Beispiel #1
void Parse::emit_guard_for_new(ciInstanceKlass* klass) {
  // Emit guarded new
  //   if (klass->_init_thread != current_thread ||
  //       klass->_init_state != being_initialized)
  //      uncommon_trap
  Node* cur_thread = _gvn.transform( new (C, 1) ThreadLocalNode() );
  Node* merge = new (C, 3) RegionNode(3);
  _gvn.set_type(merge, Type::CONTROL);
  Node* kls = makecon(TypeKlassPtr::make(klass));

  Node* init_thread_offset = _gvn.MakeConX(instanceKlass::init_thread_offset_in_bytes() + klassOopDesc::klass_part_offset_in_bytes());
  Node* adr_node = basic_plus_adr(kls, kls, init_thread_offset);
  Node* init_thread = make_load(NULL, adr_node, TypeRawPtr::BOTTOM, T_ADDRESS);
  Node *tst   = Bool( CmpP( init_thread, cur_thread), BoolTest::eq);
  IfNode* iff = create_and_map_if(control(), tst, PROB_ALWAYS, COUNT_UNKNOWN);
  merge->set_req(1, IfFalse(iff));

  Node* init_state_offset = _gvn.MakeConX(instanceKlass::init_state_offset_in_bytes() + klassOopDesc::klass_part_offset_in_bytes());
  adr_node = basic_plus_adr(kls, kls, init_state_offset);
  Node* init_state = make_load(NULL, adr_node, TypeInt::INT, T_INT);
  Node* being_init = _gvn.intcon(instanceKlass::being_initialized);
  tst   = Bool( CmpI( init_state, being_init), BoolTest::eq);
  iff = create_and_map_if(control(), tst, PROB_ALWAYS, COUNT_UNKNOWN);
  merge->set_req(2, IfFalse(iff));

  PreserveJVMState pjvms(this);

JVMState* PredictedIntrinsicGenerator::generate(JVMState* jvms, Parse* parent_parser) {
  GraphKit kit(jvms);
  PhaseGVN& gvn = kit.gvn();

  CompileLog* log = kit.C->log();
  if (log != NULL) {
    log->elem("predicted_intrinsic bci='%d' method='%d'",
              jvms->bci(), log->identify(method()));

  Node* slow_ctl = _intrinsic->generate_predicate(kit.sync_jvms());
  if (kit.failing())
    return NULL;  // might happen because of NodeCountInliningCutoff

  SafePointNode* slow_map = NULL;
  JVMState* slow_jvms;
  if (slow_ctl != NULL) {
    PreserveJVMState pjvms(&kit);
    if (!kit.stopped()) {
      slow_jvms = _cg->generate(kit.sync_jvms(), parent_parser);
      if (kit.failing())
        return NULL;  // might happen because of NodeCountInliningCutoff
      assert(slow_jvms != NULL, "must be");
      if (!kit.stopped())
        slow_map = kit.stop();

  if (kit.stopped()) {
    // Predicate is always false.
    return kit.transfer_exceptions_into_jvms();

  // Generate intrinsic code:
  JVMState* new_jvms = _intrinsic->generate(kit.sync_jvms(), parent_parser);
  if (new_jvms == NULL) {
    // Intrinsic failed, so use slow code or make a direct call.
    if (slow_map == NULL) {
      CallGenerator* cg = CallGenerator::for_direct_call(method());
      new_jvms = cg->generate(kit.sync_jvms(), parent_parser);
    } else {
      return kit.transfer_exceptions_into_jvms();

  // Need to merge slow and fast?
  if (slow_map == NULL) {
    // The fast path is the only path remaining.
    return kit.transfer_exceptions_into_jvms();

  if (kit.stopped()) {
    // Intrinsic method threw an exception, so it's just the slow path after all.
    return kit.transfer_exceptions_into_jvms();

