Beispiel #1
static CharList *
pkg_appendFromStrings(CharList *l, CharList** end, const char *s, int32_t len)
  CharList *endptr = NULL;
  const char *p;
  char *t;
  const char *targ;
  if(end == NULL) {
    end = &endptr;

  if(len==-1) {
    len = uprv_strlen(s);
  targ = s+len;

  while(*s && s<targ) {
    while(s<targ&&isspace(*s)) s++;
    if(p!=s) {
      t = uprv_malloc(p-s+1);
      fprintf(stderr, " P %s\n", t);

  return l;
Beispiel #2
CharList *pkg_appendUniqueDirToList(CharList *l, CharList** end, const char *strAlias) {
    char aBuf[1024];
    char *rPtr;
    rPtr = uprv_strrchr(strAlias, U_FILE_SEP_CHAR);
        char *aPtr = uprv_strrchr(strAlias, U_FILE_ALT_SEP_CHAR);
        if(!rPtr || /* regular char wasn't found or.. */
            (aPtr && (aPtr > rPtr)))
        { /* alt ptr exists and is to the right of r ptr */
            rPtr = aPtr; /* may copy NULL which is OK */
    if(!rPtr) {
        return l; /* no dir path */
    if((rPtr-strAlias) >= (sizeof(aBuf)/sizeof(aBuf[0]))) {
        fprintf(stderr, "## ERR: Path too long [%d chars]: %s\n", (int)sizeof(aBuf), strAlias);
        return l;
    strncpy(aBuf, strAlias,(rPtr-strAlias));
    aBuf[rPtr-strAlias]=0;  /* no trailing slash */

    if(!pkg_listContains(l, aBuf)) {
        return pkg_appendToList(l, end, uprv_strdup(aBuf));
    } else {
        return l; /* already found */
Beispiel #3
void pkg_mode_common(UPKGOptions *o, FileStream *makefile, UErrorCode *status)
  char tmp[1024];
  CharList *tail = NULL;

  uprv_strcpy(tmp, UDATA_CMN_PREFIX);
  uprv_strcat(tmp, o->shortName);
  uprv_strcat(tmp, UDATA_CMN_SUFFIX);
  if(!uprv_strcmp(o->mode, "common")) {
    /* If we're not the main mode.. don't change the output file list */
    /* We should be the only item. So we don't care about the order. */
    o->outFiles = pkg_appendToList(o->outFiles, &tail, uprv_strdup(tmp));
    if(o->nooutput || o->verbose) {
      fprintf(stdout, "# Output file: %s%s%s\n", o->targetDir, U_FILE_SEP_STRING, tmp);
    if(o->nooutput) {
      *status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    sprintf(tmp, "# File to make:\nTARGET=%s%s%s\n\nTARGETNAME=%s\n", o->targetDir,
    T_FileStream_writeLine(makefile, tmp);
  } else {
    /* We're in another mode. but, set the target so they can find us.. */
    T_FileStream_writeLine(makefile, "TARGET=");
    T_FileStream_writeLine(makefile, tmp);
    T_FileStream_writeLine(makefile, "\n\n");
  } /* end [check to make sure we are in mode 'common' ] */
  sprintf(tmp, "# List file for gencmn:\n"
  T_FileStream_writeLine(makefile, tmp);

  sprintf(tmp, "all: $(TARGET)\n\n");
  T_FileStream_writeLine(makefile, tmp);
  T_FileStream_writeLine(makefile, "$(TARGET): $(CMNLIST) $(DATAFILEPATHS)\n"
               "\t$(INVOKE) $(GENCMN) -n $(CNAME) -c -s $(SRCDIR) -d $(TARGETDIR) 0 $(CMNLIST)\n\n");

  if(o->hadStdin == FALSE) { /* shortcut */
    T_FileStream_writeLine(makefile, "$(CMNLIST): $(LISTFILES)\n"
                                   "\tcat $(LISTFILES) > $(CMNLIST)\n\n");
  } else {
    T_FileStream_writeLine(makefile, "$(CMNLIST): \n"
                                   "\t@echo \"generating $@ (list of data files)\"\n"
                                   "\t@-$(RMV) $@\n"
                                   "\t@for file in $(DATAFILEPATHS); do \\\n"
                                   "\t  echo $$file >> $@; \\\n"

  if(!uprv_strcmp(o->mode, "common")) { /* only install/clean in our own mode */
    T_FileStream_writeLine(makefile, "CLEANFILES= $(CMNLIST) $(TARGET)\n\nclean:\n\t-$(RMV) $(CLEANFILES) $(MAKEFILE)");
    T_FileStream_writeLine(makefile, "\n\n");
    sprintf(tmp, "install: $(TARGET)\n"
            "\t$(INSTALL_DATA) $(TARGET) $(INSTALLTO)%s$(TARGETNAME)\n\n",

