Beispiel #1
void Script::o_vdxtransition() {		// 0x1C
	uint16 fileref = readScript16bits();

	// Show the debug information just when starting the playback
	if (fileref != _videoRef) {
		debugScript(1, true, "VDX transition fileref = 0x%04X", fileref);
		debugC(1, kGroovieDebugVideo | kGroovieDebugAll, "Playing video 0x%04X with transition", fileref);

	// Set bit 1
	_bitflags |= 1 << 1;

	// Clear bit 7
	_bitflags &= ~(1 << 7);

	// Set bit 2 if _firstbit
	if (_firstbit) {
		_bitflags |= 1 << 2;

	// Play the video
	if (!playvideofromref(fileref)) {
		// Move _currentInstruction back
		_currentInstruction -= 3;
Beispiel #2
void Script::o2_videofromref(){
	uint32 fileref = readScript32bits();

	// Show the debug information just when starting the playback
	if (fileref != _videoRef) {
		debugScript(1, true, "VIDEOFROMREF(0x%08X) (Not fully imp): Play video file from ref", fileref);
		debugC(5, kGroovieDebugVideo | kGroovieDebugAll, "Playing video 0x%08X via 0x09", fileref);
	// Play the video
	if (!playvideofromref(fileref)) {
		// Move _currentInstruction back
		_currentInstruction -= 5;
Beispiel #3
void Script::o_videofromstring1() {
	uint16 instStart = _currentInstruction;
	uint16 fileref = getVideoRefString();

	// Show the debug information just when starting the playback
	if (fileref != _videoRef) {
		debugScript(0, true, "VIDEOFROMSTRING1 0x%04X", fileref);

	// Play the video
	if (!playvideofromref(fileref)) {
		// Move _currentInstruction back
		_currentInstruction = instStart - 1;
Beispiel #4
void Script::o_videofromref() {			// 0x09
	uint16 fileref = readScript16bits();

	// Show the debug information just when starting the playback
	if (fileref != _videoRef) {
		debugScript(1, false, "VIDEOFROMREF(0x%04X) (Not fully imp): Play video file from ref", fileref);
		debugC(5, kGroovieDebugVideo | kGroovieDebugAll, "Playing video 0x%04X via 0x09", fileref);
	switch (fileref) {
	case 0x1C03:	// Trilobyte logo
	case 0x1C04:	// Virgin logo
	case 0x1C05:	// Credits
		if (fileref != _videoRef) {
			debugScript(1, true, "Use external file if available");

	case 0x400D:	// floating objects in music room
	case 0x5060:	// a sound from gamwav?
	case 0x5098:	// a sound from gamwav?
	case 0x2402:	// House becomes book in intro?
	case 0x1426:	// Turn to face front in hall: played after intro
	case 0x206D:	// Cards on table puzzle (bedroom)
	case 0x2001:	// Coins on table puzzle (bedroom)
		if (fileref != _videoRef) {
			debugScript(1, false, " (This video is special somehow!)");
			warning("(This video (0x%04X) is special somehow!)", fileref);
	if (fileref != _videoRef) {
		debugScript(1, false, "\n");
	// Play the video
	if (!playvideofromref(fileref)) {
		// Move _currentInstruction back
		_currentInstruction -= 3;
Beispiel #5
void Script::o_videofromstring2() {
	uint16 instStart = _currentInstruction;
	uint32 fileref = getVideoRefString();

	// Show the debug information just when starting the playback
	if (fileref != _videoRef) {
		debugScript(0, true, "VIDEOFROMSTRING2 0x%04X", fileref);

	// Set bit 1
	_bitflags |= 1 << 1;

	// Set bit 2 if _firstbit
	if (_firstbit) {
		_bitflags |= 1 << 2;

	// Play the video
	if (!playvideofromref(fileref)) {
		// Move _currentInstruction back
		_currentInstruction = instStart - 1;