Beispiel #1
BarChart2::BarChart2(MyPlotwindow *m_plot, wxString filename, PlotParam b2style)
    pls = m_plot->GetStream();

	wxFileInputStream fin( filename );
	wxTextInputStream text( fin );
	double x[36];
	float a[36],b[36];
	for(int i=0;i<36;i++)

    pls->adv( 0 );
	pls->wind( 0, 37, -b2style.ymax*0.001, b2style.ymax*0.001 );
	plcol0( 15 );
    pls->box( "abcnt", 5.0, 0, "bcntv", 0, 0 );
    pls->lab( "quad index", "#gDk#d1#ul (1/m)", "" );

	plcol0( 0 );

	plcol1( 1 );
	plpsty( 0 );
	for (int i = 0; i < 36; i++ )
		plfbox_solid( x[i]-0.3, b[i], 0.25);
	plcol1( 0 );
	plpsty( 0 ); //pls->lsty( 1 );
	for (int i = 0; i < 36; i++ )
		plfbox_solid( x[i]+0.05, a[i] , 0.25);

	pls->vpor(0.15, 0.28, 0.75, 0.85);
	pls->wind( 0, 1, 0, 1 );
	plcol0( 5 );
    pls->box( "bc", 0, 0, "bc", 0, 0 );
    pls->ptex( 0.4, 0.7, 0.0, 0.0, 0, "before" );
    pls->ptex( 0.4, 0.2, 0.0, 0.0, 0, "after " );

	plcol1( 1 );
	PLFLT x1[]={0.1,0.1,0.35,0.35};
	PLFLT y1[]={0.7,0.8,0.8 ,0.7};
    pls->fill( 4, x1, y1 );

	PLFLT x2[]={0.1,0.1,0.35 ,0.35 };
	PLFLT y2[]={0.2,0.3,0.3  ,0.2};
	plcol1( 0 );
    pls->fill( 4, x2, y2 );

Beispiel #2
static void
plshade_int( PLFLT ( *f2eval )( PLINT, PLINT, PLPointer ),
             PLPointer f2eval_data,
             PLFLT ( * c2eval )( PLINT, PLINT, PLPointer ), // unused, but macro doesn't work
             PLPointer PL_UNUSED( c2eval_data ),
             PLINT ( *defined )( PLFLT, PLFLT ),
             PLINT nx, PLINT ny,
             PLFLT xmin, PLFLT xmax, PLFLT ymin, PLFLT ymax,
             PLFLT shade_min, PLFLT shade_max,
             PLINT sh_cmap, PLFLT sh_color, PLFLT sh_width,
             PLINT min_color, PLFLT min_width,
             PLINT max_color, PLFLT max_width,
             void ( *fill )( PLINT, const PLFLT *, const PLFLT * ), PLINT rectangular,
             void ( *pltr )( PLFLT, PLFLT, PLFLT *, PLFLT *, PLPointer ),
             PLPointer pltr_data )
    PLINT n, slope = 0, ix, iy;
    int   count, i, j, nxny;
    PLFLT *a, *a0, *a1, dx, dy;
    PLFLT x[8], y[8], xp[2], tx, ty, init_width;
    int   *c, *c0, *c1;

    (void) c2eval;   // Cast to void to silence compiler warning about unused parameter

    if ( plsc->level < 3 )
        plabort( "plfshade: window must be set up first" );

    if ( nx <= 0 || ny <= 0 )
        plabort( "plfshade: nx and ny must be positive" );

    if ( shade_min >= shade_max )
        plabort( "plfshade: shade_max must exceed shade_min" );

    if ( pltr == NULL && plsc->coordinate_transform == NULL )
        rectangular = 1;

    int_val    = shade_max - shade_min;
    init_width = plsc->width;

    pen_col_min = min_color;
    pen_col_max = max_color;

    pen_wd_min = min_width;
    pen_wd_max = max_width;

    plstyl( (PLINT) 0, NULL, NULL );
    plwidth( sh_width );
    if ( fill != NULL )
        switch ( sh_cmap )
        case 0:
            plcol0( (PLINT) sh_color );
        case 1:
            plcol1( sh_color );
            plabort( "plfshade: invalid color map selection" );
    // alloc space for value array, and initialize
    // This is only a temporary kludge
    nxny = nx * ny;
    if ( ( a = (PLFLT *) malloc( (size_t) nxny * sizeof ( PLFLT ) ) ) == NULL )
        plabort( "plfshade: unable to allocate memory for value array" );

    for ( ix = 0; ix < nx; ix++ )
        for ( iy = 0; iy < ny; iy++ )
            a[iy + ix * ny] = f2eval( ix, iy, f2eval_data );

