Beispiel #1
bool Value::applyForce(std::vector<double>& forces ) const {
  if( !hasForce ) return false;
  plumed_dbg_massert( derivatives.size()==forces.size()," forces array has wrong size" );
  const unsigned N=derivatives.size();
  for(unsigned i=0; i<N; ++i) forces[i]=inputForce*derivatives[i];
  return true;
unsigned CInterpolation::findBox( const std::vector<double>& pos ){
  plumed_dbg_massert( pos.size()==np.size(), "position size does not match the size of the grid");

  unsigned jold, ccf_box, bnew=0;
  for(unsigned i=0;i<np.size();++i){
     jold=static_cast<int>( std::floor( double(bold)/double(stride[i]) ) );
     ccf_box=search1( i, pos[i], jold );
  plumed_dbg_assert( bold==0 ); bold=bnew;
  for(unsigned i=0;i<np.size();++i){ lb[i]=splinepoints(bold,i); ub[i]=splinepoints(bold+stride[i],i); }
  return bold;
Beispiel #3
Value* ActionWithValue::getPntrToComponent( int n ) {
  plumed_dbg_massert(n<values.size(),"you have requested a pointer that is out of bounds");
  return values[n];
Beispiel #4
Value* ActionWithValue::getPntrToValue() {
  plumed_dbg_massert(values.size()==1,"The number of components is not equal to one");
  plumed_dbg_massert(values[0]->name==getLabel(), "The value you are trying to retrieve is not the default");
  return values[0];