Beispiel #1
static void
esc_purge(char *dstr, unsigned char *sstr) {
  char esc;


    if (*sstr != esc) {
      *dstr++ = *sstr++;

    if (*sstr == esc) {
      *dstr++ = *sstr++;
    else {
      switch(*sstr++) {
      case 'f':
	break; /* two chars sequence */

	break;  /* single char escape */
  *dstr = '\0';
Beispiel #2
proc_str (PLStream *pls, EscText *args)
  PLFLT *t = args->xform, tt[4]; /* Transform matrices */
  PLFLT theta;  /* Rotation angle and shear from the matrix */
  PLFLT ft_ht, offset; /* Font height and offset */
  PLFLT cs,sn,l1,l2;
  PSDev *dev = (PSDev *) pls->dev;
  char *font, esc;
  /* Be generous.  Used to store lots of font changes which take
   * 3 characters per change.*/
  unsigned char *strp, str[PROC_STR_STRING_LENGTH], *cur_strp, 
  float font_factor = 1.4;
  PLINT clxmin, clxmax, clymin, clymax; /* Clip limits */
  PLINT clipx[4],clipy[4]; /* Current clip limits */

  PLFLT scale = 1., up = 0.; /* Font scaling and shifting parameters */

  int i=0; /* String index */

  short text_len;

   /* unicode only! so test for it. */
   if (args->unicode_array_len>0)
	int j,s,f;
	char  *fonts[PROC_STR_STRING_LENGTH];
	int nlookup;
	const Unicode_to_Type1_table *lookup;
	const PLUNICODE *cur_text;
	const PLUNICODE *cur_text_limit;
	/* translate from unicode into type 1 font index. */
	 * Choose the font family, style, variant, and weight using
	 * the FCI (font characterization integer).