    // alloc space for condition codes

    if ( ( c = (int *) malloc( (size_t) nxny * sizeof ( int ) ) ) == NULL )
        plabort( "plfshade: unable to allocate memory for condition codes" );
        free( a );

    sh_min = shade_min;
    sh_max = shade_max;

    set_cond( c, a, nxny );
    dx = ( xmax - xmin ) / ( nx - 1 );
    dy = ( ymax - ymin ) / ( ny - 1 );
    a0 = a;
    a1 = a + ny;
    c0 = c;
    c1 = c + ny;

    for ( ix = 0; ix < nx - 1; ix++ )
        for ( iy = 0; iy < ny - 1; iy++ )
            count = c0[iy] + c0[iy + 1] + c1[iy] + c1[iy + 1];

            // No filling needs to be done for these cases

            if ( count >= UNDEF )
            if ( count == 4 * POS )
            if ( count == 4 * NEG )

            // Entire rectangle can be filled

            if ( count == 4 * OK )
                // find biggest rectangle that fits
                if ( rectangular )
                    big_recl( c0 + iy, ny, nx - ix, ny - iy, &i, &j );
                    i = j = 1;
                x[0] = x[1] = ix;
                x[2] = x[3] = ix + i;
                y[0] = y[3] = iy;
                y[1] = y[2] = iy + j;

                if ( pltr )
                    for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
                        ( *pltr )( x[i], y[i], &tx, &ty, pltr_data );
                        x[i] = tx;
                        y[i] = ty;
                    for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
                        x[i] = xmin + x[i] * dx;
                        y[i] = ymin + y[i] * dy;
                if ( fill != NULL )
                    exfill( fill, defined, (PLINT) 4, x, y );
                iy += j - 1;

            // Only part of rectangle can be filled

            n_point = min_points = max_points = 0;
            n       = find_interval( a0[iy], a0[iy + 1], c0[iy], c0[iy + 1], xp );
            for ( j = 0; j < n; j++ )
                x[j] = ix;
                y[j] = iy + xp[j];

            i = find_interval( a0[iy + 1], a1[iy + 1],
                c0[iy + 1], c1[iy + 1], xp );

            for ( j = 0; j < i; j++ )
                x[j + n] = ix + xp[j];
                y[j + n] = iy + 1;
            n += i;

            i = find_interval( a1[iy + 1], a1[iy], c1[iy + 1], c1[iy], xp );
            for ( j = 0; j < i; j++ )
                x[n + j] = ix + 1;
                y[n + j] = iy + 1 - xp[j];
            n += i;

            i = find_interval( a1[iy], a0[iy], c1[iy], c0[iy], xp );
            for ( j = 0; j < i; j++ )
                x[n + j] = ix + 1 - xp[j];
                y[n + j] = iy;
            n += i;

            if ( pltr )
                for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ )
                    ( *pltr )( x[i], y[i], &tx, &ty, pltr_data );
                    x[i] = tx;
                    y[i] = ty;
                for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ )
                    x[i] = xmin + x[i] * dx;
                    y[i] = ymin + y[i] * dy;

            if ( min_points == 4 )
                slope = plctestez( a, nx, ny, ix, iy, shade_min );
            if ( max_points == 4 )
                slope = plctestez( a, nx, ny, ix, iy, shade_max );

            // n = number of end of line segments
            // min_points = number times shade_min meets edge
            // max_points = number times shade_max meets edge

            // special cases: check number of times a contour is in a box

            switch ( ( min_points << 3 ) + max_points )
            case 000:
            case 020:
            case 002:
            case 022:
                if ( fill != NULL && n > 0 )
                    exfill( fill, defined, n, x, y );
            case 040:   // 2 contour lines in box
            case 004:
                if ( n != 6 )
                    fprintf( stderr, "plfshade err n=%d !6", (int) n );
                if ( slope == 1 && c0[iy] == OK )
                    if ( fill != NULL )
                        exfill( fill, defined, n, x, y );
                else if ( slope == 1 )
                    selected_polygon( fill, defined, x, y, 0, 1, 2, -1 );
                    selected_polygon( fill, defined, x, y, 3, 4, 5, -1 );
                else if ( c0[iy + 1] == OK )
                    if ( fill != NULL )
                        exfill( fill, defined, n, x, y );
                    selected_polygon( fill, defined, x, y, 0, 1, 5, -1 );
                    selected_polygon( fill, defined, x, y, 2, 3, 4, -1 );
            case 044:
                if ( n != 8 )
                    fprintf( stderr, "plfshade err n=%d !8", (int) n );
                if ( slope == 1 )
                    selected_polygon( fill, defined, x, y, 0, 1, 2, 3 );
                    selected_polygon( fill, defined, x, y, 4, 5, 6, 7 );
                    selected_polygon( fill, defined, x, y, 0, 1, 6, 7 );
                    selected_polygon( fill, defined, x, y, 2, 3, 4, 5 );
            case 024:
            case 042:
                // 3 contours
                if ( n != 7 )
                    fprintf( stderr, "plfshade err n=%d !7", (int) n );