    T_FileStream_writeLine(makefile, tmp);

Beispiel #4
main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
    int result = 0;
    /* FileStream  *out; */
    UPKGOptions  o;
    CharList    *tail;
    UBool        needsHelp = FALSE;
    UErrorCode   status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    /* char         tmp[1024]; */
    uint32_t i;
    int32_t n;

    U_MAIN_INIT_ARGS(argc, argv);

    progname = argv[0];

    options[MODE].value = "common";

    /* read command line options */
    argc=u_parseArgs(argc, argv, sizeof(options)/sizeof(options[0]), options);

    /* error handling, printing usage message */
    /* I've decided to simply print an error and quit. This tool has too
    many options to just display them all of the time. */

    if(options[HELP].doesOccur || options[HELP_QUESTION_MARK].doesOccur) {
        needsHelp = TRUE;
    else {
        if(!needsHelp && argc<0) {
                "%s: error in command line argument \"%s\"\n",
            fprintf(stderr, "Run '%s --help' for help.\n", progname);
            return 1;

        if(!options[BLDOPT].doesOccur) {
            if (pkg_getOptionsFromICUConfig(&options[BLDOPT]) != 0) {
                fprintf(stderr, " required parameter is missing: -O is required \n");
                fprintf(stderr, "Run '%s --help' for help.\n", progname);
                return 1;
        if(options[BLDOPT].doesOccur) {
            fprintf(stdout, "Warning: You are using the -O option which is not needed for MSVC build on Windows.\n");

        if(!options[NAME].doesOccur) /* -O we already have - don't report it. */
            fprintf(stderr, " required parameter -p is missing \n");
            fprintf(stderr, "Run '%s --help' for help.\n", progname);
            return 1;

        if(argc == 1) {
                "No input files specified.\n"
                "Run '%s --help' for help.\n", progname);
            return 1;
    }   /* end !needsHelp */

    if(argc<0 || needsHelp  ) {
            "usage: %s [-options] [-] [packageFile] \n"
            "\tProduce packaged ICU data from the given list(s) of files.\n"
            "\t'-' by itself means to read from stdin.\n"
            "\tpackageFile is a text file containing the list of files to package.\n",

        fprintf(stderr, "\n options:\n");
        for(i=0;i<(sizeof(options)/sizeof(options[0]));i++) {
            fprintf(stderr, "%-5s -%c %s%-10s  %s\n",
                options[i].longName ? "or --" : "     ",
                options[i].longName ? options[i].longName : "",

        fprintf(stderr, "modes: (-m option)\n");
        for(i=0;i<(sizeof(modes)/sizeof(modes[0]));i++) {
            fprintf(stderr, "   %-9s ", modes[i].name);
            if (modes[i].alt_name) {
                fprintf(stderr, "/ %-9s", modes[i].alt_name);
            } else {
                fprintf(stderr, "           ");
            fprintf(stderr, "  %s\n", modes[i].desc);
        return 1;

    /* OK, fill in the options struct */
    uprv_memset(&o, 0, sizeof(o));

    o.mode      = options[MODE].value;
    o.version   = options[REVISION].doesOccur ? options[REVISION].value : 0;

    o.shortName = options[NAME].value;
        int32_t len = (int32_t)uprv_strlen(o.shortName);
        char *csname, *cp;
        const char *sp;

        cp = csname = (char *) uprv_malloc((len + 1 + 1) * sizeof(*o.cShortName));
        if (*(sp = o.shortName)) {
            *cp++ = isalpha(*sp) ? * sp : '_';
            for (++sp; *sp; ++sp) {
                *cp++ = isalnum(*sp) ? *sp : '_';
        *cp = 0;

        o.cShortName = csname;

    if(options[LIBNAME].doesOccur) { /* get libname from shortname, or explicit -L parameter */
      o.libName = options[LIBNAME].value;
    } else {
      o.libName = o.shortName;

    if(options[QUIET].doesOccur) {
      o.quiet = TRUE;
    } else {
      o.quiet = FALSE;

    o.verbose   = options[VERBOSE].doesOccur;

#ifndef WINDOWS_WITH_MSVC /* on UNIX, we'll just include the file... */
    o.options   = options[BLDOPT].value;
    if(options[COPYRIGHT].doesOccur) {
        o.comment = U_COPYRIGHT_STRING;
    } else if (options[COMMENT].doesOccur) {
        o.comment = options[COMMENT].value;

    if( options[DESTDIR].doesOccur ) {
        o.targetDir = options[DESTDIR].value;
    } else {
        o.targetDir = ".";  /* cwd */

    o.rebuild   = options[REBUILD].doesOccur;

    if( options[TEMPDIR].doesOccur ) {
        o.tmpDir    = options[TEMPDIR].value;
    } else {
        o.tmpDir    = o.targetDir;

    if( options[INSTALL].doesOccur ) {
        o.install  = options[INSTALL].value;
    } else {
        o.install = NULL;

    if( options[SOURCEDIR].doesOccur ) {
        o.srcDir   = options[SOURCEDIR].value;
    } else {
        o.srcDir   = ".";

    if( options[ENTRYPOINT].doesOccur ) {
        o.entryName = options[ENTRYPOINT].value;
    } else {
        o.entryName = o.cShortName;