	font = plP_FCI2FontName(fci, Type1Lookup, N_Type1Lookup);
	if (font == NULL) {
	   fprintf(stderr, "fci = 0x%x, font name pointer = NULL \n", fci);
	   plabort("proc_str: FCI inconsistent with Type1Lookup; "
		   "internal PLplot error");
	/*pldebug("proc_str", "fci = 0x%x, font name = %s\n", fci, font);*/
	if (!strcmp(font, "Symbol")) {
	   nlookup = number_of_entries_in_unicode_to_symbol_table;
	   lookup = unicode_to_symbol_lookup_table;
	else {
	   nlookup = number_of_entries_in_unicode_to_standard_table;
	   lookup = unicode_to_standard_lookup_table;
	cur_text =  args->unicode_array;
	for (f=s=j=0; j < args->unicode_array_len; j++) {
	   if (cur_text[j] & PL_FCI_MARK) {
	      /* process an FCI by saving it and escaping cur_str
	       * with an escff to make it a 2-character escape
	       * that is not used in legacy Hershey code
	      if ((f < PROC_STR_STRING_LENGTH) && (s+3 < PROC_STR_STRING_LENGTH)) {
		 fonts[f] = plP_FCI2FontName(cur_text[j], Type1Lookup, N_Type1Lookup);
		 if (fonts[f] == NULL) {
		    fprintf(stderr, "string-supplied FCI = 0x%x, font name pointer = NULL \n", cur_text[j]);
		    plabort("proc_str: string-supplied FCI inconsistent with Type1Lookup;");
		 /*pldebug("proc_str", "string-supplied FCI = 0x%x, font name = %s\n", cur_text[j], fonts[f]);*/
		 if (!strcmp(fonts[f++], "Symbol")) {
		    lookup = unicode_to_symbol_lookup_table;
		    nlookup = number_of_entries_in_unicode_to_symbol_table;
		 else {
		    lookup = unicode_to_standard_lookup_table;
		    nlookup = number_of_entries_in_unicode_to_standard_table;
		 cur_str[s++] = esc;
		 cur_str[s++] = 'f';
		 cur_str[s++] = 'f';
	   else if (s+1 < PROC_STR_STRING_LENGTH) {
	      cur_str[s++] = plunicode2type1(cur_text[j], lookup, nlookup);
	      /*pldebug("proc_str", "unicode = 0x%x, type 1 code = %d\n",
	                cur_text[j], cur_str[j]);*/
	cur_str[s] = '\0';
	/* finish previous polyline */
	dev->xold = PL_UNDEFINED;
	dev->yold = PL_UNDEFINED;
	/* Determine the font height */
	ft_ht = pls->chrht * 72.0/25.4; /* ft_ht in points, ht is in mm */
	/* The transform matrix has only rotations and shears; extract them */
	theta = acos(t[0]) * 180. / PI;  /* Determine the rotation (in degrees)... */
	if (t[2] < 0.) theta *= -1.;     /* ... and sign ... */
	cs = cos(theta*PI/180.);
	sn = sin(theta*PI/180.);
	tt[0] = t[0]*cs + t[2]*sn;
	tt[1] = t[1]*cs + t[3]*sn;
	tt[2] = -t[0]*sn + t[2]*cs;
	tt[3] = -t[1]*sn + t[3]*cs;
	 * Reference point conventions:
	 *   If base = 0, it is aligned with the center of the text box
	 *   If base = 1, it is aligned with the baseline of the text box
	 *   If base = 2, it is aligned with the top of the text box
	 * Currently plplot only uses base=0
	 * Postscript uses base=1
	 * We must calculate the difference between the two and apply the offset.
	if (args->base == 2) /* not supported by plplot */
	  offset = ENLARGE * ft_ht / 2.; /* half font height */
	else if (args->base == 1)
	  offset = 0.;
	  offset = -ENLARGE * ft_ht / 2.;
	args->y += offset*cos(theta*PI/180.);
	args->x -= offset*sin(theta*PI/180.);
	/* Apply plplot difilt transformations */
	difilt(&args->x, &args->y, 1, &clxmin, &clxmax, &clymin, &clymax);
	/* ps driver is rotated by default */
	plRotPhy(ORIENTATION, dev->xmin, dev->ymin, dev->xmax, dev->ymax, 
		 &(args->x), &(args->y));
	/* Determine the adjustment for page orientation */
	theta += 90. - 90.*pls->diorot;
	/* Output */
	/* Set clipping */
	difilt(clipx, clipy, 4, &clxmin, &clxmax, &clymin, &clymax);
	plRotPhy(ORIENTATION, dev->xmin, dev->ymin, dev->xmax, dev->ymax,
	         &clipx[0], &clipy[0]);
	plRotPhy(ORIENTATION, dev->xmin, dev->ymin, dev->xmax, dev->ymax,
	         &clipx[1], &clipy[1]);
	plRotPhy(ORIENTATION, dev->xmin, dev->ymin, dev->xmax, dev->ymax,
	         &clipx[2], &clipy[2]);
	plRotPhy(ORIENTATION, dev->xmin, dev->ymin, dev->xmax, dev->ymax,
	         &clipx[3], &clipy[3]);
	fprintf(OF," gsave %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d CL\n",clipx[0],clipy[0],clipx[1],clipy[1],clipx[2],clipy[2],clipx[3],clipy[3]);
