bool save_prefs() { char *prefs; prefs = pluginPath("Xchecklist.prf"); if(!prefs){ xcDebug("Can't save prefs (NULL plugin path received).\n"); return false; } std::fstream fout;, std::ios::out); if(fout.is_open()){ //Store prefs version first fout<<"1"<<std::endl; XPGetWidgetGeometry(xCheckListWidget, &win_pos_x1, &win_pos_x2, &win_pos_y1, &win_pos_y2); fout<<win_pos_x1<<" "<<win_pos_x2<<" "<<win_pos_y1<<" "<<win_pos_y2<<std::endl; fout<<state[TRANSLUCENT]<<" "<<state[SHOW_CHECKLIST]<<" "<<state[COPILOT_ON]<<" " <<state[VOICE]<<" "<<state[AUTO_HIDE]<<std::endl; fout.close(); }else{ xcDebug("Can't open prefs for writing.\n"); free(prefs); return false; } free(prefs); return true; }
bool init_setup() { char *prefs = NULL; std::fstream fin; state[TRANSLUCENT] = true; state[SHOW_CHECKLIST] = true; state[COPILOT_ON] = true; state[VOICE] = true; voice_state = true; state[AUTO_HIDE] = true; prefs = pluginPath("Xchecklist.prf"); if(try_open(prefs, fin)){ //read new prefs from the fin int version = -1; fin>>version; switch(version){ case 1: //Read the window position fin>>win_pos_x1>>win_pos_x2>>win_pos_y1>>win_pos_y2; //Read the rest of setup fin>>state[TRANSLUCENT]>>state[SHOW_CHECKLIST]>>state[COPILOT_ON]>>state[VOICE]>>state[AUTO_HIDE]; break; default: xcDebug("Unknown preferences version, using defaults.\n"); break; } safe_window_defaults(); // Set the upper left corner from the prefs file // Not sure if this is the corect place but it is working x = win_pos_x1; y = win_pos_x2; }else{
static void _cutLastPathSeparator(wchar_t * _strPath) { #ifdef ANDROID const u32 bufSize = 512; char cbuf[bufSize]; wcstombs(cbuf, _strPath, bufSize); std::string pluginPath(cbuf); std::string::size_type pos = pluginPath.find_last_of("/"); mbstowcs(_strPath, pluginPath.c_str(), PLUGIN_PATH_SIZE); #else std::wstring pluginPath(_strPath); std::replace(pluginPath.begin(), pluginPath.end(), L'\\', L'/'); std::wstring::size_type pos = pluginPath.find_last_of(L"/"); wcscpy(_strPath, pluginPath.substr(0, pos).c_str()); #endif }
bool StandardServerCoreBuilder::loadPlugins() { shared_ptr<ComponentRegistry> component_registry = ComponentRegistry::getSharedRegistry(); readPlugins(pluginPath()); return true; }
void QgsApplication::initQgis() { // set the provider plugin path (this creates provider registry) QgsProviderRegistry::instance( pluginPath() ); // create map layer registry if doesn't exist QgsMapLayerRegistry::instance(); }
void PluginAPI::FindPluginPath(wchar_t * _strPath) { if (_strPath == NULL) return; ::GetModuleFileName((HINSTANCE)&__ImageBase, _strPath, PLUGIN_PATH_SIZE); std::wstring pluginPath(_strPath); std::replace(pluginPath.begin(), pluginPath.end(), L'\\', L'/'); std::wstring::size_type pos = pluginPath.find_last_of(L"/"); wcscpy(_strPath, pluginPath.substr(0, pos).c_str()); }
bool GMPChild::LoadPluginLibrary(const std::string& aPluginPath) { nsDependentCString pluginPath(aPluginPath.c_str()); nsCOMPtr<nsIFile> libFile; nsresult rv = NS_NewNativeLocalFile(pluginPath, true, getter_AddRefs(libFile)); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return false; } nsAutoString leafName; if (NS_FAILED(libFile->GetLeafName(leafName))) { return false; } nsAutoString baseName(Substring(leafName, 4, leafName.Length() - 1)); #if defined(XP_MACOSX) nsAutoString binaryName = NS_LITERAL_STRING("lib") + baseName + NS_LITERAL_STRING(".dylib"); #elif defined(OS_POSIX) nsAutoString binaryName = NS_LITERAL_STRING("lib") + baseName + NS_LITERAL_STRING(".so"); #elif defined(XP_WIN) nsAutoString binaryName = baseName + NS_LITERAL_STRING(".dll"); #else #error not defined #endif libFile->AppendRelativePath(binaryName); nsAutoCString nativePath; libFile->GetNativePath(nativePath); mLib = PR_LoadLibrary(nativePath.get()); if (!mLib) { return false; } GMPInitFunc initFunc = reinterpret_cast<GMPInitFunc>(PR_FindFunctionSymbol(mLib, "GMPInit")); if (!initFunc) { return false; } auto platformAPI = new GMPPlatformAPI(); InitPlatformAPI(*platformAPI); if (initFunc(platformAPI) != GMPNoErr) { return false; } mGetAPIFunc = reinterpret_cast<GMPGetAPIFunc>(PR_FindFunctionSymbol(mLib, "GMPGetAPI")); if (!mGetAPIFunc) { return false; } return true; }
void AutomaticIPod::PlayCountsDatabase::bootstrap() { qDebug() << "Starting bootstrapping..."; static_cast<TwiddlyApplication*>(qApp)->sendBusMessage( "container://Notification/Twiddly/Bootstrap/Started" ); beginTransaction(); QSqlQuery query( m_db ); // this will fail if the metadata table doesn't exist, which is fine query.exec( "DELETE FROM metadata WHERE key='bootstrap_complete'" ); query.exec( "DELETE FROM metadata WHERE key='plugin_ctime'" ); query.exec( "DELETE FROM " TABLE_NAME_OLD ); query.exec( "DELETE FROM " TABLE_NAME ); ITunesLibrary lib; // for wizard progress screen std::cout << lib.trackCount() << std::endl; int i = 0; while (lib.hasTracks()) { try { ITunesLibrary::Track const t = lib.nextTrack(); QString const plays = QString::number( t.playCount() ); query.exec( "INSERT OR IGNORE INTO " TABLE_NAME " ( persistent_id, play_count ) " "VALUES ( '" + t.uniqueId() + "', '" + plays + "' )" ); } catch ( ... ) { // Move on... } std::cout << ++i << std::endl; } // if either INSERTS fail we'll rebootstrap next time query.exec( "CREATE TABLE metadata (key VARCHAR( 32 ), value VARCHAR( 32 ))" ); query.exec( "INSERT INTO metadata (key, value) VALUES ('bootstrap_complete', 'true')" ); QString const t = QString::number( common::fileCreationTime( pluginPath() ) ); query.exec( "INSERT INTO metadata (key, value) VALUES ('plugin_ctime', '"+t+"')" ); endTransaction(); static_cast<TwiddlyApplication*>(qApp)->sendBusMessage( "container://Notification/Twiddly/Bootstrap/Finished" ); }
WK_EXPORT int PluginProcessMainUnix(int argc, char* argv[]) { #if PLUGIN_ARCHITECTURE(X11) bool scanPlugin = !strcmp(argv[1], "-scanPlugin"); #endif ASSERT_UNUSED(argc, argc == 3); #if PLATFORM(GTK) gtk_init(&argc, &argv); #elif PLATFORM(EFL) #ifdef HAVE_ECORE_X if (!ecore_x_init(0)) #endif return 1; #endif InitializeWebKit2(); #if PLUGIN_ARCHITECTURE(X11) if (scanPlugin) { String pluginPath(argv[2]); if (!NetscapePluginModule::scanPlugin(pluginPath)) return EXIT_FAILURE; return EXIT_SUCCESS; } #endif // Plugins can produce X errors that are handled by the GDK X error handler, which // exits the process. Since we don't want to crash due to plugin bugs, we install a // custom error handler to show a warning when a X error happens without aborting. #if defined(XP_UNIX) programName = basename(argv[0]); XSetErrorHandler(webkitXError); #endif int socket = atoi(argv[1]); WebKit::ChildProcessInitializationParameters parameters; parameters.connectionIdentifier = socket; parameters.extraInitializationData.add("plugin-path", argv[2]); WebKit::PluginProcess::shared().initialize(parameters); RunLoop::run(); return 0; }
bool GameStateLoadPlugin::enter() { he::Path pluginPath(he::Path::getBinPath()); he::pl::IPlugin* const plugin(PluginManager::getInstance()->loadPlugin(pluginPath, "HappyPluginTest")); Sandbox* const sandbox(Sandbox::getInstance()); sandbox->setGamePlugin(plugin); SelectionManger::getInstance()->init(); EntityManager* const entityMan(sandbox->getEntityManager()); entityMan->init(); if (plugin != nullptr) { plugin->init(sandbox->getGameWindow(), he::RectF(0, 0, 1, 1)); } return true; }