    /* OK options are set up. Now the file lists. */
    tail = NULL;
    for( n=1; n<argc; n++) {
        o.fileListFiles = pkg_appendToList(o.fileListFiles, &tail, uprv_strdup(argv[n]));

    /* load the files */
    loadLists(&o, &status);
    if( U_FAILURE(status) ) {
        fprintf(stderr, "error loading input file lists: %s\n", u_errorName(status));
        return 2;

    result = pkg_executeOptions(&o);

    if (pkgDataFlags != NULL) {
        for (n = 0; n < PKGDATA_FLAGS_SIZE; n++) {
            if (pkgDataFlags[n] != NULL) {

    if (o.cShortName != NULL) {
        uprv_free((char *)o.cShortName);
    if (o.fileListFiles != NULL) {
    if (o.filePaths != NULL) {
    if (o.files != NULL) {

    return result;
Beispiel #5
void pkg_mode_static(UPKGOptions *o, FileStream *makefile, UErrorCode *status)
    char tmp[1024];
    CharList *tail = NULL;
    CharList *objects = NULL;

    if(U_FAILURE(*status)) {

    uprv_strcpy(tmp, LIB_STATIC_PREFIX);
    uprv_strcat(tmp, o->libName);
    uprv_strcat(tmp, UDATA_LIB_SUFFIX);

    o->outFiles = pkg_appendToList(o->outFiles, &tail, uprv_strdup(tmp));

    if (!o->quiet) {
        pkg_sttc_writeReadme(o, tmp, status);
    if(U_FAILURE(*status)) {

    if(o->nooutput || o->verbose) {
        fprintf(stdout, "# Output file: %s%s%s\n", o->targetDir, U_FILE_SEP_STRING, tmp);

    if(o->nooutput) {
        *status = U_ZERO_ERROR;

    /* begin writing makefile ========================= */

    T_FileStream_writeLine(makefile, "# Version numbers:\nVERSIONED=");
    if (o->version) {
        sprintf(tmp, ".%s", o->version);
        if (!uprv_strchr(o->version, '.')) {
            uprv_strcat(tmp, ".0");
        T_FileStream_writeLine(makefile, tmp);
        T_FileStream_writeLine(makefile, "\nDLL_LDFLAGS=$(LD_SONAME) $(RPATH_LDFLAGS)\n");
    } else {
        T_FileStream_writeLine(makefile, "\nDLL_LDFLAGS=$(BIR_LDFLAGS)\n");
    T_FileStream_writeLine(makefile, "\n");

    sprintf(tmp, "# File to make:\nTARGET=%s\n\n", o->outFiles->str);
    T_FileStream_writeLine(makefile, tmp);
    T_FileStream_writeLine(makefile, "LIB_TARGET=$(TARGET)\n");

    uprv_strcpy(tmp, "all: $(TARG_PATH)$(LIB_TARGET)");
    uprv_strcat(tmp, "\n\n");
    T_FileStream_writeLine(makefile, tmp);

#ifdef OS400
    /* New for iSeries: All packaged data in one .c */
    sprintf(tmp, "# Create a file which contains all .c data files/structures\n"
                 "$(TEMP_DIR)/$(NAME)all.c: $(CMNLIST)\n\n");
    T_FileStream_writeLine(makefile, tmp);

    /* Write compile rules */
    pkg_mak_writeObjRules(o, makefile, &objects, ".$(STATIC_O)"); /* use special .o suffix */

    sprintf(tmp, "# List file for gencmn:\n"
    T_FileStream_writeLine(makefile, tmp);

    if(o->hadStdin == FALSE) { /* shortcut */
        T_FileStream_writeLine(makefile, "$(CMNLIST): $(LISTFILES)\n"
            "\tcat $(LISTFILES) > $(CMNLIST)\n\n");
    } else {
        T_FileStream_writeLine(makefile, "$(CMNLIST): \n"
            "\t@echo \"generating $@ (list of data files)\"\n"
            "\t@-$(RMV) $@\n"
            "\t@for file in $(DATAFILEPATHS); do \\\n"
            "\t  echo $$file >> $@; \\\n"

    pkg_mak_writeAssemblyHeader(makefile, o);

    sprintf(tmp,"$(TEMP_PATH)$(NAME)_dat.$(STATIC_O) : $(TEMP_PATH)$(NAME)_dat.c\n"
        "\t$(COMPILE.c) -o $@ $<\n\n");
    T_FileStream_writeLine(makefile, tmp);

