Beispiel #1
pixman_image_t *
FbCreateAlphaPicture (pixman_image_t	*dst,
		      pixman_format_t	*format,
		      uint16_t	width,
		      uint16_t	height)
    pixman_image_t	*image;
    int own_format = 0;

    if (width > 32767 || height > 32767)
	return NULL;

    if (!format)
	own_format = 1;
	if (dst->polyEdge == PolyEdgeSharp)
	    format = pixman_format_create (PIXMAN_FORMAT_NAME_A1);
	    format = pixman_format_create (PIXMAN_FORMAT_NAME_A8);
	if (!format)
	    return NULL;

    image = pixman_image_create (format, width, height); 

    if (own_format)
	pixman_format_destroy (format);

    /* XXX: Is this a reasonable way to clear the image? Would
       probably be preferable to use pixman_image_fill_rectangle once such a
       beast exists. */
    memset (image->pixels->data, 0, height * image->pixels->stride);

    return image;
 * cairo_image_surface_create:
 * @format: format of pixels in the surface to create 
 * @width: width of the surface, in pixels
 * @height: height of the surface, in pixels
 * Creates an image surface of the specified format and
 * dimensions. The initial contents of the surface is undefined; you
 * must explicitly initialize the surface contents, using, for
 * example, cairo_paint().
 * Return value: a pointer to the newly created surface. The caller
 * owns the surface and should call cairo_surface_destroy when done
 * with it.
 * This function always returns a valid pointer, but it will return a
 * pointer to a "nil" surface if an error such as out of memory
 * occurs. You can use cairo_surface_status() to check for this.
cairo_surface_t *
cairo_image_surface_create (cairo_format_t	format,
			    int			width,
			    int			height)
    cairo_surface_t *surface;
    pixman_format_t *pixman_format;
    pixman_image_t *pixman_image;

    if (! CAIRO_FORMAT_VALID (format))
	return (cairo_surface_t*) &_cairo_surface_nil;

    pixman_format = _create_pixman_format (format);
    if (pixman_format == NULL) {
	_cairo_error (CAIRO_STATUS_NO_MEMORY);
	return (cairo_surface_t*) &_cairo_surface_nil;

    pixman_image = pixman_image_create (pixman_format, width, height);

    pixman_format_destroy (pixman_format);

    if (pixman_image == NULL) {
	_cairo_error (CAIRO_STATUS_NO_MEMORY);
	return (cairo_surface_t*) &_cairo_surface_nil;

    surface = _cairo_image_surface_create_for_pixman_image (pixman_image, format);

    return surface;
cairo_surface_t *
_cairo_image_surface_create_with_masks (unsigned char	       *data,
					cairo_format_masks_t   *format,
					int			width,
					int			height,
					int			stride)
    cairo_surface_t *surface;
    pixman_format_t *pixman_format;
    pixman_image_t *pixman_image;
    cairo_format_t cairo_format;

    pixman_format = pixman_format_create_masks (format->bpp,

    if (pixman_format == NULL) {
	_cairo_error (CAIRO_STATUS_NO_MEMORY);
	return (cairo_surface_t*) &_cairo_surface_nil;

    cairo_format = _cairo_format_from_pixman_format (pixman_format);

    pixman_image = pixman_image_create_for_data ((pixman_bits_t *) data, pixman_format,
						 width, height, format->bpp, stride);

    pixman_format_destroy (pixman_format);

    if (pixman_image == NULL) {
	_cairo_error (CAIRO_STATUS_NO_MEMORY);
	return (cairo_surface_t*) &_cairo_surface_nil;