  // Finish the diamond.
  kit.C->set_has_split_ifs(true); // Has chance for split-if optimization
  RegionNode* region = new (kit.C) RegionNode(3);
  region->init_req(1, kit.control());
  region->init_req(2, slow_map->control());
  Node* iophi = PhiNode::make(region, kit.i_o(), Type::ABIO);
  iophi->set_req(2, slow_map->i_o());
  kit.merge_memory(slow_map->merged_memory(), region, 2);
  uint tos = kit.jvms()->stkoff() + kit.sp();
  uint limit = slow_map->req();
  for (uint i = TypeFunc::Parms; i < limit; i++) {
    // Skip unused stack slots; fast forward to monoff();
    if (i == tos) {
      i = kit.jvms()->monoff();
      if( i >= limit ) break;
    Node* m =>in(i);
    Node* n = slow_map->in(i);
    if (m != n) {
      const Type* t = gvn.type(m)->meet(gvn.type(n));
      Node* phi = PhiNode::make(region, m, t);
      phi->set_req(2, n);>set_req(i, gvn.transform(phi));
  return kit.transfer_exceptions_into_jvms();
JVMState* PredictedCallGenerator::generate(JVMState* jvms, Parse* parent_parser) {
  GraphKit kit(jvms);
  PhaseGVN& gvn = kit.gvn();
  // We need an explicit receiver null_check before checking its type.
  // We share a map with the caller, so his JVMS gets adjusted.
  Node* receiver = kit.argument(0);

  CompileLog* log = kit.C->log();
  if (log != NULL) {
    log->elem("predicted_call bci='%d' klass='%d'",
              jvms->bci(), log->identify(_predicted_receiver));

  receiver = kit.null_check_receiver_before_call(method());
  if (kit.stopped()) {
    return kit.transfer_exceptions_into_jvms();

  Node* exact_receiver = receiver;  // will get updated in place...
  Node* slow_ctl = kit.type_check_receiver(receiver,
                                           _predicted_receiver, _hit_prob,

  SafePointNode* slow_map = NULL;
  JVMState* slow_jvms;
  { PreserveJVMState pjvms(&kit);
    if (!kit.stopped()) {
      slow_jvms = _if_missed->generate(kit.sync_jvms(), parent_parser);
      if (kit.failing())
        return NULL;  // might happen because of NodeCountInliningCutoff
      assert(slow_jvms != NULL, "must be");
      if (!kit.stopped())
        slow_map = kit.stop();

  if (kit.stopped()) {
    // Instance exactly does not matches the desired type.
    return kit.transfer_exceptions_into_jvms();

  // fall through if the instance exactly matches the desired type
  kit.replace_in_map(receiver, exact_receiver);

  // Make the hot call:
  JVMState* new_jvms = _if_hit->generate(kit.sync_jvms(), parent_parser);
  if (new_jvms == NULL) {
    // Inline failed, so make a direct call.
    assert(_if_hit->is_inline(), "must have been a failed inline");
    CallGenerator* cg = CallGenerator::for_direct_call(_if_hit->method());
    new_jvms = cg->generate(kit.sync_jvms(), parent_parser);

  // Need to merge slow and fast?
  if (slow_map == NULL) {
    // The fast path is the only path remaining.
    return kit.transfer_exceptions_into_jvms();

  if (kit.stopped()) {
    // Inlined method threw an exception, so it's just the slow path after all.
    return kit.transfer_exceptions_into_jvms();

  // Finish the diamond.
  kit.C->set_has_split_ifs(true); // Has chance for split-if optimization
  RegionNode* region = new (kit.C) RegionNode(3);
  region->init_req(1, kit.control());
  region->init_req(2, slow_map->control());
  Node* iophi = PhiNode::make(region, kit.i_o(), Type::ABIO);
  iophi->set_req(2, slow_map->i_o());
  kit.merge_memory(slow_map->merged_memory(), region, 2);
  uint tos = kit.jvms()->stkoff() + kit.sp();
  uint limit = slow_map->req();
  for (uint i = TypeFunc::Parms; i < limit; i++) {
    // Skip unused stack slots; fast forward to monoff();
    if (i == tos) {
      i = kit.jvms()->monoff();
      if( i >= limit ) break;
    Node* m =>in(i);
    Node* n = slow_map->in(i);
    if (m != n) {
      const Type* t = gvn.type(m)->meet(gvn.type(n));
      Node* phi = PhiNode::make(region, m, t);
      phi->set_req(2, n);>set_req(i, gvn.transform(phi));
  return kit.transfer_exceptions_into_jvms();
Beispiel #4
JVMState* PredicatedIntrinsicGenerator::generate(JVMState* jvms) {
  // The code we want to generate here is:
  //    if (receiver == NULL)
  //        uncommon_Trap
  //    if (predicate(0))
  //        do_intrinsic(0)
  //    else
  //    if (predicate(1))
  //        do_intrinsic(1)
  //    ...
  //    else
  //        do_java_comp

