sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy); QPointF sceneCenter = (p1 + p2)/2; qreal angle = QLineF(p1, p2).angle(); if (d->touchPoints.count() == 1) { // If we only have one point then just move the center if (d->id1 == touchPoint1.id()) sceneCenter = d->sceneLastCenter + touchPoint1.scenePos() - d->lastPoint1; else sceneCenter = d->sceneLastCenter + touchPoint2.scenePos() - d->lastPoint2; angle = d->pinchLastAngle; } d->id1 = touchPoint1.id(); if (angle > 180) angle -= 360; if (!d->inPinch || d->initPinch) { if (d->touchPoints.count() >= 2 && (qAbs(p1.x()-d->sceneStartPoint1.x()) > dragThreshold || qAbs(p1.y()-d->sceneStartPoint1.y()) > dragThreshold || qAbs(p2.x()-d->sceneStartPoint2.x()) > dragThreshold || qAbs(p2.y()-d->sceneStartPoint2.y()) > dragThreshold)) { d->initPinch = false; d->sceneStartCenter = sceneCenter; d->sceneLastCenter = sceneCenter; d->pinchStartCenter = mapFromScene(sceneCenter); d->pinchStartDist = dist; d->pinchStartAngle = angle; d->pinchLastScale = 1.0; d->pinchLastAngle = angle; d->pinchRotation = 0.0; d->lastPoint1 = p1; d->lastPoint2 = p2; QSGPinchEvent pe(d->pinchStartCenter, 1.0, angle, 0.0); pe.setStartCenter(d->pinchStartCenter); pe.setPreviousCenter(d->pinchStartCenter); pe.setPreviousAngle(d->pinchLastAngle); pe.setPreviousScale(d->pinchLastScale); pe.setStartPoint1(mapFromScene(d->sceneStartPoint1)); pe.setStartPoint2(mapFromScene(d->sceneStartPoint2)); pe.setPoint1(mapFromScene(d->lastPoint1)); pe.setPoint2(mapFromScene(d->lastPoint2)); pe.setPointCount(d->touchPoints.count()); emit pinchStarted(&pe); if (pe.accepted()) { d->inPinch = true; d->stealMouse = true; QSGCanvas *c = canvas(); if (c && c->mouseGrabberItem() != this) grabMouse(); setKeepMouseGrab(true); if (d->pinch && d->pinch->target()) { d->pinchStartPos = pinch()->target()->pos(); d->pinchStartScale = d->pinch->target()->scale(); d->pinchStartRotation = d->pinch->target()->rotation(); d->pinch->setActive(true); } } else { d->pinchRejected = true; } } } else if (d->pinchStartDist > 0) { qreal scale = dist ? dist / d->pinchStartDist : d->pinchLastScale; qreal da = d->pinchLastAngle - angle; if (da > 180) da -= 360; else if (da < -180) da += 360; d->pinchRotation += da; QPointF pinchCenter = mapFromScene(sceneCenter); QSGPinchEvent pe(pinchCenter, scale, angle, d->pinchRotation); pe.setStartCenter(d->pinchStartCenter); pe.setPreviousCenter(mapFromScene(d->sceneLastCenter)); pe.setPreviousAngle(d->pinchLastAngle); pe.setPreviousScale(d->pinchLastScale); pe.setStartPoint1(mapFromScene(d->sceneStartPoint1)); pe.setStartPoint2(mapFromScene(d->sceneStartPoint2)); pe.setPoint1(touchPoint1.pos()); pe.setPoint2(touchPoint2.pos()); pe.setPointCount(d->touchPoints.count()); d->pinchLastScale = scale; d->sceneLastCenter = sceneCenter; d->pinchLastAngle = angle; d->lastPoint1 = touchPoint1.scenePos(); d->lastPoint2 = touchPoint2.scenePos(); emit pinchUpdated(&pe); if (d->pinch && d->pinch->target()) { qreal s = d->pinchStartScale * scale; s = qMin(qMax(pinch()->minimumScale(),s), pinch()->maximumScale()); pinch()->target()->setScale(s); QPointF pos = sceneCenter - d->sceneStartCenter + d->pinchStartPos; if (pinch()->axis() & QSGPinch::XAxis) { qreal x = pos.x(); if (x < pinch()->xmin()) x = pinch()->xmin(); else if (x > pinch()->xmax()) x = pinch()->xmax(); pinch()->target()->setX(x); } if (pinch()->axis() & QSGPinch::YAxis) { qreal y = pos.y(); if (y < pinch()->ymin()) y = pinch()->ymin(); else if (y > pinch()->ymax()) y = pinch()->ymax(); pinch()->target()->setY(y); } if (d->pinchStartRotation >= pinch()->minimumRotation() && d->pinchStartRotation <= pinch()->maximumRotation()) { qreal r = d->pinchRotation + d->pinchStartRotation; r = qMin(qMax(pinch()->minimumRotation(),r), pinch()->maximumRotation()); pinch()->target()->setRotation(r); } } } } }