	/* move to string reference point */
	fprintf(OF, " %d %d M\n", args->x, args->y );
	/* Save the current position and set the string rotation */
	fprintf(OF, "gsave %.3f R\n",theta);
	/* Purge escape sequences from string, so that postscript can find it's 
	 * length.  The string length is computed with the current font, and can
	 * thus be wrong if there are font change escape sequences in the string 
	esc_purge(str, cur_str);
	fprintf(OF, "/%s %.3f SF\n", font,font_factor * ENLARGE * ft_ht);    
	/* Output string, while escaping the '(', ')' and '\' characters.
	 * this string is output for measurement purposes only.
	fprintf(OF, "%.3f (", - args->just);
	while (str[i]!='\0') {
	   if (str[i]=='(' || str[i]==')' || str[i]=='\\')
	fprintf(OF,") SW\n");
	/* Parse string for PLplot escape sequences and print everything out */
	cur_strp = cur_str;
	f = 0;
	do {
	   strp = str;
	   if (*cur_strp == esc) {
	      if (*cur_strp == esc) { /* <esc><esc> */
		 *strp++ = *cur_strp++;
	      else if (*cur_strp == 'f') {
		 if (*cur_strp++ != 'f') {
		    /* escff occurs because of logic above. But any suffix
		     * other than "f" should never happen. */
		    plabort("proc_str, internal PLplot logic error;"
			    "wrong escf escape sequence");
		 font = fonts[f++];
		 /*pldebug("proc_str", "string-specified fci = 0x%x, font name = %s\n", fci, font);*/
	      else switch (*cur_strp++) {
	       case 'd':
	       case 'D':
		 if(up>0.) scale *= 1.25;  /* Subscript scaling parameter */
		 else scale *= 0.8;  /* Subscript scaling parameter */
		 up -= font_factor * ENLARGE * ft_ht / 2.;
	       case 'u':
	       case 'U':
		 if(up<0.) scale *= 1.25;  /* Subscript scaling parameter */
		 else scale *= 0.8;  /* Subscript scaling parameter */
		 up += font_factor * ENLARGE * ft_ht / 2.;
		 /* ignore the next sequences */
	       case '+':
	       case '-':
	       case 'b':
	       case 'B':
		 plwarn("'+', '-', and 'b/B' text escape sequences not processed.");
	   /* copy from current to next token, adding a postscript escape 
	    * char '\' if necessary 
	   while(*cur_strp && *cur_strp != esc) {
	      if (*cur_strp == '(' || *cur_strp == ')' || *cur_strp == '\\')
		*strp++ = '\\';
	      *strp++ = *cur_strp++;
	   *strp = '\0';
	   if(fabs(up)<0.001) up = 0.; /* Watch out for small differences */
	   /* Apply the scaling and the shear */
	   fprintf(OF, "/%s [%.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f 0 0] SF\n",
		   tt[0]*font_factor * ENLARGE * ft_ht * scale,
		   tt[2]*font_factor * ENLARGE * ft_ht * scale,
		   tt[1]*font_factor * ENLARGE * ft_ht * scale,
		   tt[3]*font_factor * ENLARGE * ft_ht * scale);
	   /* if up/down escape sequences, save current point and adjust baseline;
	    * take the shear into account */
	   if(up!=0.) fprintf(OF, "gsave %.3f %.3f rmoveto\n",up*tt[1],up*tt[3]);
	   /* print the string */
	   fprintf(OF, "(%s) show\n", str);  
	   /* back to baseline */
	   if (up!=0.) fprintf(OF, "grestore (%s) stringwidth rmoveto\n", str);
	fprintf(OF, "grestore\n");
	fprintf(OF, "grestore\n");
	 * keep driver happy -- needed for background and orientation.
	 * arghhh! can't calculate it, as I only have the string reference
	 * point, not its extent!
	 * Still a hack - but at least it takes into account the string
	 * length and justification. Character width is assumed to be
	 * 0.6 * character height. Add on an extra 1.5 * character height 
	 * for safety. 
	cs = cos(theta/180.*PI);
	sn = sin(theta/180.*PI);
	l1 = -i*args->just;
	l2 = i*(1.-args->just);
	/* Factor of 0.6 is an empirical fudge to convert character 
	 * height to average character width */
	l1 *= 0.6;
	l2 *= 0.6;
	dev->llx = MIN(dev->llx, args->x + (MIN(l1*cs,l2*cs)-1.5) * font_factor * ft_ht * ENLARGE );
	dev->lly = MIN(dev->lly, args->y + (MIN(l1*sn,l2*sn)-1.5) * font_factor * ft_ht * ENLARGE );
	dev->urx = MAX(dev->urx, args->x + (MAX(l1*cs,l2*cs)+1.5) * font_factor * ft_ht * ENLARGE );
	dev->ury = MAX(dev->ury, args->y + (MAX(l1*sn,l2*sn)+1.5) * font_factor * ft_ht * ENLARGE );