  GraphKit kit(jvms);
  PhaseGVN& gvn = kit.gvn();

  CompileLog* log = kit.C->log();
  if (log != NULL) {
    log->elem("predicated_intrinsic bci='%d' method='%d'",
              jvms->bci(), log->identify(method()));

  if (!method()->is_static()) {
    // We need an explicit receiver null_check before checking its type in predicate.
    // We share a map with the caller, so his JVMS gets adjusted.
    Node* receiver = kit.null_check_receiver_before_call(method());
    if (kit.stopped()) {
      return kit.transfer_exceptions_into_jvms();

  int n_predicates = _intrinsic->predicates_count();
  assert(n_predicates > 0, "sanity");

  JVMState** result_jvms = NEW_RESOURCE_ARRAY(JVMState*, (n_predicates+1));

  // Region for normal compilation code if intrinsic failed.
  Node* slow_region = new (kit.C) RegionNode(1);

  int results = 0;
  for (int predicate = 0; (predicate < n_predicates) && !kit.stopped(); predicate++) {
#ifdef ASSERT
    JVMState* old_jvms = kit.jvms();
    SafePointNode* old_map =;
    Node* old_io  = old_map->i_o();
    Node* old_mem = old_map->memory();
    Node* old_exc = old_map->next_exception();
    Node* else_ctrl = _intrinsic->generate_predicate(kit.sync_jvms(), predicate);
#ifdef ASSERT
    // Assert(no_new_memory && no_new_io && no_new_exceptions) after generate_predicate.
    assert(old_jvms == kit.jvms(), "generate_predicate should not change jvm state");
    SafePointNode* new_map =;
    assert(old_io  == new_map->i_o(), "generate_predicate should not change i_o");
    assert(old_mem == new_map->memory(), "generate_predicate should not change memory");
    assert(old_exc == new_map->next_exception(), "generate_predicate should not add exceptions");
    if (!kit.stopped()) {
      PreserveJVMState pjvms(&kit);
      // Generate intrinsic code:
      JVMState* new_jvms = _intrinsic->generate(kit.sync_jvms());
      if (new_jvms == NULL) {
        // Intrinsic failed, use normal compilation path for this predicate.
      } else {
        if (!kit.stopped()) {
          result_jvms[results++] = kit.jvms();
    if (else_ctrl == NULL) {
      else_ctrl = kit.C->top();
  if (!kit.stopped()) {
    // Final 'else' after predicates.
  if (slow_region->req() > 1) {
    PreserveJVMState pjvms(&kit);
    // Generate normal compilation code:
    JVMState* new_jvms = _cg->generate(kit.sync_jvms());
    if (kit.failing())
      return NULL;  // might happen because of NodeCountInliningCutoff
    assert(new_jvms != NULL, "must be");
    if (!kit.stopped()) {
      result_jvms[results++] = kit.jvms();

  if (results == 0) {
    // All paths ended in uncommon traps.
    (void) kit.stop();
    return kit.transfer_exceptions_into_jvms();

  if (results == 1) { // Only one path
    return kit.transfer_exceptions_into_jvms();

  // Merge all paths.
  kit.C->set_has_split_ifs(true); // Has chance for split-if optimization
  RegionNode* region = new (kit.C) RegionNode(results + 1);
  Node* iophi = PhiNode::make(region, kit.i_o(), Type::ABIO);
  for (int i = 0; i < results; i++) {
    JVMState* jvms = result_jvms[i];
    int path = i + 1;
    SafePointNode* map = jvms->map();
    region->init_req(path, map->control());
    iophi->set_req(path, map->i_o());
    if (i == 0) {
    } else {
      kit.merge_memory(map->merged_memory(), region, path);
  // Transform new memory Phis.
  for (MergeMemStream mms(kit.merged_memory()); mms.next_non_empty();) {
    Node* phi = mms.memory();
    if (phi->is_Phi() && phi->in(0) == region) {