int run(int /*argc*/, char** argv) { std::string pluginPath(argv[1]); std::deque<MyPlugin> plugins; std::unique_ptr<load_plugins::PluginServiceInterface> service(new load_plugins::ConcreteService()); MyPluginFactory factory(pluginPath, *service); factory.load(); auto availablePlugins = factory.availablePlugins(); printPluginNames(availablePlugins); createPlugins(factory, availablePlugins, plugins); callPlugins(plugins); service->report(); return 0; }
QString QgsApplication::showSettings() { QString myState = tr( "Application state:\n" "Prefix:\t\t%1\n" "Plugin Path:\t\t%2\n" "Package Data Path:\t%3\n" "Active Theme Name:\t%4\n" "Active Theme Path:\t%5\n" "Default Theme Path:\t%6\n" "SVG Search Paths:\t%7\n" "User DB Path:\t%8\n" ) .arg( prefixPath() ) .arg( pluginPath() ) .arg( pkgDataPath() ) .arg( themeName() ) .arg( activeThemePath() ) .arg( defaultThemePath() ) .arg( svgPaths().join( tr( "\n\t\t", "match indentation of application state" ) ) ) .arg( qgisMasterDbFilePath() ); return myState; }
static void testWebContextGetPlugins(PluginsTest* test, gconstpointer) { GList* plugins = test->getPlugins(); g_assert(plugins); GRefPtr<WebKitPlugin> testPlugin; for (GList* item = plugins; item; item = g_list_next(item)) { WebKitPlugin* plugin = WEBKIT_PLUGIN(item->data); test->assertObjectIsDeletedWhenTestFinishes(G_OBJECT(plugin)); if (!g_strcmp0(webkit_plugin_get_name(plugin), "WebKit Test PlugIn")) { testPlugin = plugin; break; } } g_assert(WEBKIT_IS_PLUGIN(testPlugin.get())); char normalizedPath[PATH_MAX]; g_assert(realpath(WEBKIT_TEST_PLUGIN_DIR, normalizedPath)); GUniquePtr<char> pluginPath(g_build_filename(normalizedPath, "", nullptr)); g_assert_cmpstr(webkit_plugin_get_path(testPlugin.get()), ==, pluginPath.get()); g_assert_cmpstr(webkit_plugin_get_description(testPlugin.get()), ==, "Simple Netscape® plug-in that handles test content for WebKit"); GList* mimeInfoList = webkit_plugin_get_mime_info_list(testPlugin.get()); g_assert(mimeInfoList); g_assert_cmpuint(g_list_length(mimeInfoList), ==, 2); WebKitMimeInfo* mimeInfo = static_cast<WebKitMimeInfo*>(mimeInfoList->data); g_assert_cmpstr(webkit_mime_info_get_mime_type(mimeInfo), ==, "image/png"); g_assert_cmpstr(webkit_mime_info_get_description(mimeInfo), ==, "png image"); const gchar* const* extensions = webkit_mime_info_get_extensions(mimeInfo); g_assert(extensions); g_assert_cmpstr(extensions[0], ==, "png"); mimeInfoList = g_list_next(mimeInfoList); mimeInfo = static_cast<WebKitMimeInfo*>(mimeInfoList->data); g_assert_cmpstr(webkit_mime_info_get_mime_type(mimeInfo), ==, "application/x-webkit-test-netscape"); g_assert_cmpstr(webkit_mime_info_get_description(mimeInfo), ==, "test netscape content"); extensions = webkit_mime_info_get_extensions(mimeInfo); g_assert(extensions); g_assert_cmpstr(extensions[0], ==, "testnetscape"); }
WK_EXPORT int PluginProcessMainUnix(int argc, char* argv[]) { ASSERT_UNUSED(argc, argc == 2 || argc == 3); bool scanPlugin = !strcmp(argv[1], "-scanPlugin"); ASSERT_UNUSED(argc, argc == 2 || (argc == 3 && scanPlugin)); #if PLATFORM(GTK) gtk_init(&argc, &argv); #elif PLATFORM(EFL) #ifdef HAVE_ECORE_X if (!ecore_x_init(0)) #endif return 1; #endif ScriptController::initializeThreading(); if (scanPlugin) { String pluginPath(argv[2]); if (!NetscapePluginModule::scanPlugin(pluginPath)) return EXIT_FAILURE; return EXIT_SUCCESS; } RunLoop::initializeMainRunLoop(); // Plugins can produce X errors that are handled by the GDK X error handler, which // exits the process. Since we don't want to crash due to plugin bugs, we install a // custom error handler to show a warning when a X error happens without aborting. #if defined(XP_UNIX) programName = basename(argv[0]); XSetErrorHandler(webkitXError); #endif int socket = atoi(argv[1]); WebKit::PluginProcess::shared().initialize(socket, RunLoop::main()); RunLoop::run(); return 0; }
