Beispiel #1
bool rcbSphere::intersection(
  const rcbLine3D& a_line, 
  rcbVector3D& a_vc_out1, 
  rcbVector3D& a_vc_out2
) const
// true if intersection found
  const rcbUnitVector3D& uvc = a_line.get_vector_along();

  double x = 1;
  double z = 0;
  double y = 0;

  if (!is_zero_dbl(uvc.getY())) 
    z = 1;
    y = - (uvc.getZ() / uvc.getY()) - uvc.getX();    
  else if (!is_zero_dbl(uvc.getZ())) 
    y = 1;
    z = - (uvc.getY() / uvc.getZ()) - uvc.getX();
  else if (!is_zero_dbl(uvc.getX())) 
    x = 0;
    y = 1;
    z = 1;
  else { assert(0); }
  rcbUnitVector3D uvc_aux(x, y, z);
  rcbUnitVector3D uvc_norm1(uvc.vector_mul(uvc_aux));
  rcbUnitVector3D uvc_norm2(uvc_norm1.vector_mul(uvc));
  rcbPlane plane1(uvc_norm1, a_line.get_point_on_line());
  rcbPlane plane2(uvc_norm2, a_line.get_point_on_line());

  return solve_sphere_plane_plane_system(
    m_centre, m_radius,
    plane1.get_norm(), plane1.get_free_coef(),
    plane2.get_norm(), plane2.get_free_coef(),
    a_vc_out1, a_vc_out2
bool dgCollisionConvexHull::CheckConvex (dgPolyhedra& polyhedra1, const dgBigVector* hullVertexArray) const
	dgPolyhedra polyhedra(polyhedra1);

	dgPolyhedra::Iterator iter (polyhedra);
	dgBigVector center (dgFloat32 (0.0f), dgFloat32 (0.0f), dgFloat32 (0.0f), dgFloat32 (0.0f));

	dgInt32 count = 0;
	dgInt32 mark = polyhedra.IncLRU();
	for (iter.Begin(); iter; iter ++) {
		dgEdge* const edge = &(*iter);
		if (edge->m_mark < mark) {
			count ++;
			center += hullVertexArray[edge->m_incidentVertex];
			dgEdge* ptr = edge;
			do {
				ptr->m_mark = mark;
				ptr = ptr->m_twin->m_next;
			} while (ptr != edge);
	center = center.Scale3 (dgFloat64 (1.0f) / dgFloat64 (count));

	for (iter.Begin(); iter; iter ++) {
		dgEdge* const edge = &(*iter);
		dgBigVector normal0 (FaceNormal (edge, hullVertexArray));
		dgBigVector normal1 (FaceNormal (edge->m_twin, hullVertexArray));

		dgBigPlane plane0 (normal0, - (normal0 % hullVertexArray[edge->m_incidentVertex]));
		dgBigPlane plane1 (normal1, - (normal1 % hullVertexArray[edge->m_twin->m_incidentVertex]));
		dgFloat64 test0 = plane0.Evalue(center);
		if (test0 > dgFloat64 (1.0e-3f)) {
			return false;
		dgFloat64 test1 = plane1.Evalue(center);
//		if (test1 > dgFloat64 (0.0f)) {
		if (test1 > dgFloat64 (1.0e-3f)) {
			return false;

	return true;
Beispiel #3
bool ON_Circle::Create( // circle through three 3d points
    const ON_3dPoint& P,
    const ON_3dPoint& Q,
    const ON_3dPoint& R
  ON_3dPoint C;
  ON_3dVector X, Y, Z;
  // return ( radius > 0.0 && plane.IsValid() );
  //m_point[0] = P;
  //m_point[1] = Q;
  //m_point[2] = R;

  // get normal
  bool rc = Z.PerpendicularTo( P, Q, R );

  // get center as the intersection of 3 planes
  ON_Plane plane0( P, Z );
  ON_Plane plane1( 0.5*(P+Q), P-Q );
  ON_Plane plane2( 0.5*(R+Q), R-Q );
  if ( !ON_Intersect( plane0, plane1, plane2, C ) )
    rc = false;

  X = P - C;
  radius = X.Length();
  if ( radius == 0.0 )
    rc = false;
  Y = ON_CrossProduct( Z, X );

  plane.origin = C;
  plane.xaxis = X;
  plane.yaxis = Y;
  plane.zaxis = Z;


  return rc;
Beispiel #4
void Plane::Test()
	BoundingSphere sphere1(Vector3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), 1.0f);
	BoundingSphere sphere2(Vector3f(0.0f, 3.0f, 0.0f), 1.0f);
	BoundingSphere sphere3(Vector3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 2.0f), 1.0f);
	BoundingSphere sphere4(Vector3f(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), 1.0f);