  // Merge debug info.
  Node** ins = NEW_RESOURCE_ARRAY(Node*, results);
  uint tos = kit.jvms()->stkoff() + kit.sp();
  Node* map =;
  uint limit = map->req();
  for (uint i = TypeFunc::Parms; i < limit; i++) {
    // Skip unused stack slots; fast forward to monoff();
    if (i == tos) {
      i = kit.jvms()->monoff();
      if( i >= limit ) break;
    Node* n = map->in(i);
    ins[0] = n;
    const Type* t = gvn.type(n);
    bool needs_phi = false;
    for (int j = 1; j < results; j++) {
      JVMState* jvms = result_jvms[j];
      Node* jmap = jvms->map();
      Node* m = NULL;
      if (jmap->req() > i) {
        m = jmap->in(i);
        if (m != n) {
          needs_phi = true;
          t = t->meet_speculative(gvn.type(m));
      ins[j] = m;
    if (needs_phi) {
      Node* phi = PhiNode::make(region, n, t);
      for (int j = 1; j < results; j++) {
        phi->set_req(j + 1, ins[j]);
      map->set_req(i, gvn.transform(phi));

  return kit.transfer_exceptions_into_jvms();
Beispiel #5
JVMState* PredictedDynamicCallGenerator::generate(JVMState* jvms) {
  GraphKit kit(jvms);
  Compile* C = kit.C;
  PhaseGVN& gvn = kit.gvn();

  CompileLog* log = C->log();
  if (log != NULL) {
    log->elem("predicted_dynamic_call bci='%d'", jvms->bci());

  const TypeOopPtr* predicted_mh_ptr = TypeOopPtr::make_from_constant(_predicted_method_handle, true);
  Node* predicted_mh = kit.makecon(predicted_mh_ptr);

  Node* bol = NULL;
  int bc = jvms->method()->java_code_at_bci(jvms->bci());
  if (bc != Bytecodes::_invokedynamic) {
    // This is the selectAlternative idiom for guardWithTest or
    // similar idioms.
    Node* receiver = kit.argument(0);

    // Check if the MethodHandle is the expected one
    Node* cmp = gvn.transform(new (C, 3) CmpPNode(receiver, predicted_mh));
    bol = gvn.transform(new (C, 2) BoolNode(cmp, BoolTest::eq) );
  } else {
    // Get the constant pool cache from the caller class.
    ciMethod* caller_method = jvms->method();
    ciBytecodeStream str(caller_method);
    str.force_bci(jvms->bci());  // Set the stream to the invokedynamic bci.
    ciCPCache* cpcache = str.get_cpcache();

    // Get the offset of the CallSite from the constant pool cache
    // pointer.
    int index = str.get_method_index();
    size_t call_site_offset = cpcache->get_f1_offset(index);

    // Load the CallSite object from the constant pool cache.
    const TypeOopPtr* cpcache_type   = TypeOopPtr::make_from_constant(cpcache);  // returns TypeAryPtr of type T_OBJECT
    const TypeOopPtr* call_site_type = TypeOopPtr::make_from_klass(C->env()->CallSite_klass());
    Node* cpcache_adr   = kit.makecon(cpcache_type);
    Node* call_site_adr = kit.basic_plus_adr(cpcache_adr, call_site_offset);
    // The oops in the constant pool cache are not compressed; load then as raw pointers.
    Node* call_site     = kit.make_load(kit.control(), call_site_adr, call_site_type, T_ADDRESS, Compile::AliasIdxRaw);

    // Load the target MethodHandle from the CallSite object.
    const TypeOopPtr* target_type = TypeOopPtr::make_from_klass(C->env()->MethodHandle_klass());
    Node* target_adr = kit.basic_plus_adr(call_site, call_site, java_lang_invoke_CallSite::target_offset_in_bytes());
    Node* target_mh  = kit.make_load(kit.control(), target_adr, target_type, T_OBJECT);