    T_FileStream_writeLine(makefile, "# 'TOCOBJ' contains C Table of Contents objects [if any]\n");

    if(!o->embed) {
    sprintf(tmp, "$(TEMP_PATH)$(NAME)_dat.c: $(CMNLIST)\n"
            "\t$(INVOKE) $(GENCMN) -e $(ENTRYPOINT) -n $(NAME) -S -s $(SRCDIR) -d $(TEMP_DIR) 0 $(CMNLIST)\n\n");
    } else {
      sprintf(tmp, "$(TEMP_PATH)$(NAME)_dat.c: $(CMNLIST)\n"
            "\t$(INVOKE) $(GENCMN) -e $(ENTRYPOINT) -n $(NAME) -S -E -d $(TEMP_DIR) 0 $(CMNLIST)\n\n");
    T_FileStream_writeLine(makefile, tmp);

    sprintf(tmp, "TOCOBJ= $(NAME)_dat%s \n\n", OBJ_SUFFIX);
    T_FileStream_writeLine(makefile, tmp);

#ifdef OS400
    /* New for iSeries: All packaged data in one .c */
    sprintf(tmp,"$(TEMP_PATH)$(NAME)all.$(STATIC_O) : $(TEMP_PATH)$(NAME)all.c\n"
        "\t$(COMPILE.c) -o $@ $<\n\n");
    T_FileStream_writeLine(makefile, tmp);

    T_FileStream_writeLine(makefile, "# 'ALLDATAOBJ' contains all .c data structures\n");

    sprintf(tmp, "ALLDATAOBJ= $(NAME)all%s \n\n", OBJ_SUFFIX);
    T_FileStream_writeLine(makefile, tmp);

    sprintf(tmp, "TOCSYM= $(ENTRYPOINT)_dat \n\n"); /* entrypoint not always shortname! */
    T_FileStream_writeLine(makefile, tmp);

    T_FileStream_writeLine(makefile, "BASE_OBJECTS= $(TOCOBJ) ");

#ifdef OS400
    T_FileStream_writeLine(makefile, "$(ALLDATAOBJ) ");
    pkg_writeCharListWrap(makefile, objects, " ", " \\\n",0);
    pkg_mak_writeAssemblyFooter(makefile, o);

    T_FileStream_writeLine(makefile, "\n\n");
    T_FileStream_writeLine(makefile, "OBJECTS=$(BASE_OBJECTS:%=$(TEMP_PATH)%)\n\n");

    T_FileStream_writeLine(makefile,"$(TEMP_PATH)%.$(STATIC_O): $(TEMP_PATH)%.c\n\t  $(COMPILE.c) -o $@ $<\n\n");

    T_FileStream_writeLine(makefile, "$(TARG_PATH)$(LIB_TARGET):$(TARG_PATH)$(LIB_TARGET) $(OBJECTS) $(LISTFILES)\n"
                           "\t$(AR) $(ARFLAGS) $(TARG_PATH)$(LIB_TARGET) $(OBJECTS)\n"
                            "\t$(RANLIB) $@\n\n");
    T_FileStream_writeLine(makefile, "$(TARG_PATH)$(LIB_TARGET):$(TARG_PATH)$(LIB_TARGET)($(OBJECTS)) $(LISTFILES)\n"
                            "\t$(RANLIB) $@\n\n");

    T_FileStream_writeLine(makefile, "\n\n");

    T_FileStream_writeLine(makefile, "# static mode shouldn't need to be installed, but we will install the header and static library for them.\n");

    T_FileStream_writeLine(makefile, "install: $(TARG_PATH)$(LIB_TARGET)\n"
                "\t$(INSTALL-L) $(TARG_PATH)$(LIB_TARGET) $(INSTALLTO)/$(LIB_TARGET)\n");
    T_FileStream_writeLine(makefile, "\t$(RANLIB) $(INSTALLTO)/$(LIB_TARGET)\n");
    if (o->version) {
        T_FileStream_writeLine(makefile, "\tcd $(INSTALLTO) && $(RM) $(MIDDLE_STATIC_LIB_TARGET) && ln -s $(LIB_TARGET) $(MIDDLE_STATIC_LIB_TARGET)\n\tcd $(INSTALLTO) && $(RM) $(STATIC_LIB_TARGET) && ln -s $(LIB_TARGET) $(STATIC_LIB_TARGET)\n");
    T_FileStream_writeLine(makefile, "\t$(RANLIB) $(INSTALLTO)/$(STATIC_LIB_TARGET)\n\n");


    *status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