    surface = _cairo_image_surface_create_for_pixman_image (pixman_image,

    return surface;
 * cairo_image_surface_create_for_data:
 * @data: a pointer to a buffer supplied by the application
 *    in which to write contents.
 * @format: the format of pixels in the buffer
 * @width: the width of the image to be stored in the buffer
 * @height: the height of the image to be stored in the buffer
 * @stride: the number of bytes between the start of rows
 *   in the buffer. Having this be specified separate from @width
 *   allows for padding at the end of rows, or for writing
 *   to a subportion of a larger image.
 * Creates an image surface for the provided pixel data. The output
 * buffer must be kept around until the #cairo_surface_t is destroyed
 * or cairo_surface_finish() is called on the surface.  The initial
 * contents of @buffer will be used as the inital image contents; you
 * must explicitely clear the buffer, using, for example,
 * cairo_rectangle() and cairo_fill() if you want it cleared.
 * Return value: a pointer to the newly created surface. The caller
 * owns the surface and should call cairo_surface_destroy when done
 * with it.
 * This function always returns a valid pointer, but it will return a
 * pointer to a "nil" surface if an error such as out of memory
 * occurs. You can use cairo_surface_status() to check for this.
cairo_surface_t *
cairo_image_surface_create_for_data (unsigned char     *data,
				     cairo_format_t	format,
				     int		width,
				     int		height,
				     int		stride)
    cairo_surface_t *surface;
    pixman_format_t *pixman_format;
    pixman_image_t *pixman_image;

    if (! CAIRO_FORMAT_VALID (format))
	return (cairo_surface_t*) &_cairo_surface_nil;

    pixman_format = _create_pixman_format (format);
    if (pixman_format == NULL) {
	_cairo_error (CAIRO_STATUS_NO_MEMORY);
	return (cairo_surface_t*) &_cairo_surface_nil;
    pixman_image = pixman_image_create_for_data ((pixman_bits_t *) data, pixman_format,
						 width, height,
						 _cairo_format_bpp (format),

    pixman_format_destroy (pixman_format);

    if (pixman_image == NULL) {
	_cairo_error (CAIRO_STATUS_NO_MEMORY);
	return (cairo_surface_t*) &_cairo_surface_nil;

    surface = _cairo_image_surface_create_for_pixman_image (pixman_image, format);

    return surface;
Beispiel #5
/* XXX: There are failure cases in this function. Don't we need to
 * propagate the errors out?
pixman_composite_trapezoids (pixman_operator_t	      op,
			     pixman_image_t	      *src,
			     pixman_image_t	      *dst,
			     int		      xSrc,
			     int		      ySrc,
			     const pixman_trapezoid_t *traps,
			     int		      ntraps)
    pixman_image_t	*image = NULL;
    pixman_box16_t	traps_bounds, dst_bounds, bounds;
    pixman_region16_t	*traps_region, *dst_region;
    int16_t		xDst, yDst;
    int16_t		xRel, yRel;
    pixman_format_t	*format;

    if (ntraps == 0)

     * Check for solid alpha add
    if (op == PIXMAN_OPERATOR_ADD && miIsSolidAlpha (src))
	for (; ntraps; ntraps--, traps++)
	    fbRasterizeTrapezoid (dst, traps, 0, 0);

    xDst = traps[0].left.p1.x >> 16;
    yDst = traps[0].left.p1.y >> 16;
    pixman_trapezoid_bounds (ntraps, traps, &traps_bounds);

    traps_region = pixman_region_create_simple (&traps_bounds);

    /* XXX: If the image has a clip region set, we should really be
     * fetching it here instead, but it looks like we don't yet expose
     * a pixman_image_get_clip_region function. */
    dst_bounds.x1 = 0;
    dst_bounds.y1 = 0;
    dst_bounds.x2 = pixman_image_get_width (dst);
    dst_bounds.y2 = pixman_image_get_height (dst);

    dst_region = pixman_region_create_simple (&dst_bounds);

    pixman_region_intersect (traps_region, traps_region, dst_region);

    bounds = *(pixman_region_extents (traps_region));

    pixman_region_destroy (traps_region);
    pixman_region_destroy (dst_region);

    if (bounds.y1 >= bounds.y2 || bounds.x1 >= bounds.x2)

    format = pixman_format_create (PIXMAN_FORMAT_NAME_A8);
    if (!format)

    image = FbCreateAlphaPicture (dst, format,
				  bounds.x2 - bounds.x1,
				  bounds.y2 - bounds.y1);
    if (!image)
	pixman_format_destroy (format);