    // Check if the MethodHandle is still the same.
    Node* cmp = gvn.transform(new (C, 3) CmpPNode(target_mh, predicted_mh));
    bol = gvn.transform(new (C, 2) BoolNode(cmp, BoolTest::eq) );
  IfNode* iff = kit.create_and_xform_if(kit.control(), bol, _hit_prob, COUNT_UNKNOWN);
  kit.set_control( gvn.transform(new (C, 1) IfTrueNode (iff)));
  Node* slow_ctl = gvn.transform(new (C, 1) IfFalseNode(iff));

  SafePointNode* slow_map = NULL;
  JVMState* slow_jvms;
  { PreserveJVMState pjvms(&kit);
    if (!kit.stopped()) {
      slow_jvms = _if_missed->generate(kit.sync_jvms());
      if (kit.failing())
        return NULL;  // might happen because of NodeCountInliningCutoff
      assert(slow_jvms != NULL, "must be");
      if (!kit.stopped())
        slow_map = kit.stop();

  if (kit.stopped()) {
    // Instance exactly does not matches the desired type.
    return kit.transfer_exceptions_into_jvms();

  // Make the hot call:
  JVMState* new_jvms = _if_hit->generate(kit.sync_jvms());
  if (new_jvms == NULL) {
    // Inline failed, so make a direct call.
    assert(_if_hit->is_inline(), "must have been a failed inline");
    CallGenerator* cg = CallGenerator::for_direct_call(_if_hit->method());
    new_jvms = cg->generate(kit.sync_jvms());

  // Need to merge slow and fast?
  if (slow_map == NULL) {
    // The fast path is the only path remaining.
    return kit.transfer_exceptions_into_jvms();

  if (kit.stopped()) {
    // Inlined method threw an exception, so it's just the slow path after all.
    return kit.transfer_exceptions_into_jvms();

  // Finish the diamond.
  kit.C->set_has_split_ifs(true); // Has chance for split-if optimization
  RegionNode* region = new (C, 3) RegionNode(3);
  region->init_req(1, kit.control());
  region->init_req(2, slow_map->control());
  Node* iophi = PhiNode::make(region, kit.i_o(), Type::ABIO);
  iophi->set_req(2, slow_map->i_o());
  kit.merge_memory(slow_map->merged_memory(), region, 2);
  uint tos = kit.jvms()->stkoff() + kit.sp();
  uint limit = slow_map->req();
  for (uint i = TypeFunc::Parms; i < limit; i++) {
    // Skip unused stack slots; fast forward to monoff();
    if (i == tos) {
      i = kit.jvms()->monoff();
      if( i >= limit ) break;
    Node* m =>in(i);
    Node* n = slow_map->in(i);
    if (m != n) {
      const Type* t = gvn.type(m)->meet(gvn.type(n));
      Node* phi = PhiNode::make(region, m, t);
      phi->set_req(2, n);>set_req(i, gvn.transform(phi));
  return kit.transfer_exceptions_into_jvms();
// Handle all exceptions thrown by an inlined method or individual bytecode.
// Common case 1: we have no handler, so all exceptions merge right into
// the rethrow case.
// Case 2: we have some handlers, with loaded exception klasses that have
// no subklasses.  We do a Deutsch-Shiffman style type-check on the incoming
// exception oop and branch to the handler directly.
// Case 3: We have some handlers with subklasses or are not loaded at
// compile-time.  We have to call the runtime to resolve the exception.
// So we insert a RethrowCall and all the logic that goes with it.
void Parse::catch_inline_exceptions(SafePointNode* ex_map) {
  // Caller is responsible for saving away the map for normal control flow!
  assert(stopped(), "call set_map(NULL) first");
  assert(method()->has_exception_handlers(), "don't come here w/o work to do");

  Node* ex_node = saved_ex_oop(ex_map);
  if (ex_node == top()) {
    // No action needed.
const TypeInstPtr*ex_type=_gvn.type(ex_node)->is_instptr();

  // determine potential exception handlers
  ciExceptionHandlerStream handlers(method(), bci(),