Beispiel #3
void wxPLDevBase::PSDrawText( PLUNICODE* ucs4, int ucs4Len, bool drawText )
  int i = 0;

  char utf8_string[max_string_length];
  char utf8[5];
  memset( utf8_string, '\0', max_string_length );

  /* Get PLplot escape character */
  char plplotEsc;
  plgesc( &plplotEsc );

  /* Get the curent font */
  fontScale = 1.0;
  yOffset = 0.0;
  plgfci( &fci );
  PSSetFont( fci );

  while( i < ucs4Len ) {
    if( ucs4[i] < PL_FCI_MARK ) {	/* not a font change */
      if( ucs4[i] != (PLUNICODE)plplotEsc ) {  /* a character to display */
        ucs4_to_utf8( ucs4[i], utf8 );
        strncat( utf8_string, utf8, max_string_length );
      if( ucs4[i] == (PLUNICODE)plplotEsc ) {   /* a escape character to display */
        ucs4_to_utf8( ucs4[i], utf8 );
        strncat( utf8_string, utf8, max_string_length );
      } else {
      	if( ucs4[i] == (PLUNICODE)'u' ) {	/* Superscript */
          // draw string so far
          PSDrawTextToDC( utf8_string, drawText );

          // change font scale
      		if( yOffset<0.0 )
            fontScale *= 1.25;  /* Subscript scaling parameter */
            fontScale *= 0.8;  /* Subscript scaling parameter */
          PSSetFont( fci );

      		yOffset += scaley * fontSize * fontScale / 2.;
      	if( ucs4[i] == (PLUNICODE)'d' ) {	/* Subscript */
          // draw string so far
          PSDrawTextToDC( utf8_string, drawText );

          // change font scale
          double old_fontScale=fontScale;
      		if( yOffset>0.0 )
            fontScale *= 1.25;  /* Subscript scaling parameter */
            fontScale *= 0.8;  /* Subscript scaling parameter */
          PSSetFont( fci );

      		yOffset -= scaley * fontSize * old_fontScale / 2.;
      	if( ucs4[i] == (PLUNICODE)'-' ) {	/* underline */
          // draw string so far
          PSDrawTextToDC( utf8_string, drawText );

          underlined = !underlined;
          PSSetFont( fci );
      	if( ucs4[i] == (PLUNICODE)'+' ) {	/* overline */
          /* not implemented yet */
    } else { /* a font change */
      // draw string so far
      PSDrawTextToDC( utf8_string, drawText );

      // get new font
      fci = ucs4[i];
      PSSetFont( fci );

  PSDrawTextToDC( utf8_string, drawText );
Beispiel #4
FT_StrX_YW(PLStream *pls, const PLUNICODE *text, short len, int *xx, int *yy)
    FT_Data *FT=(FT_Data *)pls->FT;
    short i=0;
    FT_Vector  akerning;
    int x=0,y=0;
    char esc;


 * Things seems to work better with this line than without it;
 * I guess because there is no vertical kerning or advancement for most
 * non-transformed fonts, so we need to define *something* for the y height,
 * and this is the best thing I could think of.

    y -= FT->face->size->metrics.height;

/* walk through the text character by character */
    for (i=0;i<len;i++) {
	if ((text[i]==esc)&&(text[i-1]!=esc)) {
	    if (text[i+1]==esc) continue;

	    switch(text[i+1]) {

	    case 'u': /* super script */
	    case 'd': /* subscript */
	    case 'U':
	    case 'D':

        } else if (text[i] & PL_FCI_MARK) {
	   /* FCI in text stream; change font accordingly. */
	   FT_SetFace(pls , text[i]);
        } else {

	/* see if we have kerning for the particular character pair */
	    if ((i>0)&&FT_HAS_KERNING(FT->face)) {
		FT_Get_Kerning( FT->face,
				&akerning );
		x+= (akerning.x >> 6);        /* add (or subtract) the kerning */

      * Next we load the char. This also draws the char, transforms it, and
      * converts it to a bitmap. At present this is a bit wasteful, but
      * if/when I add cache support, then this data won't go to waste.
      * Since there is no sense in going to the trouble of doing anti-aliasing
      * calculations since we aren't REALLY plotting anything, we will render
      * this as monochrome since it is probably marginally quicker. If/when
      * cache support is added, naturally this will have to change.