	Plane plane1(Vector3f(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f), 0.0f);
	IntersectData plane1IntersectSphere1 = plane1.IntersectSphere(sphere1);
	IntersectData plane1IntersectSphere2 = plane1.IntersectSphere(sphere2);
	IntersectData plane1IntersectSphere3 = plane1.IntersectSphere(sphere3);
	IntersectData plane1IntersectSphere4 = plane1.IntersectSphere(sphere4);

	assert(plane1IntersectSphere1.GetDoesIntersect() == true);
	assert(plane1IntersectSphere1.GetDistance()      == 1.0f);

	assert(plane1IntersectSphere2.GetDoesIntersect() == false);
	assert(plane1IntersectSphere2.GetDistance()      == 2.0f);

	assert(plane1IntersectSphere3.GetDoesIntersect() == true);
	assert(plane1IntersectSphere3.GetDistance()      == 1.0f);
	assert(plane1IntersectSphere4.GetDoesIntersect() == true);
	assert(plane1IntersectSphere4.GetDistance()      == 1.0f);

//	std::cout << "Plane1 intersect Sphere1: " << plane1IntersectSphere1.GetDoesIntersect() 
//	          << ", Distance: "               << plane1IntersectSphere1.GetDistance() << std::endl;
//	std::cout << "Plane1 intersect Sphere2: " << plane1IntersectSphere2.GetDoesIntersect() 
//	          << ", Distance: "               << plane1IntersectSphere2.GetDistance() << std::endl;
//	std::cout << "Plane1 intersect Sphere3: " << plane1IntersectSphere3.GetDoesIntersect() 
//	          << ", Distance: "               << plane1IntersectSphere3.GetDistance() << std::endl;
//	std::cout << "Plane1 intersect Sphere4: " << plane1IntersectSphere4.GetDoesIntersect() 
//	          << ", Distance: "               << plane1IntersectSphere4.GetDistance() << std::endl;
BaseIF* makePlate(const Real& height,
                  const Real& thick,
                  const Real& radius,
                  const int&  doHoles,
                  const Real& holeRadius,
                  const Real& holeSpace)
  RealVect zero(D_DECL(0.0,0.0,0.0));
  RealVect xAxis(D_DECL(1.0,0.0,0.0));
  bool inside = true;

  // Create the plate without holes
  Vector<BaseIF*> pieces;

  RealVect normal1(D_DECL(1.0,0.0,0.0));
  RealVect point1(D_DECL(height,0.0,0.0));
  PlaneIF plane1(normal1,point1,inside);


  RealVect normal2(D_DECL(-1.0,0.0,0.0));
  RealVect point2(D_DECL(height+thick,0.0,0.0));
  PlaneIF plane2(normal2,point2,inside);


  TiltedCylinderIF middle(radius,xAxis,zero,inside);


  IntersectionIF plate(pieces);

  // Make the drills
  Vector<BaseIF*> drillBits;

  // Compute how many drills are needed in each direciton - 2*num+1 -
  // conservatively
  int num = (int)((radius - holeRadius) / holeSpace + 1.0);

  if (doHoles != 0)
    for (int i = -num; i <= num; i++)
      for (int j = -num; j <= num; j++)
        RealVect center(D_DECL(0.0,i*holeSpace,j*holeSpace));
        TiltedCylinderIF* drill = new TiltedCylinderIF(holeRadius,xAxis,center,inside);


  UnionIF drills(drillBits);
  ComplementIF notDrills(drills,true);

  // Drill the plate
  IntersectionIF* holyPlate = new IntersectionIF(plate,notDrills);

  return holyPlate;
BaseIF* makeVane(const Real&     thick,
                 const RealVect& normal,
                 const Real&     innerRadius,
                 const Real&     outerRadius,
                 const Real&     offset,
                 const Real&     height,
                 const Real&     angle)
  RealVect zeroVect(D_DECL(0.0,0.0,0.0));
  RealVect xAxis(D_DECL(1.0,0.0,0.0));
  bool inside = true;

  Vector<BaseIF*> vaneParts;

  Real sinTheta = sin(angle);
#if CH_SPACEDIM == 3
  Real cosTheta = cos(angle);

  // Each side of the vane (infinite)
  // rotate the normal around x-axis
  RealVect normal1(D_DECL(normal[0],cosTheta*normal[1]-sinTheta*normal[2],sinTheta*normal[1]+cosTheta*normal[2]));
  // rotate point on top of vane around x-axis
  RealVect point(D_DECL(offset+height/2.0,-thick/2.0,0.0));
  RealVect point1(D_DECL(point[0],cosTheta*point[1]-sinTheta*point[2],sinTheta*point[1]+cosTheta*point[2]));
  PlaneIF plane1(normal1,point1,inside);