Q_DECL_EXPORT int PluginProcessMain(int argc, char** argv) { QByteArray suppressOutput = qgetenv("QT_WEBKIT_SUPPRESS_WEB_PROCESS_OUTPUT"); if (!suppressOutput.isEmpty() && suppressOutput != "0") qInstallMessageHandler(messageHandler); QGuiApplication app(argc, argv); // Workaround the issue that some versions of flash does not initialize Gtk properly. if (!initializeGtk()) return EXIT_FAILURE; JSC::initializeThreading(); WTF::initializeMainThread(); if (argc <= 1) return EXIT_FAILURE; if (app.arguments().at(1) == QLatin1String("-scanPlugin")) { if (argc != 3) return EXIT_FAILURE; String pluginPath(app.arguments().at(2)); if (!NetscapePluginModule::scanPlugin(pluginPath)) return EXIT_FAILURE; return EXIT_SUCCESS; } RunLoop::initializeMainRunLoop(); // Create the connection. bool isNumber = false; int identifier = app.arguments().at(1).toInt(&isNumber, 10); if (!isNumber) return EXIT_FAILURE; WebKit::PluginProcess::shared().initialize(identifier, RunLoop::main()); RunLoop::run(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { bx::enableLogToFileHandle(stdout, stderr); bx::setLogTag("Termite"); if (SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO) != 0) { BX_FATAL("SDL Init failed"); return -1; } termite::Config conf; bx::Path pluginPath(argv[0]); strcpy(conf.pluginPath, pluginPath.getDirectory().cstr()); #if BX_PLATFORM_ANDROID SDL_DisplayMode disp; if (SDL_GetCurrentDisplayMode(0, &disp) == 0) { g_displaySize.x = disp.w; g_displaySize.y = disp.h; } #endif g_window = SDL_CreateWindow("TestSDL", SDL_WINDOWPOS_UNDEFINED, SDL_WINDOWPOS_UNDEFINED, g_displaySize.x, g_displaySize.y, SDL_WINDOW_SHOWN | SDL_WINDOW_RESIZABLE); if (!g_window) { BX_FATAL("SDL window creation failed"); termite::shutdown(); return -1; } conf.gfxWidth = g_displaySize.x; conf.gfxHeight = g_displaySize.y; termite::sdlMapImGuiKeys(&conf); termite::GfxPlatformData platformData; termite::sdlGetNativeWindowHandle(g_window, &platformData.nwh, &platformData.ndt); if (termite::initialize(conf, update, &platformData) || T_FAILED(termite::registerFont("fonts/fixedsys.fnt", "fixedsys"))) { BX_FATAL(termite::getErrorString()); BX_VERBOSE(termite::getErrorCallstack()); termite::shutdown(); SDL_DestroyWindow(g_window); SDL_Quit(); return -1; } g_vg = termite::createVectorGfxContext(101); g_debug = termite::createDebugDrawContext(100); termite::camInit(&g_cam); termite::camLookAt(&g_cam, termite::vec3_t(0, 1.0f, -12.0f), termite::vec3_t(0, 0, 0)); // reset graphics driver termite::getGfxDriver()->reset(g_displaySize.x, g_displaySize.y, 0); SDL_Event ev; while (true) { if (termite::sdlHandleEvent(&ev)) { if (ev.type == SDL_QUIT) break; if (ev.type == SDL_WINDOWEVENT) { if (ev.window.event == SDL_WINDOWEVENT_FOCUS_GAINED) { BX_VERBOSE("Resume"); termite::sdlGetNativeWindowHandle(g_window, &platformData.nwh); termite::getGfxDriver()->setPlatformData(platformData); termite::getGfxDriver()->reset(g_displaySize.x, g_displaySize.y, 0); termite::resume(); } else if (ev.window.event == SDL_WINDOWEVENT_FOCUS_LOST) { BX_VERBOSE("Pause"); termite::pause(); } } } termite::doFrame(); } termite::destroyDebugDrawContext(g_debug); termite::destroyVectorGfxContext(g_vg); termite::shutdown(); SDL_DestroyWindow(g_window); SDL_Quit(); return 0; }