  // Start executing from the given throw state.  (Keep its stack, for now.)
  // Get the exception oop as known at compile time.
  ex_node = use_exception_state(ex_map);

  // Get the exception oop klass from its header
  const TypeOopPtr *toop = ex_node->bottom_type()->is_oopptr();
  const TypeKlassPtr *tkid = TypeKlassPtr::make_kid(toop->klass(),toop->klass_is_exact());
  // Have handlers and the exception klass is not exact?  It might be the
  // merging of many exact exception klasses (happens alot with nested inlined
  // throw/catch blocks).  
  if (has_ex_handler() && !ex_type->klass_is_exact()) {
    // Compute the exception klass a little more cleverly.
    // Obvious solution is to simple do a GetKlass from the 'ex_node'.
    // However, if the ex_node is a PhiNode, I'm going to do a GetKlass for
    // each arm of the Phi.  If I know something clever about the exceptions
    // I'm loading the class from, I can replace the GetKlass with the
    // klass constant for the exception oop.
    if( ex_node->is_Phi() ) {
      for( uint i = 1; i < ex_node->req(); i++ ) {
        const TypeOopPtr *toopi = ex_node->in(i)->bottom_type()->is_oopptr();
        const TypeKlassPtr *tkidi = TypeKlassPtr::make_kid(toop->klass(),toop->klass_is_exact());
        Node *kid = _gvn.transform(new (C, 2) GetKIDNode(ex_node->in(0)->in(i), ex_node->in(i),tkidi));

  // Scan the exception table for applicable handlers.
  // If none, we can call rethrow() and be done!
  // If precise (loaded with no subklasses), insert a D.S. style
  // pointer compare to the correct handler and loop back.
  // If imprecise, switch to the Rethrow VM-call style handling.

  int remaining = handlers.count_remaining();

  // iterate through all entries sequentially
  for (;!handlers.is_done(); {
    // Do nothing if turned off
    if( !DeutschShiffmanExceptions ) break;
    ciExceptionHandler* handler = handlers.handler();

    if (handler->is_rethrow()) {
      // If we fell off the end of the table without finding an imprecise
      // exception klass (and without finding a generic handler) then we
      // know this exception is not handled in this method.  We just rethrow
      // the exception into the caller.

    // exception handler bci range covers throw_bci => investigate further
    int handler_bci = handler->handler_bci();

    if (remaining == 1) {
      push_ex_oop(ex_node);        // Push exception oop for handler
      merge_exception(handler_bci); // jump to handler
      return;                   // No more handling to be done here!

if(!handler_catch_klass->is_loaded())//klass is not loaded?
      break;                    // Must call Rethrow!
    // Sharpen handler klass.  Some klasses cannot have any oops
    // (e.g. interface with no implementations).
    const TypePtr* tpx = TypeOopPtr::make_from_klass_unique(handler_catch_klass);
    const TypeOopPtr *tp = tpx->isa_oopptr(); // Oop of this klass is possible?
    Node *handler_klass = tp ? _gvn.makecon( TypeKlassPtr::make_kid(tp->klass(),true) ) : NULL;

    Node *failure = gen_subtype_check( ex_kid_node, handler_klass, _gvn.type(ex_node) );
    { PreserveJVMState pjvms(this);
      push_ex_oop(ex_oop);      // Push exception oop for handler

    // Come here if exception does not match handler.
    // Carry on with more handler checks.

  assert(!stopped(), "you should return if you finish the chain");

  if (remaining == 1) {
    // Further checks do not matter.

  if (can_rerun_bytecode()) {
    // Do not push_ex_oop here!
    // Re-executing the bytecode will reproduce the throwing condition.
    bool must_throw = true;
    uncommon_trap(Deoptimization::Reason_unloaded,handler_catch_klass,"matching handler klass not loaded",

  // Oops, need to call into the VM to resolve the klasses at runtime.
  // Note:  This call must not deoptimize, since it is not a real at this bci!

  make_runtime_call(RC_NO_LEAF | RC_MUST_THROW,
                    false /* !must_callruntimenode */,
                    TypeRawPtr::BOTTOM, // sets the exception oop back into thr->_pending_ex

  // Rethrow is a pure call, no side effects, only a result.
  // The result cannot be allocated, so we use I_O