  RealVect normal2(-normal1);
  // rotate point on bottom (-point[2] of vane around x-axis
  RealVect point2(D_DECL(point[0],-cosTheta*point[1]-sinTheta*point[2],-sinTheta*point[1]+cosTheta*point[2]));
  PlaneIF plane2(normal2,point2,inside);


  // Make sure we only get something to the right of the origin
  RealVect normal3(D_DECL(0.0,-sinTheta,cosTheta));
  RealVect point3(D_DECL(0.0,0.0,0.0));
  PlaneIF plane3(normal3,point3,inside);


  // Cut off the top and bottom
  RealVect normal4(D_DECL(1.0,0.0,0.0));
  RealVect point4(D_DECL(offset,0.0,0.0));
  PlaneIF plane4(normal4,point4,inside);


  RealVect normal5(D_DECL(-1.0,0.0,0.0));
  RealVect point5(D_DECL(offset+height,0.0,0.0));
  PlaneIF plane5(normal5,point5,inside);


  // The outside of the inner cylinder
  TiltedCylinderIF inner(innerRadius,xAxis,zeroVect,!inside);


  // The inside of the outer cylinder
  TiltedCylinderIF outer(outerRadius,xAxis,zeroVect,inside);


  IntersectionIF* vane = new IntersectionIF(vaneParts);

  return vane;
Beispiel #7
 * Triangulates faceB using edges of faceA that both are complanars.
 * @param mesh mesh that contains the faces, edges and vertices
 * @param facesB set of faces from object B
 * @param faceA face from object A
 * @param faceB face from object B
 * @param invert indicates if faceA has priority over faceB
void BOP_intersectCoplanarFaces(BOP_Mesh*  mesh,
								BOP_Faces* facesB, 
								BOP_Face*  faceA, 
								BOP_Face*  faceB, 
								bool       invert)
	unsigned int oldSize = facesB->size();
	unsigned int originalFaceB = faceB->getOriginalFace();    
	MT_Point3 p1 = mesh->getVertex(faceA->getVertex(0))->getPoint();
	MT_Point3 p2 = mesh->getVertex(faceA->getVertex(1))->getPoint();
	MT_Point3 p3 = mesh->getVertex(faceA->getVertex(2))->getPoint();
	MT_Vector3 normal(faceA->getPlane().x(),faceA->getPlane().y(),faceA->getPlane().z());
	MT_Vector3 p1p2 = p2-p1;
	MT_Plane3 plane1((p1p2.cross(normal).normalized()),p1);
	BOP_Segment sA;
	sA.m_cfg1 = BOP_Segment::createVertexCfg(1);
	sA.m_v1 = faceA->getVertex(0);
	sA.m_cfg2 = BOP_Segment::createVertexCfg(2);
	sA.m_v2 = faceA->getVertex(1);
	MT_Vector3 p2p3 = p3-p2;
	MT_Plane3 plane2((p2p3.cross(normal).normalized()),p2);
	sA.m_cfg1 = BOP_Segment::createVertexCfg(2);
	sA.m_v1 = faceA->getVertex(1);
	sA.m_cfg2 = BOP_Segment::createVertexCfg(3);
	sA.m_v2 = faceA->getVertex(2);
	if (faceB->getTAG() == BROKEN) {
		for(unsigned int idxFace = oldSize; idxFace < facesB->size(); idxFace++) {
			BOP_Face *face = (*facesB)[idxFace];
			if (face->getTAG() != BROKEN && originalFaceB == face->getOriginalFace())
	else {
	MT_Vector3 p3p1 = p1-p3;
	MT_Plane3 plane3((p3p1.cross(normal).safe_normalized()),p3);
	sA.m_cfg1 = BOP_Segment::createVertexCfg(3);
	sA.m_v1 = faceA->getVertex(2);
	sA.m_cfg2 = BOP_Segment::createVertexCfg(1);
	sA.m_v2 = faceA->getVertex(0);
	if (faceB->getTAG() == BROKEN) {
		for(unsigned int idxFace = oldSize; idxFace < facesB->size(); idxFace++) {
			BOP_Face *face = (*facesB)[idxFace];
			if (face->getTAG() != BROKEN && originalFaceB == face->getOriginalFace())
	else {
int main()
try {

    Point tl(300,50);
    Simple_window win(tl,1000,800,"My window");
    win.set_label("My window");