void AutomaticIPod::PlayCountsDatabase::bootstrap() { qDebug() << "Starting bootstrapping..."; static_cast<TwiddlyApplication*>(qApp)->sendBusMessage( "container://Notification/Twiddly/Bootstrap/Started" ); beginTransaction(); QSqlQuery query( m_db ); // this will fail if the metadata table doesn't exist, which is fine query.exec( "DELETE FROM metadata WHERE key='bootstrap_complete'" ); query.exec( "DELETE FROM metadata WHERE key='plugin_ctime'" ); query.exec( "DELETE FROM itunes_db" ); #ifdef Q_OS_MAC ITunesLibrary lib; // for wizard progress screen std::cout << lib.trackCount() << std::endl; int i = 0; while (lib.hasTracks()) { ITunesLibrary::Track const t = lib.nextTrack(); QString const plays = QString::number( t.playCount() ); query.exec( "INSERT OR IGNORE INTO itunes_db ( persistent_id, play_count ) " "VALUES ( '" + t.uniqueId() + "', '" + plays + "' )" ); std::cout << ++i << std::endl; } #else ITunesLibrary lib; int i = 0; // These cout statements are for the progress indicator in the client, // do not remove! std::cout << lib.trackCount() << std::endl; while ( lib.hasTracks() ) { try { ITunesLibrary::Track t = lib.nextTrack(); if ( !t.isNull() ) { QString sql = "INSERT OR IGNORE INTO itunes_db ( persistent_id, path, play_count ) " "VALUES ( :pid, :path, :plays )"; exec( sql, t ); } } catch ( ITunesException& ) { // Move on... } std::cout << ++i << std::endl; } #endif // if either INSERTS fail we'll rebootstrap next time query.exec( "CREATE TABLE metadata (key VARCHAR( 32 ), value VARCHAR( 32 ))" ); query.exec( "INSERT INTO metadata (key, value) VALUES ('bootstrap_complete', 'true')" ); QString const t = QString::number( common::fileCreationTime( pluginPath() ) ); query.exec( "INSERT INTO metadata (key, value) VALUES ('plugin_ctime', '"+t+"')" ); endTransaction(); static_cast<TwiddlyApplication*>(qApp)->sendBusMessage( "container://Notification/Twiddly/Bootstrap/Finished" ); }
bool GMPChild::LoadPluginLibrary(const std::string& aPluginPath) { nsDependentCString pluginPath(aPluginPath.c_str()); nsCOMPtr<nsIFile> libFile; nsresult rv = NS_NewNativeLocalFile(pluginPath, true, getter_AddRefs(libFile)); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return false; } nsAutoString leafName; if (NS_FAILED(libFile->GetLeafName(leafName))) { return false; } nsAutoString baseName(Substring(leafName, 4, leafName.Length() - 1)); #if defined(XP_MACOSX) nsAutoString binaryName = NS_LITERAL_STRING("lib") + baseName + NS_LITERAL_STRING(".dylib"); #elif defined(OS_POSIX) nsAutoString binaryName = NS_LITERAL_STRING("lib") + baseName + NS_LITERAL_STRING(".so"); #elif defined(XP_WIN) nsAutoString binaryName = baseName + NS_LITERAL_STRING(".dll"); #else #error not defined #endif libFile->AppendRelativePath(binaryName); nsAutoCString nativePath; libFile->GetNativePath(nativePath); #if defined(XP_LINUX) && defined(MOZ_GMP_SANDBOX) // Enable sandboxing here -- we know the plugin file's path, but // this process's execution hasn't been affected by its content yet. mozilla::SetMediaPluginSandbox(nativePath.get()); #endif mLib = PR_LoadLibrary(nativePath.get()); if (!mLib) { return false; } GMPInitFunc initFunc = reinterpret_cast<GMPInitFunc>(PR_FindFunctionSymbol(mLib, "GMPInit")); if (!initFunc) { return false; } auto platformAPI = new GMPPlatformAPI(); InitPlatformAPI(*platformAPI, this); if (initFunc(platformAPI) != GMPNoErr) { return false; } mGetAPIFunc = reinterpret_cast<GMPGetAPIFunc>(PR_FindFunctionSymbol(mLib, "GMPGetAPI")); if (!mGetAPIFunc) { return false; } return true; }