	    FT_Load_Char( FT->face, text[i], FT_LOAD_MONOCHROME+FT_LOAD_RENDER);

      * Add in the "advancement" needed to position the cursor for the next
      * character. Unless the text is transformed, "y" will always be zero.
      * Y is negative because freetype does things upside down

	    x += (FT->face->glyph->advance.x);
	    y -= (FT->face->glyph->advance.y);
Beispiel #5
static void
pldeco(short int **symbol, PLINT *length, const char *text)
    PLINT ch, ifont = plsc->cfont, ig, j = 0, lentxt = strlen(text);
    char test, esc;
    short int *sym = symbol_buffer;

/* Initialize parameters. */

    *length = 0;
    *symbol = symbol_buffer;
    if (ifont > numberfonts)
	ifont = 1;

/* Get next character; treat non-printing characters as spaces. */

    while (j < lentxt) {
	if (*length >= PLMAXSTR)
	test = text[j++];
	ch = test;
	if (ch < 0 || ch > 175)
	    ch = 32;

    /* Test for escape sequence (#) */

	if (ch == esc && (lentxt - j) >= 1) {
	    test = text[j++];
	    if (test == esc)
		sym[(*length)++] = *(fntlkup + (ifont - 1) * numberchars + ch);

	    else if (test == 'u' || test == 'U')
		sym[(*length)++] = -1;

	    else if (test == 'd' || test == 'D')
		sym[(*length)++] = -2;

	    else if (test == 'b' || test == 'B')
		sym[(*length)++] = -3;

	    else if (test == '+')
		sym[(*length)++] = -4;

	    else if (test == '-')
		sym[(*length)++] = -5;

	    else if (test == '(') {
		sym[*length] = 0;
		while ('0' <= text[j] && text[j] <= '9') {
		    sym[*length] = sym[*length] * 10 + text[j] - '0';
		if (text[j] == ')')
	    else if (test == 'f' || test == 'F') {
		test = text[j++];
		ifont = 1 + plP_strpos(font_types,
				       isupper(test) ? tolower(test) : test);
		if (ifont == 0 || ifont > numberfonts)
		    ifont = 1;
	    else if (test == 'g' || test == 'G') {
		test = text[j++];
		ig = plP_strpos(plP_greek_mnemonic, test) + 1;
		sym[(*length)++] =
		    *(fntlkup + (ifont - 1) * numberchars + 127 + ig);
	    else {
	else {

	/* Decode character. */
	/* >>PC<< removed increment from following expression to fix */
	/* compiler bug */

	    sym[(*length)] = *(fntlkup + (ifont - 1) * numberchars + ch);
Beispiel #6
static void
plhrsh(PLINT ch, PLINT x, PLINT y)
EscText args;
int idx;
PLUNICODE unicode_char;

  /* Check to see if the device understands unicode and wants to draw
   * symbols.
  if ((plsc->dev_text)&&(plsc->dev_unicode)&&(!plsc->dev_hrshsym))       
      idx=plhershey2unicode(ch); /* Get the index in the lookup table */

     *  Test to see if there is a defined unicode glyph for this hershey code;
     *  if there isn't, then we pass the glyph to plhersh, and have it
     *  rendered the old fashioned way.
     *  Otherwise, we let the driver render it as unicode

      if ((unicode_char==0)||(idx==-1))
          plhrsh2(ch, x, y);
	  PLUNICODE  plhrsh_unicode_buffer[3], fci;
	  PLFLT xform[] = {1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0};
	  char esc;
          args.base = 1;
          args.just = .5;
          args.xform = 0;
          args.x = x;
          args.y = y;
	  args.string=NULL;  /* Since we are using unicode, we want this to be NULL */
	  /* "array method" */
	  args.xform = xform;
	  /* Temporary Symbol font for every character. */
	  plP_hex2fci(PL_FCI_SYMBOL, PL_FCI_FAMILY, &fci);
	  plhrsh_unicode_buffer[0] = fci;
	  plhrsh_unicode_buffer[1] = unicode_char;
	  /* watch out for escape character and unescape it by appending
	   * one extra. */
	  if (unicode_char == esc) {
	     plhrsh_unicode_buffer[2] = unicode_char;
	  /* No need to change font back since only one character. */
	  args.unicode_array=&plhrsh_unicode_buffer[0];   /* Get address of the unicode buffer (even though it is currently static) */

          plP_esc(PLESC_HAS_TEXT, &args);

       plhrsh2(ch, x, y);