    // add grid on leftmost 800-by-800 part
    Lines grid;
    int x_size = 800;
    int y_size = 800;
    for (int i = 100; i<=x_size; i+=100) {

    // make squares on the diagonal red
    Vector_ref<Graph_lib::Rectangle> vr;
    for (int i = 0; i<8; ++i) {
        vr.push_back(new Graph_lib::Rectangle(Point(i*100,i*100),101,101));

    // place 3 copies of a 200-by-200 image, don't cover the red squares
    Image plane1(Point(200,0),"pics_and_txt/image.jpg");
    Image plane2(Point(500,200),"pics_and_txt/image.jpg");
    Image plane3(Point(100,500),"pics_and_txt/image.jpg");

    // add a 100-by-100 image, have it move around
    Image snow(Point(0,0),"pics_and_txt/snow_cpp.gif");

    int x = 0;
    int y = 0;
    int dx = 0;
    int dy = 0;
    while (true) {
        x = randint(8);
        y = randint(8);
        dx = 100*x - snow.point(0).x;
        dy = 100*y - snow.point(0).y;
catch (exception& e) {
    cerr << "exception: " << e.what() << endl;
catch (...) {
    cerr << "exception\n";
main(int argc, const char ** argv)
  bool opt_display = true;
  bool opt_click_allowed = true;

  // Read the command line options
  if (getOptions(argc, argv, opt_click_allowed, opt_display) == false) {
    exit (-1);

  vpImage<unsigned char> I(512,512,0) ;

  // We open a window using either X11, GTK or GDI.
#if defined VISP_HAVE_X11
  vpDisplayX display;
#elif defined VISP_HAVE_GTK
  vpDisplayGTK display;
#elif defined VISP_HAVE_GDI
  vpDisplayGDI display;

  if (opt_display) {
      // Display size is automatically defined by the image (I) size
      display.init(I, 100, 100,"Camera view...") ;
      // Display the image
      // The image class has a member that specify a pointer toward
      // the display that has been initialized in the display declaration
      // therefore is is no longuer necessary to make a reference to the
      // display variable.
      vpDisplay::display(I) ;
      vpDisplay::flush(I) ;
      vpERROR_TRACE("Error while displaying the image") ;

  double px, py ; px = py = 600 ;
  double u0, v0 ; u0 = v0 = 256 ;

  vpCameraParameters cam(px,py,u0,v0);

  vpServo task ;
  vpSimulatorCamera robot ;

  // sets the initial camera location
  vpHomogeneousMatrix cMo(-0.2,0.1,1,
                          vpMath::rad(5),  vpMath::rad(5),  vpMath::rad(90));

  // Compute the position of the object in the world frame
  vpHomogeneousMatrix wMc, wMo;
  robot.getPosition(wMc) ;
  wMo = wMc * cMo;

  // sets the final camera location (for simulation purpose)
  vpHomogeneousMatrix cMod(0,0,1,
                           vpMath::rad(0),  vpMath::rad(0),  vpMath::rad(0));

  // sets the line coordinates (2 planes) in the world frame
  vpColVector plane1(4) ;
  vpColVector plane2(4) ;
  plane1[0] = 0;  // z = 0
  plane1[1] = 0;
  plane1[2] = 1;
  plane1[3] = 0;
  plane2[0] = 0; // y  =0
  plane2[1] = 1;
  plane2[2] = 0;
  plane2[3] = 0;

  vpLine line ;
  line.setWorldCoordinates(plane1, plane2) ;

  // sets the desired position of the visual feature
  line.track(cMod) ;
  line.print() ;

  vpFeatureLine ld ;
  vpFeatureBuilder::create(ld,line)  ;

  // computes the line coordinates in the camera frame and its 2D coordinates
  // sets the current position of the visual feature
  line.track(cMo) ;
  line.print() ;

  vpFeatureLine l ;
  vpFeatureBuilder::create(l,line)  ;
  l.print() ;

  // define the task
  // - we want an eye-in-hand control law
  // - robot is controlled in the camera frame
  task.setServo(vpServo::EYEINHAND_CAMERA) ;

  // we want to see a line on a line

  task.addFeature(l,ld) ;
  vpDisplay::display(I) ;
  vpServoDisplay::display(task,cam,I) ;
  vpDisplay::flush(I) ; 

  // set the gain
  task.setLambda(1) ;
  // Display task information " ) ;
  task.print() ;

  if (opt_display && opt_click_allowed) {
    std::cout << "\n\nClick in the camera view window to start..." << std::endl;
    vpDisplay::getClick(I) ;

  unsigned int iter=0 ;
  // loop
    std::cout << "---------------------------------------------" << iter <<std::endl ;
    vpColVector v ;