  // Catch exceptions from the rethrow
// Put a Catch and CatchProj nodes behind a just-created call.
// Send their caught exceptions to the proper handler.
// This may be used after a call to the rethrow VM stub,
// when it is needed to process unloaded exception classes.
void Parse::catch_call_exceptions(ciExceptionHandlerStream& handlers) {
  // Exceptions are delivered through this channel:
  Node* i_o = this->i_o();

  // Add a CatchNode.
  GrowableArray<int>* bcis = new (C->node_arena()) GrowableArray<int>(C->node_arena(), 8, 0, -1);
  GrowableArray<const Type*>* extypes = new (C->node_arena()) GrowableArray<const Type*>(C->node_arena(), 8, 0, NULL);
  GrowableArray<int>* saw_unloaded = new (C->node_arena()) GrowableArray<int>(C->node_arena(), 8, 0, 0);

  for (; !handlers.is_done(); {
    ciExceptionHandler* h        = handlers.handler();
    int                 h_bci    = h->handler_bci();
    ciInstanceKlass*    h_klass  = h->is_catch_all() ? env()->Throwable_klass() : h->catch_klass();
    const TypePtr* h_extype = TypeOopPtr::make_from_klass_unique(h_klass)->cast_away_null();
    // Ignore exceptions with no implementors.  These cannot be thrown
    // (without class loading anyways, which will deopt this code).
    if( h_extype->empty() ) continue;

    // Do not introduce unloaded exception types into the graph:
    if (!h_klass->is_loaded()) {
      if (saw_unloaded->contains(h_bci)) {
        /* We've already seen an unloaded exception with h_bci, 
           so don't duplicate. Duplication will cause the CatchNode to be
           unnecessarily large. See 4713716. */
      } else {
    // Note:  It's OK if the BCIs repeat themselves.

  int len = bcis->length();
  CatchNode *cn = new (C, 2) CatchNode(control(), i_o, len+1);
  Node *catch_ = _gvn.transform(cn);

  // now branch with the exception state to each of the (potential)
  // handlers
  for(int i=0; i < len; i++) {
    // Setup JVM state to enter the handler.
    PreserveJVMState pjvms(this);
    // Locals are just copied from before the call.
    // Get control from the CatchNode.
    int handler_bci = bcis->at(i);
    Node* ctrl = _gvn.transform( new (C, 1) CatchProjNode(catch_, i+1,handler_bci));
    // This handler cannot happen?
    if (ctrl == top())  continue;

    // Create exception oop
    const TypeInstPtr* extype = extypes->at(i)->is_instptr();
    Node *thread = _gvn.transform( new (C, 1) ThreadLocalNode() );
    int pending_ex_alias_idx = C->get_alias_index(ex_adr->bottom_type()->is_ptr());
    Node *ex_oop = make_load( NULL, ex_adr, extype, T_OBJECT, pending_ex_alias_idx );
    Node *ex_st  = store_to_memory( ctrl, ex_adr, null(), T_OBJECT, pending_ex_alias_idx );

    // Handle unloaded exception classes.
    if (saw_unloaded->contains(handler_bci)) {
      // An unloaded exception type is coming here.  Do an uncommon trap.
      // We do not expect the same handler bci to take both cold unloaded
      // and hot loaded exceptions.  But, watch for it.
C2OUT->print_cr("Warning: Handler @%d takes mixed loaded/unloaded exceptions in ",handler_bci);
      // Emit an uncommon trap instead of processing the block.
uncommon_trap(Deoptimization::Reason_unloaded,extype->klass(),"not loaded exception",false);
      set_bci(iter().cur_bci()); // put it back

    // go to the exception handler
    if (handler_bci < 0) {     // merge with corresponding rethrow node
    } else {                      // Else jump to corresponding handle
      push_ex_oop(ex_oop);        // Clear stack and push just the oop.

  // The first CatchProj is for the normal return.
  // (Note:  If this is a call to rethrow_Java, this node goes dead.)
  set_control(_gvn.transform( new (C, 1) CatchProjNode(catch_, CatchProjNode::fall_through_index, CatchProjNode::no_handler_bci)));