Beispiel #1
int pmRpyRotConvert(PmRpy  const * const rpy, PmRotationVector * const r)
    PmQuaternion q;
    int r1, r2;

    q.s = q.x = q.y = q.z = 0.0;
    r->s = r->x = r->y = r->z = 0.0;

    r1 = pmRpyQuatConvert(rpy, &q);
    r2 = pmQuatRotConvert(&q, r);

    return r1 || r2 ? pmErrno : 0;
int kinematicsInverse(const EmcPose * world,
                      double * joint,
                      const KINEMATICS_INVERSE_FLAGS * iflags,
                      KINEMATICS_FORWARD_FLAGS * fflags)
   PmHomogeneous hom;
   PmPose worldPose;
   PmRpy rpy;
   int singular;

   double t1, t2, t3;
   double k;
   double sumSq;

   double th1;
   double th3;
   double th23;
   double th2;
   double th4;
   double th5;
   double th6;

   double s1, c1;
   double s3, c3;
   double s23, c23;
   double s4, c4;
   double s5, c5;
   double s6, c6;

   /* reset flags */
   *fflags = 0;

   /* convert pose to hom */
   worldPose.tran = world->tran;
   rpy.r = world->a*PM_PI/180.0;
   rpy.p = world->b*PM_PI/180.0;
   rpy.y = world->c*PM_PI/180.0;
   pmPoseHomConvert(worldPose, &hom);

   /* Joint 1 (2 independent solutions) */

   /* save sum of squares for this and subsequent calcs */
   sumSq = hom.tran.x * hom.tran.x + hom.tran.y * hom.tran.y -
           PUMA_D3 * PUMA_D3;

   /* FIXME-- is use of + sqrt shoulder right or left? */
   if (*iflags & PUMA_SHOULDER_RIGHT){
     th1 = atan2(hom.tran.y, hom.tran.x) - atan2(PUMA_D3, -sqrt(sumSq));
     th1 = atan2(hom.tran.y, hom.tran.x) - atan2(PUMA_D3, sqrt(sumSq));

   /* save sin, cos for later calcs */
   s1 = sin(th1);
   c1 = cos(th1);

   /* Joint 3 (2 independent solutions) */

   k = (sumSq + hom.tran.z * hom.tran.z - PUMA_A2 * PUMA_A2 -
       PUMA_A3 * PUMA_A3 - PUMA_D4 * PUMA_D4) / (2.0 * PUMA_A2);

   /* FIXME-- is use of + sqrt elbow up or down? */
   if (*iflags & PUMA_ELBOW_DOWN){
     th3 = atan2(PUMA_A3, PUMA_D4) - atan2(k, -sqrt(PUMA_A3 * PUMA_A3 + PUMA_D4 * PUMA_D4 - k * k));
     th3 = atan2(PUMA_A3, PUMA_D4) -
           atan2(k, sqrt(PUMA_A3 * PUMA_A3 + PUMA_D4 * PUMA_D4 - k * k));

   /* compute sin, cos for later calcs */
   s3 = sin(th3);
   c3 = cos(th3);

   /* Joint 2 */

   t1 = (-PUMA_A3 - PUMA_A2 * c3) * hom.tran.z +
        (c1 * hom.tran.x + s1 * hom.tran.y) * (PUMA_A2 * s3 - PUMA_D4);
   t2 = (PUMA_A2 * s3 - PUMA_D4) * hom.tran.z +
        (PUMA_A3 + PUMA_A2 * c3) * (c1 * hom.tran.x + s1 * hom.tran.y);
   t3 = hom.tran.z * hom.tran.z + (c1 * hom.tran.x + s1 * hom.tran.y) *
        (c1 * hom.tran.x + s1 * hom.tran.y);

   th23 = atan2(t1, t2);
   th2 = th23 - th3;

   /* compute sin, cos for later calcs */
   s23 = t1 / t3;
   c23 = t2 / t3;

   /* Joint 4 */

   t1 = -hom.rot.z.x * s1 + hom.rot.z.y * c1;
   t2 = -hom.rot.z.x * c1 * c23 - hom.rot.z.y * s1 * c23 + hom.rot.z.z * s23;
   if (fabs(t1) < SINGULAR_FUZZ && fabs(t2) < SINGULAR_FUZZ){
     singular = 1;
     *fflags |= PUMA_REACH;
     th4 = joint[3]*PM_PI/180;            /* use current value */
     singular = 0;
     th4 = atan2(t1, t2);

   /* compute sin, cos for later calcs */
   s4 = sin(th4);
   c4 = cos(th4);

   /* Joint 5 */

   s5 = hom.rot.z.z * (s23 * c4) -
        hom.rot.z.x * (c1 * c23 * c4 + s1 * s4) -
        hom.rot.z.y * (s1 * c23 * c4 - c1 * s4);
   c5 =-hom.rot.z.x * (c1 * s23) - hom.rot.z.y *
        (s1 * s23) - hom.rot.z.z * c23;
   th5 = atan2(s5, c5);

   /* Joint 6 */

   s6 = hom.rot.x.z * (s23 * s4) - hom.rot.x.x *
        (c1 * c23 * s4 - s1 * c4) - hom.rot.x.y *
        (s1 * c23 * s4 + c1 * c4);
   c6 = hom.rot.x.x * ((c1 * c23 * c4 + s1 * s4) *
        c5 - c1 * s23 * s5) + hom.rot.x.y *
        ((s1 * c23 * c4 - c1 * s4) * c5 - s1 * s23 * s5) -
        hom.rot.x.z * (s23 * c4 * c5 + c23 * s5);
   th6 = atan2(s6, c6);

   /* FIXME-- is wrist flip the normal or offset results? */
   if (*iflags & PUMA_WRIST_FLIP){
     th4 = th4 + PM_PI;
     th5 = -th5;
     th6 = th6 + PM_PI;

   /* copy out */
   joint[0] = th1*180/PM_PI;
   joint[1] = th2*180/PM_PI;
   joint[2] = th3*180/PM_PI;
   joint[3] = th4*180/PM_PI;
   joint[4] = th5*180/PM_PI;
   joint[5] = th6*180/PM_PI;

   return singular == 0 ? 0 : -1;