    // get the robot position
    robot.getPosition(wMc) ;
    // Compute the position of the camera wrt the object frame
    cMo = wMc.inverse() * wMo;

    // new line position
    line.track(cMo) ;
    // retrieve x,y and Z of the vpLine structure

    if (opt_display) {
      vpDisplay::display(I) ;
      vpServoDisplay::display(task,cam,I) ;
      vpDisplay::flush(I) ;

    // compute the control law
    v = task.computeControlLaw() ;

    // send the camera velocity to the controller
    robot.setVelocity(vpRobot::CAMERA_FRAME, v) ;

    std::cout << "|| s - s* || = " << ( task.getError() ).sumSquare() <<std::endl ;

  if (opt_display && opt_click_allowed) {
    std::cout << "\nClick in the camera view window to end..." << std::endl;
    vpDisplay::getClick(I) ;

  // Display task information
  task.print() ;
		void GLBasicShadowMapRenderer::BuildMatrix(float near, float far){
			// TODO: variable light direction?
			Vector3 lightDir = MakeVector3(0, -1, -1).Normalize();
			// set better up dir?
			Vector3 up = MakeVector3(0, 0, 1);
			Vector3 side = Vector3::Cross(up, lightDir).Normalize();
			up = Vector3::Cross(lightDir, side).Normalize();
			// build frustrum
			client::SceneDefinition def = GetRenderer()->GetSceneDef();
			Vector3 frustrum[8];
			float tanX = tanf(def.fovX * .5f);
			float tanY = tanf(def.fovY * .5f);
			frustrum[0] = FrustrumCoord(def, tanX, tanY, near);
			frustrum[1] = FrustrumCoord(def, tanX, -tanY, near);
			frustrum[2] = FrustrumCoord(def, -tanX, tanY, near);
			frustrum[3] = FrustrumCoord(def, -tanX, -tanY, near);
			frustrum[4] = FrustrumCoord(def, tanX, tanY, far);
			frustrum[5] = FrustrumCoord(def, tanX, -tanY, far);
			frustrum[6] = FrustrumCoord(def, -tanX, tanY, far);
			frustrum[7] = FrustrumCoord(def, -tanX, -tanY, far);
			// compute frustrum's x,y boundary
			float minX, maxX, minY, maxY;
			minX = maxX = Vector3::Dot(frustrum[0], side);
			minY = maxY = Vector3::Dot(frustrum[0], up);
			for(int i = 1; i < 8; i++){
				float x = Vector3::Dot(frustrum[i], side);
				float y = Vector3::Dot(frustrum[i], up);
				if(x < minX) minX = x;
				if(x > maxX) maxX = x;
				if(y < minY) minY = y;
				if(y > maxY) maxY = y;
			// compute frustrum's z boundary
			Segment seg;
			Plane3 plane1(0,0,1,-4.f);
			Plane3 plane2(0,0,1,64.f);
			seg += ZRange(side * minX + up * minY,
						  lightDir, plane1, plane2);
			seg += ZRange(side * minX + up * maxY,
						  lightDir, plane1, plane2);
			seg += ZRange(side * maxX + up * minY,
						  lightDir, plane1, plane2);
			seg += ZRange(side * maxX + up * maxY,
						  lightDir, plane1, plane2);
			for(int i = 1; i < 8; i++){
				seg += Vector3::Dot(frustrum[i], lightDir);
			// build frustrum obb
			Vector3 origin = side * minX + up * minY + lightDir * seg.low;
			Vector3 axis1 = side * (maxX - minX);
			Vector3 axis2 = up * (maxY - minY);
			Vector3 axis3 = lightDir * (seg.high - seg.low);
			obb = OBB3(Matrix4::FromAxis(axis1, axis2, axis3,
			vpWidth = 2.f / axis1.GetLength();
			vpHeight = 2.f / axis2.GetLength();
			// convert to projectionview matrix
			matrix = obb.m.InversedFast();
			matrix = Matrix4::Scale(2.f) * matrix;
			matrix = Matrix4::Translate(-1, -1, -1) * matrix;
			// scale a little big for padding
			matrix = Matrix4::Scale(.98f) * matrix;
			matrix = Matrix4::Scale(1,1,-1) * matrix;
			// make sure frustrums in range
#ifndef NDEBUG
			for(int i = 0; i < 8; i++){
				Vector4 v = matrix * frustrum[i];
				SPAssert(v.x >= -1.f);
				SPAssert(v.y >= -1.f);
				//SPAssert(v.z >= -1.f);
				SPAssert(v.x < 1.f);
				SPAssert(v.y < 1.f);
				//SPAssert(v.z < 1.f);