                if ( ( c0[iy] == OK || c1[iy + 1] == OK ) && slope == 1 )
                    if ( fill != NULL )
                        exfill( fill, defined, n, x, y );
                else if ( ( c0[iy + 1] == OK || c1[iy] == OK ) && slope == 0 )
                    if ( fill != NULL )
                        exfill( fill, defined, n, x, y );

                else if ( c0[iy] == OK )
                    selected_polygon( fill, defined, x, y, 0, 1, 6, -1 );
                    selected_polygon( fill, defined, x, y, 2, 3, 4, 5 );
                else if ( c0[iy + 1] == OK )
                    selected_polygon( fill, defined, x, y, 0, 1, 2, -1 );
                    selected_polygon( fill, defined, x, y, 3, 4, 5, 6 );
                else if ( c1[iy + 1] == OK )
                    selected_polygon( fill, defined, x, y, 0, 1, 5, 6 );
                    selected_polygon( fill, defined, x, y, 2, 3, 4, -1 );
                else if ( c1[iy] == OK )
                    selected_polygon( fill, defined, x, y, 0, 1, 2, 3 );
                    selected_polygon( fill, defined, x, y, 4, 5, 6, -1 );
                    fprintf( stderr, "plfshade err logic case 024:042\n" );
                fprintf( stderr, "prog err switch\n" );
            draw_boundary( slope, x, y );

            if ( fill != NULL )
                plwidth( sh_width );
                if ( sh_cmap == 0 )
                    plcol0( (PLINT) sh_color );
                else if ( sh_cmap == 1 )
                    plcol1( sh_color );

        a0  = a1;
        c0  = c1;
        a1 += ny;
        c1 += ny;

    free( c );
    free( a );
    plwidth( init_width );
Beispiel #3
BarChart4::BarChart4(MyPlotwindow *m_plot, wxString filename, PlotParam b4style)
    pls = m_plot->GetStream();

	double x[10];
	double xa[10],xb[10],za[10],zb[10];
	wxFileInputStream fin( filename );
	wxTextInputStream text( fin );
	for(int i=0;i<10;i++)
		text>>xb[i] >>zb[i] >>xa[i] >>za[i];

    //pls->env( 0, 11, 0, 0.012, 0, 0 );
    pls->adv( 0 );
	pls->wind( 0, 11, 0, b4style.ymax*0.015 );
	plcol0( 15 );
    pls->box( "bcnt", 1.0, 0, "bcntv", 0, 4 );
    pls->lab( "harmonic number", "", "Stopband harmonics components" );

	plcol0( 0 );

	plcol1( 1 );
	pls->psty( 0 );
	for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
		plfbox_solid( x[i]-0.4, xb[i], 0.2);
	plcol1( 1 );
	pls->psty( 3 );
	for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
		plfbox_solid( x[i]-0.2, xa[i] , 0.2);
		plfbox_hollow( x[i]-0.2, xa[i] , 0.2);
	plcol1( 0 );
	pls->psty( 0 );
	for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
		plfbox_solid( x[i]+0.0, zb[i], 0.2);
	plcol1( 0 );
	pls->psty( 3 ); //pls->lsty( 1 );
	for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
		plfbox_solid( x[i]+0.2, za[i] , 0.2);
		plfbox_hollow( x[i]+0.2, za[i] , 0.2);

	pls->vpor(0.15, 0.90, 0.75, 0.85);
	pls->wind( 0, 1, 0, 1 );
	plcol0( 5 );
	pls->lsty( 1 );
    pls->box( "bc", 0, 0, "bc", 0, 0 );
    pls->ptex( 0.1, 0.70, 0.0, 0.0, 0, "red: horizontal" );
    pls->ptex( 0.1, 0.20, 0.0, 0.0, 0, "blue: vertical" );
    pls->ptex( 0.6, 0.70, 0.0, 0.0, 0, "solid: before" );
    pls->ptex( 0.6, 0.20, 0.0, 0.0, 0, "shadow: after" );
	pls->vpor(0.15, 0.40, 0.65, 0.85);
	pls->wind( 0, 1, 0, 1 );
	plcol0( 5 );
    pls->box( "bc", 0, 0, "bc", 0, 0 );
    pls->ptex( 0.4, 0.6, 0.0, 0.0, 0, "legend 1" );
    pls->ptex( 0.4, 0.3, 0.0, 0.0, 0, "legend 2" );

	pls->vpor(0.6, 0.9, 0.5, 0.85);
	pls->wind( 0, 1, -0.003, 0.003 );
	plcol0( 6 );
    //pls->box( "bc", 0, 0, "bc", 0, 0 );
    pls->box( "abcnt", 0, 0, "bcntv", 0, 0 );
    pls->ptex( 0.5, 0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 0, "inset" );