    for (; ntraps; ntraps--, traps++)
	if (!xTrapezoidValid(traps))
	fbRasterizeTrapezoid (image, traps, 
			      -bounds.x1, -bounds.y1);

    xRel = bounds.x1 + xSrc - xDst;
    yRel = bounds.y1 + ySrc - yDst;
    pixman_composite (op, src, image, dst,
		      xRel, yRel, 0, 0, bounds.x1, bounds.y1,
		      bounds.x2 - bounds.x1,
		      bounds.y2 - bounds.y1);
    pixman_image_destroy (image);

    pixman_format_destroy (format);
static cairo_int_status_t
_cairo_image_surface_composite_trapezoids (cairo_operator_t	op,
					   cairo_pattern_t	*pattern,
					   void			*abstract_dst,
					   cairo_antialias_t	antialias,
					   int			src_x,
					   int			src_y,
					   int			dst_x,
					   int			dst_y,
					   unsigned int		width,
					   unsigned int		height,
					   cairo_trapezoid_t	*traps,
					   int			num_traps)
    cairo_surface_attributes_t	attributes;
    cairo_image_surface_t	*dst = abstract_dst;
    cairo_image_surface_t	*src;
    cairo_int_status_t		status;
    pixman_image_t		*mask;
    pixman_format_t		*format;
    pixman_bits_t		*mask_data;
    int				mask_stride;
    int				mask_bpp;

    /* Special case adding trapezoids onto a mask surface; we want to avoid
     * creating an intermediate temporary mask unecessarily.
     * We make the assumption here that the portion of the trapezoids
     * contained within the surface is bounded by [dst_x,dst_y,width,height];
     * the Cairo core code passes bounds based on the trapezoid extents.
     * Currently the check surface->has_clip is needed for correct
     * functioning, since pixman_add_trapezoids() doesn't obey the
     * surface clip, which is a libpixman bug , but there's no harm in
     * falling through to the general case when the surface is clipped
     * since libpixman would have to generate an intermediate mask anyways.
    if (op == CAIRO_OPERATOR_ADD &&
	_cairo_pattern_is_opaque_solid (pattern) &&
	_cairo_image_surface_is_alpha_only (dst) &&
	!dst->has_clip &&
	pixman_add_trapezoids (dst->pixman_image, 0, 0,
			       (pixman_trapezoid_t *) traps, num_traps);

    status = _cairo_pattern_acquire_surface (pattern, &dst->base,
					     src_x, src_y, width, height,
					     (cairo_surface_t **) &src,
    if (status)
	return status;

    status = _cairo_image_surface_set_attributes (src, &attributes);
    if (status)

    switch (antialias) {
	format = pixman_format_create (PIXMAN_FORMAT_NAME_A1);
	mask_stride = (width + 31)/8;
	mask_bpp = 1;
	format = pixman_format_create (PIXMAN_FORMAT_NAME_A8);
	mask_stride = (width + 3) & ~3;
	mask_bpp = 8;
    if (!format) {

    /* The image must be initially transparent */
    mask_data = calloc (1, mask_stride * height);
    if (!mask_data) {
	pixman_format_destroy (format);

    mask = pixman_image_create_for_data (mask_data, format, width, height,
					 mask_bpp, mask_stride);
    pixman_format_destroy (format);
    if (!mask) {

    /* XXX: The pixman_trapezoid_t cast is evil and needs to go away
     * somehow. */
    pixman_add_trapezoids (mask, - dst_x, - dst_y,
			   (pixman_trapezoid_t *) traps, num_traps);

    pixman_composite (_pixman_operator (op),
		      src_x + attributes.x_offset,
		      src_y + attributes.y_offset,
		      0, 0,
		      dst_x, dst_y,
		      width, height);

    if (!_cairo_operator_bounded_by_mask (op))
	status = _cairo_surface_composite_shape_fixup_unbounded (&dst->base,
								 &attributes, src->width, src->height,
								 width, height,
								 src_x, src_y,
								 0, 0,
								 dst_x, dst_y, width, height);
    pixman_image_destroy (mask);

    free (mask_data);

    _cairo_pattern_release_surface (pattern, &src->base, &attributes);